Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Stacy London Posts About Forgiveness; Did She Unblock Clinton Kelly?

For nine years, Stacy London and Clinton Kelly starred on the fashion reality series, What Not To Wear.

Sometimes, working closely with someone can lead to lifelong friendships. In others, though, it can lead to lifelong feuds. And, last November, Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton Kelly on Twitter.

But now Stacy London has made a long, vague post about forgiveness. Has she changed her tune about her former costar?

Stacy London and Clinton Kelly spent a decade joined at the hip, because that was their job.

They worked together, traveled together, and made appearances together both on and off of their show.

In his 2017 memoir, I Hate Everyone, Except You, Clinton Kelly wrote of Stacy and of their relationship:

I either adored her or despised her and never anything in between.

That sounds like a lot of sibling relationships. And even like a few marriages.

He also explained why he had always felt that way:

We spent nearly 60 hours a week in captivity, rarely more than an arm’s length away from each other.”

That’ll do it.

“Trust me when I tell you that that is just too much time to spend with any other human being you didn’t choose of your own free will.

That sounds like a fair description.

When Stacy London dramatically blocked Clinton on Twitter, he shared it and suggested that he knew why, writing:

“The tea is old. And I never spell tea unless I’m shook, which I’m not.”

That’s a great line. He also used both tea and shook correctly as slang, which is really refreshing when we’re talking about a somewhat older white guy, though not surprising coming from Clinton Kelly.

Now, in a lengthy post to Instagram, Stacy London wrote:

“Last night, I was thinking about forgiveness. It’s very easy to say but sometimes not easy to do truthfully.”

That’s true. Not everyone believes in forgiveness. Others believe that it’s theologically important, or good for their personal well-being. But it’s not easy, regardless.

“If you’re like me when I’m hurt I can hold a grudge. I know the old adage: being angry or vengeful or hateful to someone because they’ve wronged you is like taking poison expecting the other person to die.”

Many have said that, including the late, great Carrie Fisher.

“Anger is much easier to cope with for me than sadness and pain. Being angry feels pro-active and empowering, like I’m in control of the situation.”

She’s absolutely right.

“But last night (and WHY last night, I’m not sure) it occurred to me that taking action like blocking people in order to feel some sense of control over other’s actions is a waste of my time.”

She continues:

“I can’t stop people from the way they behave. I can’t stop them from being angry with me, hurtful to me, or indifferent to me.”

And she talks about how that, specifically, applies to social media.

“I can block ex-friends and ex-lovers, people I feel wronged by, but to what end? For the most part, these people aren’t even looking at my accounts in the first place and even if they were, why would being able to see this highlight reel of my life matter in the slightest?”

The connections to Clinton Kelly and how she famously blocked him are obvious.

“Don’t get me wrong: truly hateful, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist comments are simply not permitted on my accounts.”

That is a very good boundary to set, and good advice for anyone to follow.

“@luvvie taught me that social media is NOT a democracy, it’s a dictatorship only in the sense that if you write on MY page l have every right to delete or block you. Go write nasty shit on your own page.”

But she makes it clear that (though she’s still not naming him) she’s not accusing Clinton Kelly of anything of the sort.

“Those are not the people I’m talking about. I’m talking about those I’ve had trouble forgiving for one reason or another.”

Still vague.

“The problem is the more I hold on to my anger, the more I hurt, not them. And while feeling pain and sadness sucks, it’s necessary, NOT damaging.”

You gotta look out for your own health, folks.

“Forgiveness is something you give yourself to move on, to find peace, to let go. So I unblocked a bunch of people today. If this resonates, maybe you can too.”

It’s not clear if Clinton Kelly has actually been unblocked. (Unlike who’s following whom, list of who has blocked whom are not readily visible).

But … it sure sounds like she may have taken him off of her social media no-fly list. That’s progress.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Enrique Iglesias Posts First Pic of One of the Twins

Enrique Iglesias is giving the world a first glance at one of the twins he and Anna Kournikova kept totally undercover during her pregnancy. There’s still some secrecy — Enrique captioned the pic, “My Sunshine” … so, it’s unclear if…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

YouTuber Logan Paul Posts Apology Video for Dead Body Stunt

Logan Paul is taking a second swing at apologizing for posting video of a dead body in Japan’s Suicide Forest. The YouTuber and actor posted a video Tuesday, apologizing to just about everyone for the video … including the suicide victim and his…


Friday, December 29, 2017

LaLa Anthony Posts Stunning Swimsuit Pic from Cabo

LaLa Anthony is kissing 2017 and her up and downs with estranged hubby Carmelo goodbye … and ready to welcome 2018 by looking super hot. LaLa posted the pic Friday, looking stunning by the ocean in Cabo. Unclear who she’s on the trip with or who…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

George Michael"s Family Posts Tribute Message on First Death Anniversary

George Michael’s family posted a message about the late singer one year after his death, and they want fans to remember him with “I Love You’s” aimed at loved ones. In a touching tribute message Sunday, George’s sisters, Yioda and Melanie, his…


George Michael"s Family Posts Tribute Message on First Death Anniversary

George Michael’s family posted a message about the late singer one year after his death, and they want fans to remember him with “I Love You’s” aimed at loved ones. In a touching tribute message Sunday, George’s sisters, Yioda and Melanie, his…


Sunday, December 24, 2017

Eminem"s Daughter Hailie Scott Posts Stunning Pic Ahead of Birthday

Eminem’s daughter wished herself an early happy birthday … and we feel the need to hit the gym. Hailie Scott turns 22 on Christmas Day but posted this picture on Instagram ahead of her birthday with the caption, “Happy early birthday to me.” Racy…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Posts Confession to Sexual Misconduct

All of the #MeToo stories that we’ve heard so far have come from women — and men — sharing their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. Some men like Matt Lauer have been fired, others have been named, while others still hide and wonder when it’ll be there turn to be named and shamed.

Controversial documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has his own story of harassment and assault, but his isn’t a #MeToo story.

Because he’s confessing that he, too, is part of the problem. And he’s speaking up because he figures that someone will name him, sooner or later.

Most of us know Morgan Spurlock as the man whose deeply dishonest “documentary” nearly ruined fast food for the rest of us.

(Super Size Me was wildly misleading, as anyone with common sense can tell you. It turns out that measuring how a single abruptly-no-longer-exercising alcoholic’s body responds to eating fast mood for every meal every day is not a responsible sample size)

Because of Spurlock, a lot of children’s Happy Meals came with apple slices (garbage) and milk (why?!) instead of french fries and soda as people freaked out after the “documentary” aired and gained national attention in 2004.

Well, Morgan Spurlock is somehow still a thing in 2017, and he posted to TwitLonger, which is also somehow still a thing in 2017. His post begins:

“As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder ‘who will be next?’ I wonder, ‘when will they come for me?"”

Off of the top of my head, I can’t think of a man named in a #MeToo story whom I’d have characterized as a “hero” even before hearing that he was a sex monster.

But Morgan Spurlock sounds like he’s coming forward to reveal that he himself is a sex monster.

Morgan Spurlock’s lengthy confession, titled “I Am Part Of the Problem,” continues:

“You see, I’ve come to understand after months of these revelations, that I am not some innocent bystander, I am also a part of the problem.”

And he explains why:

“When I was in college, a girl who I hooked up with on a one night stand accused me of rape.”


“Not outright. There were no charges or investigations, but she wrote about the instance in a short story writing class and called me by name. A female friend who was in the class told be about it afterwards.”

A lot of trauma survivors write about their experiences, directly or indirectly. Others might process the horrors of their lives through music or visual art.

“I was floored.”

We should note that not every rapist is the kind of over-the-top malevolent predator that you see on police procedurals or in the accusations against men like Weinstein. A lot of rapists don’t realize that they’re rapists.

“‘That’s not what happened!’ I told her. This wasn’t how I remembered it at all. In my mind, we’d been drinking all night and went back to my room.”

He continues to describe his version of events.

“We began fooling around, she pushed me off, then we laid in the bed and talked and laughed some more, and then began fooling around again. We took off our clothes. She said she didn’t want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex.”

Spurlock says that he stopped after she started to cry.

“We stopped having sex and I rolled beside her. I tried to comfort her. To make her feel better. I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped.”

Some people might cry during consensual intercourse, but the dead giveaway should have been the lack of consent. He admits that he remembers her saying that she didn’t want to have sex.

What he’s describing, even to his recollection, sounds like rape.

And that was not the end of Morgan Spurlock’s admissions.

“Then there was the time I settled a sexual harassment allegation at my office. This was around 8 years ago, and it wasn’t a gropy feely harassment. It was verbal, and it was just as bad.”

Women have been enduring this kind of harassment for generations. That doesn’t make it any better.

“I would call my female assistant ‘hot pants’ or ‘sex pants’ when I was yelling to her from the other side of the office. Something I thought was funny at the time, but then realized I had completely demeaned and belittled her to a place of non-existence.”

It sounds like he made her workplace experience a living hell.

“So, when she decided to quit, she came to me and said if I didn’t pay her a settlement, she would tell everyone.”

Honestly, good for her. Sometimes, in an unjust world, money is the only way to get justice.

“Being who I was, it was the last thing I wanted, so of course, I paid. I paid for peace of mind. I paid for her silence and cooperation. Most of all, I paid so I could remain who I was.”

Morgan Spurlock then admits that he also cheated on every wife and girlfriend he ever had. Every single one.

He shares his own background of sexual abuse as a child and a young teenager (which is very sad) and reveals that he has been drinking regularly since the age of 13.

You get the impression that Spurlock feels that revealing all of this makes him somehow brave or more righteous than the other sex monsters we’ve heard about in recent months.

We don’t see how.

What he describes is a story of raping a woman in college, regularly sexually harassing a woman at work, and betraying the trust of every woman who’s ever loved him.

While his story of childhood trauma (he doesn’t mention who inflicted this upon him) is absolutely tragic, the evil done to him as a child does not excuse his actions as an adult.

In fact, that he mentions this in the same post where he describes his own misdeeds reminds us of Kevin Spacey coming out as gay in an attempt to deflect attention from the accusation that, as had been rumored for many years, he’s a sexual predator.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Brielle Biermann Bares Her Boob; Kim Zolciak Films & Posts it!

Look, just because Kim Zolciak is suing NeNe Leakes for calling her racist doesn"t mean that Kim"s too busy to make time for her children. She has six of them.

Kim had her eldest daughter, Brielle, at a young age. Brielle is now an adult, and they have an interesting relationship. 

So interesting, in fact, that she prompted Brielle to flash her bare breast over social media. And, as you"ll see in the video below, Brielle totally went for it.

Brielle biermann and kim zolciak twinningBrielle biermann sunglasses

For a little context:

Kim Kardashian"s father rose to fame in the "90s during the O.J. Simpson trial. Kim was also basically Paris Hilton"s sidekick in the early 2000s.

But how did Kim herself rise to fame?

Well … it was mostly her infamous sex tape.

There are many who argue that Keeping Up With The Kardashians would have been a footnote in reality television history if Kim hadn"t become so well known through her sex tape, which had been recorded years earlier.

Many have said that Kim Zolciak wants to be the next Kris Jenner. As a reality star with six children, she"s well on her way.

But is she trying to push Brielle to follow in Kim"s footsteps?

Most moms don"t push their daughters to flash the camera, let alone broadcast that video to the world.

Brielle biermann bikini belfie

And some fans are saying that Kim Zolciak is "pimping out" Brielle.

This isn"t the first time that Kim has been slammed for allegedly sexualizing her daughter

Kim Zolciak offered up Brielle"s oral services in a tweet o Chrissy Teigen looking for John Legend tickets.

Was it a joke? Obviously.

Was it in good taste? No.

And Kim Zolciak"s parenting in general has been called into question when she kept the dog who had attacked her young son.

(Though that, at least, seems to have been the right choice)

This video, though, is really something else.

Brielle zolciak biermann bikini selfie

In the video (and be warned, there"s some language in it … but again, we"re talking about a video that also features a boob), Kim Zolciak is speaking to someone.

It is widely believed that she"s talking to Khloe Kardashian, who is pregnant

In the now-deleted Snapchat video, Kim Zolciak speaks about how she"d have disliked having a sister (with context, it may mean that she"d have hated having a pregnant sister while she herself was pregnant; Khloe has two sisters who are expecting).

Then she prompts Brielle to flash her breast to the woman — who might be Khloe — saying that Brielle"s boobs represent the sort of bust that a pregnant woman can look forward to.

Brielle protests that the woman to whom Kim is speaking has felt her boobs before.

But Kim insists and Brielle flashes her left boob to the camera.

Brielle biermanns butt in a bikini

Maybe the controversial video was posted by accident, maybe it wasn"t.

Some believe that Kim Zolciak may have posted and then deleted the video in an effort to obtain fame with it while retaining plausible deniability. She could always pull the "I"m in my 30s! I don"t know how Snapchat works!" card.

Regardless, the video ends with some tasteless lines about feeling sorry for men accused of sexual harassment.

It"s weird to hear people sympathize with those accused of wrongdoing instead of with people who were victims of mistreatment. Maybe the Zolciak-Biermann household is just in a bubble?

Anyway, here"s the video, in all of its glory:

Brielle biermann bares her boob at kim zolciaks insistence

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Christina and Tarek El Moussa Mark Split-erversary with Moving Instagram Posts

Who says a couple can’t break up and still get along?

Even if that break up involves on person pulling out a gun and the other person later dating a mutual friend?

Approximately one year ago, Christina and Tarek El Moussa announced their split.

It was a surprising confirmation for HGTV viewers that had spent the past few years watching Christina and Tarek successful renovate homes on Flip or Flop.

The couple share two little kids and at least appeared to get along pretty well on screen.

But we learned shortly after their separation that all was not perfect.

In fact, Tarek actually stormed off into the woods with a gun in the spring of 2016 after he and his wife got into a serious argument.

Concerned for Tarek’s safety, Christina called the police.

All was eventually sorted out (Tarek said he wanted the gun to keep wild animals away); no charges were filed; but the marriage was basically over.

In their statement announcing as much, Christina and Tarek assured fans that they would remain friends and that raising their two young kids would be a priority.

It’s the same things all famous people say when they go their separate ways.

But the El Moussas actually meant it!

Neither side has bad-mouthed the other over the past several months, even after Christina dated family contractor Gary Anderson for a bit.

And they are co-parenting their son and daughter like champs.

To make the anniversary of their public split, both sides of this ex-couple wrote something important on Instagram.

“You do not get to choose the events that come your way nor the sorrows that interrupt your life,” reads an excerpt from the pastor David Crosby’s book Your Pain is Changing You, shared by Christina.

“They will likely be a surprise to you, catching you off guard and unprepared.

“You may hold your head in your hands and lament your weak condition and wonder what you ought to do.”

el mouusa message

“Couldn’t agree more,” Christina wrote alongside the message above, which also includes the words:

To suffer, that is common to all. To suffer and still keep your composure, your faith, and your smile, that is remarkable.

She used the hashtag “#KeeptheFaith,” as well.

Tarek, meanwhile, posted a quote from Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.

It reads:

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”

This is a reference to how the beloved author was famously way down on her luck before selling her first Harry Potter book.

tarek message

Tarek, for his part, has now overcome two different cancer diagnoses, as well as this divorce.

“This quote really stood out to me,” Tarek told his followers, adding:

“We’ve all faced obstacles and for many they were so horrific they hit the lowest point of their life with no future in sight….when you are at the bottom you feel nothing but pain, misery and despair.”

He concluded:

“Even though you can’t see the light at the bottom it still exists and as time goes on that light starts to shine.

“Once that light starts to shine take the opportunity to reevaluate who you are and what you want to be. Take it as an opportunity to bounce back and be stronger than ever.

“In my opinion, rock bottom is an opportunity to start over and do it right!”

We all could learn a lot from Tarek and Christina El Moussa, which is a sentiment we never imagined we’d express a year ago.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Joe Jackson Posts Bizarre Video Message to Blanket Jackson

It"s been a tumultuous few weeks in the life of Blanket Jackson.

The youngest son of Michael Jackson lost his primary guardian when his grandmother, Katherine Jackson, declared that she was physically unable to continue caring for him.

Fortunately, the situation was resolved quickly, and Blanket is currently under the care of his uncle T.J. Jackson.

But fans and loved ones remain concerned for the 15-year-old whose young life has sadly been characterized by tragedy and instability.

One of the concerned parties is Blanket"s controversial grandfather, Joe Jackson.

Joe typically keeps a low profile these days, but he emerged on Twitter last night to post a photo of Blanket, as well as a video message for his grandson.

“Hello, Blanket! This is Joe Jackson,” the 89-year-old says in the clip below.

“Your health is… I don’t know what. You’re like your father. Now I understand why your father had you wear masks all the time ’cause news people was bothering him so much."

Jackson adds:

"I want you to stay healthy and stay off those bikes. Don’t ride, now. But anyway, tell your brothers I said hello and stay clean and healthy."

That portion of the video left some fans confused, as it was Prince Jackson who suffered a motorcycle accident last week, and his Blanket has only one brother and one sister, Paris Jackson.

Obviously, Joe can be forgiven for being a bit disoriented as he approaches the age of 90.

But while Jackson doesn"t seem to be particularly worried in the clip, his remarks about Blanket"s health have prompted concern amongst fans.

Watch Joe"s video message below:

Joe jackson posts bizarre video message to blanket jackson

Michael Jackson"s Father, Joe Jackson, Posts Bizarre Video Addressed to Blanket

Michael Jackson’s father, Joe Jackson, posted a video that was addressed to his grandson, Blanket … but it might’ve been meant for his older brother, Prince.   To my grandson Blanket. A personal video message from me. Love you.…


XXXTentacion Posts Aftermath Video of Alleged Migos Jumping

  XXXTentacion says he got jumped by Migos in L.A. — and even posted video of what appears to be one of its members walking away from the fight … plus Cardi B’s photo. X went on an Instagram rant Monday claiming he’d just been jumped by the…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Cole DeBoer Posts Sweet Tribute on Their One Year Wedding Anniversary!

It sometimes seems like Chelsea Houska, the best mom of the Teen Mom franchise, can’t catch a break. She makes a responsible decision, but trolls slam her for “poisoning” her baby. Go figure.

But she’s not letting that get her down. Instead, she’s taking time to celebrate the good things — like her one year wedding anniversary!

And Cole DeBoer posted the sweetest anniversary tribute. Awww!

Not all of the moms on Teen Mom 2 make the best life choices.

That kind of goes with the territory when you’re talking about people who each decided to become a mom in high school.

One area where the stars really seem to struggle is choosing

Like … Briana DeJesus, who seems to have a subconscious attraction to deadbeat dads.

Remember when she shared that Luis Miguel had never even seen their baby, Stella? Which means that she’s made that same mistake twice now.

Or, worse, there’s Jenelle Evans, who tends to choose men who honestly don’t seem like they’re qualified to be parents.

To be fair, we wouldn’t trust Jenelle Evans to watch over a houseplant, so we guess that her romantic history is just story after story of water finding its own level.

These days, though, Chelsea Houska seems to have figured out how to tell the good ones from the bad. Cole DeBoer seems to be a good guy, and he’s even handsome.

He’s definitely sweet — because look at the anniversary tribute that he posted!

That photo might look like it’s out of a fairytale, but we’ve seen other pics from this same wedding photoshoot before.

Cole didn’t leave it at just a 

“1 year ago on this beautiful day I married my amazing perfect wife. Happy anniversary @chelseahouska I love you”

It’s not long or poetic — because he’s not trying to impress his followers with how creative he is, or whatever.

He’s just speaking from the heart, but over social media — which is very different from the performative romance that you see a lot of the time from social media stars and their loved ones.

(Which is all part of the gig and can also be very sweet; we get it)

These two are crazy about each other and, honestly, we wish them the best. Not that they seem to need a lot of luck.

Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer on October 1st, 2016.

The first wedding anniversary is a big deal because it’s your first.

Other, later milestones become much bigger deals.

But we think that they’ll get there.

In addition to being crazy about each other, these two seem like an actual good fit.

Sometimes mixed families can leave out someone, but contrary to how MTV sometimes portrays Chelsea’s life, she and Cole absolutely make time for Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree.

It’s an editor’s job to make things more interesting, and since Chelsea isn’t an out-of-control redneck or whatever, we get that editing out context so that it looks like Chelsea’s ignoring Aubree probably seemed like a good idea.

Even if it’s not accurate.

Chelsea Houska has previously stated that she could keep doing Teen Mom 2 for years and years.

Obviously, “Teen Mom” sounds like a misnomer at first — but you have to remember that they did become mothers as teenagers.

That’s not something that ever goes away in your life, you know? It’s a decision that frames your destiny. That’s a dramatic way of phrasing it, but … yeah.

Still, Chelsea’s done well for herself despite numerous disadvantages along the way. We, at least, look forward to seeing where she — and Cole — are in a few years.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts New Photos; Is That a Baby Bump?!

Kylie Jenner is pregnant, and between that and the 10 Year Anniversary Special of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that aired last night, that’s more or less dominated Kardashian news over the weekend.

But Kylie did more this weekend than just being the subject of endless questions and speculation. She also threw a birthday party for her bestie.

And there were pictures — meaning that we now have the most recent photos of Kylie Jenner. How much is she showing?

When we first heard that Kylie Jenner is reportedly pregnant, we heard that Kylie has been posting older photos of herself, or simply keeping her abdomen out of the frame, in her most recent photos.

(It doesn’t matter how many reputable news sources say it — we gotta remind you that it’s reportedly the case until Kylie herself is like “btw guys I’m 20 and pregnant”)

That makes sense.

For all of her curves, Kylie is still a very skinny girl when you’re talking about any part of her save her boobs and butt.

Even if pregnancy doesn’t cause her to put on weight throughout her body (though Kim’s pregnancies did), Kylie would have one hell of a time hiding a baby bump.

Especially given her usual wardrobe.

But if all of the Kylie photos that we’ve seen recently have been months old to hide her baby bump, what about the new pictures from the weekend?

Jordyn Woods is Kylie’s bestie, and she wasn’t going to let Jordyn turn 20 without celebrating the occasion.

Kylie shared the photo above and the photo below on Sunday (though both images are likely from Saturday, which was the day of Jordyn’s birthday).

First, there’s the pic with Jordyn Woods and the giraffe.

Jordyn looks so good, you guys. But that’s not the point.

Kylie is lifting up her shirt a little, casually, and touching her abdomen.

Which … more than anything, feels like she’s just teasing people pretty deliberately.

(We know that the celebrity bubble is a real thing, but not even Kylie could manage to totally ignore the news that she’s preggo — true or not)

But, from what we see of her belly, there, it looks like her regular ol’ flat tummy, right?

Then there’s this pic:

She’s not exactly in a bikini there, but Kylie’s posing from the side — as if flaunting how flat her tummy still is.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, here — maybe this is just how she stood to fit in the photo with her friends.

The focus of the day was, we’re sure, on Jordyn Woods since she was the birthday girl.

As with the zoo photo, though, Kylie isn’t exactly baring her midriff.

Both photos can be read as innocuous, both can be read as nods to the pregnancy news.

And even if it’s about the news, you have to wonder:

Is Kylie flaunting how small her tummy is because she’s proud of staying so slim through being pregnancy, like Sarah Stage’s pregnancies?

is Kylie showing off how she looks because she’s laughing at the people who think that she’s pregnant?

Looking at those pics, though, it’s really no wonder that some fans don’t think that Kylie Jenner is pregnant.

Disbelief can come from genuine suspicion.

it can also come from a place of wanting to believe that someone didn’t make such a poor life choice.

Resources aside, Kylie is 20 years old and has her whole life ahead of her.

Getting pregnant with her rebound guy after dating for just a few months … well, you can see why plenty of people would be relieved to hear that this was all a very elaborate joke, actually.

But … don’t count on it.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Elsie Hewitt Tweets After Alleged Ryan Phillippe Assault, Posts Graphic Photos

Elsie Hewitt is accusing Ryan Phillippe of assault, and her tweets from around the time of the alleged assault hint at significant turmoil. 

A 21-year-old model, Hewitt filed a civil lawsuit against Phillippe, 43, for allegedly kicking, punching and throwing her down the stairs.

The alleged incident occurred July 4.

Phillippe denies the incident, and on Tuesday, authorities closed the criminal investigation into the matter without filing charges.

The actor’s rep said in a statement:

“As a staunch advocate for the health, well-being and equality of women, Ryan is completely devastated [by] these false allegations.”

“Domestic violence is an incredibly serious issue and fabricated and proven false claims should not be used to unjustly slander the falsely accused.”

“The claims are false.”

Not so, says Hewitt, who claims that on July 3, Phillippe had left a party after “being ignored [by Hewitt],” and all hell broke loose after.

Hewitt alleges that she went to his house with a friend to pack up her things in the early hours of July 4, and a physical altercation ensued.

On June 29, Hewitt tweeted that she was “having a [really] ugly day.” The following day, she cryptically tweeted: “[Why are you] texting me.”

A day after the alleged assault, the model tweeted: “At the end of the day your word is your only clout but everyone’s a f–king liar anyway, so.”

“I woke up and ate a huge bowl of pasta at 10am and the whole time I ate it I was like wtf elsie but I still didn’t stop and now I feel sick.”

On July 6, she tweeted: “[You] know there’s something wrong when you’d rather sit in silence than sit there with music,” later adding:

“Completely f–king broken [right now]. That is all.”

Hewitt claims that she saw Phillippe – whom she had been dating since April but split from in July – “repeatedly abusing” drugs.

Hewitt Tweets

Specifically, “a panoply of legal and illegal drugs, including without limitation: cocaine, ecstasy, psychedelic mushrooms, and steroids.”

The model says Phillippe “increasingly combined these drugs with excessive alcohol consumption,” and that it impacted his behavior.

As a result, he “often exhibited symptoms attendant of drug and alcohol abuse, including mood swings and bouts of anger.”

A source close to the star, however, claims it was Hewitt who was under the influence July 4, and that he did nothing wrong.

“Elsie showed up to Ryan’s house uninvited and under the influence a few days after he had broken up with her,” a source told People.

“She physically attacked Ryan.”

“She caused a scene and refused to leave his home. As she was removed from the premises, she claims she fell and injured herself.”

Hewitt Bruise

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department says Hewitt requested and was granted an emergency protective order.

The order expired July 12.

A report on the incident was forwarded to the Los Angeles City Attorney, who decided not to file criminal charges, as we stated above.

Keith Fink, Hewitt’s lawyer, dismisses any suggestion that his client had filed the suit simply as a means of obtaining fame and money.

She claims he “violently threw her down his staircase as hard as he could” and then “tossed her down the stairs a second time.”

Hewitt also supplied a number of photos of bruising and injuries (above, below) that she alleges she suffered as a result of the altercation.

Hewitt Bruise Too

Hewitt was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center with injuries, and police issued the emergency protective order and filed a report.

She claims that she suffered significant chest wall pain, abrasions and severe bruising, and is asking for $ 1 million as a result.

Again, there are two sides to this story, and Ryan’s is that these injuries were not sustained as a result of anything he did to her.

The photos may be provocative, but it’s important to note that he denies this as the case is still playing out in the legal system.

Stay tuned.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Chester Bennington"s Widow Posts Video of Him in Great Mood with Family 36 Hours Before Suicide

Chester Bennington appeared happy and engaged with his own family less than 2 days before his hanging suicide … based on a video his widow shared. Talinda Bennington posted a video of Chester hanging out with one of his sons eating jelly beans…


Chester Bennington"s Widow Posts Video of Him in Great Mood with Family 36 Hours Before Suicide

Chester Bennington appeared happy and engaged with his own family less than 2 days before his hanging suicide … based on a video his widow shared. Talinda Bennington posted a video of Chester hanging out with one of his sons eating jelly beans…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Farrah Abraham Posts Random Lingerie Pic, Fans Recoil in Abject Terror

Farrah Abraham is no stranger to controversy, but even by her standards, she’s been kicking the proverbial hornet’s nest left and right lately.

Latest case in point? This “sexy” image …

Yes. Worth a thousand words, is it not?

The 26-year-old Teen Mom: OG firebrand donned a busty lingerie-style one-piece and sat in poolside swing over Labor Day Weekend.

Why? Does Farrah need a reason?!

Abraham’s ensemble leaves little to the imagination, as she looks like she’s about to partake in … well, we’ll leave THAT to the imagination.

Fans weren’t impressed, however.

Recoiling in shock and/or laughter to her scarlet locks and cleavage-baring outfit, Farrah followers lit her up online in response.

“Why are you walking around in your lingerie? Seriously have respect for yourself!” one critic said, apparently never having met Farrah.

Another repulsed commenter added:

“Ewww! Seriously Farrah! You look disgusting. Lingerie is meant for the bedroom not outside where other people can see you #growup.”

The combination of the hair and the outfit, along with the onset of September, led to more than a few Halloween comparisons a well.

“Really Farrah you ready for Halloween!” one fan said, while another hater blasted her: “Damn, you look like you ate the Little Mermaid.”

Ouch. People have no chill.

As always, Abraham’s “plastic” appearance took some flak as well, as her growing chorus of critics lamented how … different she looks.

“No plastic would look good on you. You were so cute before the surgeries,” the comment read, though the biggest criticism was yet to come.

Not that we ever advocate dragging a celebrity online, but if there were a valid topic to debate with Farrah, it’d be regarding her parenting.

Does this kind of thing set a good example?

Abraham, of course, is the mother of an eight-year-old daughter, Sophia, so when we hear about Farrah’s vaginal rejuvenation and such?

It’s not not wonder what message she’s sending by hyping up such events in her life, or posting this kind of material to titillate the masses.

Farrah, one follower observed, “could have been a role model for young girls but you decided to run for the fame and make it all about you.”

Another added, along similar lines, that being a mom has never been a priority for her, and this is “Poor Sophia being left with a nanny again.”

That last comment is probably inaccurate, and Farrah is homeschooling Sophia so they can go to more events … but the point remains: 

This is not the first time Abraham has come under fire, especially when it comes to being a good role model, and it will not be the last.

Not that we expect it to faze her.

“I think it’s just best to ignore negativity and only welcome positivity in your life,” said Abraham in a recent interview on this very subject.

“I think that shows for Sophia and hopefully myself over the years and I’m just really happy about that,” the reality star told Us Weekly.

While ignoring the loudest, most negative voices is certainly a good strategy to survive life in the public eye, it still begs the question:

Is she leading a life that her daughter would be proud of? And should she be doing more to encourage positivity on a daily basis?

A blanket disavowal of responsibility and blaming of haters may not suffice once Sophia gets older and begins to question her life decisions. 

Just saying. Food for thought.


Brooke Wehr Posts Jeremy Calvert Nude Pic to Celebrate Reconciliation

Teen Mom 2 stars Brooke Wehr and Jeremy Calvert, also known as the ex-husband of Leah Messer, are officially back together.

If you weren’t convinced of the truth of this rumor before, she’s cleared it up for you now … with a nice photo of Jeremy Calvert nude.

Wehr posted a photo of Calvert’s naked back in bed, not so subtly confirming earlier reports that they have rekindled their relationship.

She captioned it, “Sleepy head #vegas #naptime #lazyass.”

What happens in Las Vegas doesn’t stay there, evidently.

In addition to making her point that Brooke Wehr and Jeremy Calvert are back together, she also revealed a celebrity run-in.

The Teen Mom 2 tandem ran into another reality star duo, Vanderpump Rules’ Jax Taylor and Tom Schwartz, while in Vegas. 

“@mrjaxtaylor and @twschwa are the best” she wrote, apparently never having watched Vanderpump Rules and seen Jax in action.

“Glad I got to meet you guys.” 

Fortunately, she did not post any photos of Jax nude, though you have to imagine someone else will by the end of the weekend.

Sorry, Brittany.

In any case, Brooke Wehr has been virtually MIA from Teen Mom 2 this season as her romance with Calvert imploded early on.

She was engaged to Calvert as of earlier this year, and has famously come between Jeremy and his reality star ex-wife, Leah.

That’s not to imply that Jeremy cheated on Brooke with Leah, a popular rumor that circulated around the Internet. Not the case.

However, his physical absence from West Virginia – Brooke lives in Ohio with her own daughter – has caused issues with Leah.

That’s very reasonable, as Messer felt quasi-abandoned and like a single mother of the couple’s daughter, Adalynn, at times.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you may recall a scene in which Leah lamented that she has Addie and Jeremy has Brooke.

You may also recall a more recent scene in which Jeremy threw Brooke under the bus as a controlling, borderline abusive monster.

Just kidding, he later said.

While Calvert went OFF on Wehr on Instagram in May and portrayed her as a psycho on the MTV reality show, that’s his bad, he says.

He famously claimed that he “came home to all my s–t being everywhere” one day because Brooke went through his phone and “lost her s–t.”

The alleged reason? That he talked to Leah about their little girl enrolling in preschool, but a jealous Wehr flipped the f–k out on him.

“The episode you saw,” he would later confess, “Brooke came off as crazy, which she isn’t at all. It was all my fault during that time.”

“The reason we broke up wasn’t because of me and Leah talking about Addie’s preschool stuff. It was me talking to a different girl. Period.”

In response to rumors of Leah and Jeremy getting back together, Brooke recently said on Instagram, “He’s not back with Leah.”

“We are back together, have been for a few months now. I just never posted about it until now,” she added, fearing the obvious backlash.

Looks like those fears are in the rear view mirror now, and she’s taking in a different kind of rear view … if you know what we mean.
