Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Posts. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Paris Jackson Posts Tribute to Michael Jackson on the Late Music Legend"s 59th Birthday

Today would have been Michael Jackson’s 59th birthday, in case you’ve forgotten how tragically young the music legend was when he passed away during the “Summer of Death” in 2009.

He’s mourned by countless fans across all social media platforms today.

But, obviously, no one could miss Michael Jackson more acutely than his own children. His daughter, Paris Jackson, posted a beautiful tribute to honor her late father on his birthday.

Taking to Instagram, Paris Jackson posted a moving birthday message that both memorializes and celebrates who her father was — very specifically, to her.

“Birthday wishes to the love of my life, the one person who showed me what passion truly was, the one that gave me solid morals to live by and how to dream.”

Michael Jackson’s legacy in the public might be his music, accusations levied against him, and his distinctive image and brand. Though, mostly, music.

To Paris, however, he was her father. Of course that’s how she remembers him.

“i will never feel love again the way i did with you. you are always with me and i am always with you. though i am not you, and you are not me, i know with all of my being that we are one. and our souls will never change in that way. thank you for the magic, forever and always.”

That is an extremely sweet, if lengthy, sentiment.

Paris would certainly have made Michael Jackson proud on Sunday at the VMAs.

While Katy Perry’s awkward VMAs hosting had network higher ups worried, Paris Jackson spoke out against the very alarming hate and violence that is increasingly popping up across the US.

Remember back to a year ago, when people were warning that fringe right hate groups, neo-Nazis included, would feel emboldened by a Donald Trump victory?

Well, since 2016 was a cursed year, Trump won … sort of … and those groups were very emboldened by a man who seemed to make it clear that he shares their values occupying the highest office in the land.

Just a few weeks ago, torch-bearing Nazis descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of an enduring symbol of white supremacy.

In separate attacks against counter-protesters, various white supremacists beat black men with planks of wood, menaced their opposition with firearms, and of course one of them plowed into a crowd in a terrorist assault, killing one and leaving dozens of others injured.

A lot of celebrities spoke up “against the violence,” but nobody at the VMAs seemed willing to tell it like it is.

Until Paris got her hands on a microphone, that is.

Paris Jackson called out white supremacy for the evil that it is.

“Lets leave here tonight knowing that… We must show these Nazi, white-supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan we have zero tolerance for their violence, their hatred, and their discrimination.”

That’s not really a surprise coming from Paris Jackson.

In addition to being a fairly woke young woman with strong spiritual leanings and a great deal of political awareness, like, she’s not exactly from an all-white family.

For so many of us, the fight against Nazis is deeply personal.

(It should be for all of us, really)

To be fair, even though we love Paris Jackson, we should acknowledge that, in the days leading up to the VMAs, some of her tweets had us a little worried.

She spoke about antifa as people who answer violence with violence.

That’s often true — antifa are individuals who are “anti-fascist,” thus where the name originates. They show up where Nazis show up in order to make it clear that their evil views have no place in a good, just society.

Paris, at the time, advocated responding to hatred with peace, in the fashion of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We would point out that MLK was murdered, so we wouldn’t recommend that anyone try to mirror his footsteps.

But since she didn’t say anything about antifa or counterprotesters at the VMAs, which seems to indicate that she listened as people responded to her on Twitter.

And maybe she learned and grew as a person.

That’s what really defines wisdom more than anything else — a willingness to listen.

Michael Jackson would be tremendously proud of her.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ian Somerhalder Breaks Social Media Silence, Posts a Moving Tribute to Nikki Reed!

Get ready to start believing in love again!

So, remember how Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed said goodbye to social media for a while when Nikki Reed gave birth? Their break from technology was intended to help them focus on their first child.

Well, not two weeks in, and Ian’s already breaking the rule — to write a very, very sweet tribute to his wife.

In case you’ve forgotten, since Ian and Nikki announced it before she even gave birth, they were planning on bonding with their baby, exclusively.

“We’ll take the baby’s first month for ourselves. After the baby arrives, we’re doing one month of silence. Just the three of us, no visitors, and we’re turning off our phones too, so there’s no expectation for us to communicate.”

(That sounds like a nightmare, because you need your phone for everyday life — how are you gonna eat? By cooking? Like the Amish?)

To be fair, Ian Somerhalder’s already broken their “month of silence” rule, like, five times, by our count.

This makes number six, but we’ll totally let it slide:

Ian Somerhalder took to Instagram and, alongside a photo of Nikki Reed’s Fit Pregnancy and Baby cover, basically poured his heart out.

He starts it off simple and sweet:

“Just a quick note to you my beautiful wife.”

Yes, that is the correct way to address your wife.

“You are briefly napping on the other side of the room after being an amazing mom all night so you’ll read this when you wake…”

So clearly he used the opportunity to sneak off to Instagram and look through their photos.

But, you know, for a good reason.

“Seeing these images reminds me of those amazing 9 months that you sacrificed your whole being to grow our little one.”

That’s such an important statement.

Pregnancy permanently alters your body and even your skeletal structure, and it’s a total pain (literally) starting fairly early on after conception.

Some men take that lightly. Ian Somerhalder clearly does not.

“The kindness, the beauty, and organic nature of these photos makes me so very proud.”

Basically, his wife is hot and he wants to make sure that everybody knows.

(We know)

“You brought such fun and such power into our lives being pregnant but you literally brought the word sexy into pregnancy, we all see it.”

That’s a goofy statement, but the guy’s in love and quite possibly running on less sleep than he needs.

We’re not saying that pregnant women can’t be fun or even sexy.

We’re just saying that his phrasing of it makes him come across a little lovestruck.

“Thank you for being my partner in this life and thank you for inspiring not just me but all others who read, hear or see what your soul gives us.”

It’s really good of him to share this message with the world instead of just, like, jotting it down on pen and paper for her to read, like it’s the Dark Ages or something.

First, it’s insight into their love life.

“Love, You husband”

We were a little leery of this relationship when it started.

It’s not just because we were, despite ourselves, pretty aggressively shipping Delena (that is, Ian’s character Damon with Nina Dobrev’s character Elena, at least by the second season of The Vampire Diaries) back before that show went off the rails.

It’s more because Ian had been dating Nina Dobrev, who is gorgeous and wonderful, and then it felt really abrupt when he started dating Nina’s friend, Nikki Reed.

But, you know what? If Nina Dobrev’s cool with Ian and Nikki, then so are we. 

Plus, it’s almost impossible to dislike Ian. The guy’s totally devoted to environmental causes so much that he’s basically Captain Planet.

(Also someone at some studio somewhere needs to get off their butt and make a Captain Planet reboot film and cast Ian as the titular character, right now immediately)

And it’s kind of impossible to see Ian and Nikki being so cute and lovey with each other and about their baby without feeling any affection yourself.


Tori Roloff Posts Professional Pics of Son, Might as Well Retire from the Internet Right Now

Go ahead and take a bow, Tori Roloff.

Make a speech.

Saunter into the sunset.

You’ve shared such precious new photos of your three-month old son that you’ll never be able to top yourself and you might as well call it an Instagram career right here and now.

Let’s face it, we say this is the most endearing way possible, but: You’ve peaked.

On Monday, the beloved Little People, Big World star posted a couple new snapshots of herself, her baby Jackson and her husband, Zach Roloff.

They were snapped by a professional photographed named Dawn (@dawn_photo on Instagram) and Roloff made a point to acknowledge the artist while placing the pictures online for all to enjoy.

“Okay I officially bawled going through our photos that @dawn_photo took for our family!” wrote the mother of one as a caption to the image above, adding:

“Thank you so much girl for these BEAUTIFUL photos. How you got us all to look that good, on a 95° day with a baby who was completely over it, is beyond me!

“We will treasure these photos forever!”

Added Tori in regard to the still below:

“I can not wait to plaster these photos all over my house. I am literally dying over how perfect they are! @dawn_photo you are a miracle worker!

“Thank you so much again!”

The Roloffs, overall, have been fortunate enough to take part in multiple occasions of late that have called for the use of a professional photographer.

On August 5, for example, Molly Roloff married Joel Silivius at her family’s farm in Oregon.

Just two weeks prior to this big event, Audrey Roloff posed for a gorgeous maternity shoot.

Tori’s sister-in-law and brother Jeremy are expecting their first child any day now, with loved ones and long-time fans of the couple anxious to meet this little girl.

She’ll be cousins to little Jackson, whose cuteness has captured the attention of the Internet ever since he was born on May 12.

“Mood when your dad is gone for a week and doesn’t even come back with a soccer medal…” joked father Zach as a caption to the following photo of his child:

Late last week, meanwhile, it was confirmed that filming on a new season of Little People, Big World is underway.

We don’t know the premiere date on TLC, but matriarch Amy Roloff previously hinted that new episodes would start to air in September.

Expect to see plenty of Jackson on the upcoming season, along with insight into Audrey’s pregnancy journey.

We’ll keep readers apprised of when she actually gives birth, while we’ll continue to update our gallery of Jackson Roloff photos.

They may just be the most adorable photos on the entire World Wide Web.

Click around below and just try to disagree with that statement. We dare you!


Monday, August 21, 2017

Taylor Swift Posts Creepy, Silent Teaser Video with Zero Explanation

Remember when Taylor Swift purged her social media accounts, wiping out every post and every photo? Her big "Blank Space" event of 2017.

Well she"s back, uploading the same post to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram — with no words and no audio. Just a short, silent video.

Of a snake.

Taylor swift and her phone

Okay, so, we all remember how, after enjoying two years at the very top of the celebrity food chain, Taylor Swift was betrayed in 2016.

Overexposure from being adored so strongly for her 1989 album had large portions of the population primed to turn on Taylor over pretty much anything.

They got two excuses:

First, following their breakup Calvin Harris ranted about Taylor on Twitter.

Smelling blood in the water, Kim Kardashian struck.

Months earlier, Kim Kardashian had secretly recorded a phone conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

Carefully judging her timing, Kim released a series of Snapchat videos of that call, which — though we don"t get the full conversation — made it appear that Taylor Swift had been fully aware of Kanye"s hurtful lyrics about her.

People who resented Taylor Swift but had been holding their silence for ages took to Twitter, and that hateful "Taylor Swift Is Over Party" was born.

And Taylor"s detractors celebrated by referring to Taylor as a "snake" and by posting snake emojis as comments on her social media.

Classy, guys.

Taylor swift kanye west and kim kardashian

But it"s impossible to look at Taylor"s teaser video, of a snake"s tail, and not think of those emojis.

As Taylor certainly was.

Throughout that entire shameful affair in 2016 and through Taylor"s remaining largely quiet on social media since then, we"ve been eagerly anticipating what sort of music Taylor would write about her experience.

It looks like we"re going to get to hear it at last, and before too long.

There"s no telling if this video is leading up to a single or an album or both. Taylor hasn"t actually said anything yet.

But we think that it"s safe to say that Taylor Swift posting a snake"s tail video isn"t a preview of a wildlife documentary she"s been working on.

We have to note that releasing a teaser that"s so minor and enigmatic is such a power move and we are here for it.

Taylor swift new baby bump photo

Honestly, we"re having so much fun imagining possible names and titles for albums and songs.


Ouroboros? That"s the snake devouring its own tail, a metaphor for basically everything.

Lamia? That"s a half-human, half-snake who devours young men. That would be perfect for Taylor, in the vein of "Blank Space."

Gorgon? Snakes for hair might be a little on-the-nose, but it would be a great metaphor for media attention (gaze turning folks to stone and all that).

Apep? That"s the serpentine demon of the night who battles the Sun God Re to bring about eternal darkness.

Venom? Straight and to the point.

We saw the snake"s tail without the snake"s head, so we"re not predicting a song called "Amphisbaena" just yet — though that"s a two-headed snake.

Obviously, Taylor isn"t going to let us name her album or the tracks on it.

If she did, though, we"d name that album "Lamia."

Taylor swift struts

We think (and hope) that enough time has passed that Taylor can come back into the spotlight after being essentially absent for so long.

Taylor Swift won her countersuit against the man she accused of sexually assaulting her. 

It"s only been, what, a week since that victory, and she"s already teasing her new music.

It looks to us like Taylor was just waiting to put her legal battle behind her before she moved forward with new music.

1989 was one of the best albums that we"ve heard in our lives, so we really cannot wait to hear what she"ll come out with next.

Taylor swift posts creepy silent teaser video with zero explanat

Friday, August 11, 2017

Jeffrey Lord Posts Nazi Salute on Twitter, Gets Fired by CNN

It took Jeffrey Lord outing himself as a possible Nazi sympathizer for him to finally be fired by CNN.

The contributor, who was hired by the cable network to defend Donald Trump at all times and through all tribulations, was let go by the company on Thursday after he Tweeted the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil!”

Despite protestations that he did so in order to make fun of fascism, Lord is now out of a job.

“Nazi salutes are indefensible,” a CNN spokesperson said simply. “Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network.”

The back-and-forth that landed Lord in hot water took place between him and Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters for America, a liberal media watchdog organization.

It has been supporting an advertising boycott of Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, which prompted Lord to pen a column in the American Spectator Thursday scolding the group as “anti-free speech bigots who, in typical fascist style, make it their mission to shut down speech they don’t like.”

He had previously this week compared MMFA to the propaganda machines in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy.

After Carusone replied to Lord and mentioned that name was misspelled in the headline of Lord’s piece… Lord responded, “Sieg Heil!”

Seems like a bit of an overreaction, no?

jl tweet

In a multitude of follow-up message, Lord argued that invoking the Nazi salute was a way of “mocking” Carusone and the organization.

Shockingly, this contention did not sway his bosses at CNN.

Following the controversial “Sieg Heil!” tweet, Carusone issued a statement on Twitter asking for Lord to be fired.

It read as follows:

Carusone tweet

To many CNN viewers and media critics, the only surprising development here is that it took so long for CNN to give Lord his walking papers.

The pro-Trump pundit has said many things over the past several months that many people thought would get him fired.

On Super Tuesday in 2016, he described the Ku Klux Klan as “the military arm, the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, according to historians.”

In reference to Democratic congressman Bakari Sellers, an African-American, he once asked:

“When is Bakari going to get around to apologizing for slavery? I’m still waiting on that.”

With a serious face, he said at one point:

“Think of President Trump as the Martin Luther King of health care.”

More recently, Lord brushed off Trump’s encouragement of police brutality by saying that was simply a “New Yorker” having a “sense of humor” and he had gone on record by defending the President against talk of collusion with a foreign adversary.

“I don’t care what he says to the Russians,” Lord says of Trump.

The only positive to the existence of Jeffrey Lord is that he got into an on-air tiff with Anderson Cooper a few months ago, which led to Cooper saying to the biased non-journalist:

“If he took a dump on his desk, you would defend it.”

We’re almost glad CNN hired Jeffrey Lord just for that one exchange.

But he’s a horrible human being.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Adam Levine Posts Tongue-in-Cheek Tribute to Behati Prinsloo, Internet Swoons

A good sense of humor is key to most relationships. Unfettered adoration doesn’t hurt, either.

Adam Levine managed to combine both in an unapologetic (yet playful) miniature love letter that he wrote to his wife, Behati Prinsloo.

While Adam Levine says he doesn’t know what he’s doing when it comes to being a parent, he seems to understand romance. The internet is swooning over, well, how much he’s swooning.

Adam Levine proved that Instagram is for more than just showing off Behati Prinsloo’s baby bump, and not just because she isn’t pregnant at the moment.

He shared a photo of himself and his gorgeous model wife, Behati, on Instagram.

While the picture is definitely important, it’s the caption that has people over the moon:

“Every once in a while, the stars align…The mood is right, the lighting is flawless, and the expressions on our faces speak a thousand words without uttering a single syllable. I’m not saying it’s the perfect photo. But I’ll be damned if it ain’t as close as anyone has even come. #truth”

That’s so sweet, right?

But you should really, really look at the photo to truly understand what he’s getting at:

Like we said — a sense of humor is pretty damn important.

Behati Prinsloo gave birth to their first child, Dusty Rose Levine, late last September, so she’s just over ten months old.

New parenthood can be overwhelming but intensely rewarding.

You’re basically living on perpetual exhaustion but also a perpetual oxytocin high.

(Okay, maybe high isn’t the word, but it’s quite a rush)

They even shared pictures of Dusty Rose.

Too cute, you guys. Too cute.

We should note that this comes in the aftermath of a seriously dark point for this couple.

Recently, Adam Levine was accused of physically abusing both his baby and his wife, though we don’t know who made the accusations.

Specifically, of striking his baby in the face and of hitting his wife so hard that it knocked her to the ground.

(Sadly, those are both very real things that happen more than anyone would care to believe; there is real evil in this world)

Investigators from social services were unable to find any proof that this was true — which means that Behati must have denied them and that they must have found no signs of physical injury.

We’re not going to pretend that denials equal exoneration or that we know what goes on behind anyone’s closed doors.

We’ve read too many news stories and heard too many people’s first-hand accounts of their childhoods to give any parent an unquestioning pass just because they seem nice or seem to be wildly in love when they’re sharing photos with the world.

But every now and then, rare though it may be, a false accusation might get made.

If we knew that this accusation came from Behati or a pediatrician or something, that would be entirely different.

Instead, we have what social service investigators apparently determined was a false complaint, that for all that we know may have been targeted at Adam Levine because of his celebrity status.

If that’s what happened, it’s the worst kind of crank call that we’ve ever heard of.

And it will make it harder for the world to believe reports of real abuse that happens every day in millions of households across the US.

Anyway, sorry for that total bummer, but we had to mention it since this post of Adam’s came so soon in the wake of that last report.

We think that Adam Levine’s Instagram tribute to his wife better represents the man that fans have known him as over his very long career.

He can come across as a douche because of his wealthy lifestyle and habit of dating models, but that’s usually just resentment talking rather than a reflection of his personality.

The guy feuds with Miley Cyrus, which probably won him at least a few fans who’ve never once listened to Maroon 5.

He’s also a huge advocate for LGBT rights and has been for a long time.

So we didn’t need Adam Levine’s precious tribute to his wife and that goofy picture to adore him.

But it sure helps.

They really do make a precious couple.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Jill Duggar Posts Adorable New Photos of Baby Samuel!

It’s safe to say that Jill Duggar is in love with her boys.

In early July, the 26-year-old Counting On star and her husband, Derick Dillard, welcomed their second bundle of joy into this world.

Like their first, Israel David, it was a son.

Above is the first photo of the family of four since the addition of Samuel Scott Dillard, who appears alongside his mom, dad and brother.

Jill wrote, “#littlehappyfamilyof4 #soblessed #boymom,” and in another picture on Instagram, complimented Derick’s parenting skills.

“This papa @derickdillard is the best at getting bubbles outta gassy tummies … and this little fella is adorbs!” Duggar added.

“Couldn’t pass up this pic! #bestpapaever”

“#besthubbyever #lovemyguys.”

Jill and Derick are known for being Counting On’s most PDA-loving duo, so it’s no surprise that she often gushes about him openly.

On July 8, the Dillard family announced on their website that they had welcomed Samuel following a tumultuous two days for Jill.

“We are excited to finally announce the arrival of Samuel Scott Dillard,” the family said. “He weighs 9lb 10oz and is 22” long.”

“After 40 hours of labor, he was delivered via C-section at the hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!”

Jill may well need those prayers more than usual.

In typical fashion, her family has stuck to the company line that things are going smoothly with the new mother, son, and family of four.

The difference is that this time, Duggar fans have picked up on some signs – or perceived signs – that Jill may be having health problems.

Much of this is pure conjecture, of course.

The Duggars, and the Dillards, have been unusually quiet in the weeks since Jill had Sam, which could be chalked up to many things.

On the flip side, this is a family that posts to social media almost daily, especially while trying to get people to watch Counting On online.

Births and weddings are the Duggars’ meal ticket, and Jessa, conversely, gave People an all-access sitdown just after her second birth.

All of which doesn’t tell us that much conclusively about Jill and Derick’s current situation, but it’s more than enough to get fans wondering.

The silence, as they say, is deafening. 

It wasn’t until two weeks after the birth that a photo of Samuel appeared on Jill’s Instagram, but Bible quotes (one in particular) have.

“Such a great reminder from the Bible #Psalms5023,” Jill wrote.

“It’s easy to praise God when things are going great, but do we continue to count our blessings when things aren’t going like we planned?”

A nice sentiment, but this came on the heels of the reality star’s second arduous pregnancy and birth in a span of three years.

Fans may Jill is suffering from post-partum depression in its aftermath, or worse, had to undergo a hysterectomy due to uterine rupture.

It is worth noting, again, that we’ve heard no evidence of this.

Whatever the case may be, we wish the parents the best, and hope that Jill has the support system she needs to recover and thrive.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Michelle Duggar Posts Video Tribute to Jim Bob Duggar

Say what you will about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar (and there"s really so, so much to say), the couple knows how to make a marriage last.

It"s been 34 years since the reality stars met while Michelle was working the counter at a frozen yogurt stand owned by Jim Bob"s mother.

Each year, Michelle and Jim Bob"s wedding anniversary is a public celebration, with the couple taking to the Internet to extol the virtues of both monogamy and breeding like an army of your own children is your only defense against the impending zombie apocalypse.

This year, the couple took a trip to Hawaii, actually leaving their family responsibilities behind for once.

During their time in Kauai, Michelle posted a video tribute to her husband of 33 years, revealing some previously-unknown details about their early days together.

Michelle was slightly thrown off by the surprise trip to Hawaii, but she still found time to slip away and record her video love letter.

"I really, really wanted to express from my heart how grateful I am and how much I love and admire you," she says at the start.

Recalling their first meeting, Michelle says:

"You were shy, but very sweet …You finally mustered up the courage to ask me if I would go to your junior-senior banquet with you. I said yes."

Not surprisingly, Michelle and Jim Bob"s first date involved an all-night discussion of the Bible and ended with a prayer for marriage.

After she finishes her recollection of their early days together, Michelle launches into a list of her 100 favorite things about Jim Bob.

It"s no surprise trip to Hawaii, but she certainly put a lot of work into this.

Check out Michelle"s loving tribute in the video below:

Michelle duggar posts video tribute to jim bob duggar

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Chelsea Star Kenedy Booted from China After Offensive Posts

Here’s the blueprint on how to get kicked outta China … courtesy of Chelsea soccer star Kenedy. Before Kenedy even took the pitch for his team’s Asia tour, the 21-year-old Brazilian posted 2 videos last week on social media: The first contained…


Chelsea Star Kenedy Booted from China After Offensive Posts

Here’s the blueprint on how to get kicked outta China … courtesy of Chelsea soccer star Kenedy. Before Kenedy even took the pitch for his team’s Asia tour, the 21-year-old Brazilian posted 2 videos last week on social media: The first contained…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bella Thorne Posts, Deletes Topless Photo After Slew of Hateful Comments!

Bella Thorne claims that she and Scott Disick never banged, but even if she didn’t do any literal bouncing on him, she’s certainly been using him as a springboard to boost how much attention she’s been getting. And it’s worked.

And now Bella Thorne seems to be capitalizing on that to give her career a boost.

But she recently shared a super revealing photo on Instagram … only to delete it moments later. We have it, of course.

This new photo is a bit more formal than, say, eating a burger while wearing a bikini or any of her other, more garden-variety thirst traps.

And by “formal” we don’t mean formal attire, though.

It looks like an outtake of some sort from a photoshoot.

She’s wearing a black belt, a black thong, black stockings, and black gloves.

She is, of course, entirely topless.

So, here it is, Bella Thorne’s super racy photo:

First of all, she looks amazing.

She kind of always does, you know?

But she isn’t always topless (okay, she’s topless sometimes, but only sometimes), and she isn’t always showing off her butt.

(Again, this is technically not the first time for that, either)

But this is a more structured outfit for her, you know?

Less “wasted party girl” nudity and more “dominatrix assassin.”

Holy crap, we never realized how much the world needs a movie where Bella Thorne plays a dominatrix assassin.

(Make that happen, Hollywood)

As for deleting it, who can say?

It looks like it’s probably an outtake or even a photo snapped by an assistant or friend, given the overall quality.

Maybe she wants to release it later when she expects more Instagram traffic.

(Random Tumblr users schedule their posts that way, so you know that fame-conscious actresses do)

Maybe she decided that she wants to wait until the photoshoot comes out — because there have to be more pics, right?

If that’s the case, maybe this was intended to be just a teaser.

And honestly that’s our best guess, because it sure as hell has us looking forward to whenever the actual photoshoot comes out.

However, she did delete it and write “turning off my comments,” which makes it sound like she got some vile backlash.

Like, we can give her — or anyone — a bit of a hard time, but we’re not going to comment mean things on somebody’s page.

Especially not a 19-year-old who hasn’t done anything that’s genuinely bad.

And really, we’ve all seen that photo — what is there to hate about it, exactly?

It’s probably just trolls looking to make themselves feel powerful by hurting a celebrity’s feelings.


You really have to congratulate the girl.

A lot of 19-year-olds in her shoes might just party all of the time for its own sake.

(And there’s nothing wrong with that, of course)

By the looks of things, Bella Thorne saw Scott Disick, a guy having a midlife crisis a decade early, and was like “oh hey, if we hang out, I’ll get some more attention and maybe a career boost!”

That’s called multitasking.

… Among other things.

If you have a reputation as a thot — which is nothing to be ashamed of in the first place — don’t hesitate to use it to make your life better.

There’s no way of telling if Scott is just stumbling around in a stupor or consciously playing along, at this point.

He did send her a card and flowers, though … so we’re thinking that he’s in on it at times.

Though maybe it took him a little while for him to catch onto Bella’s angle, what with how “gentleman” Scott Disick fixed Bella Thorne’s top by touching her boob.

A regular knight in shining armor, that guy.

We’re not saying that Bella is necessarily some sort of mastermind, evil or otherwise.

Obviously, Bella Thorne’s hotness has gotten her at least as far in her career as her possible scheming.

And she’s certainly made mistakes.

A while back she was briefly said to be dating accused serial rapist Sam Pepper.

We think that she probably didn’t know that about him until she saw backlash and then peaced out, but that’s really just a guess.

(Google is your friend, folks)

But she’s learning more over time.

And whether she took down the photo because of trolls or just to tease us, we hope that she feels open to sharing more, soon.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Nick Lachey Posts the Sweetest Anniversary Tribute for Vanessa, Awww!

We’re no strangers to Nick Lachey and Vanessa’s adorable holiday cards, so we’re not really surprised to see that Nick Lachey’s anniversary message to his wife is hopelessly touching.

It’s been six years, you guys!

Doesn’t it seem like, if not just yesterday, not that long ago that Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were inseparable?

But those two divorced over a decade ago, and you know what? We’re delighted.

Nick and Vanessa found each other soon after that breakup and they are precious together.

Jessica Simpson is still gorgeous and she’s happy and living her best life.

(Seriously, check out her butt right now — we’ll wait)

Nick and Vanessa have three kids together, and Nick’s been investing in legal marijuana and a big proponent for legalizing it in more states.

But Nick is, first and foremost, wildly in love with Vanessa, and he’s reminding the world of it with this photo and its caption.

First of all, that’s clearly a photograph of a photograph — and we think that he snapped this of a wall-mounted picture.

That speaks volumes to how important their relationship is to both of them.

And then there’s Nick’s captions:

“Six years ago today, I took this beautiful woman as my wife and the life we’ve built together is more incredible than anything I could have ever imagined!!”


“Through all of the laughter, tears, triumphs, and challenges, you are my unconditional rock.”

It’s so important that he talks about the emotional range involved, you know?

Not all of marriage is bliss, but overall, a relationship should make you happy.

“I love you and our family more than you will ever know.”

We think that she has some idea.

“Thanks for your patience, support, and love. Thanks for being you.”

He even used the serial comma (also called the Oxford comma) — what a champ!

He ended it with the simplified message — and, of course, with an obligatory hashtag.

“Happy Anniversary!! #soulmate.”

Gotta have those hashtags.

Remember that while they’ve been married for six years, they started dating something like eleven years ago.

And despite one or two “hiccups” in their relationship during the dating phase, these two have been a consistent item.

A decade is a long time to get to know someone.

Half a decade is a good amount of time to wait while dating before getting married.

(Not just a few months, as the Duggars like to rush weddings because they do everything wrong)

But that’s just a general guideline.

Different people and different couples might click way faster — or might take years longer before they get that kind of certainty.

But Nick and Vanessa got to really get to know each other, before and after their wedding.

Nick and Jessica were followed everywhere by cameras to film their show, and doing that so early on proved to be disastrous.

(Kind of like what happened with Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins, to be honest — history loves to repeat itself)

There were a lot of factors behind Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson’s breakup.

(A breakup that, at the time, was a huge deal)

They were both young and they were just different people.

Being constantly on camera so early in their relationship cannot have helped.

But the real lesson here is that when you find the person who’s perfect for you, your relationship can be truly and wildly successful.

Just don’t rush things or marry too young, basically.

Real love usually comes with real maturity.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Lea Michele Posts Tribute to Cory Monteith, Four Years Later

Cory Monteith’s death in a Vancouver hotel room will never not be hard. He wasn’t just an actor with a beautiful voice and a winning smile. He was also a person with people who loved him, and their hearts still ache with how much they miss him.

As she has since the first anniversary of Cory Monteith’s passing, Lea Michele honored his memory on social media with a touching photo tribute.

Actually, with two. …

We first saw Cory Monteith in a no-lines role on Stargate Atlantis and later in a minor speaking role on Stargate SG-1, but he will always be known for his breakout role on Glee.

And as hard as the death of any celebrity can be, the very sudden passing of a young actor on a show that draws millions and millions of teenage and tween fans had a massive emotional impact that rocked the Glee fandom and beyond.

It shocked the world.

But obviously, no one felt Cory’s tragic death more acutely than Lea Michele.

That the Scream Queens star continues to post tributes to him on the anniversaries of his death as well as his posthumous birthdays speaks to how close their bond was.

And to how inseparable the two are in the minds of their fans.

This year, four years after Cory Monteith’s tragic passing, Lea Michele shared this photo on Instagram:

On Instagram, her heartfelt caption is short and sweet.

“4 years and it still feels like yesterday.. love you more C.”

On Twitter, she shared a version of the photo with way more glare, and included the words:

“Hard to believe it’s been 4 years… We miss you C… love you more.”

After both lines, she included a heart emoji.

A lot of people, celebrities and otherwise, repost photos and words.

Lea Michele figured that the honoring Cory warranted some originality and a touch of extra effort.

We’re inclined to agree.

Cory Monteith had champagne and heroin in his system when he died.

The medical examiner described the cause of death as “mixed drug toxicity.”

Cory’d had a history of drug use but also a history of periods of sobriety.

He’d been to rehab earlier in 2013 before his death.

It’s been speculated that, though long-time users can develop increasingly higher tolerances for familiar drugs, he may have overdosed on a quantity of heroin that he’d previously believed to be safe.

Tolerance to drugs doesn’t remain fixed, and if he’d recently been sober for an extended period, his body might have been less prepared for a dose of that quantity.

There’s no upside to that story, which has now become familiar to a frightening number of people thanks to the opioid epidemic.

But Cory Monteith should be remembered for his talent, his charm.

And, of course, for the way that his work — on Glee and elsewhere — touched his fans and made him so very memorable.

Lea Michele will never forget him for precisely who he was.

And she won’t let fans forget, either.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Youngsta Posts Mock Crucifixion, Internet Destroys Him

Blac Youngsta put himself on a cross, and now he’s actually getting $ 10,000 offers … to delete the damn photo. The rapper/master s**t stirrer posted the pic Monday of himself fully mocking the crucifixion with Tupac’s lyrics, “HAIL MARY COME WITH…


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Donald Trump Posts Altered Video of Him Attacking CNN at Wrestlemania

#FraudNewsCNN #FNN — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017 Donald Trump went ham on Twitter Sunday, posting a video of himself at Wrestlemania 23 where he beat up Vince McMahon, but this time he…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amber Rose Posts Bottomless Pic on Instagram to Help Bring Back the Bush

Amber Rose bushwhacked Instagram’s no-nudity policy and got the photo removed, but it still lives on … as does her campaign to “bring back the bush.” Amber pushed IG’s boundaries late Friday night by posting a bottomless pic of herself ……


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kim Zolciak Posts Bikini Pics From Every Angle, Fans Shrug

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Kim Zolciak bikini selfies are a frequent occurrence.

She doesn’t rock swimwear in front of the mirror every single day, but it’s rare that a full week goes by without Kim flaunting her curves on social media.’

And we say go for it!

After all, Kim’s 39 years old, she’s given birth to six kids, and she has every right to be proud of the shape that she’s in.

Of course, bikini selfies tend to be a product of diminishing returns.

The same pose that racked up the likes and complimentary comments a few years ago might be greeted with a universal “meh” these days.

And in Kim’s case, she’s even received some harsh criticism for her pics that had less to do with her body (which is unassailably on-point) and more to do with the timing of her photos.

Most recently, Kim posted a bikini pic while her son recovered from a dog attack that left him hospitalized.

Prior to that, fans expressed misgivings about the idea of Zolciak posting “competing” bikini pics with her daughter, 20-year-old Brielle Biermann.

But clearly, Kim subscribes to the “bad press is better than no press” philosophy.

She’s ramped up her bikini pic game in recent weeks, and we’re guessing it has less to do with summer being upon us than other factors.

Most notably, the simple fact that her latest swimwear selfies sparked the kind of uproar that’s music to her ears.

Kim’s found a way to combine sex with recreational outrage, which are the two forces that make the Internet go ‘round.

Unfortunately, it seems that even that formula is no guarantor of continued popularity on the ‘Gram.

Kim’s likes across all social media platforms appear to be on the decline.

(We keep track of this sort of thing so that you don’t have to.)

And it seems like she doesn’t have too many tricks up her none-existent sleeves.

Zolciak renewed her wedding vows recently, and while the pics resulted in a slight uptick in engagement, it’s not like she can renew her vows once a week.

There are limits to even the most extreme thirst.

Looks like it may be time for Kim to pull a Kris Jenner and focus on her exploiting her selfie-obsessed daughter … 


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kim Zolciak Posts Photo of Son Kash"s Injured Face Post-Dog Bite (PHOTO)

Kim Zolciak just shared an up close and personal post-surgery photo of her son’s injured face after he was gnarled by a dog … and the attack left several marks. Kim posted a pic Tuesday of 4-year-old Kash Biermann, with a long caption thanking…


Kim Zolciak Posts Photo of Son Kash"s Injured Face Post-Dog Bite (PHOTO)

Kim Zolciak just shared an up close and personal post-surgery photo of her son’s injured face after he was gnarled by a dog … and the attack left several marks. Kim posted a pic Tuesday of 4-year-old Kash Biermann, with a long caption thanking…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Beyonce Posts Pregnancy Pic, Denies Lip Injection Rumors

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Beyonce is pregnant with twins.

Fortunately, this time there are no rumors about Beyonce faking her pregnancy, but there’s still plenty of ridiculous nonsense making the rounds on social media.

This time it has to do with a supposed change to Queen Bey’s famous face.

The ever-reliable MediaTakeOut (we say that with densest layer of sarcasm imaginable) reported this week that Bey received lip injections at some point in the past few months.

With their usual blend of journalistic eloquence and hard-hitting reportage, the Woodward and Bernsteins over at MTO had this to say about the latest photo of Mrs. Carter (above):


We figured that with so many capital letters and exclamation points, MTO must be screaming an important truth in our faces.

But according to Bey’s rep, Yvette Noel-Schure, that’s simply not the case. 

In a scathing open letter directed at the MTO staff, Noel-Schure absolutely went off, writing:

What do you know about the effects of pregnancy on a woman’s entire body? Please tell me. Did you know that in addition to weight gain there is often a dramatic change in the blood flow in the system and increased fluid causing swelling?

Do you know that often women’s gums get swollen? Do you know that it sometimes affects our speech, our ability to chew intently and a host of other things?

We imagine by this point, the folks at MTO were googling the location of the nearest burn unit.

But Yvette didn’t stop there.

She went on to defend Bey on behalf of all women who are, pregnant, have ever been pregnant, might one day be pregnant, or have ever uttered the word “pregnant”:

“But the sacrifice to our faces, our feet and our entire bodies is something we welcome because we bring beautiful humans into the world who will one day combat your hate and negativity I stood silent during Beyonce’s first pregnancy when you thought it was okay to bully her like the cowards you are, when you accused her of never being pregnant, but I simply cannot this time,” Noel-Schure wrote.

She goes on:

“You are the saddest individuals and picking on a pregnant lady is tantamount to possessing the coldest, despicable heart.

“You need to find something else to do with your time and maybe stop by a store that has happiness on sale because you need to buy some.”

Okay, so she kinda ran out of steam with that Costanza-esque happiness store thing at the end there, but we think Yvette got her point across.

And we’re guessing the folks at MTO will think twice before messing with the Bey Hive again.

(JK, they can’t be stopped.)
