Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle"s Royal Wedding (LIVE STREAM)

The big day has finally come for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and we’re here for it … so check out the live stream and watch with us as the couple exchanges “I dos” across the pond. The highly anticipated Royal Wedding ceremony kicks off…


Royal Wedding Program Still Lists Thomas Markle as Walking Meghan Down Aisle

Either the Royal Wedding programs were printed far in advance, or someone made a huge mistake … because they’re not updated to show Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, won’t be there. The Order of Service for Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding was just…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle to Make "Bold Feminist Statement" at Royal Wedding (Report)

Well, folks, we’re just hours away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Predictions for what you can expect as the global media continues to foam at the mouth include:

Yet another rundown of how terrible Meghan’s family is; talking head-types pretending anyone actually watched the show Suits; and of course, painstaking second-by-second breakdowns of how the actual ceremony will play out, as though you’ve never seen a freakin’ wedding before.

To be fair, tomorrow’s ceremony is sure to be more interesting than royal weddings past, thanks largely to a last-minute curveball thrown by Meghan’s lame-ass dad.

As you may have heard, Thomas Markle will not be attending his daughter’s wedding for reasons that vary depending on whom you ask/believe.

The most likely explanation seems to be that Thomas is embarrassed that he was busted selling staged paparazzi photos to British media outlets, so he’s decided to make the situation worse by bailing on the wedding entirely.

The decision created quite a stir, as Thomas was supposed to symbolically give Meghan away before she joins Harry at the altar.

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before a suitable plan B emerged.

This morning it was reported that Prince Charles would walk Meghan down the aisle, but now it seems that’s only partially true.

CNN is now claiming that Meghan will “make a bold feminist statement” by proceeding down the first stretch of the aisle “unescorted.”

Of course, actual solitude is for peasants, and royals are never really alone, even when they’re “alone.”

So when CNN says “unescorted” they really mean Meghan will be joined by her bridesmaids and page boys, “with a senior church figure walking ahead.”

The Donald’s favorite news network also points out that Charles is no stranger to the task of walking blushing brides down the aisle.

In 2016, he escorted Alexandra Knatchbull during her wedding to Thomas Hooper – and who could forget the famed Knatchbull-Hooper wedding?

Just kidding, we have no idea who these people are.

Anyway, it’s cool that Meghan is using her time on the world’s biggest stage to make a statement that’s sure to inspire other young women.

But our favorite part of this story might be the fact that Harry’s grandfather, 96-year-old Prince Philip, will be in attendance less than two months after undergoing hip surgery.

We’re sure he’ll be there primarily to support his grandson and new granddaughter-in-law.

But we like to think he’s at least partially motivated by a desire to make Thomas Markle look like a little bitch.


Meghan Markle & Mom Look Ecstatic Ahead of Royal Wedding Day

Meghan Markle and her mother looked incredibly happy and every bit as stunning … which should come as no surprise with the Royal wedding just a mere hours away. Meghan and her mom, Doria Ragland, arrived at the Cliveden House Hotel on the…


Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Hosting Royal Wedding Viewing Party

Meghan Markle’s going to have her half sister with her as she marries Prince Harry — at least in spirit … ‘cause she’ll be watching from home, with security standing guard. Samantha Markle tells TMZ she’s hosting a viewing party to watch the…


Grumpy Girl from Kate & William"s Royal Wedding "Memba Her?!

Grace van Cutsem stole the show when she was photographed covering her ears and scowling during Kate Middleton and Prince William’s iconic kiss on the Buckingham Palace balcony back in 2011. Guess what she looks like now at age 10!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Meghan Markle Confirms Father Won"t Attend Royal Wedding

Meghan Markle confirmed what TMZ reported Wednesday … that her dad won’t — indeed can’t — walk her down the aisle Saturday when she marries Prince Harry. Kensington Palace just issued a statement from Meghan, which reads, “Sadly, my father will…


Elton John To Perform at Royal Wedding for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Elton John will take the stage at the royal wedding … a fitting choice given the singer’s history with Prince Harry, Princess Diana and the Royal Family.  Sources close to Elton tell TMZ the singer is set to perform during Saturday’s event…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

TMZ Live: Meghan Markle Royal Wedding Family Crisis

ON TODAY’S SHOW T.I.: Arrested For Drunken Assault  Marvel’s First Muslim Superhero John Travolta Parties With 50 Cent Stan Lee: The $ 1 Billion Lawsuit 


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Mom Leaves for Royal Wedding, Gets VIP Treatment

Walking Meghan Markle down the aisle to marry Prince Harry has its privileges, and her mother is enjoying one of ‘em right now as she jets off to England for the royal wedding. Doria Ragland got picked up Tuesday at her L.A. home, where she…


Meghan Markle"s Mom Leaves for Royal Wedding, Gets VIP Treatment

Walking Meghan Markle down the aisle to marry Prince Harry has its privileges, and her mother is enjoying one of ‘em right now as she jets off to England for the royal wedding. Doria Ragland got picked up Tuesday at her L.A. home, where she…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Extended Family in London Despite No Royal Wedding Invite

Meghan Markle’s extended family wasn’t invited to the Royal wedding, but that didn’t stop them from jetting off to London. Meghan’s nephew, Tyler and his brother Thomas Dooley arrived at London Heathrow Airport along with their…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Suffers Heart Attack! Won"t Attend Royal Wedding!

There’s been a Royal Change to the Royal Wedding.

And it has us Royally Concerned.

Scroll down to find out which major figure will NOT be attending this wildly anticipated event and to learn the significant effect it will have on the upcoming proceedings…

According to TMZ, Thomas Markle suffered a heart attack last week and has decided it’s best for his health if he does not board an airplane and fly to London.

(A newly-famous recluse, Thomas lives in Mexico and has tried to stay as far away from the spotlight ever since his daughter started dating Harry.)

Thomas initially checked himself out of the hospital in order to attend the Royal Wedding, but he tells TMZ that he’s chosen to remain home for reasons that go beyond his physical well-being.

You see, Markle recently made news when it became public knowledge that he’s been staging various paparazzi photos.

As you may have noticed over the past several months, photographers have captured Thomas buying beer, looking disheveled and not exactly presenting the best version of himself.

He says now that he finally accepted some money from a paparazzi agency in order to set up shots that appeared candid but which were, in reality, staged ahead of time.

He did so partly to earn some cash, but mostly to avoid embarrassing his family with snapshots that depicted him in a negative light.

Now that this information has gone viral, Thomas himself is embarrassed and TMZ reports he does not want to attend the wedding and bring any shame to those involved.

It all sounds pretty darn sad, to be honest.

Markle will at least have her mom by her side when she exchanges her vows this Saturday, but one pressing question now remains:


Mere days prior to the ceremony, this is a rather huge issue to not have an answer for at the moment.

The topic of Markle’s family in general continues to be a pressing one.

Simply put, some of her relatives seem a bit… off.

The former Suits star has been the target of wrath from her half-sister for weeks, for example, as Samantha Markle keeps dragging her sibling in the media because she isn’t invited to the wedding.

And her brother also says Markle sucks!

“She’s clearly forgotten her roots. It’s torn my entire family apart,” hr recently told The Daily Mail, adding:

“Meg likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, a people’s person and a charitable person but she is none of those things to her family.”

UPDATE: Samantha now says that she’s the person who actually set up Thomas Markle’s paparazzi photos.

“I have to say I am entirely the culprit,” she said during an appearance on British talk show Loose Women on Monday, explaining:

“As we know the media can take very unflattering photographs of people on their casual days and blow it way out of proportion. I said, you know, the world has no idea you’re getting in shape, doing healthy things.

“They don’t photograph you buying vegetables and PH water. They photograph you as unflattering ways as they can…

“So I said, really you need to show the world that you’re getting in shape and doing great healthy things. So I suggested it.

“There’s a lot of scrutiny that it was money motivated, it was not. It was my suggestion that to benefit him and to benefit the royal family that everyone looked good and they depict you as you are – in shape and doing healthy things.”

Neither of Meghan’s half-siblings will be at the wedding.

They were grown up and out of the house by the time Markle was born and the ex-actress has never really had a relationship with them.


Meghan Markle"s Father is Not Going to the Royal Wedding, Suffered Heart Attack

Meghan Markle’s father will not be walking her down the aisle Saturday … he isn’t going to the wedding at all because of the fallout over selling photos of himself … TMZ has learned. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he meant no harm to Meghan or the…


Saturday, May 12, 2018

James Corden Will Attend Royal Wedding and Both Receptions

At least one late-night TV talk show host will have insider access at the upcoming Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle … and that lucky guy is James Corden. Sources close tell TMZ … Corden and his producing partner, Ben Winston, are…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Mom Arrives In London For the Royal Wedding!

Well, folks, it’s really happening.

The big day is almost here, and royal obsessives all over the world are downright giddy with anticipation.

We’re talking, of course, about the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The couple will exchange vows one week from Saturday, and the eyes of the world will be watching.

Of course, most of us will be forced to view the proceedings in HD, but a lucky few – roughly 600, by last estimate – have been invited to witness the ceremony firsthand.

Several members of Meghan’s family were snubbed, including her sketchy, opportunistic half-siblings.

(Their outraged reactions served as a potent reminder that Meg made the right call.)

Markle’s beloved parents, however, will be in attendance, and her mother just touched down in London last night.

Doria Ragland is a 61-year-old yoga instructor, and apparently, she’ll be staying with Harry and Meghan at Kensington Palace in the week leading up to the wedding.

“Ms. Markle is delighted to have her parents by her side on this important and happy occasion,” the Royals’ press secretary said in a statement issued this week.

“Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are very much looking forward to welcoming Ms. Markle’s parents to Windsor for the wedding.”

Because the statement was apparently written on an especially-long parchment, it went on to explain that along with Meghan’s father, Thomas Markle, Ragland will be spending a lot of time with her new son-in-law’s family over the next week:

“Mr. Thomas Markle and Ms. Doria Ragland will be arriving in the U.K. in the week of the wedding, allowing time for Prince Harry’s family, including The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, to spend time with them before the big day,” the statement concludes.

Sounds like a high-pressure situation.

It’s always stressful meeting your daughter’s fiancé’s family for the first time, but knowing one of them is literally the freakin’ Queen of England probably makes things a bit more tense.

What do you even talk to these people about if you’re a yoga instructor from America?

So … um, you folks still doing that whole colonialism thing, or is that not cool anymore?

Hopefully, Prince Philip will get drunk and start telling knock-knock jokes to ease the tension.

There’s one in every family.


Spice Girls Have No Plans to Perform at Royal Wedding

Mel B might’ve played too fast and loose with the truth by implying the Spice Girls were performing at the Royal wedding, ‘cause they’re not — at least for now … TMZ has learned.  Sources tell us that while Scary Spice and co. will, in fact,…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

LEGOLAND Screws Up Meghan Markle"s Skin Tone in Royal Wedding Exhibit

Meghan Markle has the exact same skin color as her fiance, Prince Harry — at least according to LEGOLAND’s special display ahead of the royal wedding. LEGOLAND’s Windsor Resort unveiled a new exhibit this week in honor of Meghan and Harry’s big…


Friday, May 4, 2018

The Royal Wedding: Hey, Look Who"s Invited!

The most important date in the recent history of Great Britain is nearly upon us.

No, we’re not really exaggerating here.

On May 19, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will get married at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle; in front of thousands cheering them on in person and millions watching around the world.

But you already knew that.

You probably know all there has been to know so far about the upcoming Royal Wedding, such as who Harry has selected as his Best Man.

Kensington Palace, however, released a statement on Friday that confirmed a new piece of vital information.

Following much speculation, and a few rumors to the contrary, it turns out that Markle’s father, Thomas Markle, will walk his somewhat estranted daughter down the aisle on her big day.

(Markle’s mother, Doria Radlan, will also travel with her by car before the ceremony.)

There had been some questions as to whether this would happen because Markle’s parents divorced many years ago and Thomas has chosen to live a mostly secluded life in Mexico.

He has not even met his son-in-law to be just yet.

Said Harry’s communications secretary in a just-released statement, though:

“Ms. Markle is delighted to have her parents by her side on this important and happy occasion.

“Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are very much looking forward to welcoming Ms. Markle’s parents to Windsor for the wedding.

“Mr. Thomas Markle and Ms. Doria Ragland will be arriving in the UK in the week of the wedding, allowing time for Prince Harry’s family – including The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – to spend time with them before the big day.”

Markle herself, of course, is beloved by all who make her acquaintance.

However, she is not especially close to some of her relatives.

The future bride’s half-sister, for example, has been complaining non-stop over Twitter about how she isn’t invited to the wedding.

Taking his whining a step further, Markle’s half-brother penned an open letter last week in which he urged Harry to call off the entire wedding.

“As more time passes to your royal wedding, it became very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history,” the 51-year-old wrote. “Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you.”

The general reaction to this letter has been: LOL!!!!

But he went on to say Markle has let her fame “[go] to her head” and that she sucks and Harry should be an end to the “fake” fairy tale.

We doubt he will, though.

We can also confirm the wedding service will take around an hour.

After the ceremony, loved ones will wave off the newlyweds as they step into an Ascot Landau carriage to take them through a 25-minute ride through Windsor Town.

“Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are very much looking forward to this part of the day. It will be their chance to express their gratitude for the goodwill and warm wishes they have received from all quarters in the months since their engagement,” this latest announcement reads.

Elsewhere, in case you did not receive a invite and/or in case you cannot watch the event live on TV that day… don’t worry.

Just visit The Hollywood Gossip for ALL your Royal Wedding updates and information!


Friday, April 27, 2018

Kate Middleton and Prince William Reveal Royal Name... Finally!

The wait is over.

The anticipation can end.

The rumors can be put to rest.

The Royal Baby? He finally has a name!

Five days after Kate Middleton and Prince William welcomed their third bundle of precious joy into the world, the world’s favorite couple has at last come out and made it possible for us to refer to their baby as something other than “that kid.”

Instead, we can now call him…


It’s not True Thompson and it’s not Stormi Webster, but it’s the name of the fifth heir to the British throne.

Isn’t that right, Kensington Palace?

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their son Louis Arthur Charles,” reads the official Tweet making this announcement.

Along with an adorable picture of Mommy, Daddy and Louis, the social media confirmation added:

“The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.”

Well, sure. But only when his parents are really angry with him and want to use his full name.

louis tweet

Louis was among the leading contenders for the Royal Baby name, as various casinos and online gambling destinations actually accepted wagers on what the moniker would be.

Prince William had tried to throw fans off the scent in a brief chat with the media on Wednesday, joking at one point that he liked the name Jerry.

He also said at the time that his son is sleeping “reasonably well” and behaving himself, while adding that his wife is “doing very well.”

The beloved couple’s latest addition was born at 11:01 a.m. local time on Monday.

Just a few hours later, the traditional ceremonial easel was placed in front of Buckingham Palace, while Kate and William debuted the boy a short time after that.

He’s pretty darn adorable, isn’t he?

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz.,” the palace tweeted for this major announcement.

It added on Monday:

“The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.

“The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.”

William and Kate, meanwhile, chose traditional names that honored their family members for their first two children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The former shares a name with six former kings of England, including Queen Elizabeth II’s late father, King George VI.

As for Charlotte? Her middle name is Diana, which is self-explanatory, right?

Middleton actually paid tribute in moving fashion to Princess Diana with the dress you see her wearing above.

In related news:

Prior to the baby’s arrival, various reports have come out that Kate’s younger sister, Pippa Middleton, is pregnant with her first child.

And then, on May 19, Prince Harry is set to marry Meghan Markle.

It’s quite a time to be a fan of the Royal Family… or a member of the Royal Family.

Welcome to the world, Louis Arthur!

You’re a cutie patootie!
