Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speaks. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Ryan Seacrest Sex Abuse Allegations: Accuser Speaks Out

Back in November, the world learned that Ryan Seacrest had been accused of sexual assault. The details of the allegations were alarming.

Initially, people mostly just heard that the accusation had been made by a former stylist. Now, the world knows her name.

And she’s opening up about her very own #MeToo story.

Suzie Hardy was Ryan Seacrest’s stylist at E! from 2007 to 2013.

She was a single mother with a preschool-aged daughter who found the idea of a decent-paying job a “godsend.” At first.

Hardy alleges that, during her years of employment, Ryan Seacrest subjected her to undesired sexually aggressive behavior.

Among the accusations is that he struck her butt with enough force that it left a mark hours later, that he grabbed her genitals on multiple occasions, and that he pressed himself against her while in his underwear.

E! claims that their investigation found insufficient evidence of all of this. In a social media video, Kim Zolciak joked about sexual harassment and lamented “poor Ryan Seacrest.” He has a lot of fans and sympathizers.

But now, Hardy is telling her story.

Speaking to Variety, Suzie Hardy discusses her allegations against Ryan Seacrest.

“As proud as I am and as strong as a woman as I am, as smart as I am and as much work as I’ve done with therapists, it really affected me.”

She opens up about what she thought of E!‘s investigation deciding that there was insufficient evidence.

“Total exasperation was my definite feeling when I heard about it.”

But it doesn’t sound like she was surprised.

“I felt like by the third interview, it was obvious the investigator was whitewashing it for Seacrest’s side.”

And she claims that the investigator never contacted four witnesses whose names she provided.

E! objects to the characterization of their investigation as being one-sided.

“E!’s investigation was extremely comprehensive and thorough.”

E!‘s statement continues:

“Over the course of a two month process, our outside counsel interviewed more than two dozen people regarding the allegations, including multiple separate meetings with the claimant.”

And they maintain that the investigator is reliable.

“The investigator is an attorney with nearly 20 years experience and is highly regarded professionally.”

Therefore, they say, the investigation went just fine.

“Any claims that question the legitimacy of this investigation are completely baseless.”

Andrew Baum, the attorney representing Ryan Seacrest, says:

“It is upsetting to us that Variety is electing to run a ‘story’ about untrue allegations that were made against my client, after they were told that the accuser threatened to make those false claims against him unless he paid her $ 15 million.”

Claims that accusations come from extortion attempts haven’t been uncommon during the #MeToo movement. Or before.

“At that time, the claimant threatened to issue a demonstrably false press statement unless she was paid. Instead, my client proactively and publicly denied the claims and agreed to fully cooperate with E!’s investigation about the matter.”

Seacrest’s attorney seems to agree with E!‘s findings.

“On January 31st the network notified us that their independent third-party investigation had concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support her claims, effectively, clearing my client’s name.”

Well … insufficient evidence can lead to an acquittal at trial, but it doesn’t sound like a resounding exoneration, either.

“It’s telling that after my client refused to pay her money, and the E! investigation resulted as it did, that she is now coming forward to share her debunked story to the press.”

There are further details to Hardy’s accusations.

In separate accounts, both Hardy and a coworker witness accuse Seacrest of another misdeed while Hardy was at the Roosevelt Hotel to help him prepare for the Academy Awards.

Both describe Seacrest as having been in his underwear with a visible erection. He allegedly grabbed Hardy, threw her onto the bed, and climbed on top of her and rubbed himself upon her.

According the the accusation, he stopped only when Hardy’s coworker yelled at him.

What Hardy describes as the worst incident was whens he was dating a powerful entertainment attorney. When the two had only just begun to date (and they ended up dating for three years), she says that Ryan Seacrest asked inappropriate questions about their sex life as she tied his tie.

She says that when she asked him to stop asking if she had “f–ked” the man yet, Seacrest allegedly grabbed her genitals.

Hardy says that she fled the room in tears, and that a production assistant approached her minutes later with an offer.

Apparently, the PA was willing to walk her to human resources, but also cautioned her that she’d likely be fired if she reported anything.

Hardy, still a mother to a young daughter, declined.

Ultimately, Suzie Hardy says that she was called in by E! to answer questions. They wanted to know if she had a physical relationship with Ryan Seacrest.

She says that she told them no — they weren’t dating or sleeping together. She says that she also told them about her allegations, and that she spent hours there at the time.

This was in 2013. She says that she was told a couple of weeks later that her services would soon no longer be required. She says that she and Seacrest were kept apart until for her remaining few weeks.

Many find this whole story disturbing.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Vicky Cornell Speaks on Husband"s Suicide: "I Lost My Soulmate"

As we near the one-year anniversary of Chris Cornell"s suicide, the widow of this late musician has spoken out on camera for the first time since this tragedy took place.

In a sit-down with Robin Roberts for Good Morning America, Vicky Cornell opens up about the Soundgarden singer as a husband and a father, while also touching on his drug addiction.

"I know that people say, you know, you can"t blame yourself. And I"m trying not to, but there were signs," Vicky says through tears in the video below.

In the past, Vicky said her husband was not noticeably depressed at the time he took his own life.

But that doesn"t mean she isn"t aware that drug addiction is an illness with no permanent cure.

"People think that addiction is like, "Oh, you were an addict," and people don"t recognize it as a disease," Vicky explains to GMA, adding:

"I was, I feel, guilty of the same thing. You think addiction is a choice, and it"s not."

The late rock star and Vicky got married in 2004.

They share two kids (13-year-old daughter Toni and 12-year-old son Christopher), while Cornell also has a 17-year-old daughter, Lillian, from his previous marriage to Susan Silver.

Cornell was always candid about his substance abuse issues.

But Vicky wants to make it known that this doesn"t mean the artist wasn"t always there for his loved ones.

"My husband was the furthest thing from a rock star junkie. He just wasn"t," she says here.

"He was the best husband, the greatest father. I lost my soul mate and the love of my life."

According to a statement Vicky released to Entertainment Tonight following Cornell"s passing, her husband called her the evening he died and told her he "may have taken an extra Ativan or two."

Cornell had a prescription at the time for this anxiety medication.

He was staying last May at the MGM Grand in Detroit, which is where his body was eventually discovered.

And Vicky is convinced the drug in Chris" system played a key role in his suicide.

"He wanted to be there for his family, for his children. He loved his life. He would never have ever left this world," Vicky told Roberts, adding:

"I don"t think that he could make any decisions because of the level of impairment."

The full interview with Vicky will air on Good Morning America on Wednesday, February 21.

Watch an excerpt below:

Vicky cornell speaks husbands suicide i lost my soulmate

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Florida Shooting Suspect Reported to FBI 5 Months Ago, Whistleblower Speaks Out

Nikolas Cruz, the now-confessed Florida school shooter, was on the FBI’s radar 5 months ago, thanks to a man who reported a disturbingly violent comment Cruz left on a YouTube video. We spoke to Ben Bennight, a Mississippi bail bondsman, who says…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Meghan Markle Speaks on "Fun" Bachelorette Party to Come!

Meghan Markle is not about the late some ignorant and cruel racists get her down.

Far from it, in fact.

On the heels of an elected official official being a stupid and awful A-Hole when it comes to Markle marrying Prince Harry, the future Royal spent time in Scotland this week.

According to various outlets, the beloved twosome arrived around lunch time yesterday to the Esplanade outside Edinburgh Castle, where they were welcomed to the city by the Royal Marines Scotland Band.

Markle, meanwhile, was asked a very important question by a native of this region, as someone named Tom Martin wanted to know if the ex-actress had her bachelorette party planned.

“We asked them what they were doing for their stag and hen dos,” Martin told People Magazine, adding:

“Meghan said, ‘I’m not sure – it’s sorted but it will be fun.”

It’s sorted, huh?

Sounds like Markle already has some British vernacular down.

Either that, or she’s been watching a lot of Harry Potter of late.

Many Internet users are likely wondering just who will be invited to Markle’s big party, and also what her definition of “fun” is exactly.

The star does have sort of a wild past, having posted in scantily-clad outfits often over the years.

In the case of this trip, however, the beloved couple had fun by hanging out with the mascot of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, a Shetland pony named Cruachan.

They had a chance to pet the horse in adorable footage actually captured by Kensington Palace.

Harry, for his part, also has a bit of a crazy past.

There are plenty of photos of him online that feature the Prince partying and drinking; nothing too out of the ordinary and certainly nothing illegal.

He remained mum on his stag party plans, however, Martin told People, simply relaying to the publication:

“I’m sure William’s got something up his sleeve,” Martin said.

Onlookers in Scotland said last night and this morning that Markle was a natural while interacting with them.

She’s getting more and more used to being on the public stage, joking with one woman how she loved the color of her nails and telling another that she really liked her purse.

The arrival of Markle and Harry kicked off a day of pre-Valentine’s events in the Scottish capital.

Once inside the castle, the celebrities will observe the firing of the One O’Clock Gun, a tradition that began in 1861.

After visiting this legendary castle, Harry and Meghan will head over to Edinburgh’s New Town to visit Social Bite, a café that gives out food and hot drinks to the homeless.

Pretty cool, huh?

Also, for their final event of the day, the engaged pair will attend a reception at the Palace of Holyroodhouse to celebrate youth achievements in Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018.

Finally, one more note about their wedding, which is scheduled for May 19, 2018.

Sources tell Entertainment Tonight that Markle wants Ed Sheeran to perform at the reception.

How cool would that be?!?


Friday, February 9, 2018

Rob Porter"s Ex-Wife Speaks Out: He WILL Abuse Hope Hicks!

It’s tough to keep track of every scandal that emerges from the gaseous swamp of iniquity that is the Trump White House, but nauseating as the task may be, we try to keep up.

This week’s debacle is one that would’ve resulted in a a march on Washington complete with torches and pitch forks if it happened under the Obama administration, but is currently eliciting less furor among Trump’s base than the time 44 wore a tan suit.

It has to do with Rob Porter, the White House staff secretary who resigned this week amidst allegations that he brutally assaulted both of his ex-wives.

Despite the fact that Porter’s first wife, Colbie Holderness, revealed a photo showing a black eye she’d suffered at the hands of her former husband.

Senior officials were reportedly aware of the allegations against Porter long before they became public, but still defended hm and praised his accomplishments this week:

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly praised Porter as “a man of true integrity and honor, and I can’t say enough good things about him.”

Currently, Porter is dating fellow Hope Hicks, the White House communications director who is known to be one of Trump’s closest advisors.

On Thursday, one of Porter’s battered exes gave a candid interview to CNN in which she cautioned Hicks about Porter’s abusive ways.

“If he hasn’t already been abusive with Hope, he will,” Porter’s second wife, Jennie Willoughby, told the outlet.

“Particularly now that he’s under a lot of stress and scrutiny…I don’t think that he has done the self-reflective work to acknowledge this issue.”

Willoughby was married to Porter for four years and says their time together was characterized by “low grade constant terror.”

“He has not gotten help,” she added.

“I don’t think that he has really taken the time to deconstruct why it is that he behaves this way and until he’s able to do that, I don’t know that he has control over it.”

Willoughby filed an emergency protective order against Porter after their first year of marriage.

She shared her harrowing tale of abuse in a 2017 blog post entitled “Why I Stayed.”

Porter reportedly contacted her and asked her to revise the piece in order to “downplay” the abuse.

He has yet to respond to Willoughby’s warning to Hicks.

We’ll have more on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Duggar Family Member Speaks Up Against Family Church!

The Duggars are controversial about so much more than just that they have a whole lot of kids. They have many controversial beliefs about women, children, faith, homeschooling, and society. Oh, and pants.

Though the Duggars are famous, they’re not the only members of their congregation. They’re not the only believers in the Institute in Basic Life Principles.

Well one member of the Duggar family is finally speaking out against the IBLP. And she’s not mincing words.

Amy Duggar, the Duggar cousin who’s taken steps to escape the almost feudal culture in which she was raised, tweeted:

“I have to be honest, and true to myself by tweeting this.”

That’s a good mindset for tweeting.

“I do not support Bill Gothard and the Institute of Biblical [sic] Life Principles in any way, shape, or form.”

That’s a powerful statement.

“I find his ‘teachings’ extremely questionable.”

Amy is not the only one. Not by a long shot.

Bill Gothard is the founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles. For years, the now-disgraced minister instructed the Duggars in matters of faith.

Remember how Josh Duggar got his totally legit “counseling” from Bill Gothard after, infamously, Josh molested a number of young girls, including several of his own sisters?

Well, Bill Gothard stepped down from his position at the IBLP in 2014 after multiple accusations of sexual harassment.

Oh, and molestation.

It sounds like he’s not the best guy to let around your kids, but also not the best guy to try to talk to Josh about Josh’s own terrible crimes. 

Amy Duggar then goes on to clarify what she believes.

“I am a Christian.”

That shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone.

“I believe in God’s good Grace and freedom to be ourselves!”

That’s a huge part of what many Christians consider to believe the message of the gospel and the teachings of the New Testament.

“God gave us emotions, personalities, and He wants us to live our best life.”

Finally, she adds: “Legalism is the opposite of what my Bible teaches.”

Legalism, by the way, is when Christian fundamentalists place the Old Testament teachings referred to as the Law of Moses in a higher position than gospel teachings, requiring adherents to follow strict guidelines in how they live their lives.

And, specifically, legalism is the term applied to beliefs that place obedience to strict laws regarding lifestyle as seemingly more important than the usual accept-Jesus-as-your-savior method of attaining salvation described in the New Testament.

So, if her focus is on the New Testament (which, though I’m not going to tell anyone how to practice their faith, makes sense coming from a Christian), then yeah, legalism is the opposite of everything her beliefs stand for.

It ties into that Jeremy Vuolo quote about how he doesn’t believe that God saves people’s souls in order to make them wear skirts.

InTouch Weekly interviewed a former IBLP member, Rebecca Ishum, who describes exactly what it’s like within that fringe organization.

“I was conditioned to believe anything that anyone in authority told me without question.”

Scary, but standard for fringe organizations often characterized as cults.

“Because of that, I internalized all of the teachings and brought them back home with me. So, for example, there are a lot of physical requirements with IBLP.”

Most religious folks would say that that spiritual requirements are the priority, but it’s not so for IBLP.

“The physical requirements weren’t enforced to that degree at home (I wore shorts as a kid), but by the time I got home from my time in the training center, I was wearing skirts all of the time because I had been told that I was immodest otherwise, and I didn’t want to cause myself to be raped.”


“There is a lot of victim- and women-blaming in that cult.”

We’re glad that Amy Duggar got out and is living her best life, especially after her rough childhood. We just wish that we could say the same for literally every other Duggar daughter trapped in this dangerous cult, most of the sons, and every other member of the IBLP.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Enzo Amore Accuser Speaks Out, "I Said "No" Countless Times"

The woman who claims she was raped by WWE superstar Enzo Amore tells TMZ Sports … she repeatedly told the wrestler to back off and leave her alone — but he refused to stop.  We spoke with Philomena Sheahan — who gave us permission to…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian Surrogate Speaks Out: I"m Happy, Healthy and RICH!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kim Kardashian welcomed her third child this week.

The baby was born via surrogate at Cedars Sinai Hospital in LA early Monday morning.

Kim made the announcement via her subscription-based app, but at this point, details are still relatively scarce.

We know the baby is a girl, and the delivery went smoothly–but that’s about it.

It might be weeks before Kim and Kanye go public with additional information, but one person who was directly involved in bringing their child into the world is speaking out … kind of.

Not much is known about the surrogate hired by Kim and Kanye, and it seems that according to her contract, she’s not allowed to speak to the press.

But that doesn’t mean her parents can’t speak to the press.

Yes, the anonymous surrogate has contacted her mother and father, and in turn, they gave an interview to Radar Online.

It might be the closest we’ll ever come to hearing from the surrogate directly.

Fortunately, the parents have remained anonymous, which means the surrogate is not in violation of her agreement with Kim and Kanye.

“She is doing well,” her mother tells Radar.

“[Tuesday] she told me she felt fine.”

Asked if there were any complications with the delivery, the surrogate’s father replied, “No, everything went well. As a matter of fact, she’s at home resting.”

“She’s safe at home with her husband,” the mother added.

Unfortunately, there are two matters on which the proud parents played it coy.

For starters, they refused to reveal if their daughter was a fan of Kim’s before carrying the reality star’s baby.

“She may have been!” her mother remarked vaguely, adding:

“According to what my daughter told me, yes, they got along.”

And per their daughter’s contract, the parents offered no information on how much Kim and Kanye paid for the use of her uterus.

We suppose that’s okay.

It’s not like we need an exact figure to tell us that the anonymous woman who had the honor of delivering the newest member of the Kardashian-West clan is now very, very wealthy.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Joel Kramer Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Two More Women; Jamie Lee Curtis Speaks Out

Over the weekend, actress Eliza Dushku bravely revealed that she had been molested while filming True Lies at age 12. It’s one of the saddest #MeToo stories, and one that she almost didn’t share with the public.

What caused her to break her silence was learning that the man she named, Joel Kramer, still works in the industry. That he apparently still works with young girls.

Jamie Lee Curtis, who starred in True Lies, is speaking out in response to Dushku’s statement. And, meanwhile, two more accusations have been leveled at Joel Kramer.

Eliza Dushku is known for her roles on shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Dollhouse and in films like Bring It On. And Tru Calling.

Whether you’re as big a fan as I am or not, reading her account of being gradually groomed and then assaulted as a preteen by the film’s stunt coordinator was heartbreaking.

Hearing that she was “accidentally” injured on set after an adult friend of hers confronted Joel Kramer, who was also responsible for her safety, is a grim reminder that the stakes of reporting sexual assault can be very, very high.

Joel Kramer, the man she accuses of these sickening acts, is still working in the industry. Several years back, he worked regularly on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And he even worked on the pilot episode of Star Trek Discovery.

It was only when Eliza Dushku realized that he was still responsible for people’s safety — for children’s safety — that she decided to speak out.

At the time of the alleged sexual assault, Eliza Dushku did tell people, including the woman who acted as her legal guardian on the set. That woman says that she reported it to someone “in authority,” but to no avail.

Penning a lengthy essay in The Huffington Post, Jamie Lee Curtis shares that Eliza Dushku told her about this, only many years after the events.

“[Dushku] had shared that story with me privately a few years ago. I was shocked and saddened then and still am today.”

She talks about the particular creepiness that comes when an alleged sexual predator is also in charge of people’s physical safety.

“What compounds the difficulty here is that the stunt coordinator in question was literally in charge of our lives, our safety. Stunts always require an enormous amount of trust and on that movie in particular we all were often suspended by wires and harnesses, very high in the air.”

Eliza Dushku mentions in her own post that her adult friend confronting Joel Kramer was soon followed by Eliza being hospitalized with broken ribs. She does not consider that a coincidence.

Jamie Lee Curtis acknowledges the power given to stunt coordinators.

“In my case, I was suspended under a helicopter by a wire, holding onto the hand of the man who is now being accused of abuse.”

If you’ll recall, Eliza says that he gained her trust and that of her parents, taking her to a hotel with a totally plausible-sounding explanation.

But she says that he put on a movie, emerged naked from the bathroom, and climbed on top of her where she lay on the bed. She was 12, he was 36.

For his part, Joel Kramer has denied the accusations, speaking to Deadline and claiming:

“These are outlandish, manipulated lies. I never sexually molested her. I’m sick to my stomach. It’s not true. I think she’s making this up in her imagination.”

His statement continues:

“This is all lies. Lies, lies, lies. This is just crazy. I treated her like a daughter. We all looked out for her.”

We’re not sure how long those denials are going to hold up, because Eliza Dushku was the first to speak out … but not the only one.

Deadline reports that two more women accuse Joel Kramer of sexual assault.

A stuntwoman who worked for Kramer apparently invited her younger sister and her sister’s friend, both 10th graders in 1997, to the set where she was working. This is when Kramer allegedly lured the girls out to go swimming. 

Laura Albert says that Kramer then “pulled his dick out and said, ‘You cannot handle this."” And then allegedly swam towards the girls.

Albert continues, alleging: “My sister ended up leaving and she left her friend there with Joel. Joel had sex with the 16-year-old girl. She was 16. He was 39. His room number was 424.”

Joel claims that he didn’t know the girl’s age, that he was haunted by the knowledge … while pointing out that she was legally old enough to consent in that state.

Another stuntwoman has come forward but remained anonymous, accusing Joel Kramer of having assaulted her in the late ’70s or early ’80s.

She says that a group of stunt performers were getting together for drinks, and she ended up riding in Joel’s vehicle, where the alleged assault took place.

“Instead of driving me to the other place, he drove us up into the hills on the south side of Ventura Boulevard into a quiet residential area. He pulled his vehicle over, unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis.”

She clarifies that she was not looking to date him. They were only supposed to drive to meet up with their friends. She describes the alleged assault:

“He grabbed me by the back of my head and forced my face down onto his penis and came in my mouth. He then released my head and cleaned himself up.”

If her memory of the incident seems fuzzy, we should note that trauma can make certain details painfully clear in your memory, but make other memories seem vague. (Some argue that impaired memory of trauma is a survival instinct)

“I must have [cleaned up] as well. I really don’t remember if he gave me tissues. I cannot remember if words were exchanged of any type, but he did drive me to the other place, where the group had gone.”

Reporting sexual assault is bad now, but it was worse in the ’70s and ’80s.

“I did not tell anyone, because I was frightened, scared and ashamed. I also knew that if I were to report this to the stunt group, the police or SAG, I would have no chance in a career as a stunt woman.”

Joel Kramer calls this accusation a “fabrication.”

Kramer has been in the business for decades. We can’t help but wonder how many more women will come forward with horror stories.


Mandy Teefey Speaks Out! Mother of Selena Gomez Wants to Quash Feud Rumors

Selena Gomez is back with Justin Bieber. Plenty of people aren’t thrilled with her choice, but her mom Mandy Teefey got so upset that she had a breakdown and was hospitalized over it.

Nobody worries like your mom worries, folks.

But now, Mandy Teefey is opening up and setting the record straight about some of the wild stories about her feud with Selena.

Selena Gomez has been through so, so much. She’s waging an uphill battle against Lupus that, at times, seems to rob her of her strength and her ability to live her life.

At present, her rumored feud with her mother doesn’t seem to be doing her any favors, either.

While no one questions that Mandy Teefey isn’t exactly over the moon about the revival of Jelena, some of the stories that have been floating around about their mother-daughter tensions have been … quite something.

Like rumors that Selena was living with her mother and that her mom had somehow imposed a curfew upon her 25-year-old millionaire celebrity daughter in order to interfere with her romance.

Or rumors that she’s “demanded” that Selena get a breathalyzer test while dating Bieber, which … doesn’t make any sense. (Selena’s no alcoholic)

Speaking to Gossip Cop, Mandy Teefey wants to clear things up. First, she talks about Selena’s battle with Lupus.

“When you are young, you feel invincible and she had to learn that she was not able to be your typical 20 year old.”

That is so sad. But, of course, Mandy is so glad that Selena received a life-saving kidney transplant.

“Beyond blessed that we had Francia in our life.”

Francia Raisa made a truly powerful, selfless choice. And a dangerous one. Having a kidney removed is no joke.

Mandy says that, during the surgery, she was a “wreck inside not only for my daughter, but for Francia and her family.”

Of course. That had to be a weird feeling. And, understandably, Mandy was very, very emotional throughout the ordeal.

“I am pretty sure I am banned from that hospital [now].”

That’s a lot of nice stuff about Francia, but … how does Mandy describe Selena?

“Brave and fearless.”

Absolutely. To share her struggle with Lupus with the world, to share the news of her kidney transplant surgery, is a big deal.

But living her life every day, to the fullest, the way that Selana does is truly an act of courage.

“I was so proud of her bravery.”

Remember, folks — that kidney transplant wasn’t a cure. Lupus has treatments, but no cure. And Selena’s case of Lupus seems to be especially severe.

So, now that she’s being directly interviewed, how does Mandy feel about Selena’s latest reunion with the Biebs?

“Not happy.”

That much, we knew, but it sure would have been interesting if Mandy were pretending that it’s totally fine.

“Selena can live her life however she wants as long as she is happy, safe, and healthy.”

Those are some very reasonable caveats.

But the relationship that she describes having with Selena isn’t exactly the feud that we’ve been hearing about.

“Every mother and daughter has disagreements.”

And Mandy denies that her relationship with her daughter began to crumble in 2014 when she stopped being Selena’s manager. We’d heard reports that Selena’s reunion with Bieber was just one source of conflict.

“We never expected to manage her her whole life. We lost family time because the only time we saw her, we talked business.”

We were going to say that sounds like no fun, but Mandy beat us to it.

“It was no longer fun for any of us, like it was when she was younger and we had to be with her because she was a minor.”

Mandy sounds determined to quash the feud rumors, saying of Selena:

“She is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control her the way it has been portrayed.”

Well, surely no one really believed that Mandy was somehow giving her adult millionaire celebrity daughter a curfew.

“Selena is an adult and can make her own choices.”

That’s very true. We don’t have to agree with Selena’s choices in order to like her, folks.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kendall Jenner Speaks Out About Golden Globes Acne!

The Golden Globes were a huge deal. Oprah delivered an epic speechso epic that it got tragically sidelined by debate about whether or not she should become President, which was entirely not the point.

But not even that series of epic moments on the red carpet and at the ceremony itself could distract viewers from a certain member of the Kardashian clan who came dressed in black. And … sporting some acne.

Some fans decided to give Kendall Jenner a hard time about her breakout, but she’s speaking out about it on Twitter.

Kendall Jenner is drop-dead gorgeous.

Beauty is subjective, so they say, but many feel that she’s the most beautiful member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Many of the Kardashians have done modeling — often for their own products.

But Kendall’s really the only one to make an entire career out of professional modeling. She’s a supermodel.

But even so, that wasn’t enough to keep fans — and people who are decidedly not fans — from pointing out that she was sporting some facial acne at the Golden Globes.

Do you notice the acne? The little bumps on her face.

Not to be confused with the possible baby bump that some fans thought that they spotted, leading them to believe that Kendall Jenner is also pregnant.

(Honestly, we don’t need that level of madness in our lives … which is also probably how Kendall feels as she’s soon to become Kris Jenner’s only childless child)

It’s not a big deal. Lots of people — almost everyone — gets acne.

Remember your health teacher telling the class of 11-year-olds that everybody gets acne during puberty but it goes away when you’re an adult?

You grew up to learn that this was a lie, and that even if you wash your face with overpriced products every single day, you still get acne sometimes. Well, celebs go through the same thing. Kendall included.

What most of us have never faced is being in the spotlight on the level of, say, attending the Golden Globes or being Kendall Jenner.

And certainly not both.

Kendall Jenner got some negative mentions on social media. Because, sadly, of course she did.

If you want to criticize her business choices or whatever, go to town, but making fun of somebody’s acne on social media or in real life is a super garbage thing to do, folks.

Anyway, Kendall didn’t directly respond to the hate. She instead responded to a very different message.

One Twitter user tweeted:

“Ok but @Kend​allJenner showing up and strutting her acne while looking like a gorgeous star is what every girl needs to understand.”

That’s a great message, though most people who are intent on loathing their appearances might say “well yeah but she’s Kendall Jenner.” Which is missing the point.

Kendall saw the tweet and quoted it, writing:

“Never let that s–t stop you!” [smiling face with sunglasses emoji] [sparkles emoji]

Honestly, that’s good advice.

Good advice for anyone … and maybe good advice, specifically, for her sister Kylie.

Kylie Jenner is due on February 4th. That’s less than a month from now, folks. And, well, she’s been reportedly concerned for months that her pregnancy is making her ugly.

Maybe it’s her baby bump. Maybe it’s weight gain — that’s normal for pregnancies, folks. Maybe it’s stretch marks. Maybe gestational acne. Maybe it’s something else. We don’t know.

Whatever it is, it’s so bad that she’s reportedly just planning on hiding out until the baby is born. That’s her choice but it’s also nuts.

We can’t help but wonder if Kendall is sending a not-so-subtle message to her sister, or at least thinking of her.

If Kendall can go to the Golden Globes with an acne breakout covering the side of one of her cheeks, then Kylie can show her face while pregnant.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Caleb Williams Speaks on Jana Duggar Courtship: Read My Lips ...

For weeks now, talk of Jana Duggar courting Caleb Williams, a longtime friend of her family’s, has been circulating across the Internets.

Erroneous reports of Jana courting seem to surface quite often, but this time, there was real reason to believe these claims had legitimacy.

Not only has Caleb Williams been spending time with Jana, the man also put in one-on-one time with Jim Bob Duggar, her dad.

Any courtship candidates need Jim Bob’s explicit approval – if he doesn’t arrange them personally – so this looked like a key sign.

All the while, both Caleb and Jana downplayed involvement with one another, while not explicitly denying courtship chatter either.

In other words, this rumor had legs.

The oldest Duggar daughter about to turn 28, and we all know Jana likes a rebel, so fans have been quite excited over this.

Are they or aren’t they courting, though? Williams finally spoke out on his Facebook page to clear the air once and for all …

We have good news and bad news, it appears, and whether it’s good or bad largely depends on what you were hoping for here.

The bad news, at least if you were hoping for Jana Duggar to be married off by the end of this spring, is that it’s not happening.

The good news is that if you’re interested in courting her yourself, or weren’t a fan of Williams, well, she’s still very available!

Caleb personally wrote in a Facebook post:

“There has been speculation regarding a relationship between myself and Jana. Now to clear the fog and avoid any confusion …”

“‘Read my lips … I am not dating Jana Duggar."”

“Over the past several months since an extremely unflattering image was posted by my friends and spread across the world,” he said.

The aforementioned photo of himself, in which Williams was less than fully clothed, spread “faster than a viral cat video,” as he put it.

All of that said, Caleb leaves no wiggle room when he writes that “the extent of our relationship is purely friends and nothing more.”

“Hopefully with this clarification the Internet (as well as the space-time continuum) can heal,” he adds, from this devastating blow.

Or the photo that gave him his 15 minutes, a.k.a. “the day my Gluteus Maximus gave Kim Kardashian a run for her money.”

Caleb, seen above with Jana’s dad Jim Bob at a football game in October, certainly seems like a good dude with a sense of humor.

Not unlike reports that linked Jana to Tim Tebow or Bringing Up Bates star Zach Bates or Jonathan Hartono, it just was not to be. 

Described as a “bad boy” and “a lot more liberal than his possible future in-laws,” it’s unclear if he ever considered courting Jana.

Did he want to and get shot down? Did Jana and/or Jim Bob want this and Caleb wasn’t into it? We will likely never know for sure.

All we know for certain is that with her 28th birthday coming up next week, Jana is the last of her of-age sisters to remain single.

Sweet Jana’s single status is perhaps the longest-running topic of debate among card-carrying members of Duggar Nation.

She’s said in the past that she’s been approached by men interested in courting, but has not found the right partner among them.

Yet. Which is completely fair.

If younger siblings Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy-Anna and Joseph already have or are about to have kids, it wouldn’t be that notable.

Jana has long been seen as maligned, however, forced by her parents to raise her siblings while unable to pursue her dreams.

When Anna Duggar hopes Jana stays single forever, we know she’s kidding, but at the same time, it kind of hits a nerve.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Anthony Bourdain Speaks Out Against Mario Batali

Anthony Bourdain would’ve gladly helped women who were allegedly sexually harassed or abused by Mario Batali … if they’d shared the allegations with him. Bourdain’s been taking some heat for his reaction to the Batali claims because…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Father Speaks Out: Does He Approve of Prince Harry?

Think you’re happy that Meghan Markle is engaged to Prince Harry?

You should hear what Meghan Markle’s father has to say about it!

No, really, you should. Scroll down to find out what he just said…

Back on November 27, after Clarence House confirmed that the actress and the Royal Stud Muffin had agreed to marry, Markle’s parent did issue the following statement:

“We are incredibly happy for Meghan and Harry. Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents,”

Thomas Markle and Doria Ragland, who are divorced, added at the time:

“We wish them a lifetime of happiness and are very excited for their future together.” 

Thomas, however, is not spotted out in public very often.

He’s been described by some outlets as a “reclusive” individual who lives  a quiet life in Mexico.

But The Daily Mirror tracked him down in Rosarito Beach (where he was purchasing a four-pack of beer and cigarettes, the newspaper notes) and asked if he’ll be at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle to give away his daughter.

Thomas “beamed,” the publication writes, told the reporter:

“Yes. I’d love to.”

Markle and Harry have confirmed the aforementioned wedding location, along with their plans to exchange vows in May of next year.

(Many insiders, meanwhile, think Markle will then announce her pregnancy by next Christmas. But that’s pure speculation at the moment.)

“I’m very pleased,” the 73-year-old dad added. “I’m delighted.”

Markle’s parents have been indirectly in the news a bit because Thomas is white, while Doria is African-American.

Because people often suck, there’s been debate over Markle’s heritage and some unfortunate harassment she’s suffered as a result.

As for plans more immediate than her nuptials, a source explains to Us Weekly how Meghan will celebrate her first Christmas season as the fiancee of a Royal.

After celebrating Christmas Eve at Queen Elizabeth II’s Sandringham House Harry and his bride-to-be will join Prince William and Kate Middleton at their nearby Anmer Hall home in Norfolk, England.

“They’ll be William and Kate’s guests and travel back and forth with them,” the insider says.

Doesn’t sound too shabby at all, does it?

On December 25 itself, the quartet will be served a traditional English breakfast… attend a mandatory 11 a.m. service at St. Mary Magdalene Church… and then chow down on a a lunch featuring two roast turkeys.

That’s some specific, delicious detail right there!

We’ll let you know more about Harry and Markle’s holiday and wedding plans when further news breaks.
