Showing posts with label Students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Students. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2016

Miley Cyrus Stuns College Students, Campaigns on Campus for Hillary Clinton

Miley Cyrus went back to school this weekend.

Not her own education, necessarily, but for the education of others.

The singer shocked students at George Mason University in Virginia on Saturday when she walked around campus and urged everyone there to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton currently leads Donald Trump by about eight points in this state, but it’s important for everyone to get out there and vote.

Isn’t that right, Miley?

The singer – who actually supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary – went door to door inside the dormitories of the Fairfax, Virginia school to talk about the one Presidential nominee NOT accused of 11 cases of sexual harassment.

“Hello? How are you? I’m Miley,” the artist said after knocking on freshman Jake Zartman’s door, according to The Washington Post.

“I’m here supporting Hillary. Are you going to vote?”

Dressed in a red-and-silver striped dress… a furry blue jacket… a bright pink headband … and rocking an oversized blue bow across her chest, Cyrus walked across the campus in hopes of making sure Clinton wins this swing state on November 8.

“Your room is so cute!” she told another student, based on a New York Post report.

She continued:

“Sorry to come in with all these people. They’re awesome people also excited for Hillary. Are you registered to vote? Are you voting here or are you from out of town? 

“I’m from Nashville but I actually just re-registered because I’m so excited to go on the day because I want the sticker.”

A video posted by Emma Loop (@emmagloop) on

Cyrus posted her share of photos from this trip on Instagram, as did students who couldn’t believe they were actually hanging out with Miley Cyrus.

“Campaigned for @hillaryclinton today in GMU in VA encouraging young people to volunteer and vote!!!!” the sinter captioned one of the images of herself giving a thumbs up to potential voters from a dorm window.

A reporter from the George Mason student newspaper wrote as a caption to one of her social media photos:

“Miley says she was offended by way Trump spoke about abortion at the last debate. Says she is big supporter of Planned Parenthood.”

Indeed, Trump said many things at the last debate that left viewers shaking their heads.

In another caption for a video she shared on Instagram, Loop wrote:

“Mousa Abusaif, 20, tells Miley that Trump tried to have him fired from his Washington country club.”

We presume this is because Abusaif is Muslim.

Earlier this year, Katy Perry performed her songs “Rise” and “Roar” at the Democratic National Convention, where she urged viewers to “have an open mind and to use your voice.”

Other celebrities we know are on Team Clinton include Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria.

Those supporting Trump in this election include Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr. and Kelsey Grammer.

You absolutely should NOT based your vote on the opinions of famous people.

But maybe take a look at the success achieved by those voting Clinton and the success achieved by those voting Trump and ask yourself is there’s a correlation.

Have you made up your mind yet? 

Who will YOU be voting for on November 8?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Miley Cyrus Stuns College Students, Campaigns on Campus for Hillary Clinton

Miley Cyrus went back to school this weekend.

Not her own education, necessarily, but for the education of others.

The singer shocked students at George Mason University in Virginia on Saturday when she walked around campus and urged everyone there to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton currently leads Donald Trump by about eight points in this state, but it’s important for everyone to get out there and vote.

Isn’t that right, Miley?

The singer – who actually supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary – went door to door inside the dormitories of the Fairfax, Virginia school to talk about the one Presidential nominee NOT accused of 11 cases of sexual harassment.

“Hello? How are you? I’m Miley,” the artist said after knocking on freshman Jake Zartman’s door, according to The Washington Post.

“I’m here supporting Hillary. Are you going to vote?”

Dressed in a red-and-silver striped dress… a furry blue jacket… a bright pink headband … and rocking an oversized blue bow across her chest, Cyrus walked across the campus in hopes of making sure Clinton wins this swing state on November 8.

“Your room is so cute!” she told another student, based on a New York Post report.

She continued:

“Sorry to come in with all these people. They’re awesome people also excited for Hillary. Are you registered to vote? Are you voting here or are you from out of town? 

“I’m from Nashville but I actually just re-registered because I’m so excited to go on the day because I want the sticker.”

A video posted by Emma Loop (@emmagloop) on

Cyrus posted her share of photos from this trip on Instagram, as did students who couldn’t believe they were actually hanging out with Miley Cyrus.

“Campaigned for @hillaryclinton today in GMU in VA encouraging young people to volunteer and vote!!!!” the sinter captioned one of the images of herself giving a thumbs up to potential voters from a dorm window.

A reporter from the George Mason student newspaper wrote as a caption to one of her social media photos:

“Miley says she was offended by way Trump spoke about abortion at the last debate. Says she is big supporter of Planned Parenthood.”

Indeed, Trump said many things at the last debate that left viewers shaking their heads.

In another caption for a video she shared on Instagram, Loop wrote:

“Mousa Abusaif, 20, tells Miley that Trump tried to have him fired from his Washington country club.”

We presume this is because Abusaif is Muslim.

Earlier this year, Katy Perry performed her songs “Rise” and “Roar” at the Democratic National Convention, where she urged viewers to “have an open mind and to use your voice.”

Other celebrities we know are on Team Clinton include Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria.

Those supporting Trump in this election include Scott Baio, Antonio Sabato Jr. and Kelsey Grammer.

You absolutely should NOT based your vote on the opinions of famous people.

But maybe take a look at the success achieved by those voting Clinton and the success achieved by those voting Trump and ask yourself is there’s a correlation.

Have you made up your mind yet? 

Who will YOU be voting for on November 8?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Teacher Shares Heartbreaking Notes From Students

Kyle Schwartz is a third grade teacher in Colorado.

A few years ago, she started asking her students to complete the following sentence as part of an insightful assignment:

“I wish my teacher knew …"

The responses Schwartz received were far more powerful than she could have ever imagined, even though she already knew that 90 percent of the student body qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch.

“That means they are living below or very close to the federal poverty line,” Schwartz told Us Weekly.

“I wanted to know more about their lives and how I could better [support] them. Instead of making assumptions about them, I decided to let them tell me what I needed to know.”

And what follows are the children"s responses. They are both eye-opening and heart-breaking…

1. All Alone

All alone

The notes Schwartz received largely centered on what sort of support system, of lackthereof, the kids had at home.

2. I Wish My Teacher Knew…

I wish my teacher knew

This student hasn’t seen his father in six years.

3. No Mother, No Signature

No mother no signature

This is why one student often doesn’t have his or her homework signed.

4. I Want to Go to College

I want to go to college

This is a great sentiment. But the implication is that the student had no one else to tell.

5. A Hard-Working Father

A hard working father

Props to this father. But sadness for his children.

6. I’m Homeless

Im homeless

Can you imagine not having a home to go back to after school?

View Slideshow

Teacher Shares Heartbreaking Notes From Students

Kyle Schwartz is a third grade teacher in Colorado.

A few years ago, she started asking her students to complete the following sentence as part of an insightful assignment:

“I wish my teacher knew …"

The responses Schwartz received were far more powerful than she could have ever imagined, even though she already knew that 90 percent of the student body qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch.

“That means they are living below or very close to the federal poverty line,” Schwartz told Us Weekly.

“I wanted to know more about their lives and how I could better [support] them. Instead of making assumptions about them, I decided to let them tell me what I needed to know.”

And what follows are the children"s responses. They are both eye-opening and heart-breaking…

1. All Alone

All alone

The notes Schwartz received largely centered on what sort of support system, of lackthereof, the kids had at home.

2. I Wish My Teacher Knew…

I wish my teacher knew

This student hasn’t seen his father in six years.

3. No Mother, No Signature

No mother no signature

This is why one student often doesn’t have his or her homework signed.

4. I Want to Go to College

I want to go to college

This is a great sentiment. But the implication is that the student had no one else to tell.

5. A Hard-Working Father

A hard working father

Props to this father. But sadness for his children.

6. I’m Homeless

Im homeless

Can you imagine not having a home to go back to after school?

View Slideshow

Friday, February 12, 2016

Florida Teacher Fired For Sending Nude Photos to Students

Based on recent stories like the criminal who hid from cops in a gator pond and promptly got eaten by gators, you might think that the state of Florida has simply given up on educating its residents.

But believe it or not, there are still functioning schools in the Sunshine State – they’re just staffed with teachers like Dionne Younce.

Dionne Younce

Until this week, Younce was a gym teacher at Nease High School in Ponta Vedra, Florida. She was fired when administrators realized she’d been sending nude photos to multiple male students.

Yes, it seems Younce wasn’t content to just send her racy Snapchats to one teen, she hit up multiple students, two of whom reportedly realized what was going on when they showed one another the pics they’d received.

Not surprisingly, Younce is currently under investigation and may face criminal charges.

It’s not known exactly how long Younce was with the school, but sources say she was such a recent hire that she was still in the probationary period of her employment.

It takes some teachers years to find the student they want to send nude photos to, but Younce found several in just a few months.

Even so, we’re guessing she doesn’t feel particularly lucky this Valentine’s Day weekend.

Cheer up, Dionne. You may never teach again, but you’ve earned a spot in our Florida Woman Hall of Shame:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

For the Nguyen: Asian Students Pull Off Epic Yearbook Prank!

We thought that high school senior who posed in mesmerizing fashion with a cat came up with the greatest yearbook photo idea of all-time.

But we apparently spoke too soon.

Heck, even that gay high school student’s farewell quote now must take a backseat.

Because a quartet of Vietnamese high school students just won the Internet via a photo that was shared this week on Reddit, presenting in the form “/funny” without comment.

But no comment is really needed here to explain the hilarious motivation.

As you can see above, all four young women share the last name Nguyen.

And we’re guessing they’ve been asked about a gajillion times whether they are related and why they look the same and other stereotypes often associated with Asian-Americans.

So Alice, Kim, Theresa and Vivian took it upon themselves to get the last laugh, using space typically reserved for inspirational quotes to write a single word each:


HA! We love it!

We don’t know if this slipped past school administrators or if the administrators were totally cool with it or what.

All we know is that it’s totally awesome, a much better use of this space than whatever overwrought Theroux quote their classmates probably chose instead.

(Editor’s Note: The name “Nguyen” is pronounced similar to “win,” making our headline totally genius. We’re just saying.)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Kate Middleton Launches Children"s Mental Health Week, Speaks Candidly With Students

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge has been an advocate for the well-being of children since becoming a royal patron of Place2Be, a charity that provides emotional and therapeutic services in schools to help build children"s confidence and coping skills.

Today, Catherine launched Children"s Mental Health Week, an initiative that she hopes will eradicate the stigma attached to mental health through education and awareness.

To highlight her cause, Catherine sat with a few students to talk about how Place2Be has helped them work through personal issues they face.

In addition to this, Catherine will act as guest editor for the Huffington Post UK on February 17th to launch #YoungMindsMatter, aimed at discussing "problems, causes and also most importantly the solutions to the stigma surrounding the UK"s mental health crisis among children," according to Huff Po.

"Under guidance from Kensington Palace, my team has been working on a series of original articles, blogs and videos commissioned by the Duchess," UK editor-in-chief Stephen Hull wrote on February 3rd.

"They all aim to inspire families and teachers to lead the conversation with children about mental health, so youngsters feel loved, valued and listened to."

This is the first time Catherine has partnered with a media outlet, a somewhat unprecedented move for a member of the royal family.  

Generally, the press is kept at an arm"s length, but the partnership symbolizes the British monarchy"s willingness to embrace the changing times and use social media to its advantage.

Kate middleton launches childrens mental health week speaks cand

Monday, January 25, 2016

Arizona High School Students Turn Class Photo Into Racist Exhibition

Throughout the world, there’s racism, like the 2016 Oscars not nominating a single actor or actress of color for a major award.

And then there’s RACISM, like what the six students in the following story took it upon themselves to do for some reason.

AZ students

It all started innocently enough, with around three dozen students at Desert Vista High School lining up for a photo while wearing T-shirts that spelled out BEST*YOU’VE*EVER*SEEN*CLASS*OF*2016.

Simple enough, right?

But then six of these young women gathered together for a separate photo, using their unique pieces of attire to spell out a different word.

Here it is:

Ummm…. LOL? 

On one hand, this is a mind-boggling message of racism.

On the other hand, you need to hand it to these students for not even trying to beat around the bush, for just coming right out and being honest and…

Okay, nevermind. We can’t even pretend. There is no other hand.

Tempe Union Superintendent Kenneth R. Baca said in a statement that he and fellow administrators are looking into the incident:

“The event that took place today at Desert Vista will not be tolerated. It is unacceptable for any racial slur to be used regardless of intent. We need to understand that words matter.

“I can assure you the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.”

There’s an ongoing rumor that says the students have been suspended for five days, but the district has Tweeted this is incorrect.

A petition on, meanwhile, calls for the students to be expelled and principal Christine Barela to be fired; it has amassed more than 35,000 signatures in two days.

Do you think this would be an appropriate course of action or an overly harsh one?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Coolest Teacher Ever Dresses as Drake, Goes All "Hotline Bling" on Students

A few months ago, we introduced readers to the hottest math teacher on the planet.

Now, it"s time to meet the coolest math teacher on the planet.

We don"t know his name, but we do know his games – and it"s this: dress as Drake for Halloween. But just not any form of Drake.

The really awkward Drake from the music video for "Hotline Bling."

And then, of course, actually dance like Drake from this same weird music video in order to complete the Halloween costume.

“My Pre Calc Teacher Is Drake From Hotline Bling For Halloween,” wrote a student on Twitter, linking to video of her teacher getting down like his (non) badass self.

The footage has been re-Tweeted over 40,000 times in just a few days, and reaction from social media users has included:

  • k but that teacher who was Hotline Bling Drake for Halloween is a) fine af and b) cute af for doing the dance for his students.

  • still not over that teacher doing the "hotline bling" dance though.

  • Believe me when I say that the pre-calc teacher dancing to Drake is my favorite thing on the internet.

Critics have accused Drake of looking like an awkward white dude in the "Hotline Bling" video, but perhaps this was his goal all along:

Give actual awkward white dudes a chance to go viral by dancing just like him for a classroom full of appreciative students.

In that case… goal accomplished! Thanks, Drake! Check out this amazing footage now.

Coolest teacher ever dresses as drake goes all hotline bling on

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Texas Teacher Draws Penis on Student"s Paper, Keeps Job Somehow

Talk about a dick move! Literally!

An El Paso, Texas school teacher is in the news this week because she drew a penis on a student"s assignment, yet will somehow not lose her job as a result of this action.

The student’s mother, Sandra Green, discovered the phallic piece of “art” work on her sons’s social media account and told her local ABC affiliate that Chapin High School language arts teacher Kim Juzdowski admitted to the drawing in a contrite email.

She apparently went through with it the student "wasn’t doing anything in class.” Which we guess is a metaphor for jerking off. 

She gets points for originality. But loses many more points for being totally out of line and possibly a tad mentally unbalanced.

A spokesperson with the  El Paso Independent School District told The Huffington Post that Juzdowski "understands that the drawing was in bad taste and that it was inappropriate for the type of relationship a teacher should have with a student."

That"s reportedly it, however. She will not face any kind of discipline.

Green believes the lack of punishment is rather absurd and is looking to have her son transferred.

And she brings up a pretty good point in the following video report:

Imagine if gender roles were reversed here. Imagine if a male teacher drew a pair of breasts or a vagina on a female student"s paper.

It"s not a question then whether or not the teacher would be fired. It"s only a question of how hard the door would hit him on the way out.

Texas woman draws penis on students paper keeps job somehow