Showing posts with label THIRD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THIRD. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Reggie Bush: Third Child (With His Wife) Born! Learn the Baby"s Name!

Back in July of 2015, Reggie Bush and Lilit Avagyan welcomed their second child, a son named Uriah. In May of 2013, their daughter Brisels was born.

Though Reggie Bush’s personal scandal has almost certainly impacted his life and marriage, Lilit has now given birth to their third child.

And they’ve given this baby a very unique sounding name.

Reggie Bush is an accomplished football player.

I may not know much about sportsball, but even I know that it’s a big deal when I hear that someone won a Heisman trophy.

(That’s because I watched American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson, but still)

Just last year, a Miami waitress claimed that Reggie Bush had impregnated her while cheating on his wife.

Eventually, Reggie reportedly reached a settlement with the waitress — which is why we don’t know more about that situation.

It was claimed that Reggie’s first response upon hearing that his mistress was pregnant was to offer the woman a million dollars to get an abortion and leave him alone (and basically disappear).

Apparently this wasn’t some one-night stand, but the result of an alleged two year affair. The waitress got a lawyer.

There’s no telling how good a settlement she received, but Reggie Bush’s net worth is estimated to be at least $ 14 million.

Clearly, however, Reggie Bush and and Lilit Avagyan were able to move past that whole ugly business and leave it behind them.

(There’s a difference between one affair and having a string of affairs, and sometimes even serial cheaters get forgiven — just look at Sharon an Ozzy Osbourne after the rock star cheated with at least six different mistresses)

We say “clearly,” because it’s nearly a year later and Lilit has given birth to the couple’s third child!

E! is reporting that Reggie Bush and Lilit Avagyan have welcomed a baby boy into the world.

That boy’s name is reportedly Agyemang Bush.

It’s no surprise that they chose an “unusual” name for their child.

When your daughter is named Brisel and your oldest son is named Uriah, you wouldn’t be doing any favors to your kids if you name your next kid “Brian” or whatever.

The reason that we put the word unusual in quotation marks is because it looks like the name “Agyemang” and the very similar “Agyeman” aren’t uncommon at all in Ghana.

In many cases, people who are taken aback by names that they refer to as “strange” or “ethnic” would do better to look up a name’s origins.

Sometimes, what we perceive as a “weird name” is actually just a name that isn’t eurocentric.

Sure, there are a lot of celebrities (and non-celebrities) who want to give their children unique-sounding names.

But there are also a lot of people who, with very good reason, want to reclaim heritage that they feel was stolen from them and their communities.

Something as simple as a name can be very empowering.

And, when we’re talking about the children of celebrities, there’s usually less concern about not getting callbacks on job applications.

Anyway, this is fantastic news for this couple.

We don’t recommend having children to mend a marriage that’s struggling, for any reason.

But we don’t know that this is what was behind their union.

Hopefully, the family can find happiness without any further scandals.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Prince William and Kate Pregnant with Third Child

Prince William did it again … the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with their third child, and she’s really sick about it. The royal family announced the pregnancy Monday morning, and it sounds like their hand was forced due to the fact Kate is…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Kate Middleton: ALREADY Pregnant with Third Child?!

We know that Kate Middleton doesn’t want to compete with Meghan Markle for the spotlight, but sometimes media attention finds you whether you want it to or not.

When you could end up becoming the Queen of England sooner than you wanted or expected, you’re kind of always the center of attention. And it’s harder to hide things.

For example: obvious signs that point to you being pregnant with baby number three.

First of all, before you accuse us of projecting, two things.

One, we’re just going to show you the different pieces of what may be a puzzle and show you how they might be solved.

After all, plenty of pregnancies go weeks or even months before being publicly announced, because things don’t always work out as expecting parents might hope.

Two, let us assure you that none of this is wishful thinking on our part.

Sure, we’d love to get to write about another royal baby, but Kate has already given the world two of them.

Little Prince George is adorable beyond words.

Princess Charlotte is small and cute and we’re glad that George gets to be a big brother.

Two are totally enough if Kate wants to stop there.

(And William, we suppose)

Here are the clues — you tell us if you think that they couldn’t point to a pregnancy.

First, Kate Middleton was reportedly rushed to the hospital last week.

Or, we should say, was “rushed to hospital,” which is how the Brits say it — sort of how we say “going to school,” though school is an institution and … anyway.

We don’t know what was behind that hospital visit, but since we don’t know what sort of pain or illness may have been involved, people wonder if it might have been related to pregnancy.

But there might be an explanation, related to a diagnosis that Kate received while she was pregnant with Prince George, way back in the “Year of the Bow” — 2012.

She has hyperemesis gravidarum, which means that she basically has morning sickness from hell. 

Because of the vomiting involved, it can and frequently does result in weight loss and dehydration.

Dehydration is no joke and can absolutely be a valid cause for a trip to the hospital (well, if you’re rich and/or if you live in a country with a singer-payer healthcare system like so many people do).

Thirdly, there’s another, unrelated clue that could be an idle comment (or perhaps a prophetic one) or could have been a deliberate attempt to “float” some news before an official announcement.

Just a few weeks ago, in Poland, Kate received a gift ideal for a newborn baby.

Charlotte is two years old and George is four, so … clearly the gift could not be for either of them.

Kate simply said that she and William would have to have another child.

That’s the sort of thing that parents might say as a joke to make someone not feel awkward about a less-than-ideal gift.

Or … it might have been Kate easing that news to people, or even an inside joke with William.

We’ve heard that Kate wants a third child despite William’s misgivings, but it’s more than possible that she’s talked him into it.

(A third child is not just 50% more work than two children! This is a trap that often catches parents. Each successive child is more work, proportionately, than their siblings)

So, we have an unexplained hospital visit, knowledge that Kate often gets sick while pregnant, and a “joke” in Poland. Coincidence?

Signs are pointing to pregnancy, folks.

We don’t know anything for sure, of course.

But in the midst of their Brexit nightmare, the British people could probably use some good news.

And what could be a more pleasant distraction from the incoming economic woes and worsening image on the world stage than a Royal Baby?

Excitement does have diminishing returns, with Charlotte getting a little less aplomb than George did — simply because she was second.

But we’re sure that there are plenty of Brits who’d love to lose their minds with joy and have something to actually celebrate about their country, since they’re currently powerless to change the dark course that the UK has chosen.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: We"re Trying For a Third Baby!

Weeks ago, it was widely reported Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had hired a surrogate to carry their third child.

Some even went so far as to claim that Kim and Kanye’s surrogate is several months along, and a new addition to the Kardashian-West clan is expected by the end of the year.

Now, Kim is putting the brakes on that particular rumor train, while at the same time offering a hint about her growing family’s future.

Alongside her sisters and mother, Kim covers the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter in celebration of what the magazine has dubbed “the Kardashian decade.”

Asked about the surrogate rumors, Kim played coy, refusing to confirm that there’s any truth to the reports, but revealing that she does see a baby in her near future.

“I hope so,” Kim said, on the subject of a third child.

“There have been a lot of things said and Kanye and I have not confirmed anything. We’re definitely trying. We are hoping so.”

Kim made a point of not going into specifics, but it sounds like reports of a surrogate who’s ready to deliver any day now were greatly exaggerated.

While it sounds as though the process has not yet begun, surrogacy seems to be the most likely path for Kim.

Her first two pregnancies were complicated by placenta accreta, a painful condition in which the placenta grows into the wall of the womb, preventing it from detaching at the time of birth.

Kim has described having her placenta surgically removed in 2013 as “the most painful experience” of her life.

On a recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim revealed that she’s ruled out the possibility of getting pregnant a third time.

“I feel like surrogacy is the only option for me,” she stated at the time.

In June, People reported that Kim and Kanye have hired a surrogate, but based on the language Kim used in THR interview, it sounds as though the surrogate is not yet pregnant.

Of course, Kim could just be keeping the pregnancy out of the prying eyes of the media.

Whatever the case, we’re sure the fans and tabloids will keep right on speculating.

There are many perks to being a Kardashian, but privacy isn’t one of them.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Roman Polanski"s Accused of Sexual Assault of a Minor by Third Woman

Roman Polanski ”sexually victimized” a 16-year-old when she was in high school … so says that woman in new allegations.  The woman, who would only identify herself as Robin, was joined by attorney Gloria Allred at a news…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Has She Secretly Given Birth to Her Third Child?!

For about the past nine months now, Teen Mom 2 fans have been obsessing over every detail of Kailyn Lowry’s personal life.

Obviously, a certain segment of the show’s audience is always obsessed with Kail’s personal life, but the scrutiny has been more intense than ever since we learned that Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

Part of the reason for fixation is that Kailyn has been secretive about many of the details of her pregnancy, and she’s keeping her lips lock as her due date approaches.

As a result, many TM2 fans have been combing through her social media pages for clues that “Baby Lo” is on his or her way.

And now, they think they may have found the clue they’ve been looking for.

At around 8 pm last, Kailyn tweeted simply, “Goodbye,” and it soon became the most divisive one-word tweet since Donald Trump’s “covfefe.”

Hundreds are convinced that it was Kailyn’s subtle way of saying that she’s off to the hospital to welcome Baby Lo.

Hundreds of others are convinced that fans are reading way too much into the tweet, and that Kailyn is just having a little fun trolling her fans in the final days of her pregnancy.

Others insist that she would never do such a thing, and that she’s certain to inform fans in a clear and concise fashion when she’s headed into labor … as though she has any obligation to do so.

Our guess?

Well, the tweet could mean anything, but given how secretive Kailyn’s been throughout her pregnancy, we’re assuming that if and when she does inform fans that she’s headed to the hospital, it’ll be with avague communique like this one.

After all, this is the same woman who initially went to great pains to hide the fact that she’s pregnant at all.

When the truth came out, Kailyn refused to ideal the identity of her baby daddy for several months.

It was only after the Internet had already basically figured it out that she revealed it was Chris Lopez who got her pregnant.

After that, fans clamored for information about the name and gender of Kailyn’s baby, she gave no ground there.

Though in fairness, that’s because she wants to be surprised by the gender and has yet to pick out a name.

All in all, it sounds like it’s exhausting to be Kailyn these days, and the baby hasn’t even arrived yet.

Soon, she won’t be getting much sleep, but at least some of her more obnoxious fans will hopefully ease off.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the never-boring life of Kailyn Lowry.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Son Kaiser Celebrates Third Birthday!

Jenelle Evans has a lot going on in her life right now.

And honestly, a lot of it isn’t great.

Last month, her big long custody battle with her mother over her oldest son, Jace, came to an end when she agreed to a new visitation schedule instead of going to trial for full custody.

To hear her tell it, it was a pretty tough blow.

She was also feuding with David Eason’s sister for a while, and that messy social media fight made her look super trashy — trashier than she’s looked in a long time.

And next month, her very first book comes out, and with it will come new confessions about her troubled childhood and her heroin addiction.

It’s a lot of heavy stuff.

But things aren’t all bad for Jenelle: she’s getting settled into her new home, she’s got her precious baby girl, Ensley, and she and David are planning a wedding for later this year.

Thanks to her new custody arrangement with Barbara, she’s got Jace for the whole summer while he’s out of school.

And her middle child, that precious little Kaiser, just turned three years old yesterday!

To celebrate with her followers, she shared a cute little Snapchat-filtered photo of the birthday boy and wrote “#HappyBirthday to Kaiser! he’s turning 3 today!”

Kaiser’s father, Nathan Griffith, also took the time to wish his son a happy birthday on Twitter.

“Three years ago, one of the greatest things in my life happened… I became a father once again!” he wrote. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAISER!”

Isn’t it crazy to think that it’s only been three years since Jenelle gave birth to that cute kid?

It feels like a different lifetime, in terms of Teen Mom gossip, at least.

When Jenelle got pregnant with Kaiser, she had just divorced Courtland Rogers and had aborted a pregnancy with him.

With Courtland, she’d continued her heroin addiction, and according to the police reports, it was a violent, extremely unhealthy relationship.

A few months after they split, she started dating Nathan, and a few months after that, they conceived the birthday boy himself.

During that pregnancy, Nathan was absolutely awful to her, and after the baby was born, that didn’t change much.

We saw domestic assault arrests, animal abuse, there were rumors of continued drug use by Jenelle … it was bad.

As much grief as we give her, she really has come such a long way in such a short amount of time, and she deserves some credit for that.

These days, she actually seems stable, like she’s a caring, attentive parent.

And really, that’s the best gift she could give Kaiser on his special day.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Third Child Actually on the Way?!?

Welp. This is one way to boost ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14.

According to sources close to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the couple really is making plans to welcome a third child into the world.

Not via another Kim Kardashian pregnancy, however.

As has been well-documented on her family’s reality show, the mother of son Saint and daughter North has been diagnosed with placenta accreta.

This condition would make it very dangerous for Kim to carry another baby in her womb. 

But Kardashian has said on many occasions that she wants to have a third child nonetheless, first broaching the topic early last year on the series finale of Kocktails with Khloe.

“It would be a really dangerous environment for me if I were to get pregnant again,” Kim said at the time, explaining that “Kanye has been mentioning” the prospect of another kid every day for over a week.

Several months later, Kim made it clear on a Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode that she was also interested in expanding her family.

Following a visit to the doctor, however, it became clear that a third pregnancy was simply not physically possible for her.

In response, mother Kris and sister Kourtney (and even good friend Chrissy Teigen) have said they’d serve as a surrogate for Kim and Kanye… meaning they’d actually get pregnant with a baby and then Kimye would adopt said baby.

But while Kardashian has not taken up her relatives and her close pal on these selfless offers, TMZ shockingly reports she and her husband have taken a major step toward surrogacy.

That is, they’ve hired a surrogate mother!

The website claims that Kim and Kanye have struck a deal with an agency for an unnamed woman to carry a potential sibling for their kids, using Kim’s eggs and Kanye’s sperm.

The contract calls for the following monetary obligations to be paid out by the stars if the following conditions are met:

– $ 45,000 in ten $ 4,500 monthly installments.

– If there are multiples (i.e. twins or triplets or even more), the surrogate gets $ 5k for each additional child.

– If the surrogate loses reproductive organs, she receives $ 4,000.

– Kardashian and West are also required to deposit $ 68,850 with the agency.

Moreover, the surrogate is not permitted to smoke, drink alcohol or take any drugs during her pregnancy.

She also agrees, TMZ reports, to cut down on sexual activities in the weeks leading up to the pregnancy, including foregoing sexual intercourse for three weeks following embryo implantation.

If this all sounds very technical, that’s because it is.

Hiring a surrogate is not an uncommon practice and it’s easy to understand why couples who do so would want to take every precaution possible to ensure a healthy baby.

Typically, a surrogate is hired when a woman cannot get pregnant at all, but there are certainly no rules against taking this step when you simply want to add to your family.

The surrogate must follow other health-related guidelines as well:

  • She cannot go in hot tubs or saunas.

  • She cannot handle or change cat litter.

  • She cannot apply hair dye to herself.

  • She cannot drink more than one caffeinated beverage per day.

  • She cannot eat raw fish.

The agreement details how Kim and Kanye “assume the legal and parental responsibilities for any child … that may possess any congenital or other abnormalities or defects.”

Wow, right?

This is a pretty huge deal.

It comes on the heels of endless rumors about the state of the Kimye union, with many outlets writing over the past few months that divorce proceedings were just days away.

We never really bought such chatter, but it was pretty clear trouble was brewing following Kim’s robbery last Octonber and Kanye’s mental breakdown.

But here they are now, seemingly very happy once more and prepared to take a significant life step.

If a surrogate really does get pregnant with Kim and Kanye’s baby, more questions will crop up around the couple.

Not surrounding their marital status, however; but surrounding their third child’s name.

What will they possibly go with this time around?!?


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Having Third Baby, With or Without Kanye West?!

As we’ve seen on the past couple of seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian wants to have a third child.

She wants it very, very badly.

She seems to be going back and forth between finding a surrogate and trying to get pregnant again herself because, as she’s said, “I want my kids to have siblings.”

The issue, however, is that she had several complications with both of her previous pregnancies, and her doctors have told her that a third pregnancy wouldn’t be entirely safe.

When she was pregnant with North, she developed a condition called placenta accreta, which is where the placenta attaches itself to the uterine wall.

It’s not a great condition to have.

It causes a higher risk of excessive bleeding during delivery, which can be life-threatening, and for Kim, it means her uterus was damaged.

After having North, doctors did a few surgeries to fix everything up, and a hole was created in her uterus, which made it extremely hard for her to get pregnant again.

She managed it in 2015, when she conceived precious little Saint, but her doctors have warned her that she’s likely to have the condition again.

And if she does, there’s a chance she could require an emergency hysterectomy in addition to the higher risk of blood loss.

Still, Kim wants to be pregnant again, and it seems like it’s because she’s hesitant to trust a surrogate with carrying her child.

But according to a new report from Life & Style, she may not have a choice.

After all, it’s a little hard to get pregnant when you face all these complications, and when your husband doesn’t want another kid.

Yep, as surprising as it may be, sources say that Kanye West doesn’t think it’s a great idea to have another baby with Kim.

Could it be because he’s just a few months out from his total mental breakdown? Or that he and Kim have been rumored to be on the brink of divorce for a while now?

Or possibly that he thinks two kids is ideal, and a risky pregnancy or a surrogacy just isn’t worth it?

The source doesn’t go into the specifics on why Kanye isn’t ready to be a father of three, but the point is that he’s not, and that’s totally fair.

What isn’t so fair is that Kim may be considering methods of having a third baby without Kanye’s consent.

“She wants to choose someone outside of the state of California, where there are all kinds of surrogacy laws,” the source explains.

“She’s ready to go.”

…. So Kim is trying to find a state with lax laws surrounding surrogacy — perhaps one in which someone can find a surrogate and go through the process without express consent from a spouse?

What could possibly go wrong?


Monday, May 1, 2017

Travis Scott Did Not Encourage Injured Fan to Jump from Third Story at Concert (VIDEO)

Travis Scott is not responsible for the kid who jumped from a 3rd story balcony at his concert … despite the fact he encouraged people from the 2nd story balcony to jump … that’s his position. Sources close to Travis tell TMZ … the…


Monday, April 10, 2017

JD Scott: Discovery of Third Property Brother Traumatizes Entire Internet

HGTV has suffered through a surplus of scandals over the past several months.

There was the report that Chip and Joanna Gaines may hate gay people, along with the shocking split of Tarek and Christina El Moussa.

But nothing could have prepared fans of this cable network for the following piece of life-altering news:

Jonathan and Drew Scott have a brother.

Known to the television and home renovation world as The Property Brothers, Jonathan and Drew have been an inseparable pair for years.

They’re twins. They work together. They live together. They seemingly go everywhere together and do everything together.

So you can understand why so many fans of the siblings were taken aback late last week when a old photo emerged on Twitter of Jonathan Scott… Drew Scott… and JD Scott.

Yes, JD Scott.

Aside from most Internet users being unaware JD even existed, one look at the picture makes it clear that he doesn’t share the same taste in style or appearance as his famous reality star brothers.

At least one fan stared and stared at this image and couldn’t help but wonder if it wasn’t a snapshot of Jonathan, Drew and Pete Wentz.

You can see why such a question would be raised, can’t you?

jd scott reaction

So, what do we know about ProBro3?

James Daniel Scott lives in Las Vegas and is not a magician, despite many Twitter users assuming this were the case after studying the throwback photo above.

“Not a magician although my mom says I’m magic,” he wrote in response to a Tweet based on this picture, adding that his haircut has also changed in recent years:

“The good old emo hair has been put to rest, it served its term.”

JD also:

  • Has at least 10 tattoos.

  • Hates mushrooms (they are his “mortal enemy,” according to Instagram).

  • Is a huge fan of NHL team the Vancouver Canucks.

  • Is also a big fan of Saturday Night Live (which referenced JD during its 40th anniversary special).

  • LOVES Subway sandwiches.

  • Was named one of MyVegas Magazine’s Top 100 Men of Success in 2014.

See? Who says you need a HGTV show to be considered a success?!?

Thre you have it.

JD Scott exists.

There’s only one question that therefore exists:


And the Winner is?

It’s time to choose a Scott! Which of these siblings is easiest on the eyes? View Poll »


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Janet Jackson Splits From Third Husband

Janet Jackson and her super rich businessman husband have split just months after welcoming a baby together. According to reports, Jackson and hubby Wissam Al Mana — who is worth almost a BILLION bucks – recently came to an agreement…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Pregnant With Third Child ... Or Just Messing With Fans?

There was a time when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were the undisputed champs in the competition of Favorite Teen Mom Couple.

But fans’ feelings toward the Baltierras have cooled considerably over the past year, and Catelynn’s latest stunt (if, indeed, it is a stunt) is likely to leave a lot of Teen Mom: OG viewers feeling very put off.

It all started when Catelynn and Tyler began tweeting back and forth at one another over their desire to have a third child.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Catelynn and Tyler made the difficult decision to give their first child up for adoption, but have remained active in young Carly’s life with the (sometimes reluctant) consent of her adoptive parents.

Last year, Catelynn and Tyler welcomed daughter Novalee, and despite some ups and downs, little Nova has clearly been a force for positive change in the lives of her parents.

So it’s not surprising that the couple might be feeling a strong desire to expand their family yet again.

But some fans weren’t enjoying the fashion in which they joked about the matter on Twitter.

“Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra,” Catelynn tweeted at one point.

“Me too babe,” Tyler tweeted back.

Shortly thereafter, Catelynn took the conversation over to Instagram.

And that’s where some fans got upset:

“Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv,” Catelynn captioned the photo above.

So the pic makes it obvious that it’s a joke, right?

(We certainly hope none of Catelynn’s followers are dumb enough to believe that’s an actual ultrasound, but you never know.

Yes, but shortly thereafter Catelynn further confused the issue with the following meme:

Catelynn Lowell Meme

The Internet is powered by outrage, so naturally, some fans got upset by the joke/prank/abuse of a Futurama meme/whatever is going on here.

For the record, it seems that Catelynn is definitely not pregnant, but is considering trying for a third kid.

Some fans were pissed that she seems to enjoy briefly misleading fans.

Others felt that she was making light of those who have struggled with infertility.

We’ll leave the discussion over whether or not the move was offensive to the irate individuals on social media, but for now two things seem clear:

1. We can probably expect a Catelynn Lowell pregnancy announcement sometime in the next few months.

2. Those who are currently seething with rage will probably be over it by lunch.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Kim Kardashian Looks for Surrogate for Third Child, Pregnancy Not an Option (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian opened up about a story TMZ broke in December 2015 … no more pregnancies for her. Kim says she wants a 3rd kid badly, but surrogacy seems to be her only option. As we reported, she suffers from placenta accreta — a potentially…


Kim Kardashian Looks for Surrogate for Third Child, Pregnancy Not an Option (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian opened up about a story TMZ broke in December 2015 … no more pregnancies for her. Kim says she wants a 3rd kid badly, but surrogacy seems to be her only option. As we reported, she suffers from placenta accreta — a potentially…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Kim Kardashian: I Want a Third Child!

Kim Kardashian has a lot going on these days.

She"s dealing with the aftermath of getting robbed at gunpoint in Paris last fall, while also living with a husband who suffered a mental breakdown just a few weeks later.

She"s also responsible for the welfare of two young human being at home.

And Kris Jenner is her mother on a daily basis. That can"t be easy.

Still, following the events on this week"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, viewers were treated to a look ahead.

And they were taken back in particular when it came to a scene from the April 2 installment in which Kim talks about the possible expansion of her immediate family.

Yes, she wants to get pregnant again.

“I’m going to try to have one more baby,” Kardashian says in the following preview, adding:

“I want my kids to have siblings, but the doctors don’t think it’s safe for me.”

During her second pregnancy and then shortly after giving birth to son Saint West, Kardashian talked openly about the health issues she faced while expecting.

In an interview with some magazine called "C," for example, she said the following in August of 2015:

"I had so many complications. I had this condition called placenta accreta. There were a couple little operations to fix all that, so that created a little hole in my uterus, which I think made it really tough to get pregnant again."

It"s therefore understandable why Jenner responds below to her daughter"s surprising statement by saying she doesn"t want Kim to do "something that puts [her] in danger."

It"s not even clear, of course, whether Kim even could get pregnant again, as noted in her old quote above.

So perhaps she"s saying this just to juice up the dwindling ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Check out the trailer below to see more of the exchange:

Kim kardashian i want a third child

Friday, March 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Writing a Book About My Third Baby Daddy!

Kailyn Lowry is obviously a big fan of going through difficult life experiences and them publishing books about them.

That’s why she’s already released two memoirs at the tender age of 25.

But, to be fair, Kailyn’s been through a lot in her short life. She had an absent father and an alcoholic mother, she had her first child at 16 years old, she’s already had one divorce, she’s been through a rape and a miscarriage.

So really, it just makes sense that now that she’s pregnant with her third child — her third child with her third partner, just in case anyone’s keeping count — she’d deal with it with another book.

Yep, you heard us right: Kailyn is writing a book all about her third baby daddy.

We first heard about the book on Twitter, when a fan asked her “Do you think you’ll write a 3rd book that talks about the feelings you experienced to decide to have one more ‘tiny human’?”

She responded with “I have already signed a contract for it!”

Shortly after that, an insider described the book as “something many wouldn’t expect” and “not like her previous books.”

And now we know.

Kailyn gave a statement to Real Mr. Housewife about her upcoming book, explaining that “I will be telling the story of how I ended up pregnant and about my baby’s father, but, no, I will not be revealing his name.”

She said that “It’s a story about the baby and heartbreak,” but interestingly enough, “It’s basically a novel.”

Though she does add that it’s “based on a true story.”

So … huh.

We haven’t heard much at all about this guy who fathered Kailyn’s new baby, but it does seem like there’s a strong possibility it could be a friend of hers named Chris Lopez.

Her publicist didn’t name him, but she did say that “The father is a friend Kail was briefly dating.”

And then, in an Instagram live video, she was discussing possible baby names, and she made a joke about how “Chris” would react to a certain name.

She ended the video right after the slip, and many took it as a sign that she accidentally revealed the identity of the baby’s father.

So pairing all that information with Kailyn’s statement, it seems like she was briefly with some guy, perhaps Chris, and while the relationship didn’t end well, she still got pregnant.

Oh, girl.

Best wishes for the new book, the new baby, and just every last thing, Kailyn.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: SLAMMED By Fans For Getting Pregnant By Third Baby Daddy!

Yesterday, after weeks of firmly-worded denials, Kailyn Lowry revealed that she’s pregnant with her third child.

There’s been a great deal of speculation with regard to the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy, but thus far, the Teen Mom 2 star has been tight-lipped on the matter.

All we know for sure is that Kailyn did not get pregnant by ex-husband Javi Marroquin, or by the father of her first child, Jo Rivera.

Like Jenelle Evans before her, Kailyn has joined the Three Baby Daddies Club.

And like Jenelle, Kailyn is getting viciously criticized (some might say bullied) on social media as a result.

We understand that viewers often feel personally invested in the lives of reality stars, but the irrational rage over Kailyn’s third pregnancy is mind-boggling.

There are too many Kailyn-bashing tweets out there to count, but here are a few to give you a rough idea of the tone out there:

“Three babies, three baby daddies… sad to see her be another teen pregnancy statistic,” one user tweeted,

“I pray Joe & Javi fight to get their sons at 100% full custody. These children need structure, family and security the most,” wrote another.

“Is Kail trying to keep up with Jenelle and her baby daddies?” a third commented.

And of course one kept it simple (and simply cruel) with:

“Three kids, three dads… So trashy!” 

Of course, Kailyn’s most recent ex isn’t helping matters much.

Javi’s reaction to Lowry’s pregnancy wasn’t quite as harsh as many of the others on Twitter, but he certainly didn’t do much to discourage the hate being spewed at his son’s mother.

“Take a shot for me,” Javi said to fans before addressing his son Lincoln:

“My son, follow your dreams. I’ll pick up the pieces for you. Love, your daddy.”

Yeah, “pick up the pieces” qualifies as some serious shade-throwing.

The implication seems to be that Kailyn’s life is soon to be in shambles, as she won’t be up to the task of raising three kids fathered by three different men.

And who knows? Maybe she won’t be.

It certainly won’t be easy.

But one thing is for certain: shading and publicly casting judgment on a young woman who seems to be doing her best certainly isn’t going to help her get through this difficult time.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Farrah Abraham Relists Hollywood Hills a Third Time (PHOTO GALLERY)

Farrah Abraham can do a lot in certain areas, but it looks like real estate is above her pay grade. The “Teen Mom” star is close to turning her Hollywood Hills pad into a fire sale … changing the asking price 3 times in just 7 months. She…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Accused of Photoshopping Herself So Hard She Gave Herself a Third Nipple

If you know who Kylie Jenner is, then you know she’s no stranger to switching things up when it comes to her appearance.

It’s pretty much the only reason anybody even talks about her.

The 19-year-old reality star changes her hair all the time, going from brown to blonde to turquoise to pink to “rose gold.”

She’s a makeup master, capable of making herself nearly unrecognizable with just a few (million) strokes of her brushes.

There’s also Kylie’s lip injections, which need no introduction.

Not to mention the mysterious way her ass and her breasts have grown recently to the point where they eclipse even Kim’s.

There’s no question that Kylie is something of a khameleon, and has been for some time now, but this latest photo of her …

… it’s hard to tell what’s even happening here:

So OK, there’s Kylie Jenner in a bikini, nothing new to see there.

Tyga ruins the whole picture by existing in it. Also totally normal.

But hold up, why does the beauty’s leg look so tiny?! It doesn’t even match the other leg! What a ridiculously awful Photoshop effort!

… Oh, wait. Upon closer inspection, the bottom part of her leg there is covered by Tyga’s, then by a shadow. That makes some sense.

But you know what doesn’t make sense, not even a little bit?

The fact that Kylie appears to have a third nipple, smack dab in the middle of her knee. Take a look above, see for yourself.

How did this happen?! Has the social media maven always had a third nipple located on her knee and we somehow never noticed?

Is it some kind of wart? Is something in the foreground there playing unfortunate tricks on our eyes in this unusual case?

Or did Kylie somehow Photoshop this photo so hard that a random nipple-esque growth appeared where it had no business being?

Let’s take to the Instagram comments to investigate.

“Photoshop fail,” one Internet sleuth hereby theorizes.

“Look at her leg and the third nipple on her knee.”

But another commenter argues in her defense, “cmon guys its probably just a bandaid peeling off on her knee 🙂 nobodys perfect lol.”

Another possibility, according to these sage folks on Instagram?

“That’s her herpes outbreak,” one commenter posited.

“That’s obviously her brain,” said another, amusingly.

Yet another person weighed in thusly: “But that knee doh.”

“She carried a bed bug all the way from calabasas lmaoo.”

Lmaoo indeed. Another of Jenner’s 83.3 million followers – this is seriously a mystery for the ages here – offered the following explanation:

“I’m pretty sure something’s just fallen onto her knee, like some of the food she’s eating so you all need to chill tf out.”

The most popular theory of all, however, appears to be that the unexplained thing on Kylie’s knee is actually … wait for this one …

A plant. Yes, we’re serious. An actual living thing.

“If you look closely,” a wise soul explains to the masses, “that ‘wart’ looking thing on her knee is actually part of a tree.”

To clarify what they’re saying, there’s also a degree to which the camera is embellishing this object somewhat:

“Lol it’s a plant in front of them in soft focus lol.”

So is it really a plant of some kind on Kylizzle? 

Or is it a bit of food or a band-aid or a bug?

Or is it possible that Kylie Jenner has gone all this time with a third nipple chilling right on her knee, right in front of us?

While we fixated on the other two for obvious reasons, has nip #3 been hiding in plain sight for a matter of years?

The world may never know, and perhaps some things in life are better left unexplained in the end … but we must ask:

What do you think, readers, and does this rank among the most ridiculous Photoshop fails / controversies in modern times?

Hit the comments below!
