Showing posts with label That's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That's. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Blac Chyna: That"s Not Me in the Sex Tape!

When it rains, it pours. And Blac Chyna is finding that out the hard way.

Absolutely no one, Chyna included, deserves to have their nudes or sex tapes shared online or broadcast in any way without their consent. There is no excuse for doing so.

But Blac Chyna points to the latest alleged sex tape and says that it’s not her.

Earlier this week, Twitter exploded after a sex tape appeared to show Blac Chyna, topless, performing oral sex on an unidentified-at-the-time man.

The man was unidentified because viewers, many of whom innocently clicked on her name when they saw that it was trending only to be subjected with a sight that they could never unsee, saw only his penis.

Leaked sex tapes deserve our outrage — because they’re a violation of privacy and often come as personal attacks.

Twitter’s focus, however, seemed to be on what viewers perceived to be Blac Chyna’s woefully inadequate oral skills.

Many expressed surprise that a woman of Blac Chyna’s reputation seemed to be inept at sex. As funny as their commentary was, many were disturbed at the lack of outrage that someone leaked the video.

Blac Chyna fought back against the slut-shaming and revenge porn, however, through two attorneys.

One spoke out about the dangers of leaked videos like these — that it’s often a form of domestic abuse, as a final act of revenge by a jilted lover who wants to ruin his ex’s life.

You know, like we all saw with Rob Kardashian’s alleged revenge porn attack against Chyna in July of 2017.

Another attorney mentioned that this is of course a criminal matter.

The unidentified human who came attached to the penis featured in the video was identified as a rapper named Mechie, who enjoyed a fling with Chyna last year.

And Mechie is not happy about the video’s release. And as far as suspects go, he says that he never even had a copy, so he couldn’t have released it even if he’d wanted to.

But that infamous video, terrible that it was, is not the one that Blac Chyna says wasn’t her.

That oral video with Mechie lasted for one minute and twenty-three seconds.

Another video leaked, and this one was thirteen minutes long.

TMZ reports that this new “Blac Chyna” video features a woman of Chyna’s skin tone, body type, and hairstyle. Like Chyna, she also has tattoos.

She is, of course, engaged in sexual intercourse in the video, with an unnamed black man.

Since the video first surfaced, some people have uploaded it to multiple porn sites, claiming that it’s Chyna.

But TMZ also reports that sources close to Chyna — and we’re inclined to believe that TMZ is reasonably confident in their sources — say that it’s not Blac Chyna in the video.

Oh, they definitely admit that she looks the part, but they don’t think that it’s her.

TMZ notes that Chyna’s team has sent 20 or so cease and desist letters at porn sites that are claiming that the video is of Chyna.

It sounds like Chyna’s concerned about her name being attached to these. Which would be a different warning than they’d be giving out if it were actually a video of a Chyna.

Blac Chyna did not leak her oral sex tape — and it sounds like she means to sue whoever did.

This new video sounds like a ploy by someone who wanted to capitalize — somehow — on Blac Chyna’s oral sex tape with a follow-up sex tape of their own.

Since it’s allegedly not real, this sounds like someone who just wants to embarrass Chyna, rack of views, or both.

If someone has a problem with Blac Chyna, it’s fine to express that. But revenge porn is never an acceptable weapon, folks. Feuds can be waged on Twitter, not PornHub.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blac Chyna"s Ex, Mechie, Says That"s Him in the Sex Tape and He"s Pissed

Blac Chyna’s most recent sex tape partner is her ex-boyfriend, Mechie … according to him, and even though he admits recording it himself, he’s as pissed as she is about the leak.  A rep for Mechie tells TMZ … the explicit video showing a…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar SLAMMED For Messy Home: That"s Not Safe For a Baby!

You would think a family that’s famous for breeding like fundamentalist rabbits would know an awful lot about child-rearing.

But according to the Duggars’ harshest critics, that’s simply not the case.

In fact, the army of mommy-shamers who comb through the Duggars’ social media posts in search of reasons to complain is so quick to judge that their latest target isn’t even a mom yet:

As you may have heard, Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

There’s some debate over when Joy got pregnant, with some fans insisting that the 20-year-old is lying about her conception date in order to conceal the fact that she broke her family’s “courtship rules” by engaging in premarital sex.

But that’s a discussion for another time.

Whatever the case, Joy-Anna is likely due to give birth sometime in the next few weeks.

And based on her latest social media post, some fans believe she’s far from ready.

The above video was posted to Joy’s Instagram page yesterday.

It offers fans a brief tour of the home that she and husband Austin Forsyth are renovating.

The reaction from fans has been decidedly mixed, as many apparently believe the house is unsuitable for a child.

“This place is such a mess,” one follower commented.

“If I were going to film it and put it on Instagram, I’d clean it up first,” she added.

Another critic zeroed in on Joy’s kitchen, commenting:

“It’s so tiny! You can’t cook a meal for a family in that kitchen!”

“OMG that house is nowhere near safe for a baby,” remarked a third fan.

“The nursery looks like a storage room and the renovation crap is piled high in the living room.”

It’s strange that so many felt the need to point out to Joy that her house is not yet baby-ready, considering her comments in the video make it clear that she’s well aware of that fact.

“We are still doing some little things here and there,” Joy acknowledges at one point.

“The baby’s room is still getting ready,” she adds.

Joy isn’t on social media as much as some of her siblings, and the comments on her latest post probably reminded her of exactly why she keeps her distance.

Of course, the lack of posts has only led to more rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding,” which may be why she took a moment to debunk the rumors that she’s already given birth:

“I’m still very pregnant,” she says at one point, pausing in front of a mirror in order to offer visual evidence.

Smart move, Joy, but as you’ve likely figured out by now, people will always find something to complain about.

Watch Counting On online to relive Joy and Austin’s road to the altar.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kanye West Takes Name Suggestion for New Baby Girl ... "That"s Fire"

Kanye West is still beaming from the birth of his third child with Kim Kardashian, but he says the couple’s still deciding on a name … but we might know a possible front-runner. We got Ye heading back to work at his office in Calabasas Wednesday,…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Rain Brown Issues Catfishing Warning: That"s NOT Gabe Brown!

For reality stars, the Brown family isn"t the most active on social media. Sure, Bam Bam and his girlfriend provide some updates, but it"s mostly only Rain Brown who speaks for Alaskan Bush People on the interwebs.

Which means that a strange task fell to her, as you"ll see in the video below.

Rain Brown took to social media to share that Gabe Brown hasn"t been online and is going through a rough time right now. Because apparently a catfisher has been pretending otherwise. …

Gabe brown hauling wood

Most reality stars use the fame that they acquire on the small screen to make their star shine even brighter.

That can mean product endorsements. It can mean crossover reality appearances (especially if anybody"s marriage or relationship isn"t going so well).

But, bare minimum, it means using social media to the fullest extent. You can grow your audience that way. You can also market yourself and your fame to companies that way.

The stars of Alaskan Bush People, however, don"t do that so much.

Rain Brown, the family"s youngest — she just turned 15 — has become the Brown family"s de facto spokesperson.

Which led her to share this strange, strange message on Instagram:

Gabe brown bird brown rain brown in target

In the video that you"ll see below, Rain (who seems a bit anxious as she speaks, but we get it) warns of a stranger who is spreading misinformation about Gabe Brown.

"There"s this girl posing to be Gabe"s girlfriend. I wanted to quickly [clear] some things up for you guys."

That"s super alarming. It sounds like either the girl herself is just seeking fame over an imagined relationship, or someone is pretending to be Gabe online in order to catfish Alaskan Bush People fans.

It sounds like it"s the latter situation, because Rain goes out of her way to assure the world that Gabe is not online at the moment.

"Gabe does not have his phone; hasn"t had his phone in a long time."

That"s unusual for anyone these days.

"Please don"t listen to anything that anyone says about him."

That"s not uncommon for reality star siblings to say about each other — it"s natural to be protective.

But it"s good to remember that being contacted by someone claiming to be a celebrity … well, you should almost always assume that it"s not really them. Look for that blue checkmark of verification and even then, consider that they may have been hacked.

Rain elaborates on Gabe"s circumstances, and though she"s pretty vague, it doesn"t sound good:

"He"s going through a very hard time and his phone broke and he does not have it."

Considering that the Brown family has been living large in a Beverly Hills mansion recently, we"re guessing that there"s much more to Gabe"s lack of a phone than the first one getting damaged.

Because surely they could just buy another. It sounds like he"s in a really bad place, emotionally.

Rain brown and gabe brown

Rain takes the opportunity to share a message about her sister, Birdie.

"And also Birdie likes to be kept very private."

Again, the Brown family is much, much more privacy-oriented than you"d expect for a bunch of reality stars.

"And so she doesn"t, you know, she doesn"t really let anyone follow her. And she doesn"t like people messaging her."

Rain then seems to almost immediately contradict herself (again, she"s talking about a serious subject; some anxiety goes with the territory).

"But you are welcome to message her, and she"ll read it, and sometimes I think she replies — I"m not positive."

So maybe Rain should have checked with Birdie before she spoke about what Birdie likes or doesn"t, but Rain"s doing her best.

"My family"s really private, and that"s really the only reason that I"m the only one on here."

No 15-year-old should have to be the spokesperson for her famous family, but here we are.

"And I never say anything about the rest of my family because they"re all very private people."

Gabe brown and best friend

So, first of all: catfishing is bad, but catfishing as a celebrity who is already going through a hard time — we"re guessing that Ami Brown"s lung cancer is just one of his current struggles — is worse.

You might think that only a fool would get caught by that, but that doesn"t mean that a foolish person deserves to be deceived.

There are a lot of desperate, lonely people who would love to believe that they"re in a relationship with a famous person.

And there are some truly unhealthy people who would get a thrill out of tricking someone into believing that.

Second of all, though, the Browns are continuing to make a big mistake by staying off of social media.

Remember the fan controversy over that photo of Billy Brown? If Ami and Billy were active on social media, they"d have a chance at controlling the narrative about Billy continuing to smoke while his wife battles lung cancer.

At the very least, they could bombard fans with enough content that a random photo of them would have gotten less scrutiny.

Also, Rain uses the video to share that she has "almost" 40,000 followers on Instagram. She actually has more than 40K, now.

Anyway, here"s the video of Rain Brown. As we said, she seems a little anxious, but that"s more than understandable.

Rain brown issues catfishing warning thats not gabe brown

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Billie Jean King Praises Weinstein Accusers, "That"s Progress"

Billie Jean King says society is making progress in the battle against sexism, and she’s pointing to the Harvey Weinstein scandal — and the women speaking out — as her proof. King is a trailblazer in every sense of the word, spending her entire…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Donald Trump Responds to Sexual Assault Allegations: That"s Just Fake News!

Over the course of the past week, sexual assault and harassment against women in Hollywood have been in the headlines as a result of shocking allegations against Harvey Weinstein, co-founder of Miramax and the Weinstein Company.

The scandal has turned a microscope on the behavior of powerful men in other industries and brought increased scrutiny on the tawdry past of our nation’s commander-in-chief.

Yes, despite his repeated claims that “no one” respects women as much as he does (“beliiiieve me, folks”), President Donald Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct more times than he can count on both of his tiny, tiny hands.

Of course, Trump admitted to sexual assault on a recording and even that wasn’t enough to stop him from ascending to the highest office in the land, so it may seem that he’s risen to the level of power that Weinstein only thought he’d reached.

Unless Robert Mueller has something different to say, Trump really does seem to be above the law.

But like a persistent wind that continually ruffles the corn silk atop his head and distracts him from pointing out the black guy in the crowd, the sexual assault allegations against Trump simply won’t go away.

It was around this time last year that Trump was accused of sexually harassing contestants on The Apprentice, the reality show where he only pretended to be a mentally unstable tyrant.

(The mentally unstable part was legit, but Trump wasn’t actually a tyrant yet. Dare to dream, kids.)

One of those contestants, a woman named Summer Zervos, has refused to be intimidated by Trump’s tough talk and is pressing forward with her case against him.

Zervos claims that Trump bombarded her with sexual advances in 2007 and would not take “no” for an answer.

“As I was about to leave, he again kissed me on the lips,” she alleged.

“This made me feel nervous and embarrassed, as this is not what I wanted or expected.”

Lawyers for Zervos have subpoeaned the Trump campaign for all documents relating to her, all communications to or about her, and “any woman alleging that Donald J. Trump touched her inappropriately.”

It’s the most serious of situations and it demands a serious and thoughtful response from the man who stands accused.

Unfortunately, this is Donald Trump we’re talking about, so we got a bunch of semi-sensical hashtag speak instead:

On Monday, Trump gave one of his most disastrous press conferences to date, taking to the White House Rose Garden to lie about former presidents and hold hands with Mitch McConnell.

When reporters asked Trump about the allegations that would be headline scandal material for any other administration in modern history, he basically shrugged the whole thing off:

“All I can say is it’s totally fake news,” he responded.

“It’s fake and made-up stuff and it’s disgraceful what happens, but that happens in the world of politics.”

“It’s disgraceful what happens … in the world of politics.”

Sometimes, despite his tenuous grip on the English language, his utter lack of self-awareness, and his complete ignorance of how our government is supposed to function, Donald Trump accidentally makes a perfectly astute observation.

Of course, it only happens when he’s accidentally talking trash about himself.

We’ll have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Usher: Any Time You Have Sex, You Risk Herpes! That"s Not My Fault!

Usher has been contending with multiple very public herpes-related lawsuits and allegations for a few months.

Interestingly, Usher has not denied having herpes in court arguments — though his legal team has made claims that no one can prove that Usher, specifically, infected them. It hasn’t been the most exculpatory argument.

But now Usher’s team is pushing to get one lawsuit in particular dismissed. And the argument that they’re making is nuts … but it might work.

Laura Helm is suing Usher for $ 20 million, claiming that they had unprotected sex, that Usher did not caution her that he (allegedly) carries the herpes virus, and that she contracted herpes as a result of his deceitful omission.

Three others have come forward in the past few months to accuse Usher of having unprotected sex with them without warning them that he is (allegedly) an asymptomatic carrier for herpes.

Some aren’t sure how well the claims of emotional distress caused by learning that they’d risked herpes infection will hold up in court.

However, it has been pointed out that multiple people reporting having unprotected sex with Usher could be used to build a pattern to help prove Laura Helm’s case in court.

Usher’s attempts to laugh off these accusations haven’t gone over so well.

One of his accusers claims that they made a sex tape together and was also able to provide a witness — a hotel staffer who confirmed that Usher went into the woman’s hotel room for an extended period of time.

But will Usher’s new legal tactic prove to be a get-out-of-lawsuit-free card for the singer?

E! reports that court documents filed by Usher’s legal team are making a new argument in an attempt to dismiss the lawsuit.

“With a one in six chance that any given partner could have genital herpes, plaintiff assumed the risk of contracting an STD each and every time she chose to have unprotected sex with a casual, consensual party.”

There is more to the document and we’ll get to that in a moment, because we have to talk about this.

Some people make analogies that compare having unprotected sex on a casual basis to playing Russian roulette, but instead of a bullet, you get an STI.

(Some say that it’s like playing Russian roulette even if you’re in a monogamous relationship, since you never know what your partner might have been up to)

That might be a fine way of viewing the world if you want to be careful with your life (please use protection — condoms aren’t fun for anyone but they are infinitely preferable to STIs).

But does knowing that there are risks negate all of a partner’s culpability?

If two people are pulling the trigger on a revolver, does the one who owns the gun have an obligation to tell the other if there might be a bullet?

Breaking away from that analogy, does consenting to do anything with another person suddenly free them from any potential liabilities?

That’s what Usher’s team is asking the court to decide, but stigma against women and against sex might be on their side.

The court documents continue.

“To be perfectly clear, [Usher] is not asking the court to pass moral or societal judgment on plaintiff.”

So they’re not trying to slut-shame Laura Helm … they’re just asking the court to determine if Laura was asking for herpes, seems to be what they’re saying.

“[Usher] is only seeking the correct application of the legal doctrine of assumption of risk as interpreted and construed in Georgia’s appellate decisions.”

In the view of Usher’s legal team, as expressed in these documents, Laura “made the free choice to engage in unprotected sexual activity. In doing so, she failed to exercise ordinary care for her own safety.”

We’re no legal scholars and we’re certainly not familiar with the particulars of Georgia’s history of appellate court rulings.

But we would imagine that the court would be extremely reluctant to set a precedent that consenting to unprotected sex is comparable to consenting to sex with someone known to carry at least one STI.

The potential can of worms that could be opened and the potential for the judge to be overruled by a higher court seems too high for a judge to risk it, but … you never know.

We wonder about the potential ramifications, though. Could a father evade child support by stating that the mother had assumed the risk of pregnancy when the two of them engaged in unprotected sex?

That doesn’t seem like much of a stretch from what Usher’s team is arguing.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Herve Leroux, That"s a Wrap, Bandage Dress Designer Dead at 60

Herve Leroux, the famed designer who concocted the bandage dress, has died. Leroux’s famed dress became must-wear for models and actresses in the 2000s. The New York Times broke down the garment this way … “elastic strips of fabric sewn together…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tyga Reacts to Kylie Jenner Pregnancy: That"s MY KID!

The last time we heard about Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s relationship … there wasn’t much of a relationship left, as they had broken up.

Perhaps that wasn’t the whole story, though.

The longtime couple was the subject of pregnancy and wedding rumors long before last week’s bombshell that Kylie Jenner is pregnant.

It’s somewhat ironic, then, that the 20-year-old mogul got knocked up by a guy who she’s been with for a much shorter period of time.

Travis Scott confirmed he’s the dad in a tweet recently, but still, the news came out of left field for Kylie fans … and Tyga, for that matter.

It seems that T-Raww is either trying to creep back into the public eye, making a joke for attention, or putting forth a serious allegation.

Based on the Snapchat response below?

It’s hard to tell how serious he’s being here, but the dude claims he is actually Kylie Jenner’s baby daddy, which would be quite the twist.

What you see above is Tyga’s screen shot of a report on Snapchat, captioned “Hell nah that’s my kid” with some smiling devil emojis.

Most likely, this is a pointless boast – either a desperate ploy for attention, humor or just for the hell of it – but it does beg the question:

Could it possibly be true?

In addition to Kylie Jenner’s baby gender, we know she is due in either late January or early February of 2018, thanks to reliable sources.

Now consider that Kylie and Tyga officially broke up in mid-April of this year, which would be around nine months prior to the due date.

As for Travis Scott, he was linked to Jenner shortly thereafter, but their relationship wasn’t official until sometime in May, to our knowledge.

In May and June, we were hearing reports that the reality star was “still in love” with Tyga, and conflicted about the couple’s breakup.

Based on that timeline, it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that there was either overlap between Kylie’s two lovers.

Even if there wasn’t, a mid-April breakup and a late January due date are still consistent with T-Raww having fathered the kid.

Travis’ “happiest day of my life” tweet was June 12, presumably when Kylie learned she was expecting and he was thrilled.

Again, it’s a very fast timeline.

None of this is to suggest that Tyga is actually serious – but we can’t say for sure that he’s not, either, or doesn’t have a case.

Nor is this to suggest that Jenner has any mixed feelings now about who she wants to be with, or who the father is in her mind.

She’s Team Travis all the way.

“Kylie broke up with Tyga partly because she felt too young to get serious,” said a family insider quoted by the reliable People magazine.

“Now she’s having a baby with a guy she just started dating. People around her are really surprised. It happened really fast.”

For Jenner, however, “being with Travis is just so different than anyone else. She’s so in love with him. She’s really excited.”

Think that feeling – or this romance – will last? Does Tyga have any sort of claim here? Hit the comments below to discuss.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

UFC"s Mark Hunt: "If I Die Fighting, That"s Fine" ... Just Want Clean Sport

UFC superstar Mark Hunt says he’s “fine” with fighting until he dies … but he’s calling for it happen in a sport free of steroid users.  “I will probably end my life fighting,” Hunt wrote in a piece for The Players Voice. “If I die fighting,…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Terminal Cancer Dog, In-N-Out, That"s What Life and a Hamburger are All About

It’ll make you cry but it’s also loving and sweet … a dog with terminal cancer gets what most canines and humans say is one of life’s great pleasures — an In-N-Out burger. Maddie the lab is 13-and-a-half and was just diagnosed with a rare form…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Yeah, We Partied Without Collin on His Birthday! That"s Life!

In case you’ve forgotten that evil triumphs when good people do nothing, here’s a reminder: Kate Gosselin is still around and allowed to be a parent.

We’d say that she still has all eight children in her clutches, but as we mentioned, Collin Gosselin is missing. He didn’t even get to attend his own birthday party with his five fellow sextuplets. Fans are worried. Fans are angry.

The beast of a woman herself actually spoke about his absence. We’ve been waiting for ages to hear a satisfactory explanation.

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait longer than that.

Kate had a lot to say during a confessional for Kate Plus 8, which is somehow still on TV, but as you can see, she’s still skirting the issue.

You have to wonder if she doesn’t really care.

“Thirteen — need we say more?”

That’s a huge milestone — they’re teenagers!

(That much closer to reaching adulthood and making their escape)

But yes, she needs to say more.

“The photos around the cake, I have them for every year, every child, every birthday.”

Every child, though?

“It’s definitely an iconic moment.”

Pictures are forever, after all.

“This year [was] much like last year.”

Here it comes:

“Obviously the difference is that Collin wasn’t there.”

Yeah, we’ve known that ever since the earliest promotional materials showed that Collin Gosselin was missing from his own birthday party.

“I am comforted with the fact that my kids, all of them, each unique child, is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn’t changed.”

What they need and what she thinks that they need are likely very, very different things.

“I’ve said that before, I’ll say it again. It’s a bittersweet moment [and] we’ve had many of them.”

Bittersweet is a good word for that family.

Because the children are sweet, but they’re sure to grow into bitter adults.

The world has just stood by and watched — literally watched — during Kate’s reign of terror.

“You can’t do anything without realizing he’s missing.”

So maybe you should let him celebrate his birthday with his siblings, especially when this year involved a huge birthday bash.

And let his siblings celebrate their birthdays with him.

“So we may not say it, but it’s always there.”

Now, we get that Collin is in some mystery facility with alleged “behavior specialists.”

Jon Gosselin claims to have an idea of where Collin is but he doesn’t seem to know any specifics, which is scary enough.

Needless to say, we don’t trust Kate Gosselin as far as we can throw her.

(Actually, Kate’s only 5-foot-4, so we don’t trust her anywhere close to as far as we could throw her)

We don’t know much of anything about where Collin is staying, what sort of treatment he’s receiving, or when he’ll leave.

We’re of two minds about it.

On the one hand, there are some facilities for children with behavioral problems that are not legitimate or safe.

Hopefully Kate didn’t choose one of those — but we just don’t really know, do we?

On the other hand, maybe the best possible thing for Collin is to be away from the awful woman whose own “behavior problems” did so much damage to him and his siblings in the first place.

Maybe he’s better off being away from her, even on his birthday.

But he and his siblings have to be missing each other.

Did he celebrate his birthday alone in an institution?

Did he get to celebrate it at all?

The sextuplets are 13, now.

Just 5 long, long years until they’re old enough to escape from Kate on their own.

We wonder if they’ll do a special miniseries titled “Escape From Kate” that chronicles their newly free lives and almost certainly getting therapy for PTSD.

(We’re not kidding — we fully expect that at least some of them will need it)

More heartbreaking than having them adjust to being adults in a non-toxic environment will be when one of them inevitably breaks down on camera and asks the viewers — and America — why they never did anything to rescue the kids sooner.

Maybe some of these kids will grow up to be advocates for children, like those women on Escaping Polygamy.

In the mean time … why is it that Kenya Moore’s reality career is at risk if her new husband doesn’t appear on The Real Housewives of Atlanta

… But Kate Gosselin is free and clear to just disappear her own child with almost no explanation?

Because, as Kate Gosselin’s children know better than most, the world isn’t fair.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Migos" Takeoff Designs Chain That"s Literally Out Of This World (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Migos rapper Takeoff’s iced-out intergalactic chain does right by his name, thanks to the spaceship taking off smack in the middle of it, and it’s got enough sparkle to rival a shining star. The rapper teamed with Elliot Avianne, of…


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Hot Babes in Robes -- That"s A Wrap!

Start your long weekend off right by cozying up with these famous wrappers that took to social media to show themselves livin’ that snug life.


Hot Babes in Robes -- That"s A Wrap!

Start your long weekend off right by cozying up with these famous wrappers that took to social media to show themselves livin’ that snug life.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Kim Kardashian Easter Photos: Yup, That"s Kanye as a Bunny!!!!

Fans witnessed two very different sides of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on Sunday.

Those who decided to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on their television screens saw Kim receive the phone call that would change her life.

The latest installment of this scripted E! series took viewers back a few months, to the rapper’s mental breakdown and subsequent hospitalization in November.

We saw Kim freak out over the state of her husband and we were left to wonder what the future held for Kanye as an individual and for Kimye as a couple.

However, those who follow Kardashian on Instagram didn’t need to speculate about the state of this relationship.

It appears to be doing just fine, at least if Kim’s latest set of precious family photos are to be believed.

The reality star gave her millions of followers a unique look behind the scenes of her family’s Easter celebration yesterday, posting one adorable image after another of her and/or her husband.

For example: that really is Kanye dressed up like the Easter Bunny above!

And there he is yet again below, interacting with kids in a photo Kim captioned with one simple made-up word:


That’s little North West reaching up to touch her dad’s fake furry head in this very cute picture.

Among the friends and family members who were on hand to help Kim and Kanye enjoy the holiday were Kourtney Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen.

And also a handful of animals:

There was reportedly an Easter Egg hunt for the kids to get into, and John Legend also dressed up like the Easter Bunny.

But that’s to be somewhat expected. We can’t say we’re totally shocked to learn that Legend would go to such an extreme in order to entertain the kids on hand.

West, however? We’ve heard next to nothing from the rapper since his aforementioned hospitalization.

Any time Kanye’s name is uttered these days, it’s typically connected to a celebrity gossip item that asks something along the lines of, When Will Kim Kardashian Divorce Kanye West?

Without uttering the words, Kim basically replied on Sunday in the following manner:

A quarter to NEVER, people!

Just consider the sweet family portrait Kardashian also shared on her social media account:

“Easter 2017,” Kim captioned this photo of herself, her husband and her two kids, North and Saint.

It has been Liked over THREE MILLION times in fewer than 24 hours.

You can scoff at the fairly ridiculous nature of their names all you want, but you can’t exactly argue with how cute they are, can you?

Does this look like a family about to dissolve or a family that looks as stable as ever?

Heck, Kanye is actually smiling! Kind of! Sort of! As broadly as we’ve seen him do in years, at least.

If Kardashian really is planning for life after Kanye, this seems like an unusual way to be going about it.

Do you still believe those Kim and Kanye divorce rumors? Did you ever believe them?

Or do you think this is true love that will stand the test of time, tabloid chatter and everything in between?

Oh, and also: HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tupac Shakur Arrested LAST MONTH in L.A. and That"s NOT a Typo (PHOTO)

Tupac Shakur was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon just last month in a case that’s downright bizarre … for obvious reasons. Conspiracy theorists should probably sit down, but yes … cops booked a 45-year-old man named Tupac…


Tupac Shakur Arrested LAST MONTH in L.A. and That"s NOT a Typo (PHOTO)

Tupac Shakur was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon just last month in a case that’s downright bizarre … for obvious reasons. Conspiracy theorists should probably sit down, but yes … cops booked a 45-year-old man named Tupac…
