Showing posts with label Tweets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tweets. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Tweets Photo of Stephen Paddock"s Bloody Corpse

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, 59 people were killed and hundreds more were injured on Sunday night when a gunman by the name of Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a country music concert in Las Vegas.

The mass shooting was the deadliest in US history, and Americans are outraged that an individual civilian was able to perpetrate such a senselessly destructive act of terrorism.

In the days since the tragedy, there’s been a great deal of discussion about what role the media should play in helping the public to process it.

Some feel Paddock’s name shouldn’t be mentioned publicly, as notoriety he receives might serve to encourage copycat gunmen.

Others feel that we should thoroughly investigate Paddock’s motives in order to carry on a more informed conversation about gun violence and mental illness in America.

What both sides can agree on is that the media should in no way glamorize Paddock’s horrific actions or create an environment that distracts from the crucial issues at the heart of this matter.

Unfortunately, in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, many outlets find it difficult not to inundate their audience with a steady barrage of new information that ends up distracting from the fact that dozens of innocent Americans have lost their lives.

Yesterday’s odd interview with Paddock’s brother (above) is one example of the worsening media circus.

And the involvement of Dan Bilzerian is undoubtedly another.

Bilzerian is a professional poker player and internet celebrity with a social media following of several million.

The 36-year-old Vegas resident was present at the concert and posted shocking video of the shooting on his Instagram page.

Bilzerian was applauded by some for documenting the madness of the scene and denigrated by others for focusing on shooting video instead of helping the wounded.

Today, Bilzerian followed the graphic footage up with yet another controversial social media post, this one featuring a photo of the bloodied corpse of Paddock, who killed himself with a gunshot wound to the head.

For obvious reasons, we’ve chosen not to share the photo here.

Bilzerian’s tweet has met with a mixed response from his followers, with some castigating the Instagram star for using shock value to draw media attention, and others praising him for publicly humiliating a monster.

“It was f–ked up he murdered people… and took so many lives. He deserves whatever embarrassment his corpse gets,” wrote one follower.

“No, actually there r these things called morals and ethics … respect the dead,’” commented another.

The post has sparked a contentious debate with hundreds arguing for each side.

Obviously, the issue of whether Bilzerian is morally justified in posting the image will never be definitively settled, but it seems undeniable that such actions distract from the vitally important conversation that we should be having as a nation this week.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton Slammed After "Ignorant" Tweets Following Las Vegas Shooting

Criticizing Hillary Clinton has been a regular pastime for a large swathe of America for the past two or three decades, and that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.

Not even following the horrific Mandalay Bay massacre in Las Vegas that killed 58 and injured more than 500.

Critics claim that Hillary’s tweet following the massacre was overly political and displayed “ignorance” of firearms. Did it?

Those who were still up on Sunday night and those waking up to terrible news on Monday morning expressed their reactions to the absolute horror of the shooting in Las Vegas.

Everyone on Twitter, from big-name celebrities to friends to coworkers to that one guest star you thirst-followed three years ago, was speaking out.

Those who couldn’t find the words themselves retweeted those who could.

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 candidate preferred by the majority of American voters and regarded by many as America’s monarch-in-exile, tweeted appropriately.

“Las Vegas, we are grieving with you — the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.”

We all saw the horrifying videos and heard the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. Hillary did, too, and followed up her tweet with this:

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”

We’ll talk about that bill, don’t you worry.

“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”

Obviously, this was the cue to everyone who’s ever read a Cracked article to try to make themselves sound like an expert on firearms.

Hillary was referring to H.R.367, the almost absurdly named Hearing Protection Act of 2017.

Despite it’s name, it’s not a proposed law about noise pollution or public nuisances or hearing aids.

It’s an NRA-backed bill that would make it easier to get silencers for guns by removing restrictions on silencers so that they are regulated just like regular ol’ guns.

As you may have guessed, Hillary’s critics mocked her by pointing out that silencers don’t actually make guns silent; they just muffle the noise somewhat.

An NRA spokeswoman tweeted:

“Suppressors only reduce by a few decibels, still same decibel level as a jack hammer.”

A radio host tweeted:

“Appallingly stupid, and entirely irrelevant, Mrs Clinton She knows nothing about firearms, and even worse, she doesn’t care.”

Though Hillary’s tweet doesn’t immediately convey whether or not she’s aware that silencers do not make guns literally silent, let’s remember two things:

One, Hillary Clinton is an almost frighteningly intelligent person. That’s based on basically every interaction that she’s ever had.

Two, if gunshots are quieter, even just a little bit, that means that fewer people will be aware of them.

Have you ever been to a concert? There are absolutely concerts at which “a few decibels” could make the difference between a gunshot being audible and it going unnoticed save to those who get shot.

Countless public voices have called out for the US to actually, for once, do something to prevent future mass shootings.

Ariana Grande called for gun control, and she is obviously no stranger to terrorist attacks at concerts.

Politicians who rely upon NRA endorsements and funding continue to turn a blind eye to common-sense solutions that have been proven to work in other countries — most notably in Australia.

There are those who characterize the NRA as the greatest ally of domestic terrorists. At this point, that is getting harder and harder to dispute.

But it’s much easier for the pro-gun lobby to criticize people calling for common sense gun regulations than it is for them to explain why, exactly, massacres in which hundreds and hundreds of people are hospitalized are becoming a staple of American existence.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Elsie Hewitt Tweets After Alleged Ryan Phillippe Assault, Posts Graphic Photos

Elsie Hewitt is accusing Ryan Phillippe of assault, and her tweets from around the time of the alleged assault hint at significant turmoil. 

A 21-year-old model, Hewitt filed a civil lawsuit against Phillippe, 43, for allegedly kicking, punching and throwing her down the stairs.

The alleged incident occurred July 4.

Phillippe denies the incident, and on Tuesday, authorities closed the criminal investigation into the matter without filing charges.

The actor’s rep said in a statement:

“As a staunch advocate for the health, well-being and equality of women, Ryan is completely devastated [by] these false allegations.”

“Domestic violence is an incredibly serious issue and fabricated and proven false claims should not be used to unjustly slander the falsely accused.”

“The claims are false.”

Not so, says Hewitt, who claims that on July 3, Phillippe had left a party after “being ignored [by Hewitt],” and all hell broke loose after.

Hewitt alleges that she went to his house with a friend to pack up her things in the early hours of July 4, and a physical altercation ensued.

On June 29, Hewitt tweeted that she was “having a [really] ugly day.” The following day, she cryptically tweeted: “[Why are you] texting me.”

A day after the alleged assault, the model tweeted: “At the end of the day your word is your only clout but everyone’s a f–king liar anyway, so.”

“I woke up and ate a huge bowl of pasta at 10am and the whole time I ate it I was like wtf elsie but I still didn’t stop and now I feel sick.”

On July 6, she tweeted: “[You] know there’s something wrong when you’d rather sit in silence than sit there with music,” later adding:

“Completely f–king broken [right now]. That is all.”

Hewitt claims that she saw Phillippe – whom she had been dating since April but split from in July – “repeatedly abusing” drugs.

Hewitt Tweets

Specifically, “a panoply of legal and illegal drugs, including without limitation: cocaine, ecstasy, psychedelic mushrooms, and steroids.”

The model says Phillippe “increasingly combined these drugs with excessive alcohol consumption,” and that it impacted his behavior.

As a result, he “often exhibited symptoms attendant of drug and alcohol abuse, including mood swings and bouts of anger.”

A source close to the star, however, claims it was Hewitt who was under the influence July 4, and that he did nothing wrong.

“Elsie showed up to Ryan’s house uninvited and under the influence a few days after he had broken up with her,” a source told People.

“She physically attacked Ryan.”

“She caused a scene and refused to leave his home. As she was removed from the premises, she claims she fell and injured herself.”

Hewitt Bruise

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department says Hewitt requested and was granted an emergency protective order.

The order expired July 12.

A report on the incident was forwarded to the Los Angeles City Attorney, who decided not to file criminal charges, as we stated above.

Keith Fink, Hewitt’s lawyer, dismisses any suggestion that his client had filed the suit simply as a means of obtaining fame and money.

She claims he “violently threw her down his staircase as hard as he could” and then “tossed her down the stairs a second time.”

Hewitt also supplied a number of photos of bruising and injuries (above, below) that she alleges she suffered as a result of the altercation.

Hewitt Bruise Too

Hewitt was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center with injuries, and police issued the emergency protective order and filed a report.

She claims that she suffered significant chest wall pain, abrasions and severe bruising, and is asking for $ 1 million as a result.

Again, there are two sides to this story, and Ryan’s is that these injuries were not sustained as a result of anything he did to her.

The photos may be provocative, but it’s important to note that he denies this as the case is still playing out in the legal system.

Stay tuned.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Enes Kanter Blasts Back After Kevin Durant"s Anti-Thunder Tweets

Enes Kanter is standing up for the OKC Thunder after his former teammate Kevin Durant ripped the organization on Twitter … saying K.D. is dead wrong. As we previously reported, Durant tweeted that he hated playing in OKC because he didn’t like his…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Amanda Stanton Tweets Photo of Robby Hayes" Alleged Cheating

Amanda Stanton and Robby Hayes came across as the little couple that could during Bachelor in Paradise Season 4, but then the season finale rolled around and blindsided everyone. 

During the live segment of the ABC show’s season finale, viewers were shocked to learn that Amanda and Robby were by no means in a relationship and were not even on talking terms. 

The talk quickly turned to a picture Amanda had that allegedly proved her man was cheating. 

“That’s false. [There] were pictures of me close to a girl but I was not by any means unfaithful,” Hayes alleged as he maintained that he was innocent.

“The picture did look like y’all were making out. … If you’re saying you didn’t, I believe you. You were there, not me. But it did look like it,” Amanda replied as Robby looked like he was going to burst into tears upon realizing that he would never be making Amanda avocado toast again. 

But the drama was not all saved for the reunion spectacular, and Robby took to Twitter yesterday with a lengthy statement in response to being dragged on social media for his actions.

“While I won’t be one to resort to vicious social media attacks, at the finale, I felt like I was sitting next to a stranger,” he wrote in a lengthy message.

“I’ll never understand why there’s such a desperate need to present an ‘innocent persona’ and resort to allowing allegations that are blatantly untrue be said about me.”

Have a look at the statement in full below. 

Robby felt very strongly about the whole situation.

Then, someone decided to call Amanda’s parenting into question, and the feud went nuclear. 

Cami-Li, a model who has appeared in a string of U.K. reality TV shows, chimed in with her thoughts on the situation and went after Amanda in a scathing tweet. 

“I believe @RobbyHHayes. Never trust a woman who leaves her kids to find a man. Nope,” she shared with her 184,000 followers. 

To stick the knife in further, Robby retweeted it. 

Have a look below.

Amanda has been mom-shamed for going on reality TV and leaving her kids behind in the past, so she decided it was time to share the picture that allegedly proved Robby cheated on her. 

“Look what you made me do,” the 27-year-old captioned the below image. 

That sure looks like Robby in a rather compromising situation with an unidentified individual. Twitter went into overdrive with emotions after the way Amanda exposed him. 

She retweeted Taylor Swift GIFs that were sent her way from fans. To be fair, she did keep quiet until her kids were brought into the drama. 

Considering her track record when it comes to dating people from Bachelor Nation, it’s understandable that she would want to take a new relationship slowly. 

In any case, it’s probably a good thing she never went to the fantasy suite with Robby on Bachelor in Paradise because she would look very silly right about now. 

Oh, and the feud is far from over. Robby has been silent since the incriminating image was released to the world, and Amanda has made it clear there’s plenty more to come. 

“Sorry that just looks like she leaned over to talk over some loud noise that’s not kissing,” said one confused follower on Twitter. 

“I have plenty more + videos. Plus multiple girls have came out and DM’d me with stories since…etc etc,” Amanda fired back. 

All things considered, it sounds like Amanda has all the proof she needs to cut Robby out of her life for good, and we cannot blame her. 


Monday, August 28, 2017

Leslie Jones Live Tweets GoT Finale, Can"t F-ckin Deal

The Game of Thrones season finale delivered one surprise after another, from Cersei turning on her brother… to Sansa sentencing Littlefinger to die… to Jon and Dany totally getting it on.

That would be nephew Jon and his aunt Dany, that is.

And Leslie Jones didn"t merely take in every detail — she live-Tweeted every detail!

Much to our extreme satisfaction.

Re-watch the finale along with the Saturday Night Live cast member and all her expletive-laden joy below…

1. Is It Hard in Here?

Is it hard in here

Or is it the Unsullied?

2. Let’s Talk About Cersei’s Real Crime

Lets talk about cerseis real crime

That sweater, right?!?

3. The Meeting is On

The meeting is on

Let’s do this!

4. The Hound and Brienne 4eva!

The hound and brienne 4eva

Sorry, Tormund.

5. We’re on Team Bron

Were on team bron

But who isn’t, right?!?

6. Beware, Cersei

Beware cersei

Did you really need me to tell you that?

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Kesha Tweets Out Support for Taylor Swift: Truth is Always the Answer!

Ever since Kesha released “Praying” and awed the world with her dazzling vocals, we’ve been rejoicing at her return to music.

(Her whole album, Rainbow, is out now in case you haven’t listened to it yet)

But Kesha’s doing more than music, these days — and is reaching out to Taylor Swift for the best possible reason.

Kesha’s accusations against the songwriter and record producer known as Dr. Luke (real name Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald) are very well known.

She waged a legal battle in an attempt to break away from him so that she could make music that wasn’t under his supervision.

The reason that she wanted to get away? Ten years of alleged mental abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse at his hands.

Tragically, the court ruled against Kesha, refusing to set her free of her contract, which effectively put her career in limbo.

It’s sort of unclear, at the moment, what ties — if any — Dr. Luke has to Kesha’s current music and the proceeds from it.

Nobody thinks that Kesha might be working with him, of course.

While our woefully inept legal system might not be equipped to hold Dr. Luke accountable, he was effectively tried and convicted in the court of public opinion.

Like, everybody hates Dr. Luke. And nobody kept their opinion quiet, either.

You had Adele speaking out about him. You had Taylor Swift sending Kesha’s legal fund a quarter of a million dollars.

Sony, the company involved in all of this, was absolutely horrified. Reports said that Sony was searching for a legal way to terminate their own ties with Dr. Luke.

But it’s Taylor Swift’s silent but powerful contribution to Kesha’s cause that we want to talk about.

Because while Taylor Swift may not have suffered to the degree of what Kesha describes for a decade, Taylor Swift has been embroiled in a recent legal battle.

And that battle has been over her own sexual assault.

Taylor Swift accused a radio DJ named David Mueller of groping her back in 2015.

Specifically, Mueller allegedly slid his hand up and grabbed Taylor’s bare butt, leaving her too stunned by the grope to immediately respond.

(That sort of “freezing up in shock” response is pretty common in response to a lot of sexual assaults)

Do worse things happen every single day? Absolutely.

Is crime relative? Is evil relative? No.

You don’t get a pass for stealing a car just because somebody else stole a person, and you don’t get a pass on grabbing somebody’s butt without permission just because someone else spent a decade under the thumb of a controlling abuser.

Mueller lost his job after Taylor went public with her accusation, and he then tried to sue her over it.

A judge tossed out the suit against Taylor Swift just last week, which was widely celebrated even by the people who’ve forsaken Taylor Swift in recent years.

Taylor Swift still has a court date today, however, for her own countersuit against Mueller.

And this is where Kesha comes in:

Kesha, whose star is once again on the rise, tweeted out her support to Taylor just a few hours ago:

@taylorswift13 i support you always, and especially right now and admire your strength and fearlessness. truth is always the answer.”

That’s beautifully said and also publicly said.

While hopefully Taylor’s case shouldn’t need any help, every voice raised up against things that are awful — whether it’s sexual assault or the terrifying white nationalist rally over the weekend — helps.

Every good voice matters.

Speaking of Kesha’s good voice, by the way … have you heard her album yet?

She released Rainbow on Friday and it soared to the #1 spot (where it remains).

As much as we loved Kesha’s dancier club trash music from 2009 (and we really, truly love a lot of that), she’s moved on and we totally respect that.

We’re not going to review her whole album right here for you, but you should seriously go check it out.

She has a duet with Dolly Freaking Parton.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Calls Out Lee Garrett for Racist Tweets on "Men Tell All"

Rachel Lindsay finally called out “Bachelorette” contestant Lee Garrett for racist and misogynistic tweets he put out before his time on the show … and he owned up to it. Rachel confronted Lee on Monday night’s “Men Tell All” episode before next…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Bachelorette Tweets: Twitter Does NOT Like Bryan Abasolo

The Bachelorette is nearing its end.

If you"ve been following The Bachelorette Spoilers, then you already know who Rachel Lindsay is going to choose — whether you like her ultimate choice or not.

Following hometown dates and hometown heartbreak for Dean Unglert, who is now a favorite to be the next Bachelor, it was time for Rachel"s remaining suitors to meet her family.

Rachel"s family members had some definite opinions about the men Rachel was considering, because of course they did.

But Twitter has some opinions of their own.

Long story short? They love Peter Kraus (as they should) and, collectively, Twitter cannot stand Bryan Abasolo.

They tweeted out memes and comparisons and some scathing opinions.

Sometimes the internet brings people together for the right reasons.

1. This first one sums up what Twitter thinks of Rachel’s judgement

Bachelorette tweets 00

Peter just seems to be the perfect deal, while Bryan seems to talk like an unconvincing old-timey fairytale prince.

2. Same

Bachelorette tweets 01

A lot of us make faces at the television when it’s deserved.

3. THIS is unfair …

Bachelorette tweets 02

This is unfair to Gaston, who is much more handsome than Bryan Abasolo.

4. At least his name’s on the list …

Bachelorette tweets 03

(Sort of)

5. Family is important

Bachelorette tweets 04

We don’t think that their immediate dislike of Bryan is going to be enough to sway Rachel, though.

6. They might lose some fans

Bachelorette tweets 05

Though, honestly, plenty of people threaten to quit and then come crawling back. We’ve all been there.

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Woman Live Tweets Every Airline Passenger"s Worst Nightmare

When Jessie Char arrived at her seat on a recent JetBlue flight, she witnessed the most glorious sight any airline passenger could ever hope to see:

An empty middle seat and an empty window seat.

The surprise was so beautiful that Char had to Tweet about it, right then and there:

On her flight home Long Beach to San Francisco, the 30-year old would get to relax with no concern over anyone’s elbows or any fellow passenger forcing her up to use the bathroom.

It’s what we all dream of when board a flight, right?

But then Char’s fantasy turned into a nightmare.

Prepared to maybe even lie across all three seats and squeeze in a nap, Char wrote a mysterious Tweet.

“You guys will never guess what happened next,” she teased to followers.

“I noticed one of the armrests collapse and so I looked over only to see a foot emerge from the row behind me,” Char explained to People Magazine, adding in horror:

“It was writhing around on one armrest and there was a significant amount of toe wiggling.”

No. Oh God… no.

This didn’t really happen, did it?

Yes, it did:

Char says she crouched down into her seat “to remain undetected.” She couldn’t help but snap a photo of the bare feet that will forever haunt her sleep.

And then things got even worse!

“While I was logging onto the airplane Wi-Fi, I saw the left foot stretch over to open the window, and then close it again,” she told The Today Show, which also picked this story up.

“I looked to the front and back for the nearest flight attendant and caught someone’s eye, but by the time she reached me the feet discreetly retracted back into the abyss of row 6.”

Why didn’t Char say something to this individual?

“I was in literal shock,” she told People. “I think I needed another human with me in the moment to reassure me I wasn’t just seeing things.”

Char’s tweet of the feet has been Liked on Twitter over 26,000 times and received over 5,000 retweets.

Will she ever fly again? Yes, of course, don’t be silly.

But she does have some advice for anyone who encounters a similar situation.

“I tried not to breathe super heavily while [the bare feet] were present,” she said.

She’s a better person than we are, that’s for sure.

Forget breathing heavy. We’d have drank heavily and then “accidentally” spilled our beverage on the inappropriate appendages extended across the seats next to us. 

When she got up upon landing, Char said she spotted the woman who committed this traveling sin.

She’s in her mid 40s, Char estimates, and is approximately 5’3″.

So beware if you see someone who looks like this on your next flight! Prepare to take action!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

19 Tweets That Prove Parenting Can Be Fun (Sometimes)

Being a parent can be tough.

It can be challenging. It can be stressful.

But it can also be a downright delight, especially when you log in to Twitter and share various thoughts about your kids and your role in the universe on social media. 

The following mothers and fathers deserve full props for having done just this over the past few weeks…

1. Welcome to Trump’s America

Welcome to trumps america

The kids are, sadly, learning about it quickly.

2. Kids Really Force You to Think

Kids really force you to think

About the most random things, but whatever!

3. I… I Don’t Know

I i dont know

My kid is a genius!

4. Silly, Silly Parent

Silly silly parent

Must I explain everything to you?

5. She Better Not Be Alergic

She better not be alergic

But at least we’ll learn one way or the other pretty quickly.

6. They Even Make Paying the Bills Fun

They even make paying the bills fun

Okay, not “fun,” per se. But still.

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Seth Rogen"s Mom Tweets About Sex: What Did Seth Say?

There is nothing more embarrassing than having your parents on social media.

They are all up in your business, checking where you’ve checked into. It can be pretty crazy. 

It can also be pretty funny, and Seth Rogen is learning the hard way that his mother will embarrass him at every single opportunity thrown her way. 

In a hilarious exchange between the mother-son, Seth reacts in shock to his mother chatting about sex to her 41,000 followers. 

No, that was not a typo. Seth Rogen’s mother is all over Twitter commenting about sex. 

“Falling asleep after sex is like shavasana after yoga.!,” said Sandy Rogen on Twitter on July 5, shocking everyone who laid eyes on the tweet. 

People tweeted that they were waiting to see Seth’s response, and, well, he did not take it all that well. 

“Jesus fucking Christ mom,” the 35-year-old actor clapped back at his mother. 

However, Sandy was not in an apologetic mood and went with a witty response to her son. 

“It’s just an observation of life!” she responded. We’re actually very surprised the tweet did not disappear from existence. 

Whenever celebrities tweet embarrassing things, they are generally swiftly deleted. 

“Whatever!!,” Seth replied, apparently irate by the whole thing. We can’t even begin to imagine how shocked and embarrassed he was at the time, but it was still hilarious. 

“Whateverrrrrrrr mom mm!,” said back, clearly wanting to keep the exchange going strong. 

Another family member named Danya chimed in with their thoughts on the matter. 

“Seriously. I actually gagged,” the family member said. 

“It’s gnarly,” Seth responded, while his mother said: “Lame!”

Something tells us there are going to be some awkward silences the next time Seth meets up with his mother. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Drake Bell Mourns Death of Stevie Ryan, Breaks Our Hearts with These Tweets

Drake Bell often uses his Twitter account to engage in feuds with other, better known celebrities.

Over the years, he’s gotten into it with stars such as Justin Bieber (along with the singer’s passionate fans) and Caitlyn Jenner, among others.

Over this past weekend, however, Bell was in no mood to feud.

He was simply stunned and sad over the death of Stevie Ryan.

According to the Los Angeles Coroner’s office’s, the viral video star and aspiring actress hanged herself in her home on July 1.

While details continue to pour in and while we may never know what drove Ryan to commit this tragic act, her final Tweet was posted just a day earlier.

And it was in remembrance of her grandfather.

“The man of my dreams will now only be in my dreams,” she wrote. “I’ll miss you everyday, forever. I love you my Pa.”

Ryan was clearly in a very low place at the time.

Bell, meanwhile, dated Ryan – a YouTube star perhaps best known for her celebrity impressions – from 2005 to 2006.

They attended the 2006 MTV Movie Awards together, walking the red carpet and posing for photographers.

“No no no!!!! I can NOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!! Please wake me from this nightmare @StevieRyan I loved you and will forever miss you!” wrote Bell in response to the awful news on Sunday.

bell and ryan

He later linked to a Fox News report on Ryan’s passing and added:

“This is too much. My heart is crushed. @StevieRyan I love you and miss you…”

A short time later, Bell re-Tweeted a video of Ryan and Perez Hilton from 2007, quoting the celebrity gossip blogger, who wrote that he was “sending so much light to [the loved] ones” of the late 33-year old.

Ryan was outspoken about her struggle with depression over the years on social media.

She even created and co-hosted a podcast about the mental illness called “Mentally Ch(ill)” with Kristen Carney.

Along with a few broken heart emojis, Carney Tweeted the following in response to Ryan’s suicide:

RIP @StevieRyan. The coolest girl I’ve ever known.

The California native sky-rocketed to fame on YouTube thanks to her impersonations of stars such Kim Kardashian, Amy Winehouse and Justin Bieber.

She then starred her own sketch comedy show on VH1, “Stevie TV,” and co-hosted a relationship program (“Sex with Brody”) with Brody Jenner.

She was reportedly found unresponsive at her home on Saturday and pronounced dead at the scene.

Bell may have actually dated Ryan, but he wasn’t alone in mourning her death.

Here’s a look at a few other responses to her shocking suicide:

ryan responses

If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, please seek professional help.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

May Stevie Ryan rest in peace.
