Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

UFC"s Derrick Lewis Battling Freezing Water, Ants When Saving Flood Victims

UFC star Derrick Lewis says he’s exhausted and bit up after 2 straight days of rescuing flood victims in Houston … telling TMZ Sports freezing water and swarms of ants are a huge problem.  We spoke with Lewis after footage surfaced showing…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

UFC"s Daniel Cormier"s in Hawaii as John Jones Treads Water After Failing Steroid Drug Test

Daniel Cormier looked suspicious as he waded in the waters of Hawaii … as the UFC Light Heavyweight championship belt hangs in the balance. TMZ Sports broke the story … Jon Jones may not have fought a fair fight when he ko’d Cormier last month…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mel B Hurls Water at Simon Cowell, Storms Off AGT Set

America"s Got Talent? Yes, often each week on NBC.

But America had a fight on its hands Tuesday night after two of the judges on this beloved reality show got into a pretty big tiff on live television.

The altercation took place after host Tyra Banks asked Simon Cowell for his take on an act that just performed on stage.

Pretty much out of nowhere, Cowell used the opportunity to take a jab at co-panelist Mel B, her failed marriage and her sex life.

“I kind of imagine this would be like Mel B’s wedding night,” Cowell quipped. “A lot of anticipation, not much promise or delivery.”

Before he could even finish his thought, the ex-Spice Girls member jumped out of her seat and tossed a cup of water on Cowell.

She then stormed off set.

“Mel B is out,” Banks told the audience with enthusiasm. “This is live TV, y’all. Live TV.”

Could this have been staged for attention and ratings? Absolutely, you never know with reality programs.

However, Brown and Stephen Belafonte are engaged in a VERY ugly divorce battle at the moment.

The singer has filed for a restraining order amidst claims that Belafonte abused her and threatened her life on many occasions.

There"s talk of beatings, sex tapes, bribery and threesomes.

After 10 years of marriage, Mel B has asked for joint legal and physical custody of the former couple’s 5-year-old daughter, Madison.

She also requested to terminate the court’s ability to award spousal support in her filing.

Would she really agree to let Cowell joke about this kind of relationship?

Just so the following crack and reaction can go viral?

Watch and decide for yourself:

Mel b hurls water at simon cowell storms off americas got talent

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hero Dog Leaps Into Water, Saves Deer from Drowining

Dogs are generally considered Man"s Best Friend.

For good reason: they are as loyal as it gets when it comes to their human owners.

But the following photos, video and explanation describes a situation in which one canine in particular is loyal to a deer it had never met before… so much so that it jumps into a lake and rescues its fellow animal from drowning.


Scroll down to learn more…

1. This is Storm

This is storm

He’s an English golden retriever who lives in Long Island.

2. There’s Trouble Out There!

Theres trouble out there

He was out for a walk with his owner and his fellow dog, Sara, when he noticed something in the water and just jumped in. It was a baby deer.

3. Got It!

Got it

“Storm plunged into the water and started swimming out to the fawn, grabbed it by the neck, and started swimming to shore,” said owner Mark Freeley, who grabbed his phone and started filming.

4. Is He Okay?!?

Is he okay

As you’ll see in the amazing video below, Storm didn’t merely rescue the fawn. He was clearly agitated over its state, crying until it showed signs of life.

5. Yikes!


Storm’s show of concern actually scared the young animal, which shot up and ran back out into the water. Thankfully, by now, others had arrived on scene and one man swam out to make a second rescue.

6. Got Him! Again!

Got him again

Frank Floridia of Strong Island Rescue said it took about eight minutes and a rope to get a hold of the deer. He understood what Storm went through, first during the rescue and then afterward, making sure the fawn was unharmed.

View Slideshow

Monday, July 10, 2017

LaMelo Ball Trashes Vegas House During Crazy Indoor Water Balloon Fight

Lonzo Ball’s 15-year-old brother, LaMelo, unleashed an sneak water balloon attack on two girls in bikinis — INSIDE the Vegas home where he’s staying — while wearing a shirt with his own face on it.   Yep.  It all went down Sunday night…


LaMelo Ball Trashes Vegas House During Crazy Indoor Water Balloon Fight

Lonzo Ball’s 15-year-old brother, LaMelo, unleashed an sneak water balloon attack on two girls in bikinis — INSIDE the Vegas home where he’s staying — while wearing a shirt with his own face on it.   Yep.  It all went down Sunday night…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Barack Obama Takes the Fam White Water Rafting in Bali

President Obama was NOT the captain of this ship … and he’s totally cool with it. The former Prez and Michelle took Malia and Sasha along for their latest vacation in Bali … where they did some white water rafting. Based on Sasha’s smile we’re…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Water Slide Viral Video Is Legit and Glide-On-Water Guy Can Prove It!

That water slide viral video is the real deal according to the guy who pulled it off … and he told us exactly how he perfected the gravity-defying move. The guy’s name is Rolando Johnson … a 21-year-old lifeguard at Pirates Island…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Water Slide Viral Video, Strong Sign It"s a Fake, But ... (VIDEO)

That amazing water slide video — where the guy glides across the surface of the pool — is really fishy. Or at least one key part of it is. Like the rest of you, we’ve been watching the clip over and over … trying to understand how it could be.…


Water Slide Guy Sticks Landing by Gliding Over Water! (VIDEO)

Call him the Usain Bolt of water parks — a guy in Jamaica stuck the most amazing water slide landing … in fact, it’s almost unbelievable! If you thought gliding over water went out of style about 2000 years ago, you gotta see what this guy…


Monday, May 22, 2017

YIKES! Sea Lion Yanks Girl Into Water, Scares Ish Out of Internet

In a word? YIKES!

In another word? PHEW!

Footage of a sea lion leaping up out the water and dragging a young girl back down under with it has spread across the Internet, causing many to react in shock and fear over the actions of this unexpectedly aggressive creature.

The video below was filmed in Richmond, British Columbia near the Steveston Fisherman"s Wharf in Canada.

It starts off innocently enough, too, as a group of people are seen throwing tiny bits of food to the animal and commenting on how large it is. We hear someone"s cell phone go off.

It all seems like harmless, normal fun.

But then the sea lion swims close to a docked boat and closer to the dock itself. It sticks its head out from under the water and approaches a squating little girl.

At first, it leaps out of the water toward the girl, almost to give her a kiss on the face.

The girl laughs. So does everyone around her.

From there, however, the girl sits down… turns her head away slightly… and, almost as if it was waiting for its prey to peer in the other direction, the sea lion jumps up and actually bites down on the girl"s dress.

It then yanks her into the water.

Thankfully, a man (believed to be a relative) immediately springs into action, leaping in to save the girl before any physical damage can be done.

Michael Fujiwara, who captured the dramatic footage, told CBC News that the girl’s family “were just in shock” over the terrifying incident.

“They were pretty shaken up,” he said.

According to Andrew Trites, the Director of UBC"s Marine Mammal Research Unit, the sea lion likely thought the girl"s dress was food.

"My first reaction to the video is just how stupid some people can be to not treat wildlife with proper respect," he said, adding:

"This was a male California sea lion. They are huge animals. They are not circus performers. They"re not trained to be next to people."

And Bob Baziuk, the general manager of the Steveston Harbour Authority, explained to CNN how they"ve ben warning visitors not to feed animals for years.

"It"s not Sea World, it"s a place where you buy fish," Baziuk says. "If you feed the animals like this, you"re asking for trouble."

The video has been viewed over 2.2 million times.

See it for yourself:

Sea lion yanks girl into the water in frightening viral video

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Prince William Gets Water Bottle Splash to the Face During London Marathon (PHOTO)

Prince William might be royalty, but he’s not above a good squirt in the face … especially when he’s on the front lines of a marathon handing out H2O. William and Kate were at the London Marathon Sunday, being good citizens and handing out…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Drake"s Dad Explains Why Home Burglar Only Snatched Soda and Water (VIDEO)

Drake’s dad knows EXACTLY why the criminal who burglarized his son’s crib only came up with $ 10 worth of loot — the nest is empty! Dennis Graham was outside Delilah Wednesday night and we asked him about Drake’s Hidden Hills pad getting an…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Conor McGregor Scores WATER BOTTLE FIGHT VICTORY ... Massive Fines Reduced (VIDEO)

BIG WIN for Conor McGregor … the UFC star got his big $ 75,000 fine reduced to $ 25,000 for that water bottle fight with Nate Diaz at the UFC 202 presser. Remember, the Nevada State Athletic Commission hit McGregor with the massive fine — plus 50…


Conor McGregor Scores WATER BOTTLE FIGHT VICTORY ... Massive Fines Reduced (VIDEO)

BIG WIN for Conor McGregor … the UFC star got his big $ 75,000 fine reduced to $ 25,000 for that water bottle fight with Nate Diaz at the UFC 202 presser. Remember, the Nevada State Athletic Commission hit McGregor with the massive fine — plus 50…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Colin Kaepernick Gets AIRPLANE to Ship Food, Water to Somalia

Big victory for Colin Kaepernick … the NFL quarterback — along with other activists — was able to convince Turkish Airlines to donate a plane for a much needed humanitarian mission to Somalia.  Kaep made his initial plea to the airline on…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

T.I. and Tiny"s Divorce Dead in the Water ... For Now

T.I. and Tiny are creeping closer to reconciliation — or at least NO divorce status — because she forgot to do one very important thing when divorcing someone. A hearing in the divorce was scheduled Wednesday morning in Georgia, but TMZ has…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ryan Lochte Shoots Down Water Birth ... "In Case Something Goes Wrong" (VIDEO)

Doesn’t matter that he’s a world class swimmer … Ryan Lochte says there’s way in hell he’s allowing his fiancee to have a water birth when their kid is born.  Lochte and his fiancee, Kayla Rae Reid, announced their pregnancy back…


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Kanye West -- Way Worse than Sleep and Water Deprivation

Kanye West is in a bad mental state … and sources familiar with the situation tell us his hospitalization is far from over. Our sources say as of Wednesday morning it appeared he would stay at UCLA Medical Center until at least week’s end. We’re…
