Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bella Thorne Posts Photo of Her Butt in a Bikini Because Life is Beautiful

Earlier this month, Bella Thorne turned 18, which, as Tyga can tell you means she’s now perfectly legal ogling material.

Bella has never exactly been shy on Instagram, but it seems that like Kylie Jenner before her, she’s really stepped her game up since entering the world of legal adulthood.

In case you can’t tell (or you’ve been reduced to a drooling Neanderthal and you now need even the simplest things explained to you), that’s Bella in a bikini, and we’re not sure how to go about getting her ass declared the Eighth Wonder of the World, but it really needs to happen.

Sadly, Bella is dating Gregg Sulkin, who is apparently a 23-year-old actor. We’re not really sure, because when we look at him, all we see is some lucky bastard who must be stopped.

Frankly, we’re not sure how either one of them became famous, but we’re guessing Bella has bigger and better things in her future.

Gregg, sadly, will almost certainly look back on this period in his life and realize that it was the peak.

Sorry, dude. Rest assured you climbed higher than most men ever will. In a way, you’re hero. In another way, we totally hate you.