Friday, October 23, 2015

Bristol Palin Slams New Gun Documentary, is Just Not Smart

Bristol Palin has come out swinging against a new documentary about America’s “gun culture” and that culture’s purported relationship with Christianity.

Suffice it to say, she’s not happy about it … or all that well informed, for that matter, but why let that stop you from off-the-cuff, social media rants?

That’s Bristol Palin for you.

The new film Armor of Light takes a look at America’s love affair with guns and how that dovetails with an outspoken faith in Christianity for many.

In a new blog post, Bristol Palin decided to respond – presumably not having actually seen the thing, but just hearing about its premise – accordingly.

“Here’s my question. Since the number of deaths per year by gun users is dwarfed by the number of people killed through abortions,” she mused.

“Where’s the moment in the movie,” she goes on, “when he turns to Lucy and challenges HER beliefs that allow babies to get killed?”

“Oh, that’s right – because it’s produce [sic] by a pro-abortion activist.”

Oh, that’s wrong, no it’s not. The producer is actually anti-abortion.

In the point of view of the pastor who helmed the project, it’s hypocritical to endorse the rabid gun culture that’s a plague on the U.S.

How can you do so while claiming to be “pro-life,” as guns endanger many innocent lives as well, is a central question posed by the film.

Bristol, of course, is not smart enough to understand such nuances.

NOTE: We’re not saying she’s not smart because she’s pro-guns, pro-life or any other opinion she is 100 percent entitled to and we respect.

She’s simply not smart because she’s not smart, and doesn’t understand what this film (or many things for that matter) are about. At all.

Palin misses the point and has generally no idea what she’s talking about, yet clogs the Internet with mindless drivel just the same.

It’s a fact of life. Whether she’s ranting about birth control or comparing Anna Duggar and Hillary Clinton, the nonsense never ceases.