Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Father Issues Scary, Hilarious Warning to Daughter"s Homecoming Date

There are some parents out there who should never be allowed to text. This much has been made clear.

But there are other parents in existence who should have free reign over technology and the Internet, such as Sharee Schock and her husband, Ben.

A native of of West Salem, Wisconsin, Sharee (a photographer by trade) was snapping pictures of her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend prior to their homecoming dance on October 10.

Before the couple left for the event, though, Ben offered up the following words of wisdom/warning to the boyfriend:

Whatever you do to my daughter, I will do to you.

That may be the greatest threat we’ve ever heard or read.

At some point during the evening, meanwhile, Ben walked over and “put his arms around the boyfriend’s waist and looked right at me,” according to Sharee.

So, naturally, she had to take a snapshot of this moment.

Sharee (our new hero) then edited the images to be side-by-side, inserted her husband’s quote on top of them and… presto!

The photo immediately went viral, with over 3.3 million views on imgur alone.

And here’s the funniest part, at least to Sharee:

“[Ben is] just a big, giant teddy bear that is not really in any way overprotective. I’m kind of the one that’s the stern one.”