Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Josh Duggar: Details of Ashley Madison Account Revealed!

Back in August, we learned that Josh Duggar  had an account with Ashley Madison – the dating website designed to help married people cheat on their spouses  – after hackers revealed the site’s client list in a massive data dump.

That bombshell marked the beginning of the second Josh Duggar sex scandal, and as more information came to light, Josh’s already badly damaged reputation took a hit.

The latest revelations aren’t on par with Josh paying porn stars for sex, but they still provide insights into his double life that the 27-year-old father of four would probably prefer to keep private:

Those are the profile pics that recently unearthed by Gawker as the ones used by Duggar in his unsuccessful effort to find a mistress online.

We can’t imagine why the ladies didn’t come running the moment Josh posted some tiny, blurry pics of himself wearing a terrifying eye mask and showing off some sweet karate moves.

The photos were used on two separate accounts (Yes, Josh paid for two different accounts and still couldn’t find any takers.) with the usernames of Josh_the_Man and Ready4ThisDC. 

(Josh and his wife and 4 kids were living in Washington, DC at the time. They’ve since moved back to Arkansas.)

Hilariously, both accounts are still active, so if you want to sign up for Ashley Madison and send a message to Josh, now’s your chance! 

Of course, you’ll have to wait until he gets out of sex addiction rehab to get a reply.