Monday, October 19, 2015

Lamar Odom Begins Physical Therapy

Less than a week after Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at a Nevada brothel, the former NBA star is out of his coma and well on his way to a miraculous recovery.

Obviously, Odom is far from out of the woods, and it remains to be seen what sort of permanent damage he may have suffered after very nearly dying from a drug overdose, but sources say he took an important step this morning.

According to the LA Daily News, Odom is now able to get out of bed and has begun physical therapy.

“Odom has shown enough steady improvement in recent days at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center that he has started physical therapy,” the newspaper reports.

“Odom has not experienced any setbacks after breathing without the help of a ventilator in the past three days. He showing marked improvement with his breathing, vision and the ability to have simple conversations.”

Reports last week indicated that Odom suffered several strokes before he was hospitalized, so it’s likely that he suffered considerable brain damage.

Fortunately, Odom has shown that he can communicate (primarily with hand signals) and understand what is said to him.

It’ll be a long road to recovery, and Odom may be forced to rely on medical staff or machines for the rest of his life. But considering the man was at death’s door just days ago, we’re sure he’s grateful for the hard work that lays ahead.