Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lamar Odom to Be Charged With Felony Cocaine Possession?!

Yesterday, we reported that Lamar Odom tested positive for cocaine.

It didn’t exactly come as a shock, as sources had previously claimed that Odom was using several drugs on the night that he collapsed and suffered 12 strokes before being hospitalized.

The toxicology report made tabloid headlines, however, as it meant that Odom could be prosecuted on criminal possession charges. 

The Nye County, Nevada sheriff’s department had previously stated that it would pursue a criminal case against Odom if it was presented with sufficient evidence that he had been using illegal drugs on the night of his hospitalization.

Now, TMZ is reporting that the sheriff’s department is recommending that Odom be charged with felony cocaine possession, and his case has been turned over to the DA.

The results of Odom’s blood test – as well any drugs or paraphernalia found in his room – will now be taken into evidence as the district attorney decides whether or not to build a case against Odom.

Even if he’s charged and found guilty, it’s unlikely that Odom, as a first time offender, will face jail time.

Still, a lengthy court case, possibly followed by fines and probation is probably not something that Odom is looking forward to after all that he’s been through already.