Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sam Smith Touts "McRomance," Swears: I"M STRAIGHT!

Sam Smith has a not-so-subtle message he would like to pass along.

The British singer, whose soulful voice and penchant for ballads have sparked numerous rumors regarding his sexuality, shared a photo Monday night on Instagram.

It featured Smith and girlfriend Tiffany Clare inside a McDonald’s and it included the simple caption of “McRomance.”

Yes, a romance. With a woman.

In case this point was not driven home sharply enough by that caption, Smith posted a different picture of Claire earlier in the week and wrote along with it:


Hmmmm… we’re confused. We don’t get it. What, exactly, is Smith trying to say here?

These images and these antics comes on the heels of Smith telling ET Online that fans may not hear from him for a little while.

At least not in the professioanl sense.

“I’ve been playing now for three years nonstop,” Smith said. “And it feels right for me to just go home and live my life – just be a 23-year-old.”

That is perfectly fair and understandable.

We just hope Smith still makes time for the occasional photo bomb from time to time. That’s all we ask.