Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lamar Odom to Khloe Kardashian: I Will NEVER DO DRUGS Again!!

After staring death square in the face and pulling through, Lamar Odom won Khloe Kardashian back by convincing her he is off drugs for good.

As we reported Wednesday, the Lamar Odom-Khloe Kardashian divorce is off, as the couple have nullified the paperwork and will remain married.

Odom convinced her to do this by swearing he would never do drugs again after hitting rock bottom … which is clearly where he was a week ago.

It’s been quite a turnaround for the 35-year-old.

Last Tuesday, he was found unconscious by a couple of prostitutes, reportedly having overdosed on cocaine and herbal Viagra, whatever that is.

He was given a 50-50 chance of survival.

Some news outlets reported that he briefly died before being revived, or that he was actually brain dead. It’s unclear how true any of that is medically.

In any case, he cheated death, and in any case, he’s damn clear on this. Inside sources close to the celebrity couple says he told Khloe unequivocally:

“I am done with drugs.”

He also thanked her profusely for coming to Las Vegas and supporting him throughout this ordeal, and that he loved her, over and over again.

For her, that was enough.

Khloe has made no issue of the fact that she would have preferred being married to Lamar all along, and made the decision right then to drop the divorce.

It’s not just loose talk, either. Her lawyer, Laura Wasser, went to court and got the judge to dismiss the divorce case, which was about to be finalized.

She will nurse Lamar back to health, as long as that takes, and may quit Keeping Up with the Kardashians if it comes to it. Remarkable, honestly.

Not everyone in the Kardashian family thinks this is the right move, given that they’ve heard the same thing from Odom before, but Khloe is all in now.

Is she making the right decision?