Friday, October 9, 2015

Scandal Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Mellie"s Revenge

Fitz and Mellie did all they could to save face on Scandal Season 5 Episode 3.

Or to save their marriage, at least, as far as the public is concerned.

The President and First Lady sat down for a television interview after Olivia’s confession to close last week’s installment, telling the country that their relationship is fine and Liv is merely a friend.

Away from the camera, however, Mellie has a small meltdown over Olivia’s admission and then switches into full-scale war mode.

“Oh look, it’s the girl who can’t close her legs…or her mouth,” she (awesomely) tells Olivia the first time she sees her in the White House.

Enter Cyrus, who plots and schemes with Mellie and then learns the First Lady’s true goal.

“I want the Oval,” she (again, awesomely) says.

Elsewhere, Quinn and Huck were taken aback by Olivia’s admission, yet they still set out to help their boss. But Jake? Not so much.

He goes for the vodka instead, though he does later tell Olivia he’ll be right over after she calls, expressing regret over her “Yes.”

Then there’s Abby. She confronts Olivia over all her lying, to which Olivia says she was merely trying to protect Abby.

“You didn’t want to tell me because you didn’t think I’d be good enough at my job to handle it…did you?” Abby explodes at one point.

But fences are mended between these two before the hour is over.

Back to Cyrus: he tells Fitz and Olivia that the former must support Mellie’s bid for the Presidency, while Olivia must stay on the sidelines.

They agree, though Mellie later screams at Cyrus that she wants more and Cyrus then gets turned down when asking Fitz for his old job back.

In the final scene, which has us dying for Scandal Season 5 Episode 4 to get here, Jake pays Rowan a visit in prison and asking about that mysterious fire at the Louvre.

“And Nero fiddled while Rome burned,” Rowan cryptically says, making a reference to Mama Pope.

Oh yes! Bring her back on!

Need to rewatch this scene again? Need to go over the entire episode again? Or for the first time?

Just follow this link to watch Scandal online. You won’t regret it.