Thursday, October 8, 2015

Supernatural Season 11 Episode 1 Recap: Darkness, My Old Friend?

Is it just us, or is TV growing very dark these days?

We mean this literally, considering Emma becoming the Dark Sawn on Once Upon a Time Season 5 and Oliver now having to battle Damien Darhk on Arrow Season 4.

Which brings us to Supernatural Season 11 Episode 1.

The premiere of this long-running drama found The Darkness just wanting to spend some quality time with Dean, as the blacked-out hunter came face-to-face with the mysterious figure early on.

She thanked him for setting him free and told him “I like it here. With you. I haven’t felt this peaceful in a long, long time.”

She later showed Dean the Mark of Cain on her shoulder and explained that the two were “bound.”

Uh-oh. It certainly appears as if Dean may have free himself of that same tattoo… yet he isn’t truly free from its confines.

Making matters worse?

The baby Sam and Dean helped save from the aftermath of The Darkness’ cloud also has the Mark etched on its body, although it remains unclear whether or not that’s a side effect of the cloud or The Darkness reincarnated.

Overall, can The Darkness be banished or destroyed … without destroying Dean along with it?


  • Castiel awakens in shed, haunted by flashbacks of repeatedly stabbing Crowley.

  • Because he’s cursed and because he acts like a rabid animal, the land owners shoot at him and Castiel responds by praying to his fellow angels.

  • They do appear, but they don’t take him to Heaven… instead they place a bag over his head.

  • Crowley, meanwhile, takes over the body of a woman, has an orgy.

  • We then hear a sound (like a frightened animal) from the cage, which could be Michael or Lucifer or who knows who/what trying to send out a warning about The Darkness.

  • Half of Hell is clearly freaking out.