Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris: "Going Strong" in Wake of Cheating Rumors, Source Says

If you were anywhere near social media yesterday, you no doubt heard the rumor Taylor Swift had dumped Calvin Harris because of his fondness for massage parlors.

That may sound like a strange reason to end a relationship, but you see, these weren’t just any old massage parlors.

No, sources were claiming that Calvin had been receiving “happy endings” from a Hollywood establishment that specializes in the old rub-and-tug.

Naturally, no one wants to hear that their boyfriend is paying for handies while they’re out of town, but Harris has vehemently denied that there’s any truth to the rumors, and at least one source says Taylor believes him.

“They are happy and going strong,” an insider tells People magazine, adding that the rumors are, “absolutely untrue.”

Last night, Harris took to Twitter to deny the rumors and threaten to sue anyone reporting the “happy ending” story as fact:

“It’s not going to be a ‘happy ending’ for everyone I sue for defamation of character for all these bulls–t stories bye bye,” wrote the irate Scottish DJ.

Taylor favorited the tweet, which we suppose is an indication that she’s still in Harris’ corner.

Still, it’s odd that she hasn’t spoken publicly about the rumors.

Knowing Taylor, it’s possible that she’s planning to write a song about the Hand Job Scandal of ’15 – or maybe that’s what “Shake It Off” was really about all this time.