Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Cell Tossed in Late Night Prison Raid!

Teresa Giudice’s prison sentence may be nearing its end, but the good folks at Danbury Federal Correctional aren’t letting her go quietly into the night.

Nor are they giving her special treatment, despite reports to the contrary.

According to insiders, Giudice was recently strip searched during a late night prison raid because guards thought she could be hiding contraband!

It all was sparked by a tweet in May, reading, “Thank you everyone for all of the cards, letters, and kind words of support. I love, love you all xo T!”

Even though Teresa reportedly has unlimited access to e-mail, there is no Internet access available at the prison; Gia Giudice Tweeted on her behalf.

At the time, it was unclear Gia had done so, and the prison wasn’t happy.

“Prison officials descended into Teresa’s cell while she was sleeping,” a source says. “It was a full shakedown … guards believed she had a cell phone.”

“The cell was torn apart, as were the bunks of all of the other inmates.”

“It was extremely scary for Teresa and she was also subjected to a full strip search, including the dreaded bending over and coughing.”

“Teresa explained to the guards that her daughter had posted to her Twitter account and after nothing was found, the ladies were left to clean up.”

“It was extremely scary for Teresa because she had been on good behavior, and never been in the crosshairs for discipline purposes since arriving.”

“There have been other routine searches, but she was never the focus.”

“Anyone thinking Teresa is getting special treatment behind bars is absolutely wrong,” the source cautions. “She is treated just like everyone else.”

This story corroborates claims that Teresa Giudice was shaken down, as she put it, although she was not punished or set back by the experience.

We can expect to hear more about life behind bars via her Bravo special and Teresa’s tell-all book, which will touch on all facets of prison life.

Including, somewhat surprisingly, the camaraderie she feels inside:

“These women have become confidantes and sisters to Teresa, and without this sisterhood, she wouldn’t be able to get through the day.”