Monday, October 5, 2015

The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: Excuse Me?

Let no one ever say The Good Wife is afraid of change.

We opened The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 1 with multiple changes for multiple characters, starting with Alicia.

She basically has to work her way up from the bottom now, appearing in bond court as a lawyer and having to fight with the judge simply to represent a few clients and argue that they deserve bail.

It’s low-paying grunt work, but Alicia’s determination to get it done impressed another bond attorney, Lucca Quinn.

Later in the episode, with Alicia stuck in court and needing someone to cover another courtroom for her, Lucca steps up.

She helps win a case against David and Diane, using an relatively unknown portion of Illinois state law to ensure a large inheritance for Alicia’s client.

And how did Alicia land that client?

Via her website, she assumed, as Alicia is opening up a small practice in her own home, with Grace serving as her assistant.

But it eventually comes out that Louis Canning arranged it all in his attempt to get Alicia to join his firm. She’s still saying no, she’s still saying he’s the “Devil.”

But she isn’t gonna stop him from giving her clients, either, and she’s even gonna try and take his advice, becoming someone who says “WATCH IT!” when she bumps into someone and not someone who says “Excuse Me.”

Finally, the biggest change of all involved Peter and Eli. The latter quit in protest after Peter basically replaced him as campaign advisor with someone who has a national presence.

His goal is to finish second in Iowa and be named Hillary Clinton’s Vice President.

It was jarring to see Eli and Peter fight in such a way. They’re the most stable tandem on the show!

By the end of the hour, Peter still had a new advisor, but Eli came up with a plan to work as Alicia’s Chief of Staff.

Where will this go on The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 2? We can’t wait to find out!

NOTE: Need to catch up? Need a refresher? You can always watch The Good Wife online.