Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Victoria Beckham Defends Marriage: We"re Happy, Healthy, Blessed

The Summer of Shocking Celebrity Splits has come and gone… and it did not count Victoria and David Beckham as a victim.

The former Spice Girl would like to emphasize this point, while also saying she and her husband will not be included in any Fall of Fallen Couples, either.

“I have never listened to, or commented on, the rumors about any aspect of my life,” the 41-year old tells UK fashion magazine Grazia in response to divorce rumors.

“I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and beautiful, healthy, happy children.”

Victoria acknowledges that the stars may not spend as much time together as other couples, but…

“We travel a lot with our respective businesses and charitable commitments.

“But we always make time for each other as a couple and as a family. David and I have nothing to prove. We love each other, look out for each other and are strong as both partners and parents.”

The Beckhams have been married for 16 years.

They have four children, Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 13, Cruz, 10, and Harper, 4.

“My husband constantly inspires me and guides me – he has done so much good work, I look up to him and have the utmost respect and admiration for all that he has achieved,” Beckham tells Grazia.

“David and I both have a strong work ethic and I believe that’s a good example to set our children.”