Monday, June 27, 2016

Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo: Brought Together By Josh Duggar Sex Scandals?!

Last week, we learned that Jinger Duggar is courting Jeremy Vuolo.

As the Duggars gleefully reported to People magazine, Jeremy is a former pro soccer player who’s turned to ministry and missionary work after leaving the North American Soccer League in 2014.

As is their tendency, the Duggars have been very selective about what details of Jinger and Jeremy’s relationship have been made public.

(The original People article conveniently left out the all-important “former qualifier when describing Jeremy as a pro soccer player.)

In a post on his website, Vuolo discusses getting to know Jinger during a missionary trip to Central America:

“It was there that a mutual interest, though unbeknownst to one another, was really confirmed,” he writes.

“On Thursday morning, December 11, 2015, I expressed my interest to get to know Jinger better to Mr. Duggar.

“This opened up the door for Mr. Duggar and me to build a friendship and began this great new chapter of my life with Jinger!”

Though they connected during their time abroad, Jeremy says he had been interested in forming a relationship with Jinger for several months before the trip.

“I remember watching her testimony video that she had made with Ben and thinking, ‘Wow. This girl is amazing."”

He’s referring to this video that she made with Ben Seewald, the husband of Jessa Duggar:

But several websites have pointed out that just before Jeremy expressed his interest to Jim Bob Duggar, another video of Jinger surfaced online.

This one showed Jinger discussing the Josh Duggar sex scandals and the impact they had on her family. 

Perhaps the timing was coincidental – or perhaps not.

Several media outlets have speculated that Jeremy might have been drawn to Jinger’s honesty and eloquence in the clip where she opens up about her older brother’s horrific crimes.

Whatever the case, she was talking courtship not long after the video first appeared online.

We’re not sure where Jinger and Jeremy’s relationship might lead, but it seems very likely that the whole thing had a very dark beginning.