Monday, August 1, 2016

The Bachelorette Spoilers: Who Does JoJo Pick ... and Are They Still Together?!

For JoJo Fletcher and all of Bachelor Nation, it all comes down to this.

Will The Bachelorette spoilers we’ve reported all season long play out as expected tonight, or is an epic finale twist just hours away?

Robby Hayes. Jordan Rodgers. One rose. One thousand red flags.

It’s hard to say which of JoJo’s final two guys would be a worse pick, based on everything we’ve seen, read and heard up until now.

Maybe she’ll pull a Brad Womack this evening and choose herself. 

Unlikely. In fact, a proposal is all but guaranteed. To whom, and what plays out in the aftermath? Those are very different issues entirely.

WARNING: It goes without saying, but if you don’t want The Bachelorette spoilers to give away the end of this season, back off now!

Okay, with that cautionary word out of the way, let’s get into it …

The man, the myth, the Dallas blogging legend Reality Steve has said for months that Jordan Rodgers will prevail over Robby Hayes.

He has not wavered in this prediction, and his track record spoiling both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette over the years is strong.

Not perfect, as the skeptics will gleefully point out, but strong.

Steve will be the first to admit that he is but one man going up against a TV juggernaut, and that he has been thrown for a loop before.

Does that mean he’s wrong in this case, though?

A preview for the Bachelorette finale appears to show JoJo telling one man that she wanted to feel in love and wanted it “to be him.”

Alas, what he did to her was “not right.”

Could it be that Jordan Rodgers’ shady past finally caught up to the “player” after all, opening the door for Robby Hayes as the surprise winner?

Contrarily, might Ms. Fletcher be referring to Robby’s recent breakup with Hope Higginbotham 43 seconds before he went on the show to woo her?

Either way, the producers of The Bachelorette sure know how to cut a slick promo, and keep fans guessing from beginning to end.

It’s uncanny how good they are, really. In any case, it won’t matter, because Reality Steve remains confident that he’s on point.

JoJo will pick Jordan over Robby, but here’s the twist:

It’s already over between the dream couple!

Reality Steve all but confirmed that JoJo and Jordan are no longer engaged, citing a lot of information from sources “close to the situation.”

For weeks on end now, he says, “This has been coming too loud and too often to ignore. I trust these sources who have told me this.” 

“Put it this way, I’ve had way more people tell they aren’t together anymore than ones that said they are,” the Oracle of Spoilers says.

“Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is saying everything is great, they’re in love, and things are working out perfectly,” Steve adds, reiterating:

“Some of these people are pretty close to the situation.”

Asked by a Twitter follower if he was speculating about the breakup of Jordan and JoJo, Steve stated that it’s his job “not to guess.”

Sounds like a pretty definitive IT’S OVER to us.

As for whether we get clarification on their status tonight on the After the Final Rose special, well … that could obviously go either way.

Steve notes, accurately, that even if it is over, they could put on a good front Monday and bide time until the media circus dies down.

“From everything I’m hearing, they’re not together.”

“So [I] would doubt anything else they show us. If they are together, I think they might just be telling us that to protect their pride.” 

“There’s just too many things I’ve heard over the past 3-4 weeks or so that suggest not everything is perfect in their world.”

Long story short: Outlook not so good.

What do you think? Will JoJo make the right decision on The Bachelorette finale, and will she make it to the altar with her final rose recipient?