Monday, August 15, 2016

Chris Brown Wins BIG in Child Custody Case!

It’s hard to believe that anyone would trust Chris Brown to take care of a house plant, but amazingly a real judge in an actual court of law has determined that Breezy should be a major parenting figure in the life of his 2-year-old daughter Royalty.

As you may recall, the world learned that Chris has a daughter last year, when little Royalty was already a year old.

The relationship between Brown and Guzman has always been contentious, and they’ve wound up in court on several occasions.

Brown was granted joint custody in their first go-round back in September, and Guzman has been fighting the decision ever since.

According to TMZ, the parents wound up back before a judge today, and Chris came out on top in a big way.

Nia’s request for sole custody was denied.

Her petition to have Brown limited to monitored visitations was denied.

For some reason, she wanted Chris’ mom to not be able to see the kid.

That was denied.

She wanted Chris to submit to regular drug tests.

Picking up on a theme here? That was also denied.

Despite Nia’s attempts to shake things up, the judge determined that things should stay the way they are.

Chris will continue to have Nia 12 days a month.

When Guzman initially filed a petition for full custody, a judge determined that Chris should fork over $ 20,000 for her legal fees.

She lost so hard today that she’ll now have to pay that money back.

Guzman had also filed documents to have her child support increased from $ 2,500/month to $ 16,000.

She has now withdrawn that request.

It’s a good day to be Breezy.