Friday, August 5, 2016

Beyonce Sings in Spanish, Proves to Be Truly Flawless

Look, Beyonce.

We already knew you were perfect.

You speak out against the killing of African-Americans… you have eight-year olds looking up to you… you probably have Michelle and Barack Obama on speed dial.

We get it.

Did you really need to go out this week and prove once again that you are without a celebrity peer?

We ask this question because Beyonce performed a show in Barcelona, Spain this week treating concert goes to the usual array of dancing, singing and overall awesomeness.

But she then went out and made it even more awesome:

By singing a version of "Irreplaceable" … in Spanish!

Footage of the performance was shared fans in attendance, with the crowd going absolutely bonkers once Beyonce broke into her second language.

At one point, it seemed liked everyone at the show was singing along, prompting Beyonce to simply stand there and smile, holding the microphone out to the crowd to take over.

She was clearly impressed by their effort.

Beyoncé is currently on the European leg of her Formation World Tour.

We hope this isn"t the last time she treats us to some Spanish on stage.

Loyal Beyonce fans, of course, are aware that "Irreemplazable" was actually released in 2007, with the song even getting its own music video featured on the singer"s Vevo account.

Take a look below to see what we mean:

Can you imagine her singing one of the songs off of Lemonade in Spanish?

Do you think the entire world would explode if she did? It seems possible, right?

Check out the following video and prepare to be even more impressed by Beyonce than ever before.

Beyonce sings in spanish proves to be truly flawless