Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner Has Food Poisoning, People!

Kylie Jenner is down.

And she’s very nearly out.

For those wondering why the 19-year old Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has been relatively quiet on social media of late, Kylie has provided them with an update.

She’s sick, people. She’s very, very sick.

“I went to the doctor again because I had food poisoning over the weekend, and it has not been fun,” the 19-year-old told fans from her bed in a Snapchat video.

We captured a couple photos from it and shared them above.

Jenner then explained that this is why you haven’t heard from her a lot in recent days:

“So that’s why I’ve been a little MIA or if my Snapchats aren’t as fun and exciting as they usually are.”

It’s all relative, of course.

Jenner may think she’s been silent online, but she just announced her latest makeup product yesterday.

Will you be forking over any hard-earned money for some Kyliner?

Despite her illness, the brunette teenager said she spent the day shooting a campaign for the Kendall + Kylie spring collection… while also visiting boyfriend Tyga at a photoshoot.

So she can’t be that far under the weather.

We also can’t say for certain just what Jenner ate to make her feel this way.

Without any hard evidence to go on, we’re just going to assume it was a recipe from the Kris Jenner cookbook.

Kylie has had a busy past several days.

She moved into a multi-million dollar mansion, dropping over $ 4 million on a home in Beverly Hills.

She then may or may not have married Tyga, though the odds of that wedding having covertly taken place are fairly remote.

Either way, we really hope Kylie is feeling better.

We can’t go on for much longer with only one social media update per day from her!