Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Coach"s Pep Talk to His Pitcher WILL Make You Cry

There are enough instances of bad parenting on the Internet. Or perceived bad parenting, at least.

We"d rather not pile on mothers and fathers who are clearly doing their best.

We"d much prefer to focus on parents who are winning at the most important job on earth, such as the ones featured in the photo gallery below.

And such Joel Jensen.

The head coach of an Oregon Little League Team that was participating in a consolation game on Monday as part of the Little League World Series, Jensen had to call time and head out to the mound at one point.

His squad was losing by a large margin and his son was on the mound, struggling.

So when Jensen went out for a conference, it was safe to assume that he would lay into his kid pitcher, or at least give him a few stern words about composure or control or even just the proper grip on his curveball.

But you know what happens when you assume things, right?

Instead of yelling at the young hurler, Jensen went in the opposite direction.

“I just came out to say how much I love you. As a dad and as a player. You’re doing awesome," he says in the following clip.

Jensen is wearing a microphone, so it"s easy to make out his message.

After telling his son that he"s going to take him out after the subsequent batter, Jensen concludes:

"Cheer up. Have fun. Go right after him."

The look on Jensen"s son"s face after this meeting is a little difficult to decipher, but we think we can make out a few near-tears.

And the best part of all? He goes on to strike out his final hitter!

Message received. Message taken to heart. Desired result produced. We love it!

Watch now, but do so with at least one tissue ready:

Coach delivers emotional pep talk to young pitcher