Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy 58th Birthday, Michael Jackson!

The late, great Michael Jackson, who passed away long before his time on June 25, 2009, would have been 58 years old today.

The defining entertainer of his generation and beyond, Michael’s groundbreaking music and cultural impact are literally peerless.

He forever changed the music landscape, inspiring countless artists, breaking every record and leaving an unparalleled legacy.

Of all the Michael Jackson superlatives, consider this one:

He’s still the number one selling artist of all time. Still.

More than seven years after his death, with over a billion total album sales, Jackson still reigns as the top selling artist ever. Amazing.

Most notably, his epic album Thriller became the first album to ever be certified 30-times (!) multi-platinum U.S. sales in 2015.

Long before Jackson passed away, but even more so after he did, his work became as iconic, and his personal life was eccentric.

If you’re looking for scandals, controversy and crazy stories that are uniquely, well, Michael Jackson, you need not look very far.

Fans remember him for his music and compassion, however; MJ’s charitable contributions were almost as numerous as his #1 hits.

Most of all, he would surely like to be remembered for raising Prince, Blanket and Paris Jackson, who feel his loss most deeply.

Despite facing his fair share of fame, success, scandals and controversies over the years, Jackson was always a devoted father.

He was also unexpectedly humble for being larger than life, according to those who knew the shy and reclusive megastar best.

“I’m just like anyone. I cut, I bleed and I embarrass easily,” he once said, and his music was often intertwined with humanitarian efforts.

He made history in 1985, enlisting 45 superstars for an overnight recording session, which led to the creation of “We Are The World.”

The chart-topping song grossed more than $ 63 million – all of which was donated to African famine relief – in one of his greatest achievements.

Here’s wishing his family and friends the best on this occasion, which has given way to celebrations of MJ for his last eight birthdays.

In the hopes that they find peace and think fondly of the man, we hope he may find peace in the way fans come together in his honor.