Friday, August 19, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shakes Her Ass In Mexico, We"re Embarrassed For Her

Kim Kardashian is on vacation in Mexico with her children and some friends.  Instead of unplugging, however, she"s using the opportunity to shake the body part that made her famous enough to afford said vacation in Mexico.

And it"s kind of dumb.

Yes, it"s swell that she"s worked hard to lose 70 lbs. since giving birth to Saint West last December, but must we get videos like the one above thrown in our faces?  

And before you say, "you don"t have to click on it," it"s EVERYWHERE.

So, Kardashian is on vacation with her two kids, assistant(s) and friend, Jasmine Sanders, with whom she"s been taking ass shots.

The bikini lines on both ladies" bathing suits are uncomfortably high (like, French Riviera circa "89 kind of high), and all Kardashian wants to do is stare at herself in the mirror, show off her body and make duck faces.

It"s getting to the point where fans don"t even wait for her to say anything, because they know she"ll either just keep posing into the phone, or try to promote her LuMee case.

Earlier this week, Kardashian told fans via a Livechat that she gets cortisone shots in her butt every few years to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis, a skin disease which creates dry, itchy patches.

Kardashian has been open about her struggle with psoriasis on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and revealed her cortisone secret so that people would stop assuming she gets butt implants.

She first got the shot in 2007, when she had an apartment near Cedars-Sinai Hospital in West Hollywood.

"One of my neighbors was a dermatologist at Cedars," she told fans. 

"I go in there and he’s like, "There’s a one in a billion chance that you will get a huge indent in your butt." Of course I get a huge indent on my butt."

"There is a picture of me in Miami wearing an electric blue dress, and another picture of me walking down Robertson," she continued. 

You see the indent. And I think that"s when the rumors started: "She"s had implants.""

The booty is real, and it"s in your face.  All the time.

Kim kardashian shakes her ass in mexico were embarrassed for her