Thursday, August 11, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Major Shift In Power Alert!

Big Brother Season 18 has been snooze inducing the last few weeks. 

With Paulie Calafiore and his all-male alliance running things, the events have been very predictable. 

The silliest thing Paulie did was orchestrating a plan to have Zakiyah and Michelle on the block next to one another. 

Michelle is an emotional player, so it was pretty obvious she would start making plans in order to blow the house up. 

Not literally, of course. What Paulie seems to forget is that Michelle has a good social game. 

She goes round everyone in the house and covertly gathers information she can use to benefit her down the line. 

With James having the ability to stop two people from voting this week, Michelle tried to let James know that he and Natalie would be out of the game soon if Paulie continued to run the house. 

Bridgette and Michelle joined forces to try and shake things up. There’s no way Bridgette would make a plan to help Michelle unless she was sure it would work. 

They hate one another! 

A plan came together on Tuesday night, while Paulie was sound asleep in the room next door. 

James, Natalie, Bridgette and Michelle opened up to Paul and Victor about the possibility of flipping the house on Paulie. 

Initially, the two of them were very against it, but by the time the morning rolled around there was a plan in place to send Zakiyah home and target Paulie in the double eviction. 

Their plan was to have Nicole look like the one who flipped and have a target thrown on her back.

James quickly started to go back on his plan when Corey got suspicious. Corey pulled James aside and told him that Paulie was taking the two of them to final three. 

This gave James some food for thought, but then Natalie informed James that Paulie has tried to flirt with her multiple times throughout the season. 

Add in the fact that Natalie even told Zakiyah about it, then you have Paulie’s game literally combusting. 

On Wednesday night, there was a house meeting in which Paulie tried to blame everything on Natalie. This didn’t sit well with Michelle, who told Paulie she planned to blow up his game, but he’s done the work for her. 

Paulie then went nuclear on Michelle about her going home. Michelle couldn’t say anything about the plan to evict Zakiyah instead because then Paulie would get wind of the plan and change things. 

For now, the chances of the house flipping on Paulie are very good. The plan is for Paul to nominate both Corey and Nicole, before evicting Paulie through the back door. 

It’s an elaborate plan, and it would be great if they succeeded. The power really needs to shift before the season slips into mediocrity. 

What do you think of the plan to send Paulie out?

Is it time?

Hit the comments!