Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Vanilla Ice Gets Heated, Melts Down at Delta Terminal

Vanilla Ice lost his cool with a Delta airlines employee when he missed his flight. 

The 48-year-old claimed to the staff member that he was sitting waiting on the flight, before he realized that it was gone

He barged up to the check-in desk and aired his concerns to in front of a group of people. 

The thing that makes this whole thing bizarre is that if he sat next to the monitor, why did he not check it?

Anyone waiting on a flight knows that things can change, so looking at the screen becomes a priority. 

How the heck did he manage to just sit there and let his flight go?

Someone else waiting for a flight chimes in when the star raises his voice. 

"Gotta watch the monitor, dude," says a male voice behind the star. 

This isn"t met with praise from Ice, who whirls round to throw a torrent of abuse at the man. 

"Hey, I don"t need any information from you, man. Shut your f***ing mouth."

When the man claims he was just trying to help out, Ice continued his tirade. 

The man who got involved really did have a valid point. 

The monitor usually says the time the gate will close, so why wasn"t Vanilla paying attention?

All of this could have been avoided if he just looked at the damn screen. 

He had no right to go off one with the employee of the airline. 

That said, the employee handled it really well. 

She kept her cool while Ice started getting heated with her. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments!

Vanilla ice gets heated melts down at delta terminal