Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Hollywood Sex Scandal: Who"s Been Caught? Accused? Fired?

Following accusations of sexual harassment and rape, Harvey Weinstein has lost his job and his family. Given that the LAPD is investigating him, he may even lose his freedom.

What began as a scandal over one mega-producer"s alleged sexual misconduct has taken on a powerful life of its own.

Countless women — and men — came forward and shared their #MeToo stories, talking about incidents in childhood or adulthood in which they were sexually harassed or assaulted. In many cases, these individuals had held onto stories, afraid or ashamed to share them, for years or even decades.

The average #MeToo story comes from everyday people and often don"t name the people who wronged them. Many don"t even know the men"s names.

However, a number of celebrities and non-celebrities alike have come forward and their #MeToo stories are naming the names of powerful men.

Directors, producers, and actors who have for years used social pressure, Hollywood culture, wealth, and celebrity status to remain above reproach are suddenly being called out so loudly that even they cannot ignore it.

It"s not fun to wonder if someone you once admired might be next, but surely we would all rather know the truth than to live in blissful ignorance.

Some of these powerful men have admitted to having done wrong. Others are fiercely denying the allegations against them, even when it"s their word against dozens — or more.

It seems that more accused sexual predators are named every day, so here"s a running list of the powerful figures who have been called out for alleged sexual misconduct.

1. Harvey Weinstein

Harvey weinstein snapshot

We of course could not make this list without including the titular figure in the Weinstein scandal. This mega-producer has lost his job and his wife over accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Multiple famous actresses have shared their Weinstein stories. He’s also under investigation by the LAPD. His public downfall has encouraged countless others to come forward.

2. Brett Ratner

Brett ratner photo

Though not the only X-Men director to have been accused of sexual misconduct, Brett Ratner has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assaults going back decades, and well-known actresses have spoken out and accused him of some very upsetting things.

3. Louis C.K.

Louis ck snapshot

Years ago, rumors sprouted up about an unnamed big-name comedian who seemed to enjoy masturbating in front of women he worked with. Several of those women came forward and named Louis C.K. … and though he didn’t quite say the word “sorry,” Louis did acknowledge that their stories were true.

4. Ed Westwick

Ed westwick snapshot

Former Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has been accused by two different actresses with frighteningly similar stories. Both allege that they were at his house and invited to sleep in guest beds, only to awaken to Westwick allegedly sexually assaulting them. Both women say that people they considered friends urged them to keep quiet. It’s heartbreaking.

5. Steven Seagal

Steven seagal smiles

Jenny McCarthy says that Steven Seagal encouraged her to disrobe during a casting call … when she was acting out a courtroom scene. Former actress Lisa Guerrero (who is now a journalist) says that Seagal had her audition at his home while he appeared to be wearing only a robe, and that she’s glad that she brought along someone else. And now Portia de Rossi says that Steven Seagal once “unzipped” in front of her. These are very disturbing allegations.

6. Andy Dick

Andy dick tongue out

Andy Dick was fired from a project over allegations of sexual harassment, including genital groping and … licking people. Andy Dick’s defense, a claim that licking people on the face after kissing them is “his thing,” isn’t helping. If “your thing” is making people uncomfortable, you probably should find a new thing.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer Accused of Sex Toy Gifting, Pants Dropping, & More...

A lot of powerful men have been accused of some vile things in recent weeks, but Matt Lauer getting fired over sexual misconduct is still a major story. Maybe the major story.

Though we heard that the firing was the result of accusations of sexual assault at the Sochi Winter Olympics, we haven’t heard many details of the alleged bad behavior.

Until now, that is, because we have details on the accusations against him.

The unfortunate nature of these kinds of things — a man whom NBC valued enough to pay $ 25 million per year — is that the first accusation is seldom the last.

In one form or another, Matt Lauer has been a Today anchor for about 25 years — initially acting as an occasional substitute anchor before taking on the role in a full-time capacity in 1994.

He has had a very, very long time to perpetrate alleged acts of sexual misconduct. His list of accusers has only just now begun to grow.

As we have discussed many times before, there are a number of pressures — social and societal, but also professional and financial — that can act to keep women from coming forward when they are sexually harassed or assaulted.

In some cases, it’s an organized effort — blackmail, or threats of lawsuits or professional retaliation. In other cases, it’s simply the fear of those and how society might respond.

Compounding those problems is the fact that, in many cases, women with these experiences don’t initially realize that they’re part of a pattern. It’s easy to believe that you’re someone’s only victim. That can also lead survivors to blame themselves.

There’s still so much that we don’t know about Matt Lauer, including the pattern of inappropriate behavior that apparently began at the Sochi Olympics and resulted in his firing.

But we do have these bits of new information, from three different women. And there’s more.

Variety reports that they have been working, very quietly, on a story about Matt Lauer.

They report on three different accusations, each confirmed with witnesses who were told in the immediate aftermath, from three women:

“As the co-host of NBC’s Today, Matt Lauer once gave a colleague a sex toy as a present. It included an explicit note about how he wanted to use it on her, which left her mortified.”

We’ll go over these in a moment, but that allegation alone makes us wildly uncomfortable.

“On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act.”

Do you know where penises belong in the workplace? Inside of the penis-owner’s pants. Ideally, also enclosed within underwear.

There are very few workplace environments where an exposed penis is appropriate. And you would be really, really sure if you worked in one.

A third example of his alleged behavior comes up:

“He would sometimes quiz female producers about who they’d slept with, offering to trade names. And he loved to engage in a crass quiz game with men and women in the office: ‘f—, marry, or kill,’ in which he would identify the female co-hosts that he’d most like to sleep with.”

Okay, so let’s go over these.

First, you might be thinking that sex toys are appropriate gifts. Sure, in a few cases, they might be — between close friends or lovers or a very small number of other relationships.

Do not buy one for your coworker unless you are dating or it is on their Amazon list.

And absolutely do not include a note about how you’d like to use it on them. That escalates things from “wow, what an inappropriate gift” to “I need an adult.”

Again, in most jobs, your coworkers should not have even the slightest clue what your genitals look like. Not from photos that you send them and not from “wardrobe malfunctions” around the office.

For all that they know, you might just have a swarm of bees down there. Do not correct them, verbally or visually.

Now, “marry, f–k, kill” might be a cute game to play about Game of Thrones characters or maybe even some celebrities, but playing it with coworkers does not contribute to a positive work environment.

In the best case scenario, in which maybe everyone is totally fine with hypothetically banging and/or marrying everyone else, you’re still going to have to declare that you’d “kill” one-third of your coworkers.

Unfortunately, those three accusations were not the end of what we’ve heard.

Variety‘s report continues:

“Despite being married, Lauer was fixated on women, especially their bodies and looks, according to more than 10 accounts from current and former employees. He was known for making lewd comments verbally or over text messages.”

Ten different employees! And yes, there are specifics:

“He once made a suggestive reference to a colleague’s performance in bed and compared it to how she was able to complete her job, according to witnesses to the exchange. For Lauer, work and sex were intertwined.”

One former producer who alleged that they had first-hand knowledge of Lauer’s bad behavior said:

““There were a lot of consensual relationships, but that’s still a problem because of the power he held.”

This is why you shouldn’t ask out people at work, folks. Saying “yes” to someone who could end your career isn’t always a choice.

That former producer continued:

“He couldn’t sleep around town with celebrities or on the road with random people, because he’s Matt Lauer and he’s married. So he’d have to do it within his stable, where he exerted power, and he knew people wouldn’t ever complain.”

Do you want some more creepy details? Because Variety has them:

“His office was in a secluded space, and he had a button under his desk that allowed him to lock his door from the inside without getting up. This afforded him the assurance of privacy.”

We all like privacy, even at work, but if a strict knock first rule isn’t enough and you so regularly have to lock your door that you’d rather just have a desk button … you’re probably doing things at work that you should not.

“It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer.”

Variety goes on to describe how, according to multiple witnesses, Matt Lauer would invite young and ambitious women to his hotel room while traveling for NBC, particularly for the Olympics.

In at least one case, he apparently simply asked a woman to bring him a pillow. 

All of these allegations are gross. Because abuse of power, hypocrisy, and sexual harassment are always, always disgusting and disturbing.


Garrison Keillor: Radio Host Fired, Accused of Misconduct!

Do the names Lake Wobegon or Prairie Home Companion sound familiar to you? Well, Garrison Keillor is the man who created that long-running series.

And Keillor is now the very latest to be exposed for alleged sexual misconduct. In fact, he’s been fired.

Interestingly, it was Keillor himself who made certain that the news became public. And he claims that there’s more to the story.

Garrison Keillor is a radio host, author, and voice actor whose work is widely recognized.

In an email sent to the Associated Press, he makes it known that he has been fired from Minnesota Public Radio, where he has worked for nearly 50 years.

“I’ve been fired over a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version M.P.R. heard. Most stories are.”

That line is the most widely circulated from the email, but there was more:

He refers to it as “poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself.”

That’s a very colorful description, and even a charming one.

(We don’t know if it’s appropriate, given the circumstances and subject matter, for him to wax poetic)

Still, he says that he doesn’t intend to fight to keep his job.

“But I’m 75 and don’t have any interest in arguing about this. And I cannot in conscience bring danger to a great organization I’ve worked hard for since 1969.”

He did not go into any detail in that letter. But that doesn’t mean that he’s kept mum about the whole thing.

In an email to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Garrison Keillor went into further detail about his version of events:

“I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches.”

Sometimes a hand ends up under clothing rather than above it (though that’s certainly never happened to me in a work situation), but … six inches is pretty far for a hand to travel by accident.

He describes how they both responded.

“She recoiled. I apologized.”

That sounds pretty standard.

“I sent her an email of apology later and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it.”

He says that things changed later.

“We were friends. We continued to be friendly right up until her lawyer called.”

Well, he spins a very compelling story. But, as he noted above, he’s been doing that for longer than most of us have been alive.

Now, based upon Keillor’s own words, we might interpret him as something of clumsy old man, too absorbed in storytelling and his thoughts to realize where he’s putting his hands.

But we haven’t actually heard the woman’s account of this.

While we’re by no means suggesting that Garrison Keillor is Minnesota Public Radio’s very own Weinstein, we have to remember that, particularly when faced with only a single accusation, a man even as notorious as Weinstein might point their own, entirely believable, version of events.

While we only know of one incident, hearing only the accused man’s description of the alleged interaction doesn’t leave us in a place where we’d feel comfortable drawing a conclusion about what really happened.

However, the news of his firing has left fans shocked.

At least, as far as it’s possible to still be shocked by anything, anywhere in 2017.

Just this morning, Donald Trump accused Joe Scarborough of murder in a tweet … and that was after retweeting radical, Islamophobic shock-videos from a fringe right politician in Europe.

Many feel that we’re living in grim times. Often people joke that this is “the timeline God abandoned.”

But others think of the turmoil of 2017 — politically, and in terms of the countless powerful men accused of being sex monsters — as like growing pains.

Or perhaps like the storm before the calm. Maybe the world is in the midst of an upheaval as our society purges its worst elements and prepares to become a better place.

Let’s hope so.


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Picks Cotton, Gets Accused of Racism

Kendra Wilkinson is the outspoken star of We TV’s Kendra on Top

We say outspoken because, well, she has no filter. Whether she’s posting a sultry selfie on social media, or just appearing on her reality TV show, she’s always stirring up some sort of controversy. 

We’re not even sure she knows she’s doing it, and that’s likely why she’s such a draw with viewers. 

The 32-year-old was on a road trip with her husband, Hank Bassett, and thought it would be fun to stop by a cotton field in Texas because “she always wanted to pick cotton.”

Have a look at the picture in question below. It shows Wilkinson posing with some cotton and a whole field of cotton behind her. 

People took offense to the post and immediately started slamming the star in the comments section of the snap. 

“Racist piece of s–t,” one user wrote. Added another: “People are upset because you are joking about history that you are just simply ignorant about. Some things just keep to yourself.”

While some chose to go on the offensive, the star’s legion of fans also came to her defense. 

“Been watching Kendra from day one, she’s a free spirit,” one fan commented. “You are just combing through social media praying for anything to pound on and rip it to shreds… Hello her husband and children are part black.”

“Don’t give the haters the benefit of explaining what ur doing like picking cotton,” said another. 

One final fan wanted the haters to disappear: “Keep your head up. Ignore the ignorance. I have always liked you and your real fans know you are not a racist and you love everyone equally. Live! Laugh! Love!”

The hatred did not go unnoticed by Kendra who returned to social media to clap back at the people assassinating her character. 

“Lol. I just wanted to pick cotton from a plant cuz I’ve always wondered how it really felt. Never in my life thought of color or race at the time,” she wrote on Wednesday.

“I was trespassing n ran up to grab some cotton. I am not racist. Was just having fun n wanted to feel n wondered how it felt. Hahahahah. I can’t believe I’m getting accused of being racist when I’m sitting here with my black father in law rt now baffled at the accusations.

“F–k off to anyone who don’t know me n know what I’m about. Just cuz I picked some f–king cotton. It’s a f–king plant. Omg I can’t.”

Like we said, Kendra is not afraid to hit back at people throwing shade her way. The star was very likely on the trip why she recovered from a mysterious hospital visit. And, no, it had nothing to do with handjobs this time around … we hope. 

The star has been acting in Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man, and disaster struck when some of the shows had to be canceled after she found herself in hospital.

“Super sick. Going to have to cancel the late show tonight. My heart couldn’t cancel both. Sorry late show,” she said at the time.

“Sooooo sorry guys gotta cancel both shows tonight. Going to ER. Hurtin bad. I’ll make it up to you.”

What do you think about all of this?!

Sound off below. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Michael Jackson Accused of "Assaulting" Corey Haim

Corey Haim was a beloved child actor who died too soon. For a lot of his life, he was better known for his drug use — and for being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

Recently, an accusation came forward that Charlie Sheen had been one of Haim’s abusers.

Now someone else has stepped forward, claiming that Corey Haim had told him of Charlie Sheen … and had also described an alleged assault by Michael Jackson.

As more and more stars come forward with their #MeToo stories, some consider it only a matter of time before every sexual predator in the entertainment business is exposed.

Others aren’t so optimistic.

Some predators are organized and know how to keep their victims silent. Harassment campaigns and threats of lawsuits can keep people from coming forward even when so many are shedding the culture of silence.

Corey Haim’s friend, Corey Feldman, survived Haim’s death and has spoken and written about what they both endured at the hands of sexual predators.

But Corey Feldman has named only one name, citing that the others are too powerful for him to risk trying to expose.

Remember — anyone with enough money can sue someone who lacks the financial means to fight a long, expensive court battle.

But sometimes, accusations slip through the cracks.

It’s now been claimed that Charlie Sheen raped Corey Haim when Haim was just 13 years old.

Charlie Sheen would have been 19 at the time.

It was Haim’s close friend, Dominick Brascia, who made the claim. Charlie Sheen responded with a denial.

But now another famous celebrity has been named as one of Corey Haim’s abusers.

And this one … well, he’s not exactly around to defend himself.

RadarOnline reports that film producer Ed Meyer has come forward with allegations that he says Corey Haim made in 2008, before his tragic death.

“Corey said, ‘I have a problem with Michael Jackson and with Charlie Sheen."”

Well, that could mean a lot.

“‘I was assaulted by these guys, and a few others."”

Note that Meyer says that Haim didn’t call it “sexual assault.” That can be hard to say, especially for survivors and especially for male survivors.

Meyer explains why he didn’t press for details or more names:

“I didn’t feel it was appropriate to say, ‘Who are the other people?"”

That sounds best.

“He didn’t use the word sexual in either case. [It was just], ‘I was assaulted by these guys and a few others.’ It was also clear Sheen turned him on to drugs. That was 100 percent clear …”

We don’t know what Haim said to make that so clear to Meyer.

“He sounded like he was calling Charlie a pimp.”

That’s not what it sounded like to us, but maybe you had to be there?

Critics have been quick to point out that coming forward with a dead man’s alleged accusation against another dead man isn’t exactly a bold move.

And skeptics have found it suspect that Meyer just happens to name a man who’s already been accused … and a controversial man who isn’t alive to respond.

Both of those are fair points. These are secondhand accusations

Michael Jackson is also a complicated person to accuse because, well, he’s dead. Accusing an active predator who’s living the good life is one thing.

Some argue that accusing someone who’s dead … doesn’t really help anyone.

Oh, if somebody wants to take down a statue or rename a street, bringing up someone’s troubled history is totally valid.

But in Michael Jackson’s case, he has living relatives — including his children (despite conspiracy theories about Paris Jackson’s paternity). They stand to be hurt by accusations that can’t help anyone.

Honestly, though — isn’t the truth always worth it?

If this is the truth, that is. Again, we’re talking about secondhand allegations from a decade ago. Corey Haim isn’t around to speak for himself.


Nick Carter Accused of Raping Dream Singer Melissa Schuman

Former Dream singer Melissa Schuman claims Nick Carter raped her back in 2002 … when she was 18 and he was 22. Melissa says she and the Backstreet Boys singer started talking because their managers suggested they date — presumably for good PR –…


Nick Carter: Accused of Rape by Melissa Schuman

Nick Carter is the latest Hollywood figure to be accused of sexual harassment or misconduct.

And the allegations against the Backstreet Boys member are as serious as it gets.

In a lengthy post on her personal blog, Melissca Schuman – an artist who was part of the early 2000s all-girls group Dream – alleges that Carter raped her when she was 18 years old and he was 22.

Schuman’s message is emotional and, at times, graphic.

In it, Schuman claims she was received an invitation to Carter’s home during a day off from the film in which they were both starring.

After arriving at his apartment with a friend, she explains how the pair listened to the singer’s new album before he supposedly brought her into the bathroom.

This is when she claims they started kissing.

Schuman writes that she virgin at the time of this incident.

She claims Carter started unbuttoning her pants, ignoring her objections before allegedly performing oral sex on her.

Carter is accused of them demanding a blow job from the singer.

“My thought was the only way to get out was to get him to finish what he had started,” Schuman says.

Schuman writes that Carter then led her to the bedroom and raped her.

“I felt scared and trapped. He was visually and clearly growing very angry and impatient with me. I couldn’t leave,” she writes, adding in painful detail:

“It was evident to me, that i couldn’t leave. He was stronger and much bigger than me, and there was no way I would be able to open that door or have anyone help me.

“My friend couldn’t help me, I didn’t even know where she was. So when he placed my hand on his penis my thought was the only way to get out was to get him to finish what he had started.

“That’s where I saw myself, my reflection, watching myself do something that I was sicken by.

“Watching myself be assaulted, forced to engage in an act against my will.”

She continues of Carter:

“He was relentless, refusing to take my no’s for an answer. He was heavy, too heavy to get out from under him. Then I felt it, he put something inside of me.

“I asked him what it was and he whispered in my ear once more:

It’s all me baby.

How disgusting.

Schuman didn’t tell anyone about this encounter for years.

She even sang a duet with Carter at one point, prior to losing interest in music as a career path.

Why did the former singer wait to long to come out?

She grew sick and tired of seeing all the victim-shaming across the Internet any time a woman accused a man, especially a famous man, of sexual assault.

“I feel I have an obligation now to come forward with the hope and intention to inspire and encourage other victims to tell their story,” she writes.

And she concludes:

“We are stronger in numbers. If you are reading this and you have been assaulted, know you don’t have to be silent and you are not alone. I know it’s scary. I’m scared.

“I believe you. I stand with you and together I hope we can bring light to things that have been lost in the darkness for so long.”

Schuman ends her post with the hashtag “#metoo.”

Carter is yet to address this allegation.

But Schuman has taken to Twitter in order to thank fans for their support, writing:

“I just want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support. Thank you for bearing witness to my story. Thank you for providing me a safe place to be open and vulnerable. I love you all.

“Thank you for aiding me in the healing that I so desperately needed. I am free now.”


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Ryan Seacrest Has Now Been Accused of Sexual Harassment

Ryan Seacrest is the latest famous name to face allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the ubiquitous TV and radio personality has been accused of acting inappropriately with a former stylist.

This same publication reports that the the alleged victim made a substantial financial request of Seacrest in exchange for her silence.

The American Idol emcee and Kelly Ripa co-host refused said request.

The unnamed woman worked as a wardrobe stylist for E! and says the incident took place about 10 years ago.

No details about her claims against Seacrest have been made public.

A spokesperson for E!, however, has confirmed that the cable network is conducting an investigation into the matter.

And Seacrest has released a lengthy statement in his own defense.

It reads as follows:

Recently, someone that worked as a wardrobe stylist for me nearly a decade ago at E! News, came forward with a complaint suggesting I behaved inappropriately toward her.

If I made her feel anything but respected, I am truly sorry.

I dispute these reckless allegations and I plan to cooperate with any corporate inquiries that may result.

I treat all my colleagues with kindness, dignity, and understanding, as this is a principle that’s core to who I am.

Throughout my 25 years in the entertainment industry, the majority of my co-workers have been women, and I’ve endeavored to foster a positive work environment of mutual respect and courtesy, as that’s how I believe it should be.

I’m distraught that anyone or any situation would call that into question.

I’m proud of my workplace reputation, and believe my track record will speak for itself. I’m an advocate for women.

I will continue to support their voices.

Seacrest, of course, is a very busy and successful producer and host.

He currently sits each morning opposite Ripa on Live With Kelly and Ryan” weekday mornings on ABC; is scheduled to serve as host of that network’s upcoming revival of American Idol next spring.

This news comes amid a wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations that have rocked Hollywood over the pastfew weeks, starting with back-to-back bombshell reports in The New York Times and The New Yorker that detailed allegations of sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein.

Since then, accusations of misconduct have been leveled against such significant stars as Kevin Spacey, Lous C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor, just to name a few.

We’ll update this story with more details as news breaks.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Jameis Winston Accused of Sexually Assaulting Uber Driver, QB Denies Allegation

Jameis Winston is adamantly denying grabbing a female Uber driver by the crotch during a March 2016 ride despite a complaint the driver made to the company … but now the NFL is investigating.  The woman who identifies herself as Kate told…


Jeffrey Tambor Accused of Sexual Harassment by Fellow "Transparent" Actor Trace Lysette

Jeffrey Tambor is once again facing allegations of sexual harassment … and once again by a person who happens to be transgender. Fellow “Transparent” actor Trace Lysette — who plays Shea on the Amazon TV series — claims Tambor made lewd,…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sylvester Stallone Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals, it seems not a day goes by without a Hollywood or D.C. power player being accused of some appalling act of sexual misconduct.

Today alone, two universally recognized and widely beloved men have faced allegations of sexual assault and harassment.

First, Senator Al Franken was accused of groping a female colleague and now, film icon Sylvester Stallone is 

According to a police report uncovered by CBS’ Los Angeles affiliate, a 16-year-old girl claimed that she was forced into sex with both Stallone and his now-deceased bodyguard, Michael DeLuca, back in 1986.

The girl says she was staying at the same hotel as Stallone, who was traveling in promotion of his film Over the Top.

DeLuca reportedly gave the girl a key to Stallone’s room and instructed her to visit the actor that evening.

When the girl arrived at Stallone’s suite, DeLuca reportedly “took her into a bedroom, where they had sex, while De Luca waited in the bathroom.”

The victim claims that Stallone then asked her if she’d ever had a threesome and invited DeLuca into the room.

Stallone, who would have been 40 at the time, then allegedly forced the girl to perform oral sex on both men.

The victim says Stallone then told her that he would “beat her head in” if she told anyone about the attack.

According to the police report, the girl elected not to press charges for fear of retribution.

“She indicated that if the sexual encounter had only been with Stallone, she would not pursue this matter,” the report states, “but due to the fact that (De Luca) became involved in the sexual incident, she didn’t know what she wanted to do.” 

The victim says Stallone, who was married at the time, was aware of her age, as he remarked on her youth one day prior while flirting with her in the hotel lobby.

She says she informed him that she was only 16, and the actor replied by asking “how she got such a build.”

The victim claims she laughed off the question and was surprised when Stallone proceeded to kiss her.

“He replied that he would give her a kiss at a later date that she would not forget,” the report reads.

Stallone has not yet commented on these allegations.

We will have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mark Schwahn, One Tree Hill Creator, Accused of Rampant Sexual Misconduct

Over the past few weeks, accusations of sexual harassment have been leveled against numerous powerful men in Hollywood.

But few allegations have been like this:

On Monday night, the female cast and many crew members from One Tree Hill came together to write an open letter that called out series creator Mark Schwahn for years of unchecked sexual misconduct.

The actresses were inspired to take this unusual step after writer Audrey Wauchope (who currently works on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Tweeted on Saturday that she and a colleague were sexually harassed years ago during their time writing for an unnamed series.

Wauchope did not cite Schwahn by name in her barrage of Tweets, either.

But she did write the following:

“Female writers would try to get the spot where the showrunner wouldn’t sit as to not be touched. Often men would help out by sitting next to him, thus protecting the women.

“Sometimes we wouldn’t luck out and he’d just squeeze his disgusting body in between us and put his arms around us, grinning.

“He pet hair. He massaged shoulders. I know he did more but not to me so they’re not my stories to share.”

Wauchope went on to say that the showrunner passed around naked photos of an actress he had slept with, unbeknownst to the actress, and that he tried talking a writer out of getting married because he wanted a chance to have sex with her.

It’s now clear that Wauchope was referring to Mark Schwahn.

In a joint statement – signed by One Tree Hill stars such as Sophia Bush, Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz – the female cast members of this former CW hit backed up Wauchope’s claims and alleged Schwahn manipulated many of them “psychologically and emotionally.”

Here is what the powerful letter says:

All of the female cast members of One Tree Hill have chosen this forum to stand together in support of Audrey Wauchope and one another.

To use terminology that has become familiar as the systemic reality of sexual harassment and assault has come more and more to light, Mark Schwahn’s behavior over the duration of the filming of One Tree Hill was something of an “open secret.”

Many of us were, to varying degrees, manipulated psychologically and emotionally. More than one of us is still in treatment for post-traumatic stress.

Many of us were put in uncomfortable positions and had to swiftly learn to fight back, sometimes physically, because it was made clear to us that the supervisors in the room were not the protectors they were supposed to be.

Many of us were spoken to in ways that ran the spectrum from deeply upsetting, to traumatizing, to downright illegal. And a few of us were put in positions where we felt physically unsafe.

More than one woman on our show had her career trajectory threatened.

oth poster

It continues:

The through line in all of this was, and still is, our unwavering support of and faith in one another. We confided in each other.

We set up safe spaces to talk about his behavior and how to handle it. To warn new women who joined our ranks.

We understood that a lot of it was orchestrated in ways that kept it out of sight for the studio back home. We also understood that no one was fully unaware.

The lack of action that has been routine, the turning of the other cheek, is intolerable.

We collectively want to echo the calls of women everywhere that vehemently demand change, in all industries.

Many of us were told, during filming, that coming forward to talk about this culture would result in our show being canceled and hundreds of lovely, qualified, hard-working, and talented people losing their jobs.

This is not an appropriate amount of pressure to put on young girls.

Many of us since have stayed silent publicly but had very open channels of communication in our friend group and in our industry, because we want Tree Hill to remain the place “where everything’s better and everything’s safe” for our fans; some of whom have said that the show quite literally saved their lives.

But the reality is, no space is safe when it has an underlying and infectious cancer. We have worked at taking our power back, making the conventions our own, and relishing in the good memories.

But there is more work to be done.

And it concludes:

We are all deeply grateful for Audrey’s courage. For one another. And for every male cast mate and crew member who has reached out to our group of women to offer their support these last few days.

They echo the greater rallying cry that must lead us to change: Believe Women. We are all in this together.

The message is signed “With Love and Courage” by:

  • Sophia Bush

  • Hilarie Burton

  • Bethany Joy Lenz

  • Danneel Harris

  • Michaela McManus

  • Kate Voegele

  • Daphne Zuniga

  • India de Beaufort

  • Bevin Prince

  • Jana Kramer

  • Shantel Van Santen

  • Allison Munn

It is also signed by the “Brave Crew And All the rest of the Women We Worked With Who Are Finding Their Voices as We Speak.”

Schwahn currently runs The Royals on E!.

In a statement Monday, the network said it is “monitoring the information carefully” and is “committed to providing a safe working environment in which everyone is treated respectfully and professionally.”


Monday, November 13, 2017

Weinstein Scandal: Which Powerful Men Are Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

Following accusations of sexual harassment and rape, Harvey Weinstein has lost his job and his family. Given that the LAPD is investigating him, he may even lose his freedom.

What began as a scandal over one mega-producer"s alleged sexual misconduct has taken on a powerful life of its own.

Countless women — and men — came forward and shared their #MeToo stories, talking about incidents in childhood or adulthood in which they were sexually harassed or assaulted. In many cases, these individuals had held onto stories, afraid or ashamed to share them, for years or even decades.

The average #MeToo story comes from everyday people and often don"t name the people who wronged them. Many don"t even know the men"s names.

However, a number of celebrities and non-celebrities alike have come forward and their #MeToo stories are naming the names of powerful men.

Directors, producers, and actors who have for years used social pressure, Hollywood culture, wealth, and celebrity status to remain above reproach are suddenly being called out so loudly that even they cannot ignore it.

It"s not fun to wonder if someone you once admired might be next, but surely we would all rather know the truth than to live in blissful ignorance.

Some of these powerful men have admitted to having done wrong. Others are fiercely denying the allegations against them, even when it"s their word against dozens — or more.

It seems that more accused sexual predators are named every day, so here"s a running list of the powerful figures who have been called out for alleged sexual misconduct.

1. Harvey Weinstein

Harvey weinstein snapshot

We of course could not make this list without including the titular figure in the Weinstein scandal. This mega-producer has lost his job and his wife over accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Multiple famous actresses have shared their Weinstein stories. He’s also under investigation by the LAPD. His public downfall has encouraged countless others to come forward.

2. Brett Ratner

Brett ratner photo

Though not the only X-Men director to have been accused of sexual misconduct, Brett Ratner has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assaults going back decades, and well-known actresses have spoken out and accused him of some very upsetting things.

3. Louis C.K.

Louis ck snapshot

Years ago, rumors sprouted up about an unnamed big-name comedian who seemed to enjoy masturbating in front of women he worked with. Several of those women came forward and named Louis C.K. … and though he didn’t quite say the word “sorry,” Louis did acknowledge that their stories were true.

4. Ed Westwick

Ed westwick snapshot

Former Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has been accused by two different actresses with frighteningly similar stories. Both allege that they were at his house and invited to sleep in guest beds, only to awaken to Westwick allegedly sexually assaulting them. Both women say that people they considered friends urged them to keep quiet. It’s heartbreaking.

5. Steven Seagal

Steven seagal smiles

Jenny McCarthy says that Steven Seagal encouraged her to disrobe during a casting call … when she was acting out a courtroom scene. Former actress Lisa Guerrero (who is now a journalist) says that Seagal had her audition at his home while he appeared to be wearing only a robe, and that she’s glad that she brought along someone else. And now Portia de Rossi says that Steven Seagal once “unzipped” in front of her. These are very disturbing allegations.

6. Andy Dick

Andy dick tongue out

Andy Dick was fired from a project over allegations of sexual harassment, including genital groping and … licking people. Andy Dick’s defense, a claim that licking people on the face after kissing them is “his thing,” isn’t helping. If “your thing” is making people uncomfortable, you probably should find a new thing.

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

George Takei Accused of Sexual Assault

For the past few weeks now, more and more people have been coming forward with horror stories about sexual assault and/or sexual harassment committed by various Hollywood figures.

Needless to say, it’s been an overwhelmingly depressing time.

Harvey Weinstein’s accusers opened the floodgates — so, so many women have shared their horror stories about him, and a few of the stories have been about rape.

From there, everything just kind of fell apart.

Several men claimed that Kevin Spacey assaulted them, including actor Anthony Rapp, who was only 14 at the time of the alleged incident.

Writer/director James Toback has been accused of assault by literally hundreds of women, and Louis C.K. was accused of (and admitted to) abusing his position of power in the comedy world to masturbate in front of female comedians and coworkers.

Two women have accused Ed Westwick of rape, and Ben Affleck is facing a sex scandal of his own.

And now we have one more name to add to the list of the accused: George Takei.

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, a former actor and model named Scott R. Brunton recounts a tale that took place in 1981, when he was living in L.A. and trying to get his career going.

He says that he met George at a bar, and that they exchanged phone numbers and struck up a friendship.

When Scott went through a bad breakup, he says George reached out to him and offered to take him out to dinner and a show.

“He was very good at consoling me and understanding that I was upset and still in love with my boyfriend,” he recalls. “He was a great ear. He was very good about me spilling my heart on my sleeve.”

When the evening was over, the two went back to George’s home for a drink, but Scott claims that when he had had his second drink, “I begin feeling very disoriented and dizzy, and I thought I was going to pass out.”

He says that he did end up passing out, and “The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear.”

“I came to and said, ‘What are you doing?!’ I said ‘I don’t want to do this.’ He goes ‘You need to relax. I am just trying to make you comfortable. Get comfortable."”

Scott claims that he told him “I don’t want to do this,” and then he left.

It’s a horrible story — all of them are.

But for what it’s worth, George has already strongly denied the story.

“Friends,” he began a series of tweets, “I’m writing to respond to the accusations made by Scott R. Brunton. I want to assure you all that I am as shocked and bewildered at this claims as you must feel reading them.”

It’s true — people are especially shocked at these claims, because unlike Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and Louis C.K., there have never been any rumors about anything like this.

George continued with “The events he describes back in the 1980s simply did not occur, and I do not know why he has claimed them now.”

“I have wracked my brain to ask if I remember Mr. Brunton, and I cannot say I do.”

“But I do take these claims very seriously,” he added, “and I wanted to provide my response thoughtfully and not out of the moment.”

“Right now it is a he said / he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful.”

He wrote that his husband is “100 percent beside me on this” and that he “stands fully by my side. I cannot tell you how vital it has been to have his unwavering support and love in these difficult times.”

“Thanks to many of you for all the kind words and trust,” he finished. “It means so much to us. Yours in gratitude, George.”

Do you believe him?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Roy Moore: Alabama Senate Candidate Accused of Child Molestation

Former Alabama Supreme Court judge and current US Senate candidate Roy Moore has always been a controversial figure.

After all, this is a man whose homophobic, racist, and anti-Muslim views earned him a reputation as a bigot even by the standards of Alabama Republicans.

But despite being twice removed from the bench for ethical violations, Moore has risen through this party’s ranks to become a figure of national prominence.

In September, he defeated Trump-backed candidate Luther Strange in a run-off election and became the GOP’s nominee to fill the Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

During his campaign, Moore brandished a gun onstage, blamed the Sandy Hook massacre on a lack of school prayer, and called for the impeachment of judges who have 

Astonishingly, it seems these views have only served to increase Moore’s popularity with his base.

But now, the 70-year-old finds himself at the heart of a scandal that may cost him the support of even his most fervent supporters.

The Washington Post has interviewed four women who say they were subjected to unwanted sexual advances by Moore in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when he was in his thirties and they were in their teens.

Leigh Corfman tells the newspaper she was just 14 when Moore groped her and forced her to touch his genitals at his home in rural Alabama.

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking.

“Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.”

Three women have independently claimed that Moore kissed them, inappropriately touched them, and plied them with alcohol when they were between the ages of 15 and 17.

Moore has denied the allegations in a statement issued by his campaign team:

“These allegations are completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and the Washington Post on this campaign,” the statement reads.

Adopting the favorite counter-argument of Trump-era Republicans, a rep for Moore added, “This garbage is the very definition of fake news.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other prominent Republicans have stated that Moore should step aside if there’s any  truth to the allegations.

Others, however, have mounted absurd defenses of Moore, including Alabama state auditor Jim Ziegler, who went viral with this asinine argument:

“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus,” Ziegler told the Washington Examiner.

Currently, Moore has no plans to bring an end to his campaign.

He is set to face off against Democratic challenger Doug Jones in a special election on December 12.
