Showing posts with label Attorney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attorney. Show all posts

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Prince Overdose Will NOT Result in Criminal Charges, Attorney Announces

We have another update on the passing of Prince.

Nearly two years to the day on which Prince died from a drug overdose, Carver County attorney Mark Metz says no criminal charges will be filed in conjunction with this tragedy.

During a press conference on Thursday afternoon, Metz explained that the “charging decision must be made on legal merits,” and not just on celebrity status, eventually stating that he “will not file any criminal charges” due to a lack of evidence.

Prior to this confirmation, there had been many questions over how Prince obtained the many (MANY) bottles of prescription pills that authorities found inside his home in April of 2016.

As previously reported, the iconic musician was found unconscious in his mansion and pronounced dead shortly afterward.

The DEA found prescription bottles in Prince’s possession at the time, with information later coming out that revealed Prince was prescribed heavy doses of Oxycodone just six days before he passed away.

Just last month, The Associated Press made public a toxicology report that detailed the levels of fentanyl flowing through the star’s body on the day he died.

It now is clear that Prince died as a result of this excessive amount of the aforementioned drug.

It turns out, however, that the artist had been taking counterfeit pills containing the powerful painkiller, unbeknownst to himself at the time.

“Prince had no idea he was taking a counterfeit pill that could kill him,” Metz said.

However, he added that there is no evidence showing just how he obtained these counterfeit pills and, as a result, no one can be held accountable in a legal sense.

Metz did say for certain that Dr. Michael Schulenberg examined Prince around the time of his passing and prescribed percoset for the singer – in another man’s name – which he will be “held accountable for.”

But it is not believed Schulenberg prescribed for Prince the drugs that killed him.

(He will need to pay the government $ 30,000 in fines, though.)

Federal prosecutors and the Drug Enforcement Administration had opened an investigation into how Prince obtained the prescription medication, the agencies confirmed in the past.

Based on court documents from last year, none of the numerous bottles found in Prince’s home were actually in his name.

Some of them were in the name of bodyguard Kirk Johnson, for example.

Metz added it was likely Prince had also taken one of the counterfeit Vicodin when he overdosed on a private jet the week before he died.

He recovered from this incident and even performed a show for fans prior to his demise less than a week later.

It’s all very sad and very confusing.

The bottom line, however, remains the same:

Prince was a man in a lot of pain who went to great lengths in order to obtain heavy doses of medication.

He did so in ways that could not guarantee he always received the right mix of prescription pills.

The musician’s history with opioids was worrisome enough to those around him that, the day before he died, Prince’s team had called an opioid addiction specialist in California seeking urgent help for the star.

Alas, the plan was formulated too late.

We can only hope Prince is now resting in peace.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Too Short"s Rape Case Rejected by District Attorney

Too Short won’t face any criminal charges after a woman accused him of rape … TMZ has learned. The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office tells TMZ … it’s rejected the case, citing insufficient evidence. TMZ broke the story … Teana Louis…


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Kevin Spacey"s Sex Crimes Case Under Review by L.A. District Attorney

Kevin Spacey is officially under the microscope of the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office, which is reviewing a sex crimes case against him. TMZ has confirmed the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department turned over a case against the actor to the…


Monday, April 9, 2018

FBI Raids Office of President Trump"s Attorney Michael Cohen

President Trump’s attorney was raided by the FBI Monday … and the operation was put in motion by none other than Special Counsel Robert Mueller. We’ve confirmed federal agents swooped into Michael Cohen’s NYC office with a search warrant, and…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Donald Trump"s Attorney Says Stormy Daniels Agreed No Court Battle, Just Arbitration

President Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, insists Stormy Daniels has NO right to drag him or the Prez into court over the “hush” agreement, and he’s got that in black and white. Cohen filed new docs asking the judge to move Stormy’s lawsuit from…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Attorney Says He"ll Prove Threat Came from Trump"s Camp

Stormy Daniels is certain Donald Trump, or someone connected to him, had a henchman threaten her life … and she’s going to prove it. Her attorney, Michael Avenatti, says he doesn’t know for sure yet who’s behind the 2011 incident in Las…


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Harvey Weinstein & TWC Sued by N.Y. Attorney General for Civil Rights Violations

Harvey Weinstein and The Weinstein Company are being sued by the New York Attorney General for alleged civil rights violations in the workplace. New York’s AG, Eric Schneiderman, just filed suit against Harvey, his brother, Bob Weinstein, and the…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Quavo"s Attorney Says No Video Evidence in Nightclub Fight, No Reason for Arrest

Quavo doesn’t have a thing to worry about when it comes to an arrest in the 1 OAK nightclub fight in NYC, because video shows he didn’t touch the alleged victim … according to Quavo’s attorney. Drew Findling tells TMZ … he’s seen…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Donald Trump"s Attorney Michael Cohen Sues Buzzfeed Over Russian "Dossier"

One of Donald Trump’s attorney’s claims the so-called “Dossier” that attempts to tie him and the Prez to Russian officials is total BS … so much so, he’s suing the news outlet that posted it. Michael Cohen is suing Buzzfeed over its Jan. 10, 2017…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Cases Go to District Attorney

Beverly Hills PD has sent 2 Harvey Weinstein cases to the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office … TMZ has learned. The D.A’s Office says it’s currently reviewing the results of 2 BHPD investigations. It’s a huge step — no previous Weinstein…


Danielle Bregoli Hires Tiger Woods" Attorney to Handle Probation Case

Danielle Bregoli’s got big-time money now … which means hiring big-time help to clear up big-time legal issues comes easier, too. The ‘Cash Me Outside’ girl just hired attorney Doug Duncan … the same guy that repped Tiger…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Meek Mill Attorney Claims Judge"s Vendetta Behind New Prison Sentence

Meek Mill is back behind bars because the judge has a long-standing vendetta against him … according to the rapper’s legal team. Meek was sentenced to 2 to 4 years for violating probation, but one of his attorneys tells TMZ … even prosecutors…


Monday, October 30, 2017

NFL"s Antrel Rolle Busted Scumbag Attorney Who Stole Fortune, Officials Say

Ex-NFL star Antrel Rolle knew damn well he wasn’t screwing the IRS out of millions of dollars — he was being set up … and officials say he helped catch the scumbag at the heart of the scheme. Long story short … Rolle’s former tax attorney was…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Former Attorney Lisa Bloom Investigated Alleged Victims

Lisa Bloom — who said she resigned from representing Harvey Weinstein after learning of his sexual misdeeds — was deeply involved in investigating various female accusers to discredit them … sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ. We’ve…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Attorney Lisa Bloom Says He"s Earned Her Forgiveness

Harvey Weinstein’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, says there’s nothing strange about her representing a man accused of years of sexual harassment … because he’s handling it way better than most. Bloom famously ripped into late FOX honcho Roger Ailes…


Harvey Weinstein"s Attorney Lisa Bloom Says He"s Earned Her Forgiveness

Harvey Weinstein’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, says there’s nothing strange about her representing a man accused of years of sexual harassment … because he’s handling it way better than most. Bloom famously ripped into late FOX honcho Roger Ailes…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Venus Williams" Vehicle Data Shows She Did 20 MPH in Intersection, Says Victims" Attorney

Venus Williams accelerated from 0 to almost 20 MPH in about 4 seconds as she pulled through the intersection where she had a fatal accident … according to the attorney for the victims’ family. Michael Steinger, who reps the estate…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Rudy Giuliani Deflects Attorney General Questions, Job"s Not Open and Sessions Is a Friend

Rudy Giuliani insists he won’t stab Jeff Sessions in the back for the Attorney General post — and says President Trump should field all questions about the job … not him. We got the former NYC mayor at Reagan National in D.C. and…


Killer Mike"s Says Jeff Sessions, Rudy Giuliani Are Both Unfit to Be Attorney General

Killer Mike says America’s screwed when it comes to our Attorney General — while Rudy Giuliani might have a slight edge on Jeff Sessions … Mike says they both have a huge downside.  There’s buzz President Trump might tap his…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Casey Anthony"s Attorney Claims She Blacked Out Caylee"s Death

Tragically, it’s time once again to talk about one of our least favorite people in the world: Casey Anthony.

Not that we like anyone who empathizes with O.J. Simpson, but Casey Anthony … well, she’s almost universally reviled, and for good reason.

And now one of her former attorneys is speaking out with a theory of what happened. We don’t imagine that she’d be happy to hear it, but we also don’t care about her feelings.

Most people don’t so much spin theories about what happened as talk about what they wish had happened at trial.

It’s probably fair to say that most of the American public has a pretty good idea of what 3-year-old Caylee Anthony’s final moments were.

It’s pretty likely that those people have definite opinions about what Casey Anthony’s fate should have been.

But Cheney Mason, who was one of Casey Anthony’s attorney’s during the trial, has his own statements to make.

In fact, Casey Anthony’s former attorney says that she “blacked out” Caylee’s death.

“I believe that Casey’s mind, in some dimension, I guess the common word would say ‘snapped."”

There aren’t parallel universes inside of people’s brains, unless I missed that Psych course, but please, continue.

“She didn’t go sniveling crazy by any means, but blackout — completely a blackout — of what went on and what happened.”

Usually people black out from drinking or extreme sleepiness or from trauma, but the trauma is something being done to them.

Unless experts can find some explanation, it’s hard to see how Casey could have blacked out and committed a murder and then gotten rid of evidence.

“She didn’t know what she was doing or what she was saying.”

This is so complicated, because we get the feeling that he might actually believe this.

And he had even more to add.

Cheney Mason goes on to suggest that he doesn’t believe that Casey Anthony even fully realized that her child was dead until after the trial.

That’s interesting, since Casey was of course analyzed by psychiatrists.

While one noted that she was “surprisingly cheerful.”

Another noted that she seemed “stripped of all emotion.”

But apparently their conclusion was that she had no sign of mental illness.

An inability to grasp that a crime has been committed or to notice other aspects of reality …

(Like that your child is not alive but is in fact dead)

… Usually qualifies as a sign of mental illness.

It’s the sort of thing that usually precludes somebody from even standing trial.

(Or it’s supposed to, anyway)

That said, his statement reinforces what she’s said herself.

Remember how Casey Anthony said that she has no clue how Caylee died?

That would work with her former attorney’s “theory.”

But it’s more than a little suspect.

Let’s say that, hypothetically, Casey Anthony blacked out and murdered her daughter.

Horrifying, right?

Well … that wouldn’t explain the searches for “chloroform” and “neck-breaking” on Casey Anthony’s computer.

It especially wouldn’t explain how those searches had been deleted.

Even drunken blackouts don’t usually feature people doing things that they wouldn’t at least potentially done sober.

So we feel like a “blackout” doesn’t really explain away much of anything.

(Except maybe it’s an explanation that he came up with to explain why she came across as so cold and unfeeling)

(Like, maybe he needed an explanation so that he can sleep at night, because he can’t wrap his head around the mind of a monster and needed to explain it away)

In fact, it mostly just stirs up old anger at yet another verdict that horrified the nation.

That resentment doesn’t go away when you remember that Casey Anthony is apparently bored by her freedom.

She’s bored by a life that Caylee will never get to experience.

You know what?

This whole thing reminds us of that terrible Casey Anthony-inspired episode of Law & Order: SVU.

All that we really remember about the episode was that Hilary Duff guest starred and that the twist was that she didn’t do it.


That is, folks, not the way to rip a story from the headlines to make an episode.
