Showing posts with label Body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Works On His Shirtless Body In Venice Beach

Famed virgin Colton Underwood failed to get engaged on TV, but he’s still holding onto the ring. The ‘Bachelorette’ star and ex-NFL stud hit up Venice Beach to sculpt his hot bod, which frankly already looks like a finished work to…


"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood Works On His Shirtless Body In Venice Beach

Famed virgin Colton Underwood failed to get engaged on TV, but he’s still holding onto the ring. The ‘Bachelorette’ star and ex-NFL stud hit up Venice Beach to sculpt his hot bod, which frankly already looks like a finished work to…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Grant Gustin Hits Back at Body Shamers After The Flash Costume Pic Leaks!

Fresh after the announcement that Ruby Rose will play Batwoman in the Arrowverse, a very unflattering photo of Grant Gustin in a new Flash costume leaked.

The The Flash star took to Instagram to assure concerned fans that no, that’s not the final look for the Season 5 costume.

But he also took aim at the hateful trolls who decided to body-shame him. Body-shaming is never okay.

After an unflattering photo of Grant Gustin posing in a new Flash costume was leaked, some fans were alarmed by the new costume’s look.

Worse, some trolls decided to body-shame Gustin for his narrow build.

In response to the backlash, Gustin took to Instagram, writing: “So here’s the thing about this bulls–t photo leak.”

“It’s a cool suit,” Gustin affirms about his actual costume. “There’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less being posted.”

“Some things need work and they will be worked on,” Gustin acknowledges. “We’ll get there.”

The Flash Costume Photo Leak

(So, again, this is not the final look — this is an image from a fitting)

“As far as the body shaming,” Gustin continues. “That’s what pisses me off. Not even just for my sake.”

“I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents that I was too thin,” Gustin shares.

That is awful. Unless someone is unhealthy, there is no such thing as too thin or whatever. And even if someone is unhealthily thin, that’s still nobody’s business.

“But there’s a double standard,” Gustin acknowledges. “Where it’s OK to talk s–t about a dude’s body.”

True. Though we should point out that, just weeks ago, other vicious trolls singled out his unbearably gorgeous costar, Candice Patton, and body-shamed her over an alleged weight gain.

“I do my best to stay in shape and add as much size as I can throughout these seasons,” Gustin shares.

Honestly, that’s really not necessary, and we’ll explain why in a bit.

“I’m naturally thin, and my appetite is greatly affected by stress,” Gustin explains. “Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

Some people stress-eat. Others can’t eat when they’re stressed.

Gustin explains: “Thus, gaining weight is a challenge for me.”

“I didn’t cast a slim actor as The Flash,” Gustin explains. “I went to an audition for a role I never dreamed I’d actually book.”

“But, here I am 5 seasons later,” Gustin affirms. “I’m happy with my body and who I am.”

That is great!

“And,” Gustin continues. “Other kids who are built like me and thinner than me should be able to feel the same way.”

He’s right!

Gustin adds: “Not only that, but they should be able to feel like THEY could be a superhero on TV or film or whatever it may be some day.”

“I love the suit that has been designed for me,” Gustin shares to reassure worried fans. “And I think when everyone sees it in its entirety, you will love it too.”

Remember when some snapshots of the Titans cast leaked and fans were worried, but the photos were misleading and the real looks were revealed to be much better?

It sounds like this is happening again.

“Things have been adjusted since that leaked shot was taken,” Gustin promises. “And more things will continue to be adjusted until it feels right.”

Gustin also took to his Instagram stories to say: “F–k whoever leaked that.”

Gotta be honest, I’m a little behind on my Arrowverse shows — though I still know the spoilers. (Honestly, who didn’t know who Jessica Parker Kennedy was playing?)

But this case of body-shaming is especially odd because Flash is always, always supposed to be slimmer. He should have a track team build.

Unfortunately, a lot of television shows present male bodies in only one form, whether we’re talking about Teen Wolf of Arrow. Anybody else, even if large portions of the audience would find them attractive, keeps their shirt on.

This perpetuates the idea that there’s only one acceptable way to be attractive on camera.

Well, Flash is not supposed to be a “hunk.” He’s supposed to be a slender speedster.

But even if that were not the case, that would still be no excuse to body-shame anyone. Grant Gustin is a real person with real feelings.

And so, by the way, is Candice Patton.

So not only is there zero reason to body-shame either of them, but even if their bodies didn’t “look right,” you don’t get to ruin somebody’s day because their flesh prison isn’t shaped like you wish it were.

Other people don’t exist merely for your viewing pleasure.

We’re reasonably confident that the finished costume will look great. Even if it doesn’t, that won’t be the fault of any of the actors. Please be nice.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian Takes Sexual Shot at Tyson Beckford After He Body Shames Her

Kim Kardashian lashed out at Tyson Beckford, strongly insinuating he isn’t into her because he’s not into women … this after he body shamed her. A photo of Kim was posted on social media Tuesday and Tyson commented, “Sorry. I don’t care for it…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Iggy Azalea Shows Off the Best Angles of Her Hot Body (Bikini)

Iggy Azalea is probably the most effective human billboard we’ve ever seen — ‘cause we honestly don’t know what she’s advertising here other than her body. Oh, wait … we get it. The Australian MC posted a few shots of herself modeling a…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

"The Challenge" Star Johnny Bananas Body Slammed By Maurkice And Mike Pouncey

The greatest competitor in the history of “The Challenge” ain’t playin’ real football anytime soon … ‘cause dude was straight-up ROCKED by the NFL’s Maurkice and Mike Pouncey on Thursday!! Unclear why Johnny Bananas was in Boca Raton, Florida…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Cazzie David Taunts Pete Davidson With Her Sizzling Revenge Body

As we all know, Ariana Grande is engaged to Pete Davidson and is enjoying their relationship and Pete’s impressive dong.

Cazzie David, Pete’s ex — whom he dated for years — knows it, too.

And she’s sending a message loud and clear by flaunting her mind-blowing revenge body in a bikini.

Sporting a red-hot bikini and a hotter body, Cazzie David is flaunting her epic bikini body to full effect.

Cazzie captioned her epic thirst trap: “Idk. Beach?? Summer? ? [red heart emoji]?? W/e”

By the red heart emoji, we assume that she is teasing the possibility of romance or love.

(And “W/e,” by the way, just means whatever)

Once they lifted their jaws off of the ground and were capable of processing complex thoughts again after looking at this gorgeous pic, many people arrived at the same conclusion.

Cazzie David is reminding Pete Davidson of what he’s missing.

See, Cazzie David is the daughter of comedian and Seinfeld creator Larry David.

Cazzie is also a comedian in her own right.

But, though she is perhaps best known for her career and for her father, she is also Pete Davidson’s ex-girlfriend.

In fact, the two of them dated for nearly three years.

And it was a very short time — like, about a month — between Pete and Cazzie’s breakup and Pete and Ariana’s engagement.

Cazzie made a subtle reference to Pete’s relationship with Ariana on instagram, posting a caption that was a clear nod to the news.

In the post in early June, Cazzie wrote: “Been in Africa, what’d I miss ??”

That’s a cute way of acknowledging that you know about something without stirring up any additional drama.

But that, of course, was before the news came out that Pete had proposed to Ariana and Ariana had said yes.

Even if you love Pete and want what’s best for him and admire Ariana and want her to get the happiness that she deserves, you have to admit:

This whole thing is probably a little weird for Cazzie.

Some people have gone on vacations that last longer than the space between Cazzie’s breakup with Pete and Pete’s engagement to Ariana.

That said, we don’t know that her flaunting her body on Instagram is necessarily a ploy to give Pete a walk down memory lane.

Sometimes you’re hot, and you just want to show it.

If anything, Cazzie might be reminding the world that she’s young, hot, and will have no problem finding new love, new experiences, and a new man — if and when she chooses to.

Good for her.

Some are still weighing in on how long Ariana and Pete will actually last.

It’s possible that they could break off their engagement as soon as the honeymoon phase of their relationship is over.

You come down from that hormonal high and you discover that things aren’t working out. That can happen in months or in years. Or in decades.

But we don’t expect to see Cazzie David waiting around, pining after Pete to take her back.

She has her own career and her own life, folks.


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Stormi RUINED My Body!

OK, so it’s been five months now since Kylie Jenner gave birth to her daughter, Stormi.

She’s been a mother for five months, and it’s still just too wild to believe, right?

In 2028, we will still be talking about how wild it is?

Probably, yeah, to be honest.

Kylie Jenner gave birth to her first child at 20 years old, the father is some guy she’d been dating for a couple of weeks before getting knocked up, and it’s literally always going to be a crazy story.

But this is just the way things are now, so at some point, we just have to get used to it and carry on.

And judging by this new video Kylie shared on her YouTube channel, she’s carrying right on with her classic vain ways.

The video is a Q&A with her best friend, Jordyn Woods — they asked for questions on Twitter, picked some out, then discussed them.

First, they talked about how they met (through mutual friends in middle school, nothing too thrilling there).

Then they answered a question about which one takes the longest to get ready (Kylie) and a question about Kylie Cosmetics.

But then someone asked Jordyn about her weight loss, and that’s where things got interesting.

Jordyn said that at first, she wasn’t intentionally trying to lose weight, but when she did start trying, being consistent was key, as was figuring out a way to enjoy working out.

Kylie told her that she motivates her, then revealed that she’d “planned my first workout on Monday” — it sounds like she hasn’t worked out at all since giving birth.

“I’m not even doing it to get in shape,” she explained, “even though after Stormi I feel like people think that I like bounced back super fast, which I guess I did.”

She said that people “get the wrong idea on Instagram sometimes,” because everything is not totally back to normal with her body.

“Especially at such a young age, to see your body go through such a change,” she said, “and it is physically, emotionally and mentally a challenge.”

But she added that pregnancy is “also a beautiful thing, and it was such a great pregnancy and birth and I’m so happy and I would have done the same thing over again.”

She’s not the greatest at maintaining one train of thought, huh?

But she tries, bless her heart.

Getting to her original point, she revealed that “my boobs are like three times the size, which bothers me. I have stretch marks on my boobs, my stomach isn’t the same, my waist isn’t the same, my butt’s bigger, my thighs are bigger.”

“It’s just a change, and honestly I’m finding like I have to change my style a little because nothing in my closet fits my from before.”

“I really want to gain my core back,” she added. “I feel like I have fake abs now, like it’s just genetics, but I want real abs.”

“I know I can have a super fit body, but just for my health, I want to do this.”

It’s not surprising to hear any of this — we’ve heard rumors for a long time about how insecure her pregnancy had made her.

Which, to be fair, is totally normal, especially for someone like Kylie, a young woman who’s built much of her career on being hot.

It’s very possible that her body will never go back to the way it was before, even with the help of plastic surgery or Snapchat filters or whatever else.

But if working out is going to make her feel better, then more power to her, right?


Friday, July 6, 2018

Sarah Hyland Flaunts Surgical Scars, Bikini Body in New Pics

Last month, Sarah Hyland was torn from work against her will and hospitalized for an unknown health issue.

Without getting too specific about what went wrong, she was direct with fans that she had faced a serious health crisis.

Now, she’s clearly feeling better — and is showing off her surgical scars in a bikini. Well, half a bikini.

Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and Modern Family star Sarah Hyland had more to celebrate than just her independence.

After her recent hospitalization from a health scare, Sarah had to take it easy.

In fact, she was only recently given permission to return to the gym for her fitness regimen.

So finally getting to party with her friends must have been a relief.

Hyland showed off only a few images. In them, she was wearing a bikini (sometimes only half of a bikini).

And, in her Instagram stories, Hyland gave fans an up-close view of her surgical scars.

“#scarsondisplay” she writes.

This shot of her body, including her flat and incredibly toned abdomen, shows off some of those scars on her lower torso.

As a young child, Hyland was diagnosed with kidney dysplasia.

This is a problem that begins with a malformation during fetal development in which the kidney is a series of cysts of various sizes.

As a result, she has had numerous surgeries over the course of her life — and received a kidney transplant from her father in 2012.

She is also on both anti-rejection medications and steroids, which makes it difficult for her to gain muscle mass — or weight of any kind.

She also shared a more casual, less up-close-and-personal photo of herself in a bikini, apparently from before she snapped the glimpse at her scars.

“Actual candid before a ‘photo,’” Hyland writes.

In direct sunlight, her scars are less visible.

Most, when looking at this photo of the 27-year-old actress, would just take in that she has an incredible bikini body.

Oh, and that her whimsical pineapple-shaped drink is a delight.

Sarah Hyland opened up about having to quit filming on June 18 for a short while under doctor’s orders.

She has had to be put on bedrest in the past, but has sometimes filmed Modern Family during those periods. This time, she had to step back from work for a hospitalization..

“Sometimes a selfie is more than just a good angle and feelin cute,” Hyland wrote.

“This time for #nationalselfieday I’ve decided to share my truth,” she continued. “As painful as it is.”

“So here is my face that was torn from work against my will. But I’m very grateful it was,” Hyland clarifies. “Health should always come first.”

She’s right!

She also credited her precious dog with warning her that she needed hospitalization.

After Hyland shared her hospitalization with the world, Wells Adams spoke up on Instagram.

“I miss this one a lot,” he wrote. “Coming home soon baby!”

He was apparently filming Bachelor in Paradise at the time.

Adams and Hyland went public with their relationship last Halloween, when they unveiled their Stranger Things costumes. Adorable.

It is so nice to see that Sarah Hyland was feeling well enough to party with her friends this week.

She should be proud of her incredible body. Her scars are part of that. They show how much she has endured and survived.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Finally Reveals Her Post-Baby Body!

Khloe Kardashian is nuts. We mean that affectionately. She gets up before dawn to start exercising, which has helped give her her famous revenge body.

Though it hasn’t even been three months since Khloe welcomed her baby girl, she’s already showing off her figure in a bikini.

How does Khloe’s post-baby body measure up? Take a look!

Even the hardest bodies change to some degree when they’re growing a whole other person in side of them.

Khloe gave birth to precious baby True on April 12. It has not been three months just yet.

Our latest glimpse at her post-baby bikini body comes courtesy of little sister Kendall’s Instagram stories.

Taking to social media, Kendall shared a simple snap of Khloe sunbathing in a yellow bikini.

Take a look:

Khloe Kardashian Bikini Pic Kendall Jenner IG Story Sister Sunday

Kendall captioned the photo “Sister Sunday.”

In it, we see Khloe lounging in her two-piece while scrolling through her phone.

Khloe has stated in the past that she is “not a bikini girl.”

Part of that may be lingering body insecurities — totally undeserved. But it’s mostly her inexplicable phobia of belly buttons.

Still, she looks great in this two-piece. Sure, this isn’t the best angle, but it’s clear that her hard work has been paying off.

Khloe Kardashian IG Story Workout

On Snapchat, Khloe explained to her fans and followers back in May that getting back into exercise was a bit of an ordeal.

“The beginning parts of working out kind of suck because you’re pushing your body so hard,” Khloe explained.

“You’re so tired,” Khloe described. “And you’re trying to get back into your rhythm.”

Khloe admitted: “It’s much more difficult than I think you expect it to be.”

“I’ve been working out for 11 days now,” Khloe revealed. “I feel really good, but tired.”

“My body is sore because it’s re-waking itself back up,” she says.

Of course, she also ejected a tiny human after manufacturing it. That could have something to do with the soreness.

Khloe Kardashian Post-Baby Body GIF May 01

(In May, Khloe revealed her post-baby body after only a few days of exercise)

Khloe admitted that it was difficult, saying: “It’s also a struggle trying to fit in working out between feedings.”

When she describes nursing like that, it sounds like she has to periodically lower a steer into a pit to satisfy a hungry dinosaur.

Actually, plenty of nursing moms would agree that there’s a similar vibe to breastfeeding. But with more bonding.

“No two days are the same,” Khloe lamented. “True is so great, but still, I can’t predict if she’s gonna sleep for the full two hours or if she’s hungry.”

Some of us had the courtesy as babies to feed regularly.

Khloe Kardashian Post-Baby Body GIF May 02

Pregnancy and childbirth can drastically transform a body. The realignment of your hips is permanent.

For many people, the changes in their overall body shape are permanent, too.

But for those with the time, resources, and genetics to reclaim their pre-baby bodies, many try to race to lose the weight that they gained during pregnancy.

Hey, good for them. Good for you, Khloe. We just hope that she’s doing it for herself, and not so Tristan won’t cheat.

Whether you’ve given birth to one baby or a dozen, or whether you can shed that weight or not, the path to having a bikini body is the same for everyone.

Step 1 is to have a body. Step 2 is to put a bikini on it. Congratulations! No matter your body type, you have a bikini body. Enjoy.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Janoris Jenkins" Brother Is "Person of Interest" In Dead Body Case

Law enforcement officials tell TMZ Sports … the older brother of NY Giants star Janoris Jenkins is a “person of interest” in the case of the dead body discovered at JJ’s New Jersey home.  We spoke with Ontario County NY District Attorney…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dead Body Found at Home of NFL Star Janoris Jenkins, Cops Investigating

A dead body was found at the New Jersey home of NY Giants star Janoris Jenkins on Tuesday and now the Major Crimes Unit is investigating … TMZ Sports has learned. First off, we’re told Janoris was out of the state when the body was discovered…


Audrey Roloff Flaunts Post-Baby Body, Hangs with Family

Audrey Roloff often gives advice on using one’s faith to enhance’s one’s life, talking about God and marriage and committment and priorities.

And that’s all well and good and certainly important.

But following the release of a couple recent photos, some Instagram followers would prefer different advice from the Little People, Big World star.

Specifically, many now want to know the following:

How did you get back into such great shape after having a baby?!?

The popular reality star welcomed daughter Ember Jean into the world last September.

She has since published quite a few (hundred) pictures of her precious child, providing followers with helpful updates about Ember’s preferences, movements and more.

She’s also published a couple snapshots of her impressively taunt tummy, though, such as this one of Audrey and her immediate family on the beach.

“Wow! You look amazing after giving life to your beautiful baby!” one user wrote in response to the picture linked to above, asking:

“Any health and fitness tips?”

And now we have a feeling similar questions will be posed due to the posting of the following snapshot:

This one was placed on Amy Roloff’s Instagram page by the family matriarch herself, as she apparently enjoyed a lovely Sunday afternoon at the pool with her son, daughters-in-law and other loved ones.

Captioned Amy:

“And this relaxing joy filled Sunday ended w/ Family & friends & cousins and babies. A day like this is perfect.”

It really does appear to be.

Amy herself did not don a two-piece, despite the praise Audrey received, but she did pose for a rather adorable photo with grandkids Ember and Jackson.

Take a look at these two cuties, won’t you?!?

Both Amy and her ex-husband Matt are fortunate that they get to spend so much time with their relatives.

Sons Jeremy and Zach both live very close to their parents, while Jacob often stops by the family farm and even Molly is just a few hours away.

We’re actually not sure just where these photos were taken, but does it really matter?

We’re just glad Audrey and Jeremy (below, flaunting his own body!) and Tori Roloff, among others, were able to enjoy some much-deserved rest and relaxation.

There have been rumblings of late, meanwhile, that Little People, Big World may soon go off the air.

Those who watch it on a weekly basis must be aware of the tension between Matt and Amy, the former of whom is even moving to Arizona for at least part of the year.

The series has had a great, lengthy run, so we’d understand if TLC finally pulls the plug at some point or if various family members no longer wish to participate.

But it’s also hard to find a wholesome program such as this these days, with episodes mostly centered on solid relationships between cast members, not fighting and arguing and whatever crazy scandals the women of Teen Mom 2 have going on at the moment.

So we hope it sticks around.

Don’t you agree?


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Justin Bieber"s Bodyguard Takes Epic 2-Minute Leak on Police Body Cam

Justin Bieber’s head of security unleashed a stream in EPIC proportions after he was arrested for DUI … and TMZ’s obtained the police body cam footage that’ll BLOW. YOUR. MIND. The footage starts with Bieber’s bodyguard, Michael Arana, in the…


Justin Bieber"s Bodyguard Takes Epic 2-Minute Leak on Police Body Cam

Justin Bieber’s head of security unleashed a stream in EPIC proportions after he was arrested for DUI … and TMZ’s obtained the police body cam footage that’ll BLOW. YOUR. MIND. The footage starts with Bieber’s bodyguard, Michael Arana, in the…


Friday, June 22, 2018

Ex-Texans Cheerleader Claims She Was Body Shamed for Being "Skinny Fat" (LIVE STREAM)

A former Houston Texans cheerleader has lawyered up — with Gloria Allred — to sue the team after claiming she was treated like a bad sorority pledge … all because she was considered “skinny fat.” Allred claims the former cheerleader alleges…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Kobe Bryant Denied By Oscar Academy, You Don"t Have a Body Of Work!

Kobe Bryant just got rejected at the rim by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences — which just denied membership to the Mamba … claiming he doesn’t have a good enough body of work.  You know what he does have? AN OSCAR!!!! Kobe won…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tori Spelling Gets Busted Photoshopping Body Positivity Swimsuit Pic

The acronym SMDH was basically invented for Tori Spelling.

The actress-turned-reality-star-turned-punchline has had the whole world shaking its damn head for at least the past decade, and it doesn’t seem like she’s planning to quit embarrassing herself anytime soon.

As you may already know, Tori welcomed her fifth child recently, and as you can see from the photo above, she’s been proudly flaunting her post-baby bump on social media!

Well, actually, “proud” might be a bit of a strong word, as Tori photoshopped that pic within an inch of its life before she posted it.

“After having my 5th baby I have to admit my body didn’t bounce back the way it did with the first 4!” she captioned the image.

“But I’ve been working at it and eating and playing to live my best life and I feel like it’s showing. Back in a one piece minus the coverup or shorts,” she added.

“[Dean] makes me feel great about myself no matter what weight I’m at. And I’m finally loving seeing my hard work start to pay off! Thanks Body! We got this!”

Yes, the woman uses some top-notch bait when she goes fishing for compliments, but unfortunately for her, the sycophants just weren’t biting today.

Instagram users were quick to point out that the image had been heavily retouched.

And then Tori confirmed their suspicions by deleting the post entirely.

She then called the paparazzi to her house (unless you’re the sort of person who actually believes the paps just show up to Tori Spelling’s backyard on random weekday afternoons) and had them snap photos of her at flattering angles in the same swimsuit.

We suppose the objective was to … prove the haters wrong?

Seems like the best way to do that would’ve been to not delete the original pic.

Some fans have grappled with the issue of whether they should laugh at Tori for this debacle or feel sorry for her.

That’s a question that you’ll have to answer for yourself, but there are a few things to consider while you mull it over:

Tori recently launched a pyramid scheme with the intention of conning her own fans out of their money.

Tori has racked up millions in debt, and those who know her best say she has no intention of paying it back and is still spending compulsively.

Tori might have invented a mistress and pretended her husband had an affair just to make herself more sympathetic for a reality show.

Suddenly the swimsuit situation is seeming pretty damn funny, no?


Friday, June 1, 2018

Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Man"s Body Odor Sickens Passengers

Flying in an airplane is rarely fun. But sometimes, it can be downright unbearable.

While most people would consider sitting near a bad-smelling passenger to be bad enough, unpleasant body odor isn’t usually enough to land a plane.

But that is just what happened here, as one person’s foul odor was enough to sicken others and force the plane to land.

Transavia may sound like the name of an all-naturla sugar substitute, but it is a Dutch budget airline.

Unfortunately, one Transavia flight from the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, a fairly common vacation destination in Europe, was besieged by a foul odor.

Reportedly, passengers complained of an “unbearable” smell, which they blamed upon an “unwashed” man onboard.

The alleged olfactory assault was so severe that some passengers reportedly became ill.

Once the flight took off from the Las Palmas airport, some people’s reactions were so severe that they were fainting or vomiting.


One Belgian passenger named Piet van Haut reported that:

“It was a huge stench.”

It certainly sounds like it.

“The man was sitting on the last row of the plane.”

Nonetheless, it sounds like many passengers were impacted.

“And it smelled like he hadn’t washed for weeks.”

Horrific. Unimaginable.

Apparently, after several passengers grew ill from the relentless assault upon their senses, airline staff asked the man to confine himself to the bathroom.

That was not enough to mitigate the damage, unfortunately.

The plane was headed for Amsterdam in the Netherlands, but had to make an emergency stop in Portugal, at Faro Airport.

It was then that the man was ushered off of the plane.

He was then placed on a bus by medical personnel.

In a statement from Transavia, it was said that the emergency stop was made for “medical” reasons.

Many people immediately wondered if perhaps the odor arose from something other than poor hygiene. Perhaps this poor man was suffering an illness that created a powerful and noxious body odor.

Diabetes, thyroid issues, and dysfunction in the kidneys or liver can lead to different and unpleasant body odor that can be difficult to mask.

There is another medical possibility: a mutation known as trimethylaminuria.

Trimethylamine is the chemical compound responsible for giving fish their “fishy odor.”

People with trimethylaminuria, which is extremely rare, are unable to break down that compound. This causes it to build up in their systems.

We don’t know what kind of bad smell drove these passengers to their limits. If what they were smelling was similar to fish emulsion, this could be the answer.

But obviously, we don’t know.

Sometimes, people don’t smell too bad even when they smell a little “ripe.” But please, no matter your personal opinion, tell someone if they are about to go fly somewhere and their body odor is in any way detectable.

We feel so sorry for this poor man and for his fellow passengers.

None of them asked for this to happen.

And honestly? We feel sorry for Transavia. A lot of airlines get bad press, but it sounds like Transavia did all of the right things, here.

There are so many ways to ruin someone’s flight. Let’s all try to avoid being at fault.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

TV Producer Killed After E-Cigarette Explodes, Burned 80% of His Body

A former CNBC producer was killed when his e-cigarette exploded and lodged in his skull … according to an autopsy. Tallmadge Wakeman D’Elia died on Cinco de Mayo in St. Petersburg, FL after his vape pen ignited a fire in his bedroom. The autopsy…
