Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2016

Moby"s Alleged Thief Busted, Grabbed His Package

Moby got a visit from his own personal Grinch — a woman cops call an “obsessed fan” who tried to make off with a special delivery. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the incident went down Wednesday afternoon when Moby’s assistant noticed a…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbery: Thugs Busted By New Surveillance Video?!

An explosive new video allegedly showing one of the thugs who robbed Kim Kardashian could crack her case at last … if it’s real, anyway.

A copy of purported security camera footage taken of the chilling heist that unfolded on the night of October 3 was posted today by Radar.

Kim, 36, was held at gunpoint in the luxurious No Name Hotel in Paris and robbed of millions in jewels. The crime has yet to be solved.

Radar’s video, however, reveals the face of one of the alleged culprits for the very first time, though the story surrounding it raises questions.

According to an insider quoted by the celebrity gossip site, the thieves demanded that the building staff turn over video from the cameras on site.

That, they believed, would scuttle any trace of evidence.

Since that fateful night, however, either the goons have been showing the video to the wrong people or it’s been stolen, ‘cause Radar got it.

The video purports to show “Kim’s friend or nanny being held … they were storming the room, and one of her friends was being held.”

“At the time, Kim was in her bedroom, and there weren’t any cameras there. She didn’t come out to help her friend outside of her door.”

“But you can see that it was very violent.”

“Kim had every right to be spooked!”

Indeed, the grainy black and white footage shows an unknown thug coming up behind and dragging a blonde woman around by the neck.

Understandably, the woman looks terrified.

Up until now, officials have had little to go on beyond dark and blurry footage of the robbers escaping from the scene on bikes (above).

Will this new video be the clue they need?

It wouldn’t erase the horrible events of this fall, but it would no doubt offer some degree of closure and satisfaction for Kim if so.

Since then, she’s clearly been affected, having gone quiet on social media even before Kanye West’s mental breakdown this month.

“Kim thinks that it is absolutely absurd that these guys have not been caught. She will never be able to get this out of her head,” an insider says.

“She was certain that she was going to be killed.”

The star is upset that the assailants are at large, and at this point, has lamented the strong possibility that they may never face justice.

The fact that some people still think the Kim Kardashian robbery was fake or somehow embellished for ratings eats away at her too.

Says another family insider close to the situation:

“The fact that nothing has been done and no one has been charged just makes this whole situation that much worse for her and her family.”

“She is starting to think that they will never be caught.”

Cross your fingers that this the cops’ big break, though we have to say, the video – even if it is from the attack – leaves a lot to be desired.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lady Gaga -- Hollywood Video Stud Busted For DUI Twice In a Month

The guy who let Lady Gaga stroke his golden chin was bad at romance, but apparently worse at driving … he got busted twice for DUI in less than 2 months. Burbank cops tell TMZ Yuri Bradac — who starred in Gaga’s “Bad Romance” video — was…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Ex-Real Housewife"s Son Joshua Waring -- Busted For Jail Booze ... No Pruno for You!!

The son of former ‘RHOC’ star Lauri Peterson got busted — while already behind bars — for hoarding prison wine in his cell, so now he’s facing a new felony. Law enforcement tells us … Joshua Waring had the alcoholic beverage — known…


Ex-Real Housewife"s Son Joshua Waring -- Busted For Jail Booze ... No Pruno for You!!

The son of former ‘RHOC’ star Lauri Peterson got busted — while already behind bars — for hoarding prison wine in his cell, so now he’s facing a new felony. Law enforcement tells us … Joshua Waring had the alcoholic beverage — known…


Saturday, November 19, 2016

L.A. Rams" Troy Hill -- Busted For DUI ... After Rear Ending Semi

L.A. Rams cornerback Troy Hill was busted for DUI after cops say he hit a semi truck on the freeway. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sports Hill was driving in a Mercedes on an L.A. freeway around 8 AM Saturday morning. Hill swerved over multiple…


Friday, November 4, 2016

ABC News -- BUSTED ... Faked Crime Scene for Live Shot (PHOTO)

When is a crime scene not really a crime scene?? When ABC News FAKES IT for a live TV shot. Viewers at home watched live Friday morning as Linsey Davis reported in front of what appeared to be a crime scene in South Carolina … where a woman had…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ex-Miss USA Lu Parker -- Busted for 5 Finger Discount at LAX

Former Miss USA Lu Parker is under arrest for pilfering a pair of high-end headphones at LAX … TMZ has learned. The 1994 pageant winner, and current news anchor in L.A., allegedly lifted the headphones Wednesday morning at the TSA screening area…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Cody Garbrandt -- Dominick Cruz Is Old and Busted ... "Hope He Makes It to the Fight" (VIDEOS)

Dominick Cruz is a decrepit fossil with busted hands and bad feet … so says Cody Garbrandt who says, “The dude’s so old, hopefully he makes it to the fight.” Garbrandt appeared on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs Friday on FS1) — and explained why…


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tennessee Congressional Candidate Busted for Growing A TON of Weed

Flo Matheson wants to be elected to the 6th District congressional seat in Tennessee.

She also wants to smoke a $ hit ton of marijuana.

So now the question raised by Matheson is this: Can she have it both ways?!?

On May 20, police officers in Crossville, Tennessee, raided the home of Matheson, a Democrat who is running in that state’s Congressional primary.

According to authorities, they became aware of an indoor pot-growing operation on Matheson’s property and therefore obtained a search warrant that covered her residence and a barn on her land.

The investigation turned up more than 180 marijuana plants and various kinds of equipment, says Steve Harrington, someone who lives on Matheson’s property and admitted to growing the drug.

Crossville cops confiscated guns, cash and the pot in their search.

Matheson and Harrington also say the police took a generator, weed eater, pressure washer, TVs, a computer, van and a four-wheeler off the property.

The New York Daily News reports that Harrington and Matheson have both been indicted for running a grow operation…

… but don’t think this means Matheson is dropping out of her race.

“I really don’t regret that this happened,” she told a local NBC affiliated, explaining:

“It’s been a life-changing experience for me in that it has made me more defiant and determined to try and get these laws changed.”

Matheson – who owned up to the two ounces of marijuana found inside her home, but who says she was unaware of the giant operation out back – added:

“I smoke marijuana. I’m guilty. I did it… I guess I would say I smoke it about two or three times a week.”

Tennessee’s congressional primaries are scheduled for August 4.

We know of at least a few celebrities who would vote for her if they could…

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Adam Lind: BUSTED Photoshopping Nude Selfies!

At this point, Adam Lind nude photos are nothing new.

In fact graphic sexual images of Lind seem to surface online about once a week. 

Even though they’re usually found on his social media accounts, it’s not uncommon for Lind to blame someone else for the fact that his racy selfies were “leaked” online.

But now we may have evidence that the worst baby daddy in Teen Mom history has not only been posting the pics himself, he’s been altering them so that he’ll appear, ahem…bigger.

The folks at Radar Online had a Photoshop expert examine several photos posted by Lind in order to determine if the father of two is giving fans a false impression of his musculature.

Apparently, there’s one area in particular that Lind is seriously insecure about, as he seems obsessed with making it appear.

Oh, get your minds of the gutter, people!

We’re talking about his forearms, of course.

Yes, expert Barry Allen says that in several photos it looks as though Lind has taken great pains to make his forearms look wider and more muscular.

“It’s possible he was trying to pull out his forearm to make it look bigger,” Allen says.

“Wood trim starts in one place and ends somewhere else. These photographs are extremely suspicious given the complete mismatch in those lines.”

Allen added that Lind favors angles that make his torso appear slimmer, and in some cases he’s inconsistent with his alterations.

“In one picture, his forearm looks tiny,” Allen says. “What happened here? In the other picture your arm was like Popeye the Sailor!”

Sounds like Lind is as bad at Photoshop as he is at being a dad.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive his many, many lowlights. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Madonna Busted For Posting Fake Parking Signs Outside NYC Home

Madge has been under a lot of stress lately, in her case against ex-husband Guy Ritchie over custody of their teenage son, Rocco.

So you can’t blame her for going a little nuts over parking privileges in front of her $ 40 million townhouse on New York’s Upper East Side.

Sources tell TMZ that Madonna and her team basically made up their own rules when it came to public parking spots.  Someone posted “Tenant Parking Only” signs, sprayed “NO PARKING” warnings on the curb, then painted said curb yellow.

One of Madonna’s neighbors thought this was a little weird/wrong and got in touch with the Department of Transportation, who sent an agent over to the singer’s home on March 23rd to assess the situation.

Guess what?  The signs were fake, and Madonna’s people were instructed to remove the signs immediately.

TMZ spoke to the whistle-blowing neighborhood, who explained that when she asked a man standing outside Madonna’s home (where 3 SUVs were parked) about the signs, he said “We know the right people.”

If by the right people you mean the sales associates in Home Depot’s sign department, then yes, yes you do.

No one is exempt from city parking laws.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

O.J. Simpson Jokes About New Murder Evidence: If the Knife is Rusted, I Can"t Be Busted!

Ealier this month, TMZ reported that back in 1998, a knife was found buried near the home where Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson had been murdered several years prior.

Many found it hard to believe that a possible key piece of evidence in one of the 20th Century’s most notorious murder cases could have been kept hidden from the public for so long.

Shockingly, however, the LAPD confirmed the discovery and verified the story that the knife had been in the possession of a retired officer for nearly two decades.

Simpson, of course, is currently behind bars on kidnapping and assault charges, but since he’s eligible for parole next year, he was no doubt quite pleased with yesterday’s announcement that no DNA was found on the knife.

In fact, according to his self-proclaimed “BFF,” Simpson thinks the whole situation is just hilarious.

Jeffrey Felix is a retired prison guard who’s soon to release a memoir entitled Guarding the Juice: How O.J. Simpson Became My Prison BFF

Felix says he and O.J. had a good, raucous laugh over the discovery of the weapon that may have been used to brutally murder Simpson’s wife:

“O.J. thinks the knife thing is a complete joke and he wants to know why it was held on to for 18 years before it was turned in,” Felix said in a recent interview with ABC News.

“He jokingly says, ‘If the knife is rusted, I can’t be busted.’

“O.J. told me one time that only two people alive know who committed the Brentwood murders: Him and Al Cowlings,” Felix recalled. “Al Cowlings was the one that drove the white Bronco and Al Cowlings was O.J.’s best friend.”

So basically O.J. has stopped even pretending that he’s innocent? Good to know.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Khloe Kardashian"s Photoshop Fail on Gym Selfie: BUSTED!

Whoopsie. Khloe Kardashian just got caught committing one of the deadliest celebrity sins on Instagram…

Thou shalt not Photoshop. 

Oh, yes she DID.

Earlier today she posted a photo of herself in workout wear, flaunting her remarkably flat and toned abs.

But there was one dead giveaway elsewhere in the shot. Can you spot it?

Yep, straight lines in architecture are often the tell, and you can see a slight curve in the door jamb adjacent to the reality star’s thigh.

You can barely detect it, but Instagram trolls have sleuthing skills that blow Nancy Drew out of the water.

Khlo quickly deleted the pic, but she replaced it with the original along with a message.

“If only hatin burned calories how dope yall would be. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot…. Namaste”

As you can see, the photos appear to be nearly identical save for the warped door, so we’re not sure what the Photoshopping was for.

I have to agree with Khloe. Haters constantly looking to take down others, famous or not, is just not something our society should be proud of.

Perhaps fans just expected more from Khloe. She’s been called the “realest” Kardashian and has shared ugly details of cheating exes or what she likes in bed.

Maybe if we were all a little kinder, Khloe wouldn’t feel the need to Photoshop her pics. 

And Khlo, well, we think you’ve learned your lesson.

Khloe Kardashian"s Photoshop Fail on Gym Selfie: BUSTED!

Whoopsie. Khloe Kardashian just got caught committing one of the deadliest celebrity sins on Instagram…

Thou shalt not Photoshop. 

Oh, yes she DID.

Earlier today she posted a photo of herself in workout wear, flaunting her remarkably flat and toned abs.

But there was one dead giveaway elsewhere in the shot. Can you spot it?

Yep, straight lines in architecture are often the tell, and you can see a slight curve in the door jamb adjacent to the reality star’s thigh.

You can barely detect it, but Instagram trolls have sleuthing skills that blow Nancy Drew out of the water.

Khlo quickly deleted the pic, but she replaced it with the original along with a message.

“If only hatin burned calories how dope yall would be. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty movement ain’t cute. Oh and I almost forgot…. Namaste”

As you can see, the photos appear to be nearly identical save for the warped door, so we’re not sure what the Photoshopping was for.

I have to agree with Khloe. Haters constantly looking to take down others, famous or not, is just not something our society should be proud of.

Perhaps fans just expected more from Khloe. She’s been called the “realest” Kardashian and has shared ugly details of cheating exes or what she likes in bed.

Maybe if we were all a little kinder, Khloe wouldn’t feel the need to Photoshop her pics. 

And Khlo, well, we think you’ve learned your lesson.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tyga BUSTED! Kylie Jenner Lookalike CAUGHT at His House!

Over the past few months, clues abound suggesting that Tyga has been cheating on Kylie Jenner, but this last piece of evidence may be the most compelling yet.

Just prior to an interview with DuJour magazine, a crew caught a young woman lurking just outside Tyga’s Hollywood Hills home – and a full description of the discovery wound up in the article.

“As a photo crew and styling team lug gear up the 26-year-old rapper’s steep stone driveway, a young, bleary-eyed Kylie Jenner lookalike is huddled outside the gate, shivering in the light drizzle,” the interviewers wrote.

“The girl’s hair is matted and slept-on, the extension tape visible from the back, and she taps her toe nervously while awaiting her ride,” they continued. “She is clearly wearing last night’s shorts.” 

Kylie Jenner lookalike? Extension tape? I think we know who this mystery woman is.

A couple weeks ago, the “Rack City” rapper was photographed hanging out in Beverly Hills with a Kylie doppelganger, who was later identified as Val Mercado.

Tyga never addressed the photos or the association with Val, but everyone went berserk over her resemblance to Kylie.

The irony of course is that Tyga’s publicist made it clear to interviewers that questions about the rapper’s personal life – including his relationship with Kylie – were not welcome.

But they seemed to learn everything they needed to know before even entering the house.

The interviewers summed it up pretty efficiently with this comment:

“Leaving a random, scantily clad ladyfriend on your doorstep in the rain, right when the media is scheduled to arrive, seems like gutsy optics. Or at least an argument for buying a day planner.”

During the interview, Tyga claimed his goal is to be “the king of dopeness.”

I dunno about the king of dopeness (whatever that means), but he certainly does seem to be a big fat DOPE.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Blac Chyna: Busted For Possession of Ecstasy, Xanax

As you may have heard, Blac Chyna was arrested at Austin International Airport over the weekend.

Early reports had the model and girlfriend of Rob Kardashian getting arrested for being drunk and disorderly at an airport bar.

Now, it seems that Blac did indeed make a scene, but that was just the beginning of her legal trouble.

TMZ is reporting that when cops searched Blac, they discovered two white pills with “glittery gold flakes” in a sunglasses case.

The pills were field tested and came back positive for MDMA, also known as Ecstasy.

Blac told police that she had taken Xanax, but it’s not known if she was in possession of the drug, or if she had a prescription.

When asked if she had been drinking, Blac reportedly responded, “Of course,” and then broke down crying.

Witnesses say the trouble started when a bartender refused to serve Blac the quantity of liquor that she was demanding.

She became “verbally aggressive,” and an onlooker called the cops.

According to the police report, Blac was “passively resistive” with the arresting officers, going limp and refusing to walk when they attempted to remove her from the scene.

She wasn’t in custody long, as Rob Kardashian drove 1,377 miles from LA to Austin to bail his new girlfriend out.

Unfortunately for Blac, it sounds like her legal troubles are just beginning.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Apollo Nida: BUSTED Cheating on Phaedra Parks Before Prison; Will She Finally Divorce Him?

Back in September of 2014 Apollo Nida turned himself in to authorities to begin serving an eight-year prison sentence on bank fraud on identity theft charges. 

Rather than spending his final months as a free man bonding with his children and attempting to reconnect with his wife, Phaedra Parks, Nida ditched his family for an epic pre-prison bender.

And now it seems that the sordid details of his wild final weeks on the outside are being revealed for the first time in a tell-all memoir penned by a former stripper named Cashaun Sidney.

In the book – titled Sordid Panties: Celebrities, Thots, Money & Scandal – Sidney details a booze and drug-fueled weekend that she spent with Nida while Parks seemse

“Inside the house I started rolling the blunt of pot and just kept my mouth shut as I looked around the woman’s house in awe,” she writes. “I couldn’t believe in were in Phaedra’s house.”

“Apollo poured shots of tequila for us and we proceeded to the of the house where we sat by the pool and smoked the pot.”

Despite writing as though she’s providing court testimony, Sidney spins a bizarre tale that includes Apollo taking her friend into his baby’s room so that they could both “take a shower.”

“Were they both in the baby’s room taking a shower?” she asks. “I don’t know.”

We’re guessing they didn’t go into the room to get clean, if ya know what we mean.

Despite she was estranged from her husband long before he began his prison sentence, Parks has not filed for divorce from Nida

Perhaps Sidney’s account of Apollo’s misbehavior will give Phaedra the nudge she needs to finally file the papers.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Arrrow" and "Hobbit" Star Manu Bennett -- Busted for Drunken Knockout at Comic-Con After-Party


Exclusive Details

0913-manu-bennet-booking-photo-mug-shot-SAPD-01One of the ‘Hobbit‘ villains got drunk, and knocked a guy out cold during a Comic-Con after-party, and ended the night in handcuffs … according to cops and witnesses.

According to police docs, obtained by TMZ, Manu Bennett was hanging with a bunch of people in a San Antonio hotel room … drinking and having a good time … until he was asked to leave. Witnesses told police that Bennett — who played Azog in the ‘Hobbit’ — had too much to drink.

Before Bennett left the room he stared down the other guests, and when one of them dared to ask, “What?” … witnesses say the actor unloaded a knockout punch to the guy’s face.

The victim’s nose was broken and bleeding. Cops showed up and went to Bennett’s hotel room. At first he didn’t remember the fight, but then claimed he was defending himself.

Bennett — who also stars in “Arrow” and the “Spartacus” TV series — was arrested and booked for assault. 


Ben Higgins: BUSTED with Girlfriend Before Filming The Bachelor

It must be Bachelor and Bachelorette tradition to have a side piece.

Shortly after Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth were engaged on The Bachelorette, rumors claimed Shawn was cheating with his ex-girlfriend.

Now, Season 20 of The Bachelor has hardly begun filming, and the newest bachelor, Ben Higgins, already has a girlfriend!!!

Ben’s girlfriend is rumored to be Kelly Osborn.  Reportedly, she is the girl he keeps on the side back home in Denver, Colorado.

Kelly Osborn posted an Instagram photo of herself with Ben at a Taylor Swift concert.  And though is doesn’t confirm they are dating, it could suggest they are close–or randomly met.

We aren’t sure what their status is.  But according to a source close to Kelly, Ben and Kelly went to the concert together and flirted the entire night. The friend told Ok! Magazine, “Ben was with this girl, Kelly Osborn, hugging, flirting and laughing closely.”

“They were pretty much acting like a couple the whole time they were together. They were in their own world and seemed really cute and happy together,” the source added.

If the producers of The Bachelor are looking for drama (which, of course, they are), then Ben is the right choice.

Not only is he dating someone while he prepares to meet his future wife on the show, he was recently rumored to be dating Bachelor in Paradise star Tenly Molzahn.

At first, we were excited to see Ben as the next bachelor.  But, now, we aren’t so sure.