Showing posts with label ExWife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ExWife. Show all posts

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Muhammad Ali Would"ve Been Proud of NFL Protesters, Ex-Wife Says

Muhammad Ali would have been in full support of NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem … because his ex-wife tells TMZ Sports “he would’ve been right there with them.” Khalilah Ali — who was married to the boxing legend from ’67 to…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart is a Cheater and Liar, Ex-Wife Fumes

Kevin Hart makes a living as a comedian.

But there’s nothing funny about the situation in which the movie star now finds himself.

The actor recorded an apologetic video late last week in which he appeared to acknowledge that he really did cheat on his wife, Eniko.

Hart never referred to the exact actions for which he was sorry, but he addressed his wife and his kids in the video and said the following:

“I made a bad error in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they did.”

The A-Lister made this statement in light of a woman threatening to release sexually explicit footage of herself and Hart … unless the actor paid her a large amount of money.

Hart has refused to do so, choosing instead to admit to his affair and hope his wife and family forgives him.

“It’s a sh-tty moment. It’s a sh-tty moment when you know you’re wrong and there’s no excuses for your wrong behavior,” Hart added, emphasizing that he isn’t “perfect” and concluding:

‘At the end of the day, man, I just simply gotta do better.”

Along these lines, Hart has reportedly sworn off strip clubs.

Talk about a major step!

The comedian’s ex-wife, however, says the father of her two kids actually hasn’t taken any significant steps at all.

He’s always been a cheater!

“When I met him, he was selling sneakers,” Torrei Hart tells Inside Edition. “He starts to get fame and I’m feeling, okay, well, a little left behind. We grew apart.”

Torrei and Kevin divorced in 2011 and he went on to marry his second wife, Eniko Parrish, in 2016.

But did he get involved with the latter while he was still involved with the former?

Hart’s ex-wife accuses him in this interview of “lies and infidelity,” charges that Hart himself admitted to during a candid/cruel 2013 stand-up routine.

“Yes, people, I cheated. Am I ashamed of it? No, no I’m not,” Hart said during Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain, adding:

“Do I wish I could take it back? No, no I don’t.”

OUCH, right?

Torrei said it was difficult to “ensure” this public admission from her ex.

But things got worse after Eniko Hart shared a photo from her wedding on Instagram, writing that she and Hart had marked eight years together and one year married.

The thing is, Torrei and Kevin got divorced six years ago.

Do the math and that means Kevin and Eniko were sleeping together when the star was married to Torrei.

However, Eniko claims that the couple was separated and living in separate homes when she began dating Hart and that she was “never a secret.”

What does Torrei say to this assertion?

“That’s a lie. We were very much not separated.”

Eniko is seven months pregnant and allegedly has no plans to leave her husband.

The LAPD and FBI are investigating the extortion plot against Hart, trying to gather enough information to see if they should charge his supposed mistress with a crime.

Until then, Torrei suggests that Eniko stop living in denial when it comes to her man and Hart’s curious penis.

“All I can say is if it happened to me, it could happen to anyone.”


Friday, September 15, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell"s Ex-Wife Michelle Rounds Dead at 46 of Apparent Suicide

Rosie O’Donnell’s ex-wife, Michelle Rounds, died at her home Monday of an apparent suicide … sources tell TMZ. Rosie tells TMZ … “I am saddened to hear about this terrible tragedy. Mental illness is a very serious issue affecting many…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Chester Bennington: Ex-Wife Rages Over "Disgusting" Funeral

It’s hard to believe it’s been … since the music world was stunned by the news that Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington had passed away.

Bennington took his own life after years of srtuggling with depression and addiction, leaving behind a wife and six chidren.

The musician was laid to rest in a small private ceremony on July 31.

While all the guests were family and close friends of Bennington’s, not everyone was pleased with the way the ceremony played out.

Chester’s first wife, Samantha Bennington, took to Facebook this week to share her myriad compaints with the funeral in a sternly-worded open letter addressed to Chester’s widow, Talinda.

It seems Samantha felt that she and her children were given short shrift, having been scarcely mentioned durint the ceremony.

On top of that, she says Talinda orchestrated a ceremony that focused entirely on Bennington’s final years, to the exclusion of important parts of his early life, such as his relationship with his parents.

“Thanks for not honoring the one wish my son had by sharing his prayer with his siblings and throwing the rose quarts [sic] into the ocean with him,” Samantha wrote in a lengthy Facebook post.

Samantha went on to slam Talinda for excluding her and her family from the events that followed the funeral, writing:

Thank you for not giving me or my 31 guests any knowledge of we’re the ‘after bowling celebration was.’

“Oh and your phone calls hours later wondering were we were lmfao still never mentioned where to go, name of place or address, it was a disgusting delusional display on all people who spoke at the funeral and their characters.

Samantha went on to accuse Talinda of essentially editing Chester’s life down to the years of his second marriage:

“There were many friends and family that should have been there but when you turn a funeral into reducing someone’s life into only 12 years that’s what you get!” she wrote.

“His parents both were not there (meaning his dad-both parents) mother was there for clarification , and his parents were not mentioned in the program, his siblings were not mentioned, the mothers of his children were not mentioned, even his own children were not listed on the program!”

Samantha concluded her statement in brutal fashion, accusing Chester’s second wife of “capitalizing” on the death of the beloved singer:

“I hope you like capitalizing on his death…karma is rea,” she wrote.

“I send you back all your energy to you a thousand time folds! Look in the mirror, I hope you like what you see. Business is business but I see zero love.”

Fans are divided on the issue, with some saying Samantha was right to speak her mind, and others complaining that it was truly classless to call out a grieving widow in such public fashion.

Whatever the case, the situation makes for a sad addendum to a tragic situation.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Joss Whedon is a LIAR and a CHEAT, Ex-Wife Fumes

Joss Whedon is likely as respected a writer as there is in Hollywood.

But there’s one woman who does not think highly of the producer and director; one woman who thinks his entire reputation is built on lies and deception:

His ex-wife.

Kai Cole, an architect and producer, has written a very personal and pointed essay for The Wrap, one in which she accuses Whedon of engaging in a multitude of affairs over the course of their 16-year marriage.

Moreover, she says the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator tried to use his feminist credentials as a way to shield himself from criticism.

After explaining how the pair met in 1991 and how she encouraged him to make the TV show that made him famous, Cole wrote:

“There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better.

“He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

“On the set of Buffy, Joss decided to have his first secret affair.”

It wasn’t until the couple’s marriage was over that Cole says Whedon came clean, confessing having lied “two lives.”

She writes:

“Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.”

It wasn’t just the act of her husband allegedly sleeping with other women that grates at Cole, however.

It’s that Whedon is considered one of the most progressive and feminist figures in entertainment.

“He never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth,” she says, adding in detail:

He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with.

But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.

In a scathing conclusion, Cole says of Whedon:

“I want to let women know that he is not who he pretends to be. I want the people who worship him to know he is human, and the organizations giving him awards for his feminist work, to think twice in the future about honoring a man who does not practice what he preaches.

“But no matter what happens, or how people interpret this statement, I no longer have to carry the burden of Joss’ long-term deceit and confessions.

“I am free.”

In a statement to The Wrap, a spokesperson for Whedon replies as follows:

“While this account includes inaccuracies and misrepresentations which can be harmful to their family, Joss is not commenting, out of concern for his children and out of respect for his ex-wife.”


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Usher"s Ex-Wife Taunts Singer, Tells the World: I Don"t Have Herpes!

Tameka Foster has not been married to Usher for eight years.

The couple, who share two kids, got divorced in November of 2009.

But apparently time doesn’t heal all wounds, as Foster is using Usher’s ongoing STD scandal to slam the singer pretty hard.

To be clear, the scandal actually is not ongoing.

It’s just that news of Usher’s seemingly sordid past with an unnamed ex-lover has only gone viral this week.

In a story we shared this morning, the artist was sued back in 2012 because a former fling claimed in court that Usher continued to have unprotected sex with her… despite knowing he had been infected with Herpes.

This woman alleges that Usher’s penis started to ooze some kind of green discharge during a hook-up, but he successfully convinced her it was not a sexually-transmitted disease.

The pair continued to engage in intercourse for about three weeks, only for the woman to wake up one day with a “fever, chills, aches and pains.”

A doctor eventually diagnosed her with Herpes and Usher acknowledged he likely gave it to her.

In a legal declaration obtained by Radar Online, the accuser said she “feels that her health and body have been ruined,” and she “has suffered severe emotional distress and has been extremely depressed … knowing there is no cure.”

Usher settled the lawsuit for $ 1.1 million on December 28, 2012.

Like the rest of us, Foster learned about this shady tale on Wednesday… and wasted very little time responding.

“UNF***WITHABLE: When you’re truly at peace and in touch with yourself & nothing anyone says or does bothers you and no negativity can touch you,” she shared on Instagram, along with a caption that reads:

Do not come on my page discussing rumors or adult people that have NOTHING to do with me. I have been divorced 8 years…

Some issues are not my business… ex husbands, ex friends, bitch-maids, snakes, hoes, characters, etc. Not my circus, not my clowns.

And in case anyone was curious about Foster’s well-being (you know…. DOWN THERE), she added:

I’m good and my health (Everywhere is great), well my right knee hurts and I need reading glasses but otherwise I’m awesome and enjoying the sun. Miss me with other grown folks crazy gossip.. Not my business at all.

I’m living my bestest life. Always. Miss me with the bullshit. Thank you. Gwan na.

Foster and Usher were married for two-plus years.

In August of 2013, Usher was granted custody of his sons with Foster, who some believe has a mental disorder.

She and Usher exchanged some rather harsh words toward the end of their relationship, with the former accusing the latter of having an affair.

Elsewhere on the social media page of Tameka Foster, she believes O.J. Simpson should be a free man because he was only trying to “retrieve” stuff when he broke into a Las Vegas hotel room, armed with guns, several years ago.

We guess this means Foster has yet another reason to be celebrating at the moment.

In case you haven’t heard:

Just like the green substance that came out of Usher’s penis as a result of his Herpes infection back in the day, the Juice will soon be loose.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Running for Senate"s a Joke to Her Ex-Wife Linda Thompson

Caitlyn Jenner better reconsider making a run for the U.S. Senate … at least according to her ex-wife, Linda Thompson. We got Linda, who was married to Caitlyn for 5 years, outside their son Brandon’s Tuesday night gig at L.A.’s Belasco…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Nick Pendergrast: SLAMMED by Ex-Wife in Wake of Pregnancy Reveal!

First comes love? Then comes marriage? Then comes a baby in a baby carriage?

Not for Nick Pendergrast.

The Married at First Sight alum, who appeared on the creepy reality series during Season 4, got divorced from Sonia Granados in March after about a year of marriage.

At the time, everything seemed fairly amicable between the ex-reality stars, who said in a joint statement:

“We are sad to share that after almost a year of marriage, we have decided to separate and file for divorce/ Thank you in advance for your love and support through this difficult time!

“We look forward to growing and continuing to learn about ourselves from what we still consider to be a meaningful experience with MAFS.”

(Yes, some people really do abbreviate Married at First Sight as MAFS.)

That was then, however.

Now, it’s about four months later and Pendergrast has news to share:

He’s expecting his first child! With girlfriend Heather Yerrid!

A relationship coach who co-hosted an AfterBuzz TV, Yerrid also publicized the exciting tidbit on Twitter this morning, explaining that she was extra pumped because she didn’t think she was capable of getting pregnant.

“I was told I would not be able to have kids. Needless to say these #twins are a gift from God & we’re elated,” wrote Yerrid.

Oh, right, did we mention Yerrid is having twins?!?

And she’s due in February?!?

Hooray, right?

Yes, if you’re Nick Pendergrast and Heather Yerrid.

Not so much if you’re Sonia Granados.

“Now we ALL know why after buzz was always throwing shade at me #Congrats2theLoveBirds,” wrote Nick’s ex-wife today. “Nick and Heather from AfterBuzz are having twins.”

With heavy sarcasm, Sonia added the hashtag “#Congrats2theLoveBirds.”

heather tweet

Still fuming over the development a short while later, Granados added:

“She thought I was wrong about him liking her. #ShadyMcPherson… One thing to say. They deserve each other.”

Granados and Pendergrast separated in January.

So the fact that Yerrid is expecting her ex-husband’s child early next year doesn’t necessarily mean she and Nick were carrying on an affair. The math doesn’t add up exactly.

But we can’t blame Granados for being pretty pissed off about the impending baby.

How would you feel if you split from your spouse and found out mere months later than he or she was about to become a parent with his significant other?

Then again… Granados and Pendergrast did meet on Married at First Sight.

They knew each other for about six seconds prior to exchanging vows. So it’s hard to muster up too much sympathy for Sonia in light of this news.

It’s pretty clear Pendergrast himself isn’t too worried about his ex-wife’s reaction.

He hasn’t replied to her online, but he has acknowledged that he’s been keeping apprised of various reactions on Twitter, most of which have been positive.

“Both @HeatherYerrid and myself appreciate the positivity and support from everyone #twinning,” he Tweeted not very long ago.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Jason Kidd Expecting 8th Kidd, Says Ex-Wife

Jason Kidd could have a new nickname — Octodad — ‘cause the Milwaukee Bucks coach’s ex-wife says he’s expecting his 8th child!! We spoke with Joumana Kidd outside Delilah in West Hollywood — where the TV host broke the baby news to TMZ…


Jason Kidd Expecting 8th Kidd, Says Ex-Wife

Jason Kidd could have a new nickname — Octodad — ‘cause the Milwaukee Bucks coach’s ex-wife says he’s expecting his 8th child!! We spoke with Joumana Kidd outside Delilah in West Hollywood — where the TV host broke the baby news to TMZ…


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Muhammad Ali"s Ex-Wife Calls LeBron James the "Muhammad Ali of Basketball" (AUDIO)

LeBron James is getting the highest possible praise from Muhammad Ali’s ex-wife — who’s anointed the NBA star the “Muhammad Ali of basketball” for the way he’s addressed racism in America.  Khalilah Ali – who was married to Muhammad…


Muhammad Ali"s Ex-Wife Calls LeBron James the "Muhammad Ali of Basketball" (AUDIO)

LeBron James is getting the highest possible praise from Muhammad Ali’s ex-wife — who’s anointed the NBA star the “Muhammad Ali of basketball” for the way he’s addressed racism in America.  Khalilah Ali – who was married to Muhammad…


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Gregg Allman"s Funeral Draws Family, Friends and Ex-Wife Cher (PHOTOS)

Gregg Allman’s family and close friends gathered for a private funeral service before heading to the cemetery to lay the Southern rock legend to rest. Allman’s ex-wife, Cher, arrived at the service at a small chapel before the group of about…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Donald Trump"s Ex-Wife Acts Oblivious to Kathy Griffin"s Beheading Photo (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s second ex-wife is ready for her close-up in Hollywood … based on the way she played oblivious to Kathy Griffin’s gory beheading photo and all the fallout from it. Marla Maples, who still looks ridiculously hot, was leaving an event…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Steve Harvey Lawsuit: Ex-Wife Alleges Mental Torture, "Soul Murdering"

In a controversial letter to employees that went viral last week, Steve Harvey demanded to be left alone.

But Mary L. Vaughn apparently did not get the memo.

The comedian’s ex-wife is coming strong after the man she says scorned her in nearly every way imaginable, filing a $ 60 million lawsuit against Harvey that paints him in an even worse light than that infamous letter.

Vaughn and Harvey were married from 1996 through 2005.

During their time together, the former was allegedly subjected to “prolonged torture with the infliction of severe mental pain and suffering,” according to court documents obtained by Entertainment Tonight.

These same legal papers also claim that Vaughn “attempted suicide by self-medicating [in] an effort to stop the pain.”


They go on to allege that Harvey and his lawyer caused “severe emotional distress” that led to a litany of medical conditions for not only Vaughn … but her immediate family over the past 15 years or so.

Pretty damning accusations, that’s for certain.

And Vaughn isn’t even finished.

She’s suing the talk show host for child endangerment, torture, kidnapping, breach of contract, conspiracy against rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and “soul murdering.”

The lawsuit even cites such terms/actions as harassment, brainwashing and theft by deception.

Harvey and Vaughn share a 10-year old son, Wynton.

This isn’t the first time the latter has aired severe accusations against Harvey, having previously gone off on him via a YouTube video.

She was even jailed for 30 days in 2013 for contempt of court after violating the terms of a gag order in the couple’s divorce.

Harvey has three kids from his first marriage and has been the husband of third wife Marjorie since 2007.

Just a few days ago, Harvey made negative headlines after the Internet learned that he sent a memo to employees last year in which he laid out a series of ground rules.

They all boiled down to Harvey wanting total and complete privacy at work, with excerpts including the following demands:

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly.

Do not wait in the hallway to speak to me… make an appointment.

The star eventually acknowledged that he sent this letter, but made no apologies for how much of a diva it made him sound like.

“I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in,” Harvey explained to ET, adding:

“I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me – so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it…

“I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter.”

Vaughn would likely say that she knows a thing or two about being stuck in a prison when it comes to Harvey.

In response to her lawsuit, Steve’s attorney Brandon Williams told TMZ the followingL

“Mr. Harvey vehemently denies any allegations set forth in the lawsuit. The Complaint is meritless, frivolous and the allegations are completely false.

“We will vigorously defend/counterclaim against the Complaint.”


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Steve Harvey"s Ex-Wife Sues, He Owes Me $60 Million For Murdering My Soul

Steve Harvey has caused his second ex-wife much more than mental anguish … according to a new lawsuit she’s filed he damaged her “soul” and now owes her $ 60 MILLION.  Mary Harvey and Steve’s infamously bitter divorce was finalized back…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kevin Hart"s Ex-Wife Torrei Is Down to Babysit His New Baby (VIDEO)

Kevin Hart’s first wife, Torrei, is excited about the comedian expanding his brood, even though it’s gonna mean she has to pay back a debt … in the babysitting department. Kevin and his new wife, Eniko, just announced they’re expecting their…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Christoper Boykin Death: Ex-Wife of Beloved Reality Star Speaks Out

The ex-wife of Christoper Boykin released a statement in the wake of this former reality star’s surprising death.

As previously reported, Boykin died on Tuesday at the age of 45, with sources now confirming he passed away from a heart attack.

This isn’t shocking for someone who stood six feet, six inches tall and weighed well over 300 pounds.

But it doesn’t make Boykin’s death any easier for his friends, family members and loved ones to deal with.

The former U.S. Navy member and bodyguard of professional skateboarder Rob Dyrdek rose to fame in 2006 when he debuted on the MTV reality series Big & Rob.

The show lasted until 2008, chronicling the wacky lives of its two main stars as they played pranks on each other, engaged in various forms of hijinks and generally just had a great time together.

Boykin went on to make appearances on other MTV programs, such as Fantasy Factory, and solidified his reputation as a good friend to those in the rap community.

His death has clearly left a void in the lives of many.

“My heart is broken,” Dyrdek wrote on Twitter last night in response to the awful news, following this message up with a few more:

“I don’t want to write this post. I don’t want to believe that this is reality. I am so thankful for you.

“We truly were brothers that lived an unexpected unforgettable adventure. I just can’t fathom that it would end so suddenly.

“You will forever be in my heart.”

On Wednesday morning, meanwhile, Shannon Turley took to her ex-husband’s Twitter account to express her sadness over Boykin’s death.

The two were parents to a nine-year old daughter named Isis.

“This is Shannon, Big Black’s ex-wife,” Turley. “I’m heartbroken to tell you of Black’s passing. He’s everything to me and Isis and we will miss him.”

Boykin and Turley divorced in 2009.

Boykin tweet

Known to the public and also to those close to him as “Big Black,” Boykin posted numerous photos of his little girl on his Facebook page over the years.

He most recently shared one last August, just as she was starting a new school year.

“3rd Grade Ice you growing too fast,” he wrote as a caption to the sweet image.

Rapper Chanel West Coast was also saddened by Boykin’s death.

“RIP @bigblack1972,” she wrote on Instagram after learning the news, adding:

“My heart is crushed hearing this news. I’ll never forget all the times you made me laugh. So many epic memories with you.

“You put smiles on a lot of people’s faces and you will be missed dearly by SO many.

“My prayers go out to your family and loved ones. Keep them laughing up in heaven.”

Steelo Brim (of the series Ridiculousness) also shared a touching post on his Instagram:

“My brain can’t truly comprehend this. As soon as we met we became friends. Genuine, Funny, Family Man, just an Overall Great guy.

“May God Rest his soul and he make everyone in heaven smile like he did on earth! LOVE!”

And, finally, MTV released the following statement as a tribute to Big Black:

MTV is deeply saddened to learn the news of Christopher ‘Big Black’ Boykin’s passing.

He was a long time and beloved member of the MTV family and will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends at this time.



Christopher "Big Black" Boykin Hospitalized for Days Before Death According to Ex-Wife

Christopher ‘Big Black’ Boykin’s heart was in terrible condition for days before his death — so bad, in fact, doctors feared he’d eventually need a heart transplant … TMZ has learned.  Chris’ ex-wife, Shannon Turley, tells us Chris was…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hunter Biden and Ex-Wife List D.C. Home After Divorce, Obama Remnants Remain (PHOTO GALLERY)

Hunter Biden and his ex-wife, Kathleen, are tying up one major loose end in their divorce by selling off their D.C. home. Hunter and Kathleen have listed their 6 bed, 4 story Colonial for $ 1.85 million — which sounds about right … it’s a nice,…
