Showing posts with label Faces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faces. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2017

Lottery Winner Faces Perils, Depression Says Celeb Psychologist Dr. Jenn

Mavis Wanczyk is $ 336 million richer after winning the Powerball jackpot, but she now must navigate a treacherous minefield, and a few false steps can lead to disaster … so says TV psychologist Dr. Jenn. Jenn says the thrill of winning actually…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Kendall Jenner Faces MORE Backlash Over New Commercial!

It"s not tacitly supporting smoking or that stupid nightmare of a Pepsi commercial, but yet another Kendall Jenner advertisement is getting backlash.

Yes. Again.

We have the video for you below so that you can decide for yourself whether this warrants outrage.

Kendall jenner wears a lot of red

Kendall Jenner has appeared in a short advertisement for Adidas.

That sounds innocuous enough, right?

But so did Pepsi.

Adidas is a brand that caters to athletes but, obviously, plenty of people wear Adidas.

The short, dramatic ad shared by Adidas" Twitter account looks fine on the surface.

And then you look and see the backlash.

(The angry comments absolutely refer to the Pepsi debacle)

Kendall jenner topless freedom panty ad

These tweets were direct responses to the Adidas tweet, but even so they did not mince words.

"This is so pandering to a market you"ll never have! So not "original" back to Nike with Serena, Nadal and other real athletes. Pepsi got it."

We don"t think that Adidas is replacing Serena or whatever.\

Companies can make lots of ads with lots of different people. They"re not "cheating" on Serena Williams.

But it seems that, to some of Adidas" more passionate fans, the brand represents something that Kendall cannot achieve.

"To me, adidas means: athlete, fitness, committed to hard work; impressions not personified by k jenner. you"re just another brand. yawn."

Well … they have a sense of brand loyalty. We"ll give them that.

(Also: Adidas is also a brand, folks)

People seemed genuinely angry, even:

"Kendall Jenner???? Really?!??? There is NOTHING original about having this ridiculous image front your brand…come on adidas!! Do better!!"

The most needless dramatic one was this one:

"#adidasOriginalsxAW literally just threw out everything adidas i owned after the @KendallJenner ad. Will never buy again"

Some people misuse the word "literally," but … it"s entirely possible that this Twitter user was being literal.

Kendall jenners pantless mirror selfie

Of course, this is yet again a case of Kendall Jenner doing her job.

She is a model. Her job is to model.

The only reason that she seems to get the backlash rather than the companies that hire her is because she"s famous on her own, and so also seems like a target for people"s ire.

Now, we"re not saying that Kendall Jenner is blameless.

She could refuse to take jobs — though that"s not really great for your career.

And Kendall and Kylie"s terrible and disrespectful shirts were a different story, because that"s a direct part of their brand instead of a gig for someone else.

But Kendall didn"t come up with this Adidas ad any more than she came up with that Pepsi commercial.

She"s a model, doing her job.

Kendall jenner in underwear only

Personally, I found the tone of this particular batch of backlash to be a little disturbing.

There"s a strong suggestion in those tweets that says that Kendall shouldn"t do an Adidas commercial because she isn"t an athlete.

First of all, anybody can wear "athletic" brands, folks.

You don"t need to do yoga to wear yoga pants.

Those tweeters were acting like Kendall was doing cultural appropriation (again).

That does NOT apply to workout clothes, folks.

Kendall doesn"t have to spend her whole career selling perfume and sexy underwear (though she can if she likes).

If models who aren"t athletes can"t sell athletic gear, what next?

Will they make models who sell clothes actually wear clothes in the posters?

We hope not.

Kendall jenner faces more backlash over adidas ad

Friday, July 21, 2017

Usher Faces New Lawsuit from Sexual Partner, He Exposed Me to STD

Usher had sex with a woman earlier this year who had no idea he was exposing her to Herpes … according to a new lawsuit she’s filed for millions of dollars. According to the suit, filed by a Jane Doe, she and Usher hooked up in Atlanta on April 16…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Toby Willis: Reality Star Pleads Guilty to Child Rape, Faces 40 Years in Prison

Toby Willis, former star of the TLC series The Willis Family has pled guilty to child rape and is currently facing up to 40 years behind bars, this according to a report published moments ago by TMZ.

Willis was arrested on rape chages in September of 2016 after spending several says on the run from authorities.

In March, Willis was arraigned on charges of child rape, which, according to Tennessee state law, indicates a victim between the ages of 3 and 12.

Today, Willis appeared in a Cheatham County, Tennessee court today, where he pled guilty and was sentenced to two 25-year sentences and two 40-year sentences to run concurrently, meaning he won’t be eleigible for parole until 2057.

It’s unclear why Willis chose not to fight the charges, as it’s unlikely that the 47-year-old will live to see a release date.

Details of Willis’ crimes remain scarce.

Authorities have confirmed that the incident took place 12 years ago, but no information regarding the identity of the victim has been released.

Several sources familiar with the details of the case have anonymously confirmed that the victim was one of Willis’ 12 children.

The Willis family performed as a country music band, reaching the quarter final round of America’s Got Talent in 2014.

Shortly thereafter the family starred in TLC reality series about their homelife and travels.

The show was canceled in September after network execs received word of Willis’ arrest.

For many, the situation calls to mind that of the Duggar family, who also starred in a TLC reality series that was canceled in the midst of a child sex scandal.

The similarities between the two families are numerous, as the Willis family is also a devoutly committed to a controversial fundamentalist sect that encourages its members to raise as many children as possible.

Both families even named all of their children names that begin with the letter “J.”

Of course, in the case of the Duggars, no one served any prison time.

Members of the Willis family have yet to comment on today’s guilty plea.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Concert: Faces of the Victims and the Missing in Manchester Arena Explosion (PHOTO GALLERY)

Here are the faces of the dead and missing in the explosion that killed at least 22 people at the Ariana Grande concert. One of the victims was 8-year-old Saffie Roussos. It appears the body count remains at 22, but most have not been…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Christina El Moussa Poses Daughter in Bikini, Faces Wrath of Internet

Christina El Moussa took off this weekend for a Hawaiian vacation with her kids, Taylor and Braydon.

But all it’s taken is one new photo on her Instagram account for online critics to go off on Christina once again.

Late last month, if you’ll recall, El Moussa shared a number of revealing bikini photos on her social media page.

But while many men out there were busy staring at Christina’s impressive boobs, buttocks and overall body, a handful of women were focused on the person along El Moussa’s side.

That would be her six-year old daughter, who also donned a two-piece for the pictorial.

Check out one of these controversial images here:

A few days later, El Moussa posted another photo to Instagram, this time simply giving fans a look at her kids playing in her family’s above-ground pool.

Christina’s very young son was simply standing outside the pool, in full view of his mother, and yet THIS was still enough for critics to take El Moussa to task for irresponsible parenting.

“thanks for your ‘concern’ aka judgment,” Christina wrote to these trolls at the time, explaining the photo and the circumstances by adding:

“I am right there and could be to him in 3 seconds SMH at this.”

El Moussa may now need to shake her head once again.

Because the Flip or Flop co-host just shared the following cute picture of herself and Taylor on vacation, captioning the photograph as follows:

“Maui days are the best days.”

Basic enough, right?

Worthy of a smile and a nod and an “awww, what a nice mother-daughter bonding moment” remark and not a second though, right?

WRONG! Welcome to the Internet!

Numerous haters have screamed at Christina once more for daring to pose her infant child in a two-piece bathing suit.

They don’t see a happy and proud mother in this picture. They see a terrible one.

But the HGTV star has taken the high road so far, ignoring the criticism in order to focus on what’s important: the happiness of her kids and the special occasion that is Easter.

Consider another photo she shared online over the weekend:

As for the state of Christina’s relationship with Tarek El Moussa?

The couple continues to attend school events together for Taylor.

There’s been plenty of chatter that Christina is angling for her own series without her estranged husband, but that’s a professional issue.

On the personal front, the El Moussas certainly appeared committed to co-parenting, despite insiders trying to stir up trouble by telling Radar Online that Christina and the kids celebrated Easter in Hawaii while Tarek was 5,000 miles away in Panama.

Contrary to the headline attached to this story, this was not an example of “secret getaway” that involved the “[ditching]” of Tarek…

… this is just what happens when two people with kids get a divorce.

Sometimes one parents goes on vacation with the kids and the other parent goes on vacation alone.

Trust us, we’d love to write about all the drama surrounding Christina and Tarek and their split. That would be a lot of fun.

But, just like the motherhood Nazis who actually called El Moussa out for this bikini photo, that would be a desperate and lame move on our part.

Everything seems very amicable between Christina and Tarek. That’s just the way it is.


Jackie Warner Faces Charges Of DUI, Hit and Run and Assault in Sleep Driving Case

Jackie Warner has been charged with assaulting a cop and DUI, but her lawyer says Jackie was “driving unconscious” so the charges are bogus. We’ve learned the former Bravo star has been charged with felony assault on a police officer,…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Mike "The Situation" Faces New Tax Evasion Crimes

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is in a heap of trouble, because the feds have added new criminal charges against him, alleging he tried to screw Uncle Sam out of millions of dollars. The U.S. Attorney in New Jersey just added tax evasion,…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Rapper Vic Mensa Faces Jail in Loaded Gun Case

Rapper Vic Mensa is facing criminal charges for carrying a loaded gun. The L.A. County District Attorney’s Office is going after Vic for carrying a loaded, unregistered handgun in his car. He’ll also be prosecuted for carrying a concealed…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian Faces "Daily Struggle" Coming to Terms With Paris Attack

It’s been six months since news broke that Kim Kardashian was held at gunpoint in a horrifying robbery in Paris. 

Since then, the reality TV personality has kept a relatively low profile. It took her months to return social media and public appearances. 

Rightfully so. She was tied up and gagged by five robbers who took it upon themselves to rob her in her No Address Hotel room. 

We finally got some much-needed insight into what happened on that horrific night on the most recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Even after all this time, a source has confirmed to People that the reality star is still trying to move on with her life, but it’s not an easy task. 

“Kim has come a long way from the robbery but that said, it’s a daily struggle to move past it and she probably never will be past it entirely,” says the source.

It definitely makes sense that she would struggle to get over what happened to her. It’s something she will probably still have to haunt her in many years. 

She has been vocal about thinking she was going to lose her life. That’s the sort of thing that would emotionally scar someone. 

Another source confirmed that “Kim still speaks of the robbery as the most horrific experience she has ever had” and “is still vulnerable and cries about the robbery.”

When Kim first returned to Instagram, she posted a cute family photo which showed she was focusing on family. 

The source even sheds some light on what happened when Kanye West wound up in the hospital. 

“While she would never wish the experience on anyone, it put things into better perspective for her — what really matters, and that family comes first. To have the Kanye situation happen right after was just the worst timing.”

“She wasn’t emotionally equipped to handle that at the time, and it strained their relationship and put a ton of stress and anxiety back into her life. They’ve worked through a lot of that and have gotten even closer. It was hard to relive it for the show, but in a way, it ended up being cathartic and helped her work through and process it even more.”

Now that she is slowly, but surely, returning to her former self, it has been alleged by the source that Kim likes the changes in the wake of the attack. 

“She very much likes her new normal. She knows that if the robbery never happened, these changes wouldn’t have happened either. She is taking the horrific experience and focusing on the good aftermath. Before the robbery, Kim was often stressed out about her family/work balance. She many times felt that work overtook and she often missed her kids,” says the second source. “

This all changed after the robbery. Now, Kim very much enjoys being a mom first. Work comes second. She loves being at home with her kids and is much happier.”

What do you think about all of this?


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian Scores HUGE Bonus as KUWTK Faces Cancelation

If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online, then you know the show’s most recent episode didn’t exactly deliver in the drama department.

After months of teasing the show’s most “epic” (E!’s word, not ours) season to date, the KUWTK Season 13 premiere was a a lackluster affair that devoted way too much of its runtime to the sisters’ Dash clothing boutiques.

Yes, the Dash stores are apparently still a thing.

Anyway, with the amount of drama the Kard clan has endured in recent months (Kim getting robbed at gunpoint, trouble with the Kimye,  Kylie’s continued transformation into Kim’s mini-me …) fans can’t be blamed for expecting more fireworks from the premiere.

And considering KUWTK is very much on the bubble these days, it may have been wise for Kris and company to deliver.

We get that they want to save something for the honeymoon so to speak, but there’s been talk about E! canceling the Kardashians for months now, and a premiere that does little to draw viewers back in probably won’t help matters.

All of this comes at a time when the show’s most important cast member is reportedly growing weary of spending a significant portion of her time surrounded by camera crews.

Yes, according to Radar Online, in order to Kim to return for the show’s 13th season, Kris had to negotiate a massive bonus.

Adding to her general weariness with the production schedule is the fact that Kim’s not crazy about the idea of her recent difficulties playing out in front of millions of viewers:

“Kim and Kris both seem to think that their fans only really care about seeing Kanye’s breakdown and the aftermath of Kim’s robbery in Paris,” a source close to the family tells Radar.

But those who know the 36-year-old best say that as much as she thinks she’d like to part ways with the show, it’s likely a situation in which Kim won’t know what she’s got til it’s gone:

“Kim knows that she has to get people to tune in and if the ratings are not good, the show could be on the chopping block,” the insider says. 

“As much as Kim wants people to think that she is over the fame and does not need the show, the truth is that she cannot live without being famous.”

It’s entirely possible that truer words have literally never been spoken.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

NFL"s David Parry Charged In Golf Cart Attack ... Faces Serious Prison Time

Indianapolis Colts lineman David Parry has been formally charged with multiple felonies for allegedly beating up a taxi cart driver in AZ and stealing the vehicle … and now prison time is in play. As we previously reported, Parry was arrested on…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Leah Messer Faces New Criticism: Is She Back on Drugs?!

At this point, it’s probably safe to say that for the rest of her whole entire life, Leah Messer will be criticized for her parenting choices.

Seriously, girl could donate a kidney to one of her children and people would still find an issue.

“There’s probably drugs in there,” some would say, or “she’s just doing it to make herself look good for MTV.”

It’s sad.

And what’s even sadder is that right now, Leah is facing a boatload of criticism — several boatloads, actually — for what Teen Mom 2 fans believe are wrongdoings.

There’s a lot to get into here, so let’s break down Leah’s latest sins, one by one.

The first one is that Leah is in L.A. right now, doing some filming for some Teen Mom 2 specials. She left her three little girls at home, and apparently that was wrong of her.

“Leaving your kids behind super mom,” one of her followers commented sarcastically.

How ridiculous is that? Because Leah is a mother, she’s never, ever allowed to leave her children? Is that how this works?

Fortunately, several of Leah’s followers stood up for her on this point, but unfortunately, this next point is even worse.

You know how Leah has been looking a bit thinner than usual lately? According to these strangers on the internet, her weight loss could actually be because of drugs.

She went to rehab in 2015 for what she said were mental health issues, but for what everyone else claimed were drug issues. And some people think those issues might be making a comeback.

“I sincerely hope you’re off the pills,” one person told her. “Your children need you, and the last few months you’ve looked dangerously thin.”

“Take care of yourself, so you can be a role model for your girls.”

One person wrote that Leah “looks buzzed” in recent photos, while another stated that “Leah comes from dysfunction she can only do what she was taught.”

“I have noticed some signs of possible medication use. It could be prescribed,” another person pointed out.

“Please take a look at yourself,” yet another commenter said. “Be realistic. In the beginning of the season you looked like you were on something, you still look like you’re on something.”

“The reality is you look like you’re on drugs or something worse!!!”

It’s all very dramatic, right? Not to mention dumb.

Leah has always been thin. She was thin before she got pregnant at 16, she was thin again about two seconds after giving birth to twins.

If she’s thinner now, perhaps it’s from the stress of being a single mother to three young children, one with a debilitating disease.

But — and this is the third issue — some people are also saying that Leah’s sister, Victoria, is struggling with an addiction of her own these days.

So basically everything is a mess.

As one of her faithful commenters wrote, “Looks like your sister is on drugs now! She seems so out of it when filming.”

“Her sister is the one on pills now,” another claimed. “She looks and acts just like Leah did last season. And she’s a new mom. I sincerely hope Leah gets her some help.”

Apparently if Victoria really is on drugs, it’s Leah’s fault — another of her followers told her “Not to be rude but you need to get your sister Victoria some help.”

“Any idiot can see she’s high in every episode so far and she looks terrible. You battled an issue and seem to be doing great. She just had a baby and it doesn’t deserve to have a brand new mom high on pills! Help her!”

So to recap, Leah is a bad person for leaving her kids for a few days while she goes on a business trip, for being back on drugs, and for not helping her sister with her own drug addiction.

She sure does lead a busy life, huh?


Friday, December 30, 2016

Ronda Rousey Faces Off with Amanda Nunes (VIDEO)

Ronda Rousey just faced off with Amanda Nunes at the UFC 207 weigh-ins … and it was INTENSE!  Nunes — nicknamed “The Lioness” — showed up in lion mask and looked VERY easy going about the whole fight.  Ronda flashed a smile for a…


Monday, December 12, 2016

Will Smith Shooter -- Found Guilty Of Manslaughter ... Faces Up To 40 Years In Prison

Cardell Hayes was found GUILTY of manslaughter in the killing of former Saints player Will Smith by a jury in New Orleans … and could face up to 40 years in prison. Smith was shot and kill by Hayes on April 9th after a road rage incident. His…


Will Smith Shooter -- Found Guilty Of Manslaughter ... Faces Up To 40 Years In Prison

Cardell Hayes was found GUILTY of manslaughter in the killing of former Saints player Will Smith by a jury in New Orleans … and could face up to 40 years in prison. Smith was shot and kill by Hayes on April 9th after a road rage incident. His…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Anthony Michael Hall -- Faces 7 Years For Neighbor Beatdown

Anthony Michael Hall had a string of hits, but the one he allegedly laid down on his neighbor could land him in prison for 7 years. The ‘Breakfast Club’ star allegedly broke the neighbor’s wrist and hurt his back during a confrontation 2 months…


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Conor McGregor -- Faces Off with Eddie Alvarez ... More Smack Talk (VIDEO)

Conor McGregor and Eddie Alvarez just went toe-to-toe for EVEN MORE smack talking at the UFC 205 weigh-ins … jawing at each other while Dana White pulled them apart.  Conor took more shots at Eddie — claiming the fight will be just another…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Greg Hardy -- Charged with Felony Coke Possession ... Faces Jail

Greg Hardy is learning the hard way … don’t mess (with cocaine) in Texas — ‘cause the ex-NFL star was just charged with felony drug possession and faces serious jail time. Hardy was arrested on Sept. 25th when cops pulled over a 2010 Dodge…


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Man Faces Jail for Trying to Recreate Seinfeld Recycling Scheme

The following tells the story of a Seinfeld viewer who tried to make like Kramer and Newman in order to get rich quick.

Yadda… yadda… yadda: the man has now been arrested.

Indeed, a judge has ruled that Brian Edward Everidge will stand trial for a crime that very much seems as if it was inspired by the Seinfeld episode “The Bottle Deposit.”

According to USA Today, Everidge allegedly transported 10,000 bottles and aluminum cans (in a Budget box truck) into Michigan from Kentucky because the latter state pays 10 cents for each beverage item you recycle.

The former state pays nothing.

Although Everidge resides in Michigan, it is actually against the law to return bottles that a person knowingly did not acquire in the state.

Everidge has been charged with a single count of beverage return of nonrefundable bottles, which is a felony punishable by up to five years behind bars; a $ 5,000 fine; or both.


What’s the deal with that kind of harsh punishment for this kind of crime?!?

Everidge, whose mug shot is below, was arrested for the crime in April when he was pulled over for driving 12 miles per hour over the speed limit on northbound U.S. 23.

The officer who pulled him over noticed plastic bag after plastic bag filled with bottles and cans in the back of the vehicle.

Everidge reportedly admitted at the time that he was bringing the items in from Kentucky in order to return them for deposit money.

On the aforementioned Seinfeld episode, Kramer and Newman borrowed a mail truck and proceed to stuff it with empty bottles in order to take advantage of Michigan’s higher-than-usual bottle return payments.

Assuming this was Everidge’s plan, he likely have probably made about $ 1,000, not counting money for gas, tolls and food.

Of all the states with bottle bills, Michigan has the highest refund value, according to statistics from the Container Recycling Institute.

Everidge’s attorney, meanwhile, did not say that his client was trying to emulate Kramer and Newman.

But he did make a Seinfeld-like defense, telling that Everidge shouldn’t have been arrested because he never actually completed the crime.

“They caught him too early,” defense attorney Marcus Wilcox said. “He attempted to attempt to return the bottles… this statute doesn’t fit.”

Who else could see Jackie Chiles making this same clam?