Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Joe Giudice To Be DEPORTED Following Prison Sentence?!

Back in 2014, Teresa and Joe Giudice were each convicted on several counts of bankruptcy fraud.

While they both received prison sentences, the judge went easy on the Real Housewives of New Jersey stars in one respect:

He allowed them to serve their sentences successively so that they wouldn’t be locked up at the same time, and their four daughters wouldn’t be without parents.

So when Teresa was released from prison in December of 2015, she and Joe had just a few weeks together before he began his own 41-month stint behind bars.

With early release, Joe could be out in early 2019, but his troubles will be far from over.

Because he was born in Italy and never obtained his American citizenship, Giudice could be deported after he’s released from prison.

As a multiple felon, Giudice will have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to be permitted to stay in the US after his release.

And even then, one judge looking to make an example out of him is all out will take for Joe to be booted out of the country.

The Giudices remain hopeful that they’ll be able to remain stateside after Joe completes his sentence, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent tells Radar Online that Joe’s odds don’t look good:

“We have every intent to deport him,” says the ICE insider.

Needless to say, Joe’s future as a resident of th United States doesn’t sound too promising.

The situation has Teresa scrambling to keep her husband by her side, but it may be a case of too little, too late.

“Teresa has been scrambling to try get the deportation waived, and its not happening yet,” says a source close to the family.

An expert on these types of situations says there’s a chance that the Giudices will be able to keep Joe from being deported, but confirms the ICE agent’s opinion that the odds are against him:

“Immigration consequences of criminal convictions depend on the particular criminal statutes implicated and are very case specific,” says attorney Sophia Solovyova.

“Joe was convicted under a fraud statute,” Solovyova adds.

“Its a deportable offense, for which waivers are available only in very limited circumstances.” 

Solovyova says that the question of whether or not Joe will be permitted to stay in the US will depend laregely on the specifics of how he came to America:

“Whether he is eligible to apply for a waiver of criminal inadmissibility depends on how he obtained his green card,” Solovyova said.

“If he applied for his green card while in the United States, he may be eligible. But if he came into the country with an immigrant visa, he would not be eligible.”

She adds:

“So, in short, he is deportable, but whether he has a case depends on his immigration history, personal circumstances and case law in third circuit.”

Sounds like this case could go either way.

But based on the Giudices’ legal luck up to this point, we’d say Teresa better start boning up on her Italian.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the Giudices tumultuous time together.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Teresa Giudice DENIES Cheating While Joe Giudice"s in Prison!

Remember that report that claimed that Teresa Giudice’s been cheating while her husband’s in prison?

Well, and we know that this will shock you, but she’s issued a firm denial.

Hey, at least she isn’t flipping any tables … this time.

It’s no surprise to anyone that she doesn’t take accusations lying down.

Wasn’t it just recently that Teresa Giudice flipped out about cheating accusations at a charity event?

As in, fellow Real Housewife Kim DePaola said something about Teresa being “out every night with some guy.”

Well, this time, Teresa Giudice’s denies cheating via a statement through an attorney.

“This is typical Housewife mudslinging and has all the elements of a great scandal. It’s salacious, it’s juicy, it’s great gossip and it’s simply not true.”

We get that maybe she’s busy or whatever.

But in terms of public perception … you generally want to avoid speaking through a lawyer unless you’re going to court.

It can really make people suspicious.

“The truth is Teresa is in love with her husband.”

We could buy that, even though their marriage has been rocky.

There’s more … and it almost makes us feel sorry for this lawyer.

“She’s busy caring for her four daughters, her father who now lives with her, and she’s working on her new book, Standing Strong, which comes out this fall.”

When life gives you adultery accusation lemons, make product placement lemonade, huh?

“They are 1,000 percent false and have been manufactured by attention-seeking lowlifes who have no moral compass. The only man in Teresa’s life is Joe. Period. End of story.”

Imagine going through all of those years of law school and then passing the Bar.

And now imagine issuing denials about what a reality star does with her genitals and with whom.

And then imagine plugging her book in the middle of that.

That’s either an easy dream job or an absolute nightmare.

Stay strong, James Leonard Jr.

Also, “1,000 percent false” doesn’t make any sense, but we’ll let the hyperbole slide.

He clearly had a long day.

We’ll give her this much: it’s not like cheating on your imprisoned spouse is inevitable.

A lot of the reality personality’s time is occupied with her kids.

Teresa Guidice’s daughter Gia recently went to prom and Teresa could not have been prouder.

She put so many photos of the prep up on Instagram.

There’s no telling how many photos she actually took that didn’t make it onto social media.

Also, like, people can take care of their own physical urges.

There are plenty of devices that can help with that sort of thing.

Honestly, even if she is cheating on her husband, we’d have a hard time condemning her for it.

Their marriage had more than its share of problems even before their 2014 convictions.

Not to mention that there were plenty of stories of Joe Giudice cheating on Teresa during her stint in prison.

We’re not advocating for a turnabout-is-fair-play approach to adultery.

But we do have to acknowledge that, for some couples, mutual cheating can work so long as they keep it low-key.

We may not know whether or not that’s happening here, but … if it is and that works for them, more power to them.

Though if they’re only staying together for their kids or whatever … they’re probably not doing them any favors.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Teresa Giudice: Caught Cheating on Joe Giudice?!

To say Teresa and Joe Giudice have a troubled marriage would be like saying our nation’s current political climate is somewhat divisive.

In addition to the problems that afflict other couples, the Real Houwesives of New Jersey stars face additional hurdles in the form of multiple felony convictions and extended prison sentences.

Teresa and Joe were convicted on multiple bankruptcy fraud charges back in 2014, and the judge in their case allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences concurrently, so as not to leave their children parentless.

So when Teresa left prison after finishing a 15-month sentence back in December of 2015, she and Joe only had a few weeks together before he headed off to Fort Dix Correctional Institution to begin his own 41-month bid.

The situation would be enough to put a strain on the strongest of marriages, and Joe and Teresa had plenty of issues before they ran afoul of the law.

When Teresa was locked up, there rumors of Joe cheating on her with a number of younger women.

Now that Teresa is doing the single mom thing, it’s widely rumored that she’s following his lead.

At first, Teresa and her four daughters – Gia, 16, Gabriella, 12, Milania, 11, and Audriana, 7 –  made the 90-mile trek to visit Joe  “usually every other week,” according to a source.

Speaking to Us Weekly, the insider added:

“And they talk on the phone several times a day.”

These days, however, Teresa “hasn’t visited Joe in prison for a few months,” the tipster claims.

And the reason, it seems, is that she’s found a new way of keeping herself busy.

According to Us, Teresa is involved in an affair with an unidentified Jersey businessman.

The affair was confirmed to the tabloid by Teresa’s friend-turned-enemy Kim DePaolo:

“They’ve been pretty cozy I’m going to say in the last five months,” Kim says.

“I think Teresa has every right to go out and find somebody else. She should leave Joe.”

Kim sounds pretty sure of herself, but Teresa’s lawyer has issued a statement clarifying that his client  “vehemently denies these allegations,” adding:

“They are 1,000 percent false and have been manufactured by attention-seeking lowlifes who have no moral compass. The only man in Teresa’s life is Joe Giudice. Period. End of story.”

Attention-seeking lowlifes with no moral compass?

We think the lawyer just accidentally described the entire cast of RHONJ!


Monday, June 5, 2017

Teresa Giudice: My Daughter Gia"s All Grown Up ... and Going to Prom!

There’s nothing like your firstborn’s major life milestones.

Even reality TV moms get excited when their daughter goes to prom.

They look so lovely together and, even with all of that makeup, you can tell that they’re mother and daughter.

They, of course, being Teresa Giudice and her 16-year-old daughter, Gia Giudice. 

Teresa could barely contain her excitement and pride over Instagram, and it’s no wonder — Gia looks absolutely stunning.

The fact that Teresa spent some time behind bars clearly only means that she cherishes time with her children that much more.

And yes, that’s enough on Gia that it doesn’t necessarily look flattering for her features.

But that’s what everyday makeup is for. 

Gia can look like a gorgeous teenager on each and every other day of the year.

This is prom season and it’s time for her to look however she likes.

She gets to shine in a room full of her friends and peers who are also dressed and made up to shine.

In this case, for Gia, that means looking like some kind of fairy princess whose face sparkles beautifully match her dress.

At a dance’s lighting, she’s going to look positively celestial.

You know, they make an adorable couple.

And they’re young, so we’re gonna limit our eye-rolling over Nick’s super-short hair.

Frankly, a lot of high school kids are still getting whatever haircut their parents order for them.

Also, if there’s one thing that we know about straight couples, is that height differences are all the rage.

As in, studies have shown that greater height differences tend to lead to longer-lasting relationships, which sounds like the fakest thing ever.

Just because it sounds fake doesn’t mean that it isn’t real, though.

And women do seem to swoon over height, so good for Gia for landing Nick, since he’s clearly a good head taller than she is.

Teresa Giudice’s had a rough go of it at times, what with various legal troubles.

What people maybe didn’t consider is how much that would take away from time with her children.

It’s good that she’s taking this time to connect with her daughter.

It’s also adorable that she’s basically just gushing about her on social media.

This is a woman who’s been absolutely over-the-top on television before, so it’s nice to see her doing something so normal and healthy.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Terese Giudice Gets Accused of Cheating, FLIPS THE EFF OUT

Terese Giudice is known for flipping tables when she gets angry.

But a new report claims Giudice simply flipped out upon being accused of stepping out on her husband.

In a sexual manner of speaking, that is.

An insider tells Life & Style that Giudice was attending a charity event along with Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star Kim DePaola when some ugly sparks started to fly.

And it all started when DePaola strongly hinted that Teresa was cheating on husband Joe Giudice.

“Teresa was talking about her wonderful children and everything she is doing with them, and Kim couldn’t take it,” a source explains to the tabloid.

“She said, ‘Please! You are out every night with some guy!’”

Whoa there! That apparently escalated quickly.

For the record, of course, Joe Giudice is currently behind bars.

We’re not saying this means Giudice is banging some other dude or anything. We aren’t in a position to verify Kim’s allegation.

We’re just reminding readers that Joe is serving many months in prison for his role in a bankruptcy fraud scheme.

Back when the situation was reversed – when Teresa was spending time in jail for the same crime – Joe was the spouse who was under fire for having a wandering private part.

But back to this recent night out between DePaola and Giudice.

How did the latter react when the former started leveling such public charges against her?

“She started acting like a lunatic,” the insider says, cursing at Kim and even threatening to hurt a drink in her direction.

“Kim said, ‘You throw that glass at me, you’re going back to jail, bitch."”

We presume this is a reference to Giudice being on parole. And that if she threw a drink… and if Kim then pressed charges… then it’s true: Teresa really could go back to jail.

DePaola and Giudice have never been good friends. And that’s an underestimate.

“Kim thinks Teresa is filthy,” the Life & Style source says very simply.

Teresa has gone far out of her way of late to paint herself as Mother of the Century.

With Joe in jail, Giudice has talked often about how she’s focusing on raising daughters Gia, Milania, Audriana and Gabriella and how it’s been a challenge at times.

“[The kids] miss their dad, of course, tremendously, just like I do. But you know they’re doing as well as could be expected,” she told ABC News a few months ago.

But she added that the girls are “amazing” and “really strong.”

Does she keep in touch with Joe?

Yes, as often as she can.

“We e-mail every day,” Teresa has said, adding:

“We talk every day and I see him every week… Our family’s gonna be reunited again, and that’s what I’m looking forward to.”


Monday, May 8, 2017

"Real Housewives of New Jersey" Star Teresa Giudice Accused of Violating Probation

Teresa Giudice is possibly risking more jail time after failing to report 2 traffic tickets … during supervised release in her fraud conviction.  According to court docs, the ‘RHONJ’ star failed to give her probation officer the heads-up…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Teresa Giudice Makes Heartbreaking Statement on Mother Antonia Gorga"s Death

It’s been a sad weekend for the Real Housewives of New Jersey crew.

Antonia Gorga, mother of Teresa Giudice and Joe Gorga, has passed away after battling an unknown illness.

She was only 66 years old.

We still don’t know exactly what happened to Antonia, but we do know that her family is devastated by the loss, which is obviously huge.

Teresa shared the above photo on Instagram, and the caption she wrote is enough to break your heart.

“She will forever be missed and cherished in my heart!” she said. “Because of her I will find the strength to continue life’s jourtney. My mother, my confidant, my best friend, my everything.”

“Until we meet again … I love you mommy.”

She also shared a photo of Antonia, her children, and her grandchildren, writing “I miss my mommy so much.”

In another, she wrote “Always there for us & forever in our hearts.”

She even shared this collage of photos:

Along with the photo she said “Thank you for the love and support during this extremely difficult time. My mother was a very cherished part of our family and she’ll be deeply missed.”

“Each and every one of your messages of love & support are so appreciated.”

“Give her eternal rest O Lord and may your light shine on her forever,” Teresa finished.

But Teresa wasn’t the only one mourning Antonia. Her sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga, shared a photo of her own and wrote “May she Rest In Peace.”

“She was a beautiful woman who loves her children & grandchildren so immensely! I watched Joe & Teresa sit by her side for the last three months, the heart in this family is strong & she will live in our hearts forever.”

Teresa’s fellow Real Housewife Jacqueline Laurita even shared a thoughtful message on Instagram, which is notable since Teresa and Jacqueline have had their issues in the past.

“Tenderly may time heal your sorrow. Gently may friends ease your pain. Softly may peace replace heartaches. And my warmest memories remain,” her message read.

Another housewife, Amber Marchese, tweeted “A beautiful lady. This is a heart ache for all.”

At this time, Joe Gorga hasn’t offered any public statements about his mother’s death.

Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Antonia.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Antonia Gorga Dies; Mother of Teresa Giudice, Joe Gorga Was 66

A beloved member of the Housewives family has passed away.

Antonia Gorga, the mother of The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars Teresa Giudice and Joe Gorga, has died at the age of 66.

It is not immediately clear what the cause of Antonia’s death was.

The elder Gorga, who made several appearances on her kids’ Bravo show, passed away earlier this weekend, according to People.

Both siblings were close with their mother through the years.

Often sharing moments they spent together on social media, the most recent was a December 19 post by Teresa Giudice to Instagram.

You can see that image of mother and daughter above.

“Mommy I love you so much,” Teresa captioned the sweet photo of herself and her mother, both smiling bright and looking truly happy.

The 44-year-old controversy magnet clearly adored the matriarch of her family, adding the hashtag “#daughtersloveforhermom.”

Her younger brother Joe and his wife Melissa Gorga, both 37, had previously honored the Gorga matriarch in the most eternal fashion: 

Their 12-year-old daughter is named after her.

Likely still in mourning and taking care of her affairs, neither Giudice nor the Gorgas have addressed Antonia’s death on social media.

Giudice’s last social media was on Instagram March 1, where she showed off her work with the NephCure Kidney International Foundation.

Joe’s last update was an Instagram shout-out to his wife on Valentine’s Day, while Melissa posted a selfie along with her son yesterday.

Those fans who watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online don’t need to be reminded that their lives have been full of drama.

Lately, though, things have been relatively quiet.

The siblings recently united for a Christmas Eve celebration, the first Teresa has hosted had at home since her husband went to jail.

Teresa Giudice’s husband of 17 years, Joe, is serving out a 41-month sentence for bankruptcy fraud in federal prison in Fort Dix, N.J.

“Merry Christmas Eve with the family,” she gushed in her caption of a photo of the couple’s four daughters, along with her little brother’s kids.

Teresa and Joe share Gia, 16, Gabriella, 12, Milania, 11, and Audriana, 7; Melissa and Joe are parents to Antonia, Gino, 8 and Joey, 5. 

Our condolences to the family this weekend.

No matter what they’ve been through, or what you think of some of their life choices, family has been at the center of all that they do.

Losing a loved one is a deeply painful experience for anyone, obviously, and especially for such a tight-knit family unit like the Gorgas. 

Our thoughts are with them at this time.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Teresa Giudice Pays Off $414,000 Bill for Fraud Case

Teresa Giudice’s paychecks are going to be a little fatter now, because she’s completely paid up the six-figure tab that was part of her sentence for fraud charges. Teresa’s wages will no longer be garnished to fulfill the $ 414,588 restitution…


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Fogle, Giudice and Dassey -- Inmates Chow Down on Thanksgiving Grub

Jared Fogle, Brendan Dassey and a bunch of other famous prisoners may have given up many of their inalienable rights, but not the right to get the bird on Turkey Day. We surveyed the landscape, and here’s what the joints are offering for…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Teresa Giudice and Danielle Staub Actually Hang Out, Tables Remain Unflipped

Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice had a crazy friendship throughout their time together on The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Their feud still stands as one of the craziest on the history of the series. When you think about it, no feud has come close to the craziness of Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice. 

They just couldn’t play nice with each other and that’s probably why Danielle made a quick getaway from the series in Season 2. 

The pair just could not shut up about each other. It was pretty sad. 

There was pretty much a new allegation about the other every other day. 

Teresa seemed to think that it was okay to claim that Danielle was a prostitute. 

Staub countered all of it by saying that Teresa’s mansion was in foreclosure. 

It was all pretty petty, but it made for some great scenes for the hit reality series. 

Have a look at the one below:

Teresa was clearly filled with rage as everything with Danielle reached a terrifying conclusion. That was far from their final argument, but it was their most iconic. 

Heck, the title of Teresa’s memoir even has a link to the table flip. 

It’s crazy to think that the ladies have now put their differences aside

Yes, you read that correctly. 

“It was a long time coming. I think there’s a good chance we shocked the whole world today — and definitely the whole yoga class! We reconnected and it has been so natural and great,” Staub explained to Us of their hangout session, which was documented via social media.

“Today was the first time I have seen her in all these years. She reached out to me a few weeks ago to talk and catch up on our families.”

In the years since the ladies stopped talking, Teresa’s life has probably changed the most. 

it sure seems like her stint in prison has given her a new approach. 

“She asked me if I’m into yoga while we were talking, and she said she would take a class with me,” Staub revealed.

“So I invited her to meet me at my regular class today. We hugged and it was very good to see her. Everyone in the class was like, ‘Did I just witness that?’”

That’s probably what the whole world are thinking right about now, Danielle!

The ladies then took their make-up session to a smoothie store. 

“Afterwards, we went to Jamba Juice together and had a nice long talk. I’ll let her tell you what we talked about, but it would be fair to say we discussed our old cast,” Staub said.

“She and I have been treated the same way by the rest of the OGs in the cast so we have a lot to bond over … I think now both of our intentions is to leave the past in the past.”

All of this is pretty crazy. 

Who would have thought these two would ever be able to be friends again?

Naturally, people on social media have been clamoring to find out whether this means Danielle could be booking a return visit to the show that made her a household name. 

“That’s an Andy Cohen question,” she teased.

“But when he saw the photo, his tweet shows he never expected that.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Gia Giudice Reveals MUCH Older Boyfriend on Instagram!

It hasn’t been an easy couple of years for Gia Giudice. 

In December of 2015, her mother, Teresa Giudice, turned herself in to begin serving a 15 month sentence for bankruptcy fraud charges.

Back in March, her father, Joe Giudice, began serving a 41-month sentence for allegedly serving as the mastermind of the scam that landed his wife behind bars.

As the eldest of the couple’s four daughters, Gia has not only had to bear cope with the losing her parents one at a time in the midsy of her most formative years, she’s also been suddenly burdened with the unusual responsibility of helping both of her parents cope with the challenges of single parenthood.

In fact, after a year of helping the oft-absent Joe with the task of keeping his daughters fed, clothed and cared for, Gia might now have more single mom experience than her newly-sprung mother.

Needless to say, the girl has grown up awfully fast over the past couple years.

Perhaps that’s why that’s why the adults in her life are so accepting of her considerable older new boyfriend:

According to Radar Online, Gia is dating a graduate of the high school where she’s a sophomore.

He’s rumored to be 20, which means he’s only five years older than 15-year-old Gia – but five years is a lot at that age.

In fact, since Gia is still a year shy of the age of consent in the Garden State, any sexual activity between her and … is technically unlawful.

(Side note: Why are we not surprised the age of consent in Jersey is only 16?)

But the grownups in Gia’s life don’t seem concerned that with a dad behind bars and love in her teenage heart, she’s basically living out the lyrics to a Springsteen song.

Joe Gorga recently spoke out on his niece’s relationship, and rather than slip into stereotype mode and do the “overprotective Jersey Italian guy” thing, he congratulated her on finding a nice, upstanding dude:

“I just had to meet her boyfriend for the first time and that was tough for me,” Gorga told Radar.

“I like the guy. She chose a really nice guy so I’m okay with it.”

Gorga continued:

“He’s a very respectful kid. Comes from a good family and that’s what I like about him.”

After some reflection, he later added:

“Of course, if he gets out of line, I’m gonna have to make culatello out of his  peprocinis! Does that even make any sense?! Fuggeddaboutit!”

Okay, we may have made that last part up.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Teresa Giudice vs. Joe Giudice: See Their Fake Fight!

Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice got into a major argument on The Real Housewives of New Jersey this week.

Actually, correction: Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice pretended to into a major argument on The Real Housewives of New Jersey this week.

In the following sneak peek, Joe is sad, angry and drunk over the fact that he"ll soon be heading to prison.

So when Teresa brings up a question about the family"s finances, Joe finally snaps.

At one point, he actually screams that he"s gonna "smack" Teresa"s "f-cking head" up against the wall, to which Teresa calmly replies:

"You need to keep your mouth shut."

But this tactic didn"t exactly work, as Joe continued his tirade by telling her to "shut the f—k up.""

"I think you need to leave," Teresa replied.

Gladly, Joe shot back, saying that he "can"t wait to leave [for prison]," and that the only thing he"ll miss are his children.

Sounds harsh, right? Sounds really inappropriate?

Don"t worry. It didn"t really happen.

It doesn"t take a genius to analyze the clip below and see that the camera is never actually on Teresa or Joe when their explosive words are uttered.

Go ahead and re-watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online if you don"t believe us.

But the words at the center of so-called argument were very clearly edited in after the fact. Teresa and Joe are just reading from a script while they"re voicing over the scene.

This is common practice across reality television, of course.

We"re not breaking any huge piece of news here.

But it"s still pretty hilarious to see this sort of editing in action.

Hey, let"s get another close-up of that pink dog while the couple argues!

We love it/hate it.

Check out the fakest fight on reality TV history now:

Teresa giudice vs joe giudice see their fake fight

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Fighting Again With Jacqueline Laurita After "Low Blow!"

An upcoming episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reveals that all is not well between Teresa Giudice and Jacqueline Laurita.  

The women, who were once close sufficiently killed any chance of becoming friends again by arguing about Guidice"s past legal woes.

It all started in Laurita"s kitchen, and Giudice said she was cutting "anyone that"s not loyal" in this next chapter of her family"s life.

This led to Laurita asking about past tabloid reports about Joe Giudice heading to jail.

“Somebody could’ve been putting that story out,” Giudice claimed about rumors (actually, facts) surrounding their legal battles, which ultimately resulted in both husband and wife being sentenced to prison.

“And they did.”

Laurita defended her decision to ask such a sensitive question.

“How was I gonna know better?” she asked as she cooked dinner.

Giudice got irritated, and claimed that she never badgered Laurita and husband, Chris about their legal woes over his clothing company (which is now bankrupt).

“Mine wasn’t a criminal case,” Laurita replied.

Oooh.  Take it back.  Take it back.

"I wouldn’t file a fraudulent bankruptcy like you did," she continued.

This displeased Giudice, who then decided that her new beginnings shouldn"t include Laurita.

“That’s a f–kng low blow," Giudice shot back, deciding that it was a good time to leave.  

On August 3rd, Laurita wrote on her Bravo blog why she thought bringing up those past reports was a good idea.

“I thought maybe now she finally understood why, as a friend, I had asked her about the tabloids that were saying there was a possibility of her going to jail, and that she had finally put it behind her and would never bring it up again.

"Yeah right. If you have not seen the previews for next week yet…stay tuned. One step forward, two steps back.”

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Bravo.

Teresa giudice fighting again with jacqueline laurita after low

Monday, July 18, 2016

Teresa Giudice Back In Court: What Did She Do Now???

You’d think some time behind bars would change a girl.

Nope, not when it comes to Teresa Giudice.  The Real Housewives of New Jersey star is facing up to $ 1000 in daily fines for failing to provide documents needed in her bankruptcy case.

According to Radar Online, Giudice is once again approaching matters of the law with a seemingly “whatever” attitude.

The reality star was served with several subpoenas last month, yet still hasn’t brought forth the relevant material that was needed by July 13th (almost a week ago).

A trustee involved in the case asked a judge to find Giudice in contempt of court as a result of her failure to provide necessary documents.

According to the trustee, Giudice was supposed to hand over copies of her and husband Joe’s federal and state tax returns from 2012 to 2015.  

Additionally she was to provide their bank account statements dating back to 2015, as well as copies of employment contracts dating as far back as 2012.

Since Giudice hasn’t provided any of these documents, the trustee requested that the judge fine Giudice $ 1,000 for every day that she fails to bring forth the records.

Giudice is currently embroiled in a malpractice lawsuit against her ex-lawyer after she was found guilty of fraud (which resulted in her jail sentence).

Radar reported last week that Giudice showed up at court on July 11th to ask that a judge “enforce her bankruptcy lawsuit settlement in order to block the case’s trustee from backing out of their original agreement.”

The court documents stated that Giudice requested a mediation, but the the trustees refused. 

Back in April, the trustee claimed that Guidice had already received “ample reimbursements” from the malpractice lawsuit, and there would like the case reopened.

Attorney James Kridel is the target of the Guidices’ lawsuit for “legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty in connection with his presentation in the bankruptcy case.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice Storms Out Of "Access Hollywood" Interview!

Welp, you done it this time, Hollywood.

More specifically, Access Hollywood: Live.  

Even more specifically, Kit Hoover and and guest host David Karger.

During a satellite interview with The Real Housewives of New Jersey"s Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice, Karger asked Giudice about her husband Joe"s possible deportation to Italy after he serves his prison sentence.

Oh no.  ABORT, Karger.  ABORT.

"Next question please… " Giudice declared before saying to Kruger, "you know what, I don"t think that"s something you should be asking."

"Well," Hoover interjected, "everybody"s talking about it and it could be a reality…"


"Yeah, no I"m sorry, I think that"s really rude," Guidice said, steam starting to rise from her head.

"Okay, well it is a fact and we"re probably going to see it on the show so I don"t think that was a rude question…" Hoover said (with a bit of attitude, I will say).

"No you"re not gonna see it on the show," Giudice interrupted her, clearly not down with Hoover"s tone.

Hoover then tried to change the subject, but this one was no better.  It had to do with The Real Housewives of Orange County"s Heather Dubrow criticizing Giudice"s lack of remorse after being released from prison.

Again, NOPE.

"As a matter of fact, I"m going to leave," Giudice finally said as she got up and ripped her mic off.

"Cause I don"t think that…. to even ask that…" 

 Giudice"s mic pack nearly whacked Gorga in the face as her sister-in-law made her exit.

This isn"t the first time Giudice as avoided the question of Joe"s future.

Last week, she gave an interview to ABC News from her New Jersey home, and managed to shut down the question of deportation without ruining the interview.

Access Hollywood"s questions were likely a result of bad timing: Guidice was over talking about her family"s run-ins with the law, and is now ready to move forward.

The problem is, those run-ins are pretty much the main reason she"s famous right now.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sundays at 8/9 central on Bravo.

Teresa giudice storms out of access hollywood interview over wha

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Teresa Giudice Talks About Juicy Joe In Prison, Starts To Cry

The thing that"s tough about interviewing Teresa Giudice is that she isn"t forthright.  

Everything is positive, everyone is moving forward, life is a blessing.

It"s almost as if Teresa is trying to convince herself that everything is fine, when in reality, everything is still very much up in the air.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star gave an interview to Good Morning America on July 5th, and when ABC News correspondent Mara Schiavocampo asked what advice she could give her husband, who is currently serving a 41-month prison sentence, Teresa started to tear up

"Well, he lived through the whole thing.  I"m just…I"m getting emotional."

Schiavocampo offered a break, which Teresa took advantage of.  She blew her nose, wiped away the tears and sat back down on the couch.

The question must have hit a nerve, since Joe raised the girls while Teresa served her 11.5 of her 15 month sentence at a minimum security prison in Danbury, CT for offenses that included "conspiracy to commit wire fraud" and" bankruptcy fraud."

Now, it"s Teresa"s turn to be strong.

"It"s hard. We e-mail every day," Teresa told Schiavocamp before getting emotional. "We talk every day, and I see him every week."

When asked about their future as a family, and whether or not she"s worried about Joe possibly facing deportation back to Italy, Teresa balked at any kind of uncertainty

"No, I think our future is not uncertain," she said confidently

"He"s gonna be home, we"re gonna be together, and that"s that I"m looking forward to."

Teresa"s return home will air on the new season of New Jersey (premiering July 10th at 8 p.m. on Bravo).  She"s also repaired her relationship with sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga.

"I feel like it"s like how it used to be," Teresa told Schiavocampo of her relationship with Melissa, who added, "We have like a funny banter together and we have fun together.

"I just think that she"s calmer, just a little bit calmer."

Teresa, who"s working to become a certified yoga teacher since taking up the exercise in prison, plans to open her own studio and design a line of yoga wear.

"You do grow, and you learn from your experiences," she said.

"And that"s obviously what happened to me."

Here"s hoping.

Teresa giudice tears up while talking about joe the future

Friday, July 1, 2016

Joe Giudice: Sexting Teresa Giudice From Behind Bars?!

Without giving too much away (We know not everyone binge-watches at our pace.), we can say that Season 4 of Orange is the New Black features a storyline that revolves around a cell phone being smuggled into Litchfield prison in order to photograph a famous inmate.

The celebrity convict plot was clearly inspired by Martha Stewart’s legal woes, but it also brought to mind our favorite celebrity jailbird couple of the moment.

Yes, Teresa Giudice got out of prison late last year, but the clink is still very much on her mind these days, as her husband is now behind bars.

Joe Giudice began his serving 41-month sentence back in March, and needless to say, he still has a quite a ways to go.

But that doesn’t mean he’s been neglecting his husbandly duties.

Asked about how Juicy Joe is holding up, Teresa kept it positive.

She says her troubled husband is eating well, staying sober (like he has a choice) … and emailing her racy erotica worthy of Time Hump by Crazy Eyes.

“He’s doing good,” Teresa told E! News in a recent interview. “You know, being positive and we’re just both taking one day at a time.”

“He’s eating right … because you know, it’s good. He said it’s good. He’s getting his mind focused and he’s not drinking. I guess he was drinking a lot, so …”

Teresa added that Joe emails her as often as he can.

Asked about the contents of the emails, she played it coy:

“No, I’m not going to say what the emails say,” Mrs. Giudice said.

Asked about the best part of the three month period between her and Joe’s prison sentences, Teresa kept the desperate Housewife theme going:

“Being with Joe, yeah, being with my honey … in bed,” she laughed. “That was the best.”

It’s gonna be a long few years for Joe – but from the sound of things, it might be even harder on Teresa.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to see Joe and Teresa in happier times.

Or at least less sex-deprived times.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Teresa Giudice Owes HOW MUCH in Taxes?!?

Teresa Giudice is a horrible human being.

This statement should not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the law-breaking reality star.

But the following piece of information may take some folks aback:

Giudice and her equally terrible husband owe the United States government a ton of money in income taxes.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, The Real Housewives of New Jersey star was slammed with a tax lien for $ 23,365 in February, just a couple months after she got out of jail in Connecticut.

A few weeks later, Joe started his 41-month prison stint (after pleading guilty to multiple counts of financial fraud), yet still managed to get nailed in April for $ 238,269 of unpaid taxes.

According to James Leonard Jr., the family’s very busy attorney, Joe and Teresa have set up a schedule to pay off the debt in full.

So it’s not like Giudice will return to prison again any time soon.

But she will soon be returning to our lives every week on Bravo.

The network has announced that a new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey will kick off on July 10.

As you might expect, upcoming episodes will focus heavily on Teresa’s newfound freedom, her reunion with her family and the fallout from her many months behind bars.

Each time you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online or on television this summer, you can expect Giudice to shed many tears over her past trials and tribulations.

All while she laughs all the way to the bank due to how much her family is now profiting off her jail stint.

What else can fans expect from Season 7? What sort of terms will Teresa be on with her co-stars?

And who are the new faces set to come on board this very successful franchise?

Check out the following trailer to find out… and pray for humanity that these people are given both a platform and a hefty paycheck for this utter nonsense:

Friday, May 27, 2016

Teresa Giuidice Wishes Joe Giudice a Happy Birthday Behind Bars!

It’s been two months since Joe Giudice turned himself in to begin serving a 41-month prison sentence for bankruptcy fraud.

In his final weeks as a free man, Joe enjoyed pre-prison getwaways with his newly sprung wife (fresh from her own 11-month stay at Club Fed) and partied hard his dwindling group of loyal friends.

Insiders say Giudice went so hard that he showed up to prison drunk, and was punished by authorities on his first day of his sentence.

Since then, of course, Joe’s partying has been severely limited by the fact that he’s behind bars.

But that didn’t stop his embattled wife Teresa from marking the occasion of Juicy Joe’s 44th birthday on Instagram:

Tre posted the above throwback photo yesterday, along with a caption reading, “Happy Birthday to my love Joe.”

She also posted a more recent pic that looks like an “after” photo for an unhappy marriage:

We kid the Giudices!

After all, it’s impressive that they’ve stuck by one another through some seriously difficult times over the past two years.

Sure, there were rampant rumors about Joe cheating on Teresa while she was locked up, but at least he waited until she was behind bars.

And they say chivalry is dead.

Anyway, the Giudices marriage will have to pass several more stress tests in the years to come.

Even with the the possibility of early release, Joe will probably wind up serving another three years behind bars, and since he was born in Italy and never became an American citizen, it’s possible Giudice will be deported after his release.

Add to that the fact that Teresa could go back to jail now that their fraud case has been reopened and it begins to look like the Giudices toughest days are still ahead of them.

And you thought arguments about forgetting to unload the dishwasher could put a marriage to the test.