Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffith. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nathan Griffith: Expecting ANOTHER Baby?!

Nathan Griffith is an absolute mess.

He may not be the worst guy on Teen Mom — as far as we know, he’s not a complete deadbeat dad and he hasn’t murdered any animals — but he’s pretty close.

He’s aggressive, immature, he’s been known to get into some domestic violence and to drive drunk.

At one point, he also thought it was a good idea to marry Jenelle Evans and to have a child with her, so that’s another strike against him.

We honestly can’t think of one single redeeming quality that Nathan has.

But we can think of quite a few more negative ones after seeing this new statement he made on Twitter.

Earlier this week, Nathan tweeted “Well… Weouttababyitzaboy #attcomerical and for anyone who didn’t get that… IT’s A BOY!!!”

He also tagged his new girlfriend, Ashley Landhardt.

In case you’re having trouble deciphering that message, he’s referencing an old commercial — though it was a Geico commercial, not an AT&T commercial.

The commercial’s a bit dated these days, but it featured a new dad making a collect call to family — when asked to leave his name, he said “Bob We-Had-A-Baby-It’s-A-Boy” and hung up.

Get it, because collect calls are so expensive that he left his entire message as his last name?

It may not make sense to the kids today, but basically Nathan is hinting that he’s having another baby, and that baby is a boy.

He already has two children — he has an older daughter, then three-year-old Kaiser with Jenelle.

And having another baby would be the worst possible choice he could make.

If you can’t figure out why, just go ahead and check out that all that stuff we just talked about in regards to the drunk driving and domestic violence.

But before you get too freaked out, know that this douchebag is more than likely just trolling us.

Shortly after making that statement, he shared a bunch of new pictures of an adorable little puppy, a male pit bull named Torro.

Ashley, the new girlfriend, tweeted “We are pregnant!!!” to Nathan, which just added more fuel to the gossip fire.

He responded with “AGAIN!?!? We can’t be pregnant, we already have a baby! How is that possible?”

Looks like someone’s hungry for some attention, huh?

But when someone pointed out that they were for sure going to start some rumors, he got defensive.

“We are here for our entertainment, not yours!” he wrote.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend said that “People need to get off social media and have a life again.”

If it were possible to die from rolling your eyes too hard, well, then RIP, everybody.

And that concludes the latest chapter in the dumb, dumb life of Nathan Griffith.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Nathan Griffith: Did He Accuse Jenelle Evans of Child Abuse?

Jenelle Evans has done all sorts of wild and disgusting things during her time on Teen Mom 2, but thus far, no one has accused her of full-blown child abuse.

Obviously, many folks claimed that Jenelle is a negligent parent.

And more than a few have accused Jenelle of physical assault, but never against a child.

However, it now looks as though Ms. Evans will be forced to answer from some mighty serious allegations coming from none other than her former fiance, Nathan Griffith.

The news of the latest dispute between the parents of 2-year-old Kaiser comes to us courtesy of The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

According to the site, there many fans expressed concern in connection with a photo Jenelle posted over the weekend.

The image shows Kaiser at the beach, and the boy appears to have some dark bruises on his arm.

Some of Jenelle’s followers stated their belief that they’re the kind of bruises that might be caused by grabbing a child forcefully.

It’s important for us to point out that we are no way implying that Jenelle or her fiance, David Eason, have in any way behaved in an abusive fashion toward any of the children in their care.

But some folks on social media had no qualms about doing a LOT more than implying.

Many outright accused Jenelle and David of abuse, and it seems Nathan very understandably became concerned.

“If anyone dared lay a physical hand on either one of my kids, it would be hell on earth real freaking quick! #treadlightly #definitionofDADDY,” Griffith tweeted.

Yes, Nathan sounds pissed.

But there’s more than one way to interpret that tweet.

He could be assuring fans that he has no reason to suspect Jenelle or David, and if he ever did, the hell on Earth would ensue, and whatnot.

Or maybe he’s attempting to publicly call Jenelle out.

If that’s the case it probably won’t be long before he does so in a more formal setting.

Jenelle and Nathan’s custody battle is ongoing, and the exes have been consistently upping the ante in terms of the accusations they level at one another.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: Nathan Griffith Brags About "P-Bug"

On the second half of the Teen Mom 2 reunion special Monday, Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer took their respective turns in the hot seat.

The former dominated the episode, however. Why?

As you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, Jenelle is engaged to David Eason, who just became the father of her third child Ensley.

Yet her prior fiance has made just as much news.

Nathan Griffith, who fathered her second son Kaiser, wants to get back together with her, or so she told Dr. Drew on last night’s catch-up.

The shameless doctor wasn’t totally convinced.

Drew told Jenelle that she may be reading a bit too much into certain texts that Nathan sent her, though one does seem kind of weird.

According to Jenelle, Nathan wrote this to David Eason – the dude Evans is currently engaged to, and living with – in a late night text:

“You’re just jealous of my p-bug, man.”

Wondering what a p-bug is, readers?

You aren’t alone. David himself didn’t know, so he asked Jenelle what the hell that is, and she revealed “that’s what [Nathan] calls his penis.”

So Nathan is texting David bragging about the size of his junk late at night, when he could and should be doing … a lot of other things.

Pretty much anything else, really.

Jenelle was not amused by this incident, but Nathan, who was sitting on the couch next to her (not awkward at all), explained to Dr. Drew:

“Ryan, her friend, told me that I guess she had a naked picture of me,” Griffith said, alluding that Eason was all fired up about this.

“[David] got really upset because he said, ‘I’m sorry I don’t have a bigger penis than Nathan and can’t satisfy you the way he did.’”

Jenelle quickly went on the defensive.

“I don’t talk to Ryan,” she said, but David was upset to the point where he refused come out on stage with Jenelle, leaving Nathan there.

Later, Jenelle called Ryan to verify if Nathan’s story was true, and he denied it; Jenelle thus told the crowd and Dr. Drew that her ex lies.

He lies.

That may be, but regardless, Jenelle’s issues were far from over as her mother Barbara Evans came out on stage to feud with her as well.

She and Jenelle fought over custody of Jace, and how they’ve both been so hurt by one another and by the situation at hand. It was sad.

Jenelle said that she deserves custody of her first-born child (whose dad, Andrew Lewis, is totally MIA), because she just “bought land.”

Real estate purchases translate to good parenting, right? Barbara was unmoved, saying she’s hurt that Jenelle has been shutting her out.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, little got resolved by the time it was Leah Messer’s turn to take the stage to talk about her own turbulent life.

Which, amazingly, isn’t that turbulent.

Leah’s girls are doing great in school, she says, and things between herself, Corey Simms and Miranda Patterson have been very strong.

Even Jeremy Calvert, he of the Teen Mom 2 Instagram rants, couldn’t muster up a whole lot of enthusiasm – good or bad – from Leah.

No news is good news for her?


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Nathan Griffith Responds to Body-Shaming Scandal: I"m a Douchebag!

Nathan Griffith is a terrible person.

It’s not a new development, not by a long shot, but it always bears repeating.

Today, he’s a terrible person because of that ridiculously rude, insensitive Snapchat post he made in which he body-shamed a trainer at his gym.

He snuck a photo of a trainer with her client, and he captioned it “When the trainer is fat than her client with no muscles!”

Because what could she possibly have to offer if she doesn’t have muscles, right? Hey, if she doesn’t have muscles, is she even worthy of being called a real person?

Surely she couldn’t have any expert knowledge on fitness or nutrition or really anything other than being “fat than her client.”

Sadly, it seems like that’s the way Nathan thinks. And even though he’s been banned from his gym after the Snapchat post caused some controversy, he’s not sorry.

In a statement he made to Real Mr. Housewife, Nathan explained that “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t get jujitsu lessons from someone who didn’t do jujitsu or get my hair done by a hair stylist with f-cked up hair.”

“Hence I wouldn’t be going to a trainer that didn’t practice what they preach.”

“To most people,” he said, “I’m the biggest douchebag and I really don’t care anymore.”

Well, at least he said it.

Nathan insisted that “The only people who got offended were people who were overweight. If they have a problem with me making a justified comment then they can go f-ck themselves.”

Except it wasn’t a justified comment, that’s the problem. It was an insensitive photo he shared to potentially thousands of people, and it body-shamed a woman who really just looks like she has a thicker body type than he’d prefer.

But don’t worry, because Nathan finished up his little statement with this gem:

“America is becoming filled with a bunch of non-working lazy ass crybabies and I’m getting sick of it. We are so worried about making everyone feel comfortable that it’s f-cking up our society.”

And oh, how rich!

Nathan is a guy who’s been arrested multiple times for violently abusing girlfriends, and for drinking and driving. He’s directly put so many people in danger because of his own issues.

But yes, Nathan, please tell us more about what you think is destroying our society. Please give us more advice on how to live a meaningful life.

We would sincerely love to hear it.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Nathan Griffith Body-Shames Trainer on Snapchat, Gets Banned From Gold"s Gym

It’s been quite a week for Jenelle Evans’ exes.

First, Courtland Rogers is getting out of jail and vowing to win her back (though she mercifully wants her former husband to steer clear).

Now, Nathan Griffith is persona non grata at Gold’s Gym after he body-shamed a trainer there with a horribly insensitive Snapchat pic.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that the father of Evans’ second son, Kaiser, has been in the news for many negative reasons.

From on-air arguments to off-air domestic violence, to DUI, to fighting Jenelle for custody of Kai, Griffith has never been far from trouble.

He can’t even go to the gym without causing problems, apparently, as he showed by cyber-bullying someone during a recent workout.

Yes, Nathan decided to also flex his bullying muscles in addition to his biceps when he cruelly mocked a Gold’s Gym trainer on Snapchat.

Griffith posted the photo of a trainer at the gym below, and captioned the image, “When the trainer is fat than her client with no muscles.”

Total class act, this guy.

(In addition to being a jackass, Nathan is also a moron, based on that grammatically incorrect caption, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Many of Nathan’s Snapchat followers, who should probably rethink their lives for even following him, were rightfully appalled by this.

They quickly took action, and he’s paying the price.

After figuring out which specific gym Nathan was pumping iron at, Internet sleuths began bombarding the Gold’s Gym Twitter account.

Having been alerted, Gold’s was not having it.

In response to tweets from irate Teen Mom 2 fans, the gym said in a statement that Nathan Griffith is banned from the premises for bullying.

Effective immediately.

“We have a zero-tolerance policy for this behavior. This person’s membership has been terminated,” the popular gym franchise tweeted.

Nate has yet to reply to getting his gym membership revoked, but we suspect an indignant, borderline illegible response in due time.

Could he face legal charges for doing this? He might want to consult the lawyer for disgraced former Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers.

Mathers, you recall, is in hot water over a Snapchat pic she posted last fall of showed a nude woman in her gym locker room changing.

Dani, who later apologized (for getting caught),  body-shamed the woman in the caption, writing “if I can’t unsee this, neither can you.”

A criminal charge, if issued, is Dissemination of Private Images, which is a misdemeanor which could carry a six-month jail sentence.

A bit extreme for a bad Snapchat joke?

Perhaps, but not necessarily if you consider that Nathan isn’t just being a dick (he is a dick, but it goes beyond that) in this situation.

Publicly humiliating another person and invading their privacy in such fashion does potentially cause the victim considerable harm. 

Safe to say that Jenelle Evans is better off these days with her current fiance, David Eason, than either Griffith or Rogers …

We just hope her good relationship lasts.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Nathan Griffith to David Eason: Call Me a B-tch to My Face!

One of the more unexpected developments of the current season of Teen Mom 2 is that Jenelle Evans’ ex Nathan Griffith and her fiance, David Eason have actually managed to engage in several civil interactions.

But apparently that’s not always the case.

In fact, their feud has heated up to the point that Nathan recently challenged David to a fight on an intense social media tirade.

It all started on Monday night, when the most recent episode of Teen Mom 2 aired on MTV.

During a conversation about Nathan, Eason (jokingly, it seems) referred to Jenelle’s second baby daddy as a “bitch.”

A fan brought the scene to Nathan’s attention, and he responded with an epic tirade, in which he claims, among other things, that he had to be escorted from this season’s reunion special for Eason’s safety, and that Eason asked for his help in getting a restraining order lifted.

The rant must be read to be believed:

“B-tch? You both leave on vacation all the time and you’ve been kicked out of every bar in Wilmington!

“Word travels fast when you have such a piss poor reputation.

“B-tch? Why do you say that in the comfort of the car around children but not to my face?

“You’ve asked me to get information to help you try and overturn the judge’s restraining order keeping you from your son.

“But once again I’m the b-tch?

“You’re embarrassing yourself. I remember at the reunion I had to be escort [sic] out by security.

“How do I know this, because they told me you were talking s—t, dumbass.”

Believe it or not, he keeps going:

“I’d say that you purposely interfering with Jenelle and I as try to co-parent our child is a b-tch move, especially because you do it out of insecurity and your constant need to control Jenelle.

“It’s really quite sad. Who leaves a 2-week-old baby alone with a woman who is rumored to have AIDS?

“I should say thank you tho to Jenelle for actually telling him not to 1. cuss around our child and 2. speak negatively about me in front of Kaiser, which as you know is a direct violation of our court order.

“Although I have to wonder if, considering the ease that he spoke like isn’t because he does it all the time but just got caught by the cameras this time.”

Griffith proceeded to address Eason’s arrest record, posting this photo:

David Eason Meme

Along with a caption reading:

“Even good old Babs knows what’s going on.”

That’s what’s called going in, folks.

Now we wait to see if Eason will return fire.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up on all the drama.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Suicidal, Surrendering Full Custody of Kaiser, Source Claims

It’s been a turbulent month in the life of Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance Nathan Griffith.

Last week, Griffith was arrested for assault, after his girlfriend, Jessica Henry, told police that he had choked her during an argument.

Bizarrely, Griffith was also arrested for a DUI that same week in an unrelated incident.

Needless to say, all of this is starting to make the custody battle between Nathan and Jenelle look like an open-and-shut case.

But as he made clear in a recent interview, Nathan isn’t going down without a fight.

Griffith spoke to Real Mr. Housewife recently, and he made a case for why he believes Jenelle is an unfit mother.

“She wants to proclaim me being this horrible father and that she doesn’t trust me, yet she’s living with a convicted felon who just was sentenced to jail for 60 days,” Nathan said.

He went on to claim that he believes his son, Kaiser, is unsafe in Jenelle’s home, saying:

“All the marks and bruises and all the sicknesses and strange illnesses Kaiser has have never been with me, only with her. Like the hand foot mouth disease, the rashes, the blisters on his butt, the scraped up knees, the bump on his head – I can go on and on.”

Jenelle obviously wasn’t pleased with the article, and she made her feelings known on social media, writing to Nathan:

“You do know that you just violated the custody order once again by that article? Let’s keep adding more and more.”

Shortly thereafter, Real Mr. Housewife commented on Jenelle’s Instagram asking her to DM him.

A couple hours later, his interview with an unidentified “source” close to the situation appeared online:

This anonymous insider insisted that despite Griffith’s claim, Jenelle’s boyfriend, David Eason, is not a felon, “unlike Nathan that has 5 pending and 2 of those are felonies.”

Jenelle the source went on to make some shocking revelations about Nathan’s recent past:

“[He] talked about committing suicide to Jenelle’s mother, director, and even (Teen Mom 2) producer Larry, who everyone knows of,” says the insider.

At one point, Mr. Housewife writes:

Nathan called Jenelle’s mom and her director, who were at dinner, and said that he wanted to end his life or was thinking about it.. Jenelle’s mom then called the Myrtle Beach police and had them go check on him.

“They went inside and no one was there, but they found a bunch of empty liquor bottles all over his house. This scares Jenelle as a mother.

The insider also claimed that until recently Nathan planned to surrender his custody rights and move to England:

“Dude to be completely honest it might be best if you keep him. I’m so unstable and I’m actually crying writing this. I know you don’t care but this weekend is a bad weekend. I’m sorry,” Nathan allegedly texted David at one point.

He later added:

“Does Kaiser need me? Are you good? Treat him like you’re own ok. I think I’m moving to England.”

You know things aren’t going well for you’re trying to prove that you’re more stable than Jenelle Evans and you’re failing miserably.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evan is Worse at Parenting Than Me!

Before we start, let’s just get one thing out in the open: Nathan Griffith is the worst.

Like, yeah, his former lover, Jenelle Evans, is also awful, but at least she’s seemed to clean up her act lately.

Meanwhile, Nathan has made it his life’s goal to make his act as unclean as possible. As we speak, he’s probably just down there in South Carolina or in jail or whatever, just pissing all over the thing.

He. Is. Terrible.

He’s so terrible that the Master of Horror herself, Jenelle, is taking him to court in an attempt to get sole custody of their two-year-old son, Kaiser.

And, according to this new interview Nathan gave to Real Mr. Housewife, he simply cannot let that happen.

As Nathan says, Kaiser “needs a good, loving environment like I can provide him instead of him being 2 and a half years old already getting stuck in pre-school.”

“Jenelle doesn’t work,” he went on. “How about she take him to the park? You see all the pictures I constantly post with him. I have a blast with him.”

See, because as Teen Mom has taught us, parenting doesn’t count unless you provide evidence of it on social media. Nathan posts pictures of Kaiser “constantly” while Jenelle just posts every once in a while, so he’s a better parent, get it?

Nathan isn’t nearly done with his list of grievances though — he also is upset that Jenelle has told people that he’s not around Kaiser that much “just because there was one weekend I asked my Mom to watch him so I could do out with my girlfriend.”

“I mean, come on,” Nathan brilliantly argues. “Aren’t there weeks at a time she doesn’t have Kaiser because she has him at David’s Mom’s while the go on these extravagant vacations?”

“The woman is a book of contradictions.”

Oh, Nathan, what a wordsmith you are! Weave more magical tapestries, more, more!

“Jenelle spreads so many lies about me,” he complains. “I’m just going to end up going to mediation. I already talked to my lawyer and can’t go into great detail about this.”

But he did give us an example of one of Jenelle’s many lies, explaining that one time “My Mom asked Jenelle if she wants Kaiser to be supervised and if she could come to pick Kaiser up.”

“She said, ‘Oh yeah, you can pick him up anytime’ and then she doesn’t respond. She’s a liar.”

And the injustices don’t end there! No, Nathan is also taking issue with the way Jenelle tries to make him out to be a bad person. Can you imagine?!

Nathan, total victim, says “She wants to proclaim me being this horrible father and that she doesn’t trust me, yet she’s living with a convicted felon who just was sentenced to jail for 60 days.”

“Also, all the marks and bruises and all he sicknesses and strange illnesses Kaiser has have never been with me, only with her.”

“Like the hand foot mouth disease, the rashes, the blisters on his butt, the scraped up knees, the bump on his head — I can go on and on.”

We don’t want to take anything away from Nathan’s powerful narrative, but perhaps Kaiser scrapes his knees and bumps his head and gets rashes because he’s, oh, say, a toddler?

And maybe all those things happen on her watch because she watches him the vast majority of the time?

We’re not exactly defending Jenelle, but how can he possibly say that he’d be a better parent for Kaiser than she is?

He’s been arrested twice in the past four months for choking someone. He drives drunk like it’s an Olympic sport he’s training for.

Like we said, he’s the worst.

So Nathan, bud, we know it must be so hard to be you, to have all these terrible things happen to you, but maybe, just this once, put yourself in a time-out and figure out what you did wrong.

See you in the next century.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nathan Griffith Jessica Henry Made My Penis Bleed!

It’s been a rough holiday season for former Teen Mom star and noted colossal d-bag Nathan Griffith.

In case you’re unaware or just blocked his existence from your memory, Nathan is Jenelle Evans’ second baby daddy.

Despite the fact that these two were perfect for each other (in that they’re both perfectly awful) the relationship didn’t last, and Nate quickly found himself a new victim.

Griffith began dating Jessica Henry last year, and though Jessica was assaulted by Jenelle (who threw a freakin’ mason jar at her head!) early in the relationship, she stood by her man – which proved to be a massive mistake.

Last week, Griffith was arrested for assaulting Henry, and this time, he may be facing jail time.

(It’s not the first time he’s been taken into custody after one of their blowout fights.)

Not surprisingly, the online Teen Mom fan community has been highly critical of Nathan.

And not surprisingly, he’s fighting back in the fashion that made him a match for Jenelle’s raging temper.

It all started when Nathan’s brother Noah (who also goes by Zach, for reasons that remain unclear) took to social media to defend his brother’s honor by claiming that Jessica totally started it.

When Noah/Zach finished, Nathan picked up the argument himself:

“Like you said though there is so much more,” Nathan replied to his brother’s comment.

“Like the numerous times she has assaulted me and kicked me in the privates and caused my penis to bleed because we were on a run and I thought she was following me and she said I didn’t look back to make sure she was ok before crossing.”

Did you think he would stop with the bleeding peen claims? Then you don’t know Nate:

“Or the time she beat the living heck out of me because I told her I was hanging out with Mariah again after we split for the hundredth time and asking her if she was done punching me in the face.

“(She actually almost knocked me out which I was quite impressed, which I said the same thing to her when She was done).”

Griffith went on to write:

“I just want the truth to be spoken because she’s been manipulating our relationship and ruining my reputation worse than Jenelle even did.”

He concluded:

“I know I’m an idiotic brother and it sucks because I really did love Jessi with all my heart and she’s the only girl that I would’ve gotten married to but I know it wasn’t a healthy relationship.

“I’m still depressed as heck but life moves on and no one is going to stop and feel pity for me.”

So … wait? Does he want us to feel pity for him?

Because we don’t, Nathan. We really really don’t.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Nathan Griffith: I Got Arrested Because My Girlfriend Flirted With a Fat Guy!

Nathan Griffith has never been known as a terribly level-headed or rational guy.

After all, the guy got engaged to Jenelle Evans, which is the most irrational thing a human being can do.

Unfortunately, Nathan didn’t turn his life around after his relationship with Jenelle exploded.

In fact, his emotional instability seems to have worsened in the time since he parted ways with the Carolina Hurricane.

Griffith was arrested for domestic abuse last week, after allegedly choking his girlfriend, Jessica Henry, during an argument in her apartment.

Shockingly, this isn’t the first time that Griffith’s been accused of assaulting Henry.

Almost as shocking is the fact that Griffith was arrested twice last week, the second time on an unrelated drunk driving charge.

In a new interview with Real Mr. Housewife, Griffith opens up about the night he allegedly assaulted Henry, insisting that the whole thing has been blown out of proportion 

“I don’t know if she was drunk or what, but I felt she was sitting a little bit too close to this guy. I took pictures- the picture was of the guy with his legs spread and her chair in between his crotch- and sent it to her. She said I was acting ridiculous.

“I knew this guy was no threat, as he was overweight and disgusting, but still it was inappropriate and she looked too comfortable.

“When I sent her the picture, I said, “that doesn’t look appropriate, can you back off?”

Griffith says he then followed Henry to her house to continue the argument, because that always goes well.

Shortly thereafter he found himself in a police car, reflecting on his mother’s prescient advice.

Griffith says his mom warned him that Henry was up to no good, and cautioned both of them to keep their distance from one another.

“I like you Jessie, but I think right now you have ill intentions for Nathan,” Nathan recalls his mother telling Jessica.

“All it takes is one argument and you’re going to set him up. I don’t feel safe for him up at your house at all.”

To be fair, it’s easy to set someone up when they’re actually guilty of the thing of which you’re accusing them.

Henry, of course, probably rues the day that she got involved with Griffith and, by extension, his crazy baby mama.

Henry was assaulted by Jenelle last year, which brings the total number of times she was attacked by one of these nutjobs to an astonishing three.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Arrested AGAIN?!

Nathan Griffith, as we’ve learned time and time again (and then a few more times after that), is really just the worst.

Are there any redeeming qualities at all in this guy?

Judging by the way he seems to love driving drunk, his habit of (allegedly!) choking girlfriends, and everything he’s ever said, we’re guessing not.

We’ve been talking about Nathan quite a bit lately, mostly because his behavior has been so worrisome that Jenelle Evans is seeking sole custody of their two-year-old son, Kaiser.

And then, early on Monday morning, Nathan’s ex-girlfriend, Jessica Henry, filed a police report in which she claimed that Nathan had choked her.

Her roommate confirmed that she had seen Nathan pinning Jessica to her bed, and Jessica said that she was in “extreme pain” and that he was choking her so hard she couldn’t breathe.

Jessica and her roomie had called the police, but Nathan left before they arrived, leaving him a “wanted” person.

Now we’re learning that yesterday afternoon, he was arrested and taken to a detention center.

But it’s not what you think!

According to the Myrtle Beach police report, officers got a call from someone who gave them Nathan’s location. Since he’s apparently got active felony warrants — yes, that’s warrants, as in more than one — they went out to the address.

Nobody was home, but the cops hung out for a little bit, and a few minutes later, Nathan pulled up. And that’s when things got interesting.

Nathan was in the passenger seat, and the report states that he reeked of booze. After a quick little look, police found a brown bag with two opened airplane bottles of vodka and a larger opened bottle of vodka.

When he talked to the officers, this ol’ goof-ass here also gave them a fake name.

Both of those things are illegal, and so Nathan was taken to jail for having an open container in a vehicle and for giving false information.

Interestingly enough, a warrant was issued for the choking incident with Jessica, but as of this morning, she still hasn’t filed charges.

And so, it seems, the sad cycle continues.

It seems a little foolish at this point, but hopefully yet another arrest will do something to inspire Nathan to get whatever help he needs.

Drinking vodka in cars, assaulting the people you’re supposed to love, potentially losing custody of your kid to Jenelle Evans … this is just not the way to live a good life.


Jenelle Evans: I TOLD You Nathan Griffith Was Bad News!

Jenelle Evans, in case you haven’t heard, has this terrible habit of getting with guys who have been arrested for domestic assault.

Hey, when you have a type …

During her time on Teen Mom 2, Jenelle’s been engaged to Gary Head, married to Courtland Rogers, engaged to Nathan Griffith, and in a long term relationship with David Eason.

Every single one of those dudes? Yep, arrested for domestic assault.

As a bonus, all of them but David have been arrested for assaulting Jenelle specifically.

The only guy that isn’t on that tragic list is the infamous Kieffer Delp. But don’t worry, he’s been arrested a few times too, but mostly for drug stuff.

He’s also the one who introduced Jenelle to heroin, so yes, he’s still awful.

But these days Jenelle is with David, and she likes to say that she’s with a “real man,” because who cares who he’s hit before as long as he’s not hitting her now, right?

And since Jenelle is way up on her domestic violence-free high horse, she feels totally comfortable just bashing the hell out of Nathan Griffith, her former fiance and the father of her second child, two-year-old Kaiser.

Honestly, good for her on that one — Nathan is the worst, and he’s currently wanted by police for assaulting his sometimes-girlfriend, Jessica Henry.

According to Jessica, she and Nathan were talking over the weekend about getting back together, but then they got to an argument. They still ended up going to her home, and that’s when things got physical.

Jessica’s roommate told police that she saw Nathan “pinning the victim down on the bed,” and Jessica herself said that Nathan choked her until she couldn’t breathe, and that she was in “extreme pain.”

(If that sounds familiar, that’s because it is: Nathan’s been arrested for choking this girl once before.)

Jessica and the roommate were able to get him out of the house, and he left before police arrived, hence his “wanted” status.

And while this is obviously horrible for Jessica, Jenelle can probably see the silver lining here: after all, she’s trying to get sole custody of Kaiser, so this will surely help her case, right?

So you know she’s been running her mouth on Twitter about it.

She actually started talking about Nathan just before his latest domestic assault.

When someone on Twitter accused her of keeping Kaiser from Nathan, she stated that “Over and above all my child’s safety is most important. We will leave it at that.”

Over the weekend, another person told Jenelle that Nathan was with the girlfriend and “clearly not worrying about” spending time with his son” — according to their current custody arrangement, Nathan is supposed to have Kaiser three weekends a month.

“Of course,” she responded. “And they aren’t supposed to be around each other. There’s a no contact order and he has pending felony charges from her against him.”

When someone told Jenelle to mind her business, she hit back with “So if Nathan has kai and hanging it with her and he gets arrested… that would be bad right? This is why I care.”

It actually makes sense that Jenelle would be worried about this — and in hindsight, she was obviously correct — but still, people accused her of being too concerned with Nathan’s love life.

“You’re funny if you think he’s on my mind at all lol,” she said. “My son’s safety is, trust me.”

One wise soul brought up the fact that David had been in pretty much the exact same situation as Nathan — arrested for assault, not allowed to see his son — but poor Jenelle wasn’t having it.

“What do u mean?” she asked. “He was found not guilty and his ex wrote him a letter telling him how sorry she was for lying about him in court.”

“There’s soooo much you guys don’t even know it’s funny lol we just don’t post every little thing anymore, no need. My business not yours.”

“There’s actually like 5-15 letters total if you must know,” she added, “so guess she didn’t hate David too bad.”

And then, after someone told her about Nathan’s latest wrongdoings, she wrote “Exactly why I said I need to keep Kaiser safe.”

“Point proven.”

Savor being the good parent while you can, Jenelle. Goodness knows it won’t last too long.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans" Ex is WANTED For Domestic Assault!

It’s tough to lose a custody battle with Jenelle Evans, but if there’s any truth to the latest reports about Nathan Griffith, Evans’ second baby daddy may be the first to do just that.

According to Radar Online, a warrant has been issued for Griffith’s arrest after his ex-girlfriend, Jessica Henry, accused of him of choking her during an argument.

Sources say Griffith has been instructed to turn himself in to authorities, but has yet to do so.

Those familiar with the situation say that Nathan and Jessica have been on-again, off-again for quite some time, and the incident took place while they were at a bar together discussing a possible reconciliation.

Henry reportedly made a 911 call at 4:15 on Monday morning.

“Upon arrival the victim stated she had a history with the offender who is her ex-boyfriend,” reads a police report obtained by Radar.

“The victim stated that tonight they were at a bar together and got into a verbal dispute.”

The report contains testimony from Henry’s roommate who claims that she saw Griffith “pinning the victim down on the bed.”

She adds that after they were able to convince Griffith to leave their home, he “went outside and started yelling then left just before police arrived.”

In one of the report’s most shocking excerpts, Jessica describes being overpowered by an enraged Griffith.

“She said while she was being choked, she started gagging and was in extreme pain,” the report reads.

“[The offender] choked her until the point where she could not breath.”

Sadly, this isn’t the first time Nathan has been accused of attacking Jessica.

Griffith was arrested for choking her back in August, but was released without charges being filed.

Even if he manages to avoid jail time yet again, Griffith will likely suffer some major legal consequences this time around.

Throughout their ongoing custody case, Jenelle has repeatedly argued that Griffith is emotionally unstable and should therefore have no physical custody rights to their son, Kaiser.

“Defendant communicated to plaintiff that defendant’s mental health is not stable and that he is unable to care for the minor child,” reads a document filed by Jenelle’s attorneys last week.

Nathan’s latest legal woes will certainly be cited as evidence of those claims.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.
