Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heard. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Johnny Depp: Will Amber Heard Abuse Allegations End His Career?!

It’s not a great time to be Johnny Depp.

Even before his estranged wife, Amber Heard, shocked Hollywood by accusing Depp of abuse, the 52-year-old actor was at the lowest point of his three-decade career.

Following a string of box office flops, the once-beloved former heartthrob found himself the butt of merciless jokes about his appearance and declining popularity at the box office.

Obviously, Depp has received plenty of validation over the years, but even for one of the most recognized men in the world, being called “fat and greasy” by a major publication can’t feel good. 

But for much of the movie-going public, any sympathy they may have once had for an aging A-lister on the decline went out the window once he found himself the subject of some truly appalling allegations (complete with photographic evidence), and yet continued to receive the support of numerous famous friends and countless fans.

Comedian Doug Stanhope publicly accused Heard of blackmailing Depp

Benicio Del Toro described Heard as “really twisted.”

Obviously, we can’t say for certain that Heard’s not mounting an elaborate frame-up, but celebrities rushing to the defense of an accused woman beater is unheard-of in the modern era.

It’s a testament to how beloved Depp is within certain Hollywood circles, but it’s likely not helping his case.

The court of public opinion appears to still be divided, but Heard has filed assault charges against Depp, and she’s stills seeking spousal support and a permanent restraining order, which means this matter will eventually end up in some kind of actual court.

Even if Depp is cleared of all charges, however, it seems unlikely that his career will ever recover.

For starters, he wasn’t exactly on the top of the Hollywood heap when all this started.

In fact, there were murmurs that the formerly bankable (and still premium-priced) star had prematurely entered the “latter-day DeNiro” stage of his career well before he became embroiled in one of the ugliest Hollywood scandals in recent memory.

Add to that the fact that Depp’s bread and butter in recent years has been has been family-friendly Disney fare, and it becomes clear that at the very least, he can’t continue along the path he’s been on since he first donned Captain Jack Sparrow’s red bandana in 2003.

And then there’s the way Depp and his team have handled the charges against him.

In addition to the impassioned pleas from his exes and celebrity pals, Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, has launched a full-blown assault against, claiming the actress has falsified evidence and is now dodging requests for a deposition.

Obviously, the man has the right to defend himself, but a bunch of high-priced attorneys and wealthy middle-aged men going on the offensive against an allegedly battered 30-year-old woman is just not a good luck.

All of this is to say that while Depp will probably remain most legally unscathed by Heard’s claims, the damage to his career may be irreparable.

It’s unlikely that you’ll ever see him behind bars, but you may soon see him in the DVD bargain bin alongside Nicolas Cage.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Benicio Del Toro Defends Johnny Depp: Amber Heard is Really Twisted!

Benicio Del Toro and Johnny Depp first hit it off while filming the 1998 Hunter S. Thompson adaptation Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

The two screen icons have been tight ever since, and yesterday, Del Toro became the latest Depp associate to defend the actor against allegations of abuse from estranged wife, Amber Heard.

“What I know, there’s a lot of trouble from the girl that sounds a little manipulative,” Del Toro told the New York Daily News at an event sponsored by Heineken last night.

“It sounds a little bit like there’s something really twisted about that girl … but I don’t know the specifics.”

Del Toro went on to conclude that Heard must be lying because … she attended the Oscars with Depp?

“It seems the fact that his mom passed away and she filed for divorce two days later and then she wants money and she’s saying she got hit, it’s almost like, wait, I saw them not too long ago,” Del Toro said.

“Maybe it was January, a dinner for the Oscars or something like that. He was there with her and they were fine.”

Wait … what?

Granted, Del Toro didn’t go so far as to accuse Heard of blackmail like comedian and fellow Depp pal Doug Stanhope, but his comments are still pretty baffling. 

We don’t claim to know exactly what went on between Depp and Heard, but thus far, the bulk of the evidence seems to point to her side of the story being the most accurate.

Heard has filed assault charges against Depp, and the whole may soon play out in criminal court.

At that point, both sides will likely give their version of events under oath and an official verdict will be rendered.

Until then, maybe influential public figures can cool it with casting doubts on a woman who’s provided ample reason to believe that she’s telling the truth?

We can’t afford to lose respect any more former favorites this year.

Amber Heard: Pregnant With Johnny Depp"s Baby?!

One of the messiest Hollywood divorces in recent memory may have just become even more complex.

In a shocking report published today, Star magazine claims that Amber Heard is pregnant with Johnny Depp’s baby.

“Amber would definitely fight tooth and nail to get full custody – and she’d be able to use the child to grab even more money in the divorce settlement,” a source tells the tabloid.

“Johnny can expect things to get a whole lot worse.”

As you probably know by now, Heard was recently granted a restraining order against Depp after claiming the 52-year-old actor was physically abusive to her multiple times over the course of their 15-month marriage.

After high-profile friends of Depp’s publicly expressed their skepticism about Heard’s claims, with comedian Doug Stanhope even going so far as to accuse Heard of blackmail, the actress shot back with mountains of evidence and testimony from one eye witness who claims to have witnessed the abuse firsthand.

Yesterday, photographer and artist iO Tillett Wright, a mutual friend of Depp and Heard’s, revealed that she was the one who called the police on Depp after his alleged attack on Heard on May 21.

In a blog post detailing past incidents of violence, Wright claimed to have come to a battered Heard’s rescue on more than one occasion.

She wrote that occurred in December of last year in which she saw Heard awaken with blood on her pillow after being attacked by Depp the night before.

“I know this because I went to their house,” Wright said.

“I saw the pillow with my own eyes. I saw the busted lip and the clumps of hair on the floor.”

As Star rather obviously points out, “It’d be a terrible situation to bring a baby into.”

Currently, all we have to go on with regard to Heard’s reported pregnancy is the testimony of a pair of “insiders” in a bare-bones tabloid report.

That said, at this point, nothing would surprise with regard to the Heard and Depp’s situation.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Tasya Van Ree Defends Amber Heard: What Did She Say?

Amber Heard’s ex-girlfriend, Tasya Van Ree, has broken her silence about Amber’s 2009 arrest for domestic assault. 

Van Ree was pretty supportive towards Heard, defending her in the following way:

“Amber is a brilliant, honest and beautiful woman and I have the utmost respect for her. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day.”

She dismissed the notion that Heard was a bad person and claimed Heard’s arrest was actually homophobic. 

“It’s disheartening that Amber’s integrity and story are being questioned yet again,” Van Ree wrote in a statement to E! News.

Ever since Amber filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, there have been conflicting reports surrounding both parties. 

One minute, it’s like we know the full story… but then some new information comes to light that has us questioning everything. 

It must be a huge sigh of relief for Amber that Tasya addressed the situation publicly. 

After hearing about her arrest, Amber was skewered on social media, but it seems like things are on the up for her. 

The same can’t be said for Johnny Depp. 

After an outcry of support for the star, things are beginning to get pretty grim. 

The drama kicked up a few gears when word came out about a 911 call that took place days before Depp allegedly attacked Amber. 

That 911 call was made by a close friend to both Heard and Depp. That friend is iO Tillett Wright and she came forward about the call because she wanted the world to know the truth. 

Her version of this truth certainly paints Depp in a bad light, but the tide can change pretty quickly. 

There’s new information coming out on a daily basis about this, so keep your eyes peeled.

Will we ever find out what really happened that night?

What do you think about the latest developments? Hit the comments!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Amber Heard: Friend Who Called 911 on Johnny Depp Makes Shocking New Claims

Just days before Amber Heard requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp, police were called to the home the couple shared after receiving a 911 call from a friend of Heard’s.

Until today, the identity of the caller was a mystery.

Now, we know that it was Amber’s longtime friend iO Tillett Wright, who has found herself embroiled in the drama of Depp and Heard’s tumultuous marriage in the past.

Wright’s name was not revealed through the questionable tactics of some shady tabloid, but rather in a blog post written by the artist and photographer herself.

Last week, Wright defended Heard against claims that she was blackmailing Depp by accusing him of abuse.

Today, she revealed for the first time that she was on the phone with Heard at the time of the attack, and she was the one called the police on Depp the night of May 21.

“I was on the phone with both of them and heard it drop, heard him say, ‘What if I pulled your hair back?’ and her scream for my help, I wondered like so many times before if I should break the code of silence that surrounds celebrities and invite the police into the situation,” Wright says on her website.

Wright describes Depp as a close friend, but adds that she knew she needed to alert authorities as the drunken outburst that took place that night was far from an isolated incident.

She writes of one morning in December of 2015 when Heard woke up with her pillow covered in blood:

“I know this because I went to their house,” Wright claims. “I saw the pillow with my own eyes. I saw the busted lip and the clumps of hair on the floor.”

In a series of outraged tweets, Wright added, “I HEARD HER SCREAM. I will testify. Here and in court. Under oath. WHAT ELSE DOES A WOMAN NEED?”

In addition to the scathing claims from Wright, Depp’s camp now has to contend with reports from several media outlets that texts between Heard and Depp’s assistant describing an incident in which the actress was repeatedly kicked by Depp have now been authenticated by an expert.

Sounds like Johnny might not have a bright future in family-friendly Disney fare.

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Shocking New Abuse Allegation Revealed

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been less than one week since Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of assault while filing for a restraining order against her estranged husband.

In the days since, so many allegations have surfaced and the public’s perception of the screen legend has shifted so dramatically that it feels as though it’s been much, much longer.

In response to skepticism from fans and friends and accusations that she’s blackmailing Depp, Heard’s reps have come forward with a mountain of evidence supporting her claim that the attack that took place on May 21 was not an isolated incident.

In addition to photos of Heard’s injuries, sources have leaked text messages from Depp’s assistant that describe an incident in which the actor kicked Heard while blacked out from drinking.

Now, London-based tabloid the Daily Mirror has published an account from an anonymous friend of Heard’s describing an ugly incident that allegedly took place in 2013, while Depp was traveling abroad to promote his notorious box office flop The Lone Ranger:

“Johnny took his family with him on the trip, on a private jet paid for by the studio. During the flight, Johnny was drinking and smoking loads,” says the insider.

“His behavior became unpredictable, and Amber didn’t want to be around him. But there was nowhere to go on the jet except the bathroom, so she hid in there.

“She only rejoined him once the plane had landed.

“The rest of the trip was a completely disaster – Johnny continued boozing throughout. The film had tanked at the box office, so it was a difficult trip anyway.

“He had brought his family along for support, but ended up pushing them away.”

The account had not been substantiated by Heard, but it jibes with her descriptions of the 52-year-old actor as a violent alcoholic.

Heard has filed assault charges against Depp, so the Oscar nominee will likely be forced to testify on his own behalf in the near future.

Regardless of how he fares with an actual jury, it seems that Depp has already been convicted in the court of public opinion.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Amber Heard: Arrest For Domestic Assault Revealed

Last month, actress Amber Heard accused her estranged husband Johnny Depp of assault in a court filing that contained several shocking allegations against the 52-year-old screen icon.

Heard was granted a temporary restraining order, and it initially looked as though the matter would be settled in divorce and civil courts.

Bur after fans and famous friends of Depp’s came forward to defend Depp and accuse Heard of blackmail, the 30-year-old actress decided to go public with several more accusations of past instances of abuse.

The court of public opinion seems pretty evenly split on this one, and it may be several months before the various disputes between Heard and Depp are decided by a judge.

In the meantime, however, new information has emerged about Heard’s past, and it may bolster Depp supporters’ arguments against her.

Several media outlets are now reporting that Heard was arrested for domestic assault in 2009, while she was still dating former fiancee Tasya Van Ree.

According to police reports, the situation started when the ex-couple got into an argument at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

They began shouting at one another and quickly drew the attention of passers-by.

Witnesses say Heard grabbed Van Ree by the arm and struck her.

She was later arrested and booked for misdemeanor domestic violence.

Heard was arraigned the next day, and the prosecutor in her case decided not to go forward with charges.

She was, however. cautioned by the judge to keep her nose clean. 

He reminded Amber that the case could be re-opened at any point in the next two years if she experienced any further trouble with the law.

This should have little to no impact on the perception of her troubles with Depp, as committing an act of domestic violence in no way means that one can’t be a victim of a similar crime years later.

That said, you can bet that members of Team Depp are pretty pleased with today’s revelation.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Amber Heard Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Doug Stanhope

With each day that’s passed since Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, a new, more heated story has emerged.

Heard accused Depp of committing acts of domestic violence against her in their marriage, and a number of his friends and associates have rushed to his defense.

In a scathing counter-allegation targeted at Heard, comedian Doug Stanhope accused the actress of trying to blackmail Depp in hopes of a juicy divorce settlement.

Stanhope, a close friend of Depp’s who claimed he was with the couple on the day of the alleged abuse, paints Heard in a malignant light. 

“Amber was now going to leave him, threatening to lie about him publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn’t agree to her terms,” Stanhope wrote in a column for The Wrap.

Heard is not taking the accusations lightly. 

She has now filed a defamation lawsuit against the comic, claiming everything he said in the article was false.

An attorney for Heard gave a statement to E! News:

“The Complaint alleges that Stanhope is a close friend of Johnny Depp and, as part of a coordinated effort, wrote a highly defamatory article about Ms. Heard, filled with completely false, highly defamatory and very hurtful statements.

“Ms. Heard seeks the maximum possible jury award, and will donate 100 percent of the proceeds from the lawsuit to Chrysalis, a domestic violence shelter in Arizona, in an effort to counter the setback made to women by the defendants’ defamatory article and related wrongful acts.”

ln addition, court documents state the following:

“Defendants are engaged in a classic case of ‘attacking the victim,’ in an effort to discredit Heard, destroy her good name and reputation, and severely harm her hard-earned entertainment career, on top of the campaign of violence that Depp has inflicted upon her for years.”

This new development is the latest in a string of he said-she said accounts in which one party accuses the other of lying.

Earlier this week, leaked text messages from Heard to Depp’s assistant Stephen Deuters revealed a conversation that seemed to confirm an abusive incident from two years ago.

But shortly after the leak, Deuters claimed no such texts existed and he was not aware of any abuse in the marriage.

The only thing we know for sure in this case is that someone is lying, but at this juncture, it’s impossible to know who.

While friends and fans are all taking sides in the matter, the fact remains that the only people who know what truly happened are Heard and Depp.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Amber Heard: LYING About Abuse, Claims Assistant to Johnny Depp

Last week, Amber Heard requested a restraining order against her estranged husband, Johnny Depp.

She told the court that Depp had struck her with an iPhone while in a drunken rage, leaving with her facial bruising and other injuries.

Not long after the story became public knowledge, many fans and famous friends of Depp’s expressed skepticism over Heard’s claims, which led Amber to fire back.

Not long after Doug Stanhope, Vanessa Paradis and others rushed to Depps defense, several photos of Heard’s injuries appeared on websites and in major publications.

Her reps revealed that Depp’s most recent attack was not an isolated incident and that the actor had behaved abusively toward Heard “throughout most of their four-year relationship.”

Still, many openly expressed their doubts about Heard’s allegations.

Perhaps as a means of silencing the skeptics, someone in the actress’ camp took decisive action yesterday and provided Entertainment Tonight with screencaps of text messages from Depp’s assistant, Stephen Deuters.

In the texts, Deuters apologizes on Depp’s behalf for a violent incident that apparently took place the night before.

Depp text 1

“When I told him he kicked you, he cried,” Deuters writes at one point. “It was disgusting. And he knows it.”

Heard seems unmoved by Depp’s remorse, and she makes reference to the “many times” that Depp has behaved violently in the past.

Depp text 4

The texts seemed to be the definitive evidence that would convince Heard’s critics that she’s telling the truth about Depp’s violent, alcoholic behavior.

Except now Deuters is claiming that he never sent any such texts.

Deuters tells TMZ that he has no knowledge of Depp being abusive toward Heard or anybody else.

He says that he believes the screencaps have been doctored and will testify under oath that he never sent the texts pictured.

Deuters added that he will offer no further comment on Heard’s claims at this time.

Looks like this ugly drama may continue to play out on a public stage for quite some time.

Amber Heard Text Messages: New Evidence of Johnny Depp Abuse?

Text messages allegedly sent by Amber Heard to Johnny Depp’s assistant have been made public.

And they do not paint the actor in a very favorable light.

Originally shared by Entertainment Tonight, the texts were reportedly sent in 2014.

It’s unclear how they made their way online, although one could likely assume they were leaked by Heard’s camp in light of recently questions surrounding her claims of abuse.

Early last week, Heard filed for divorce from Depp.

She then asked the court for a restraining order against the actor because she says Depp recently threw an iPhone at her face.

Heard says this was the latest in a string of physical altercations.

Some critics have accused Heard of making up these allegations, even using them to blackmail Depp for spousal support, which has prompted Heard to provide further evidence of what transpired between her and her estranged husband.

The actress covers the latest issue of People Magazine, for example, providing the publication with photos that purport to prove Depp’s abuse.

Now, there are the following text message exchanges.

“When I told him he kicked you, he cried,” Depp’s assistant, Stephen Deuters, appears to have texted Heard in May 2014. “It was disgusting. And he knows it.”

Depp text 1

Heard responded that it wasn’t the first time Depp had behaved in ugly fashion.

“He’s done this many times before,” she writes, detailing past incidents as follows:

“Tokyo, the island, London (remember that?!), and I always stay. Always believe he’s going to get better . . . And then every 3 or so month [sic], I’m in the exact same position.”

Depp text 2

The screen shots of these text messages were sent to Entertainment Tonight, with an insider confirming they took place between Heard and Deuters.

They all focused on Heard mentioning incidents of assault and Deuters claiming Depp felt very badly about his actions.

“I don’t know how to be around him after what he did to me yesterday. I don’t know if I can stay with him,” Amber texts at one point.

Depp text 3

Heard also says Depp “has no idea what he did” in one of her messages, adding:

“If someone was truly honest with him about how bad it really was, he’d be appalled.”

Depp text 4

Might Heard be referencing heavy drinking or drug use by Depp here?

Implying that her then-husband was on some sort of substance when he got physical with his wife and legitimately wasn’t aware of what he did?

That’s no excuse, of course.

Expect plenty more to come out regarding this contentious relationship over the coming days and weeks.

It isn’t looking good for Depp at the moment.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Amber Heard: Cops Are LYING to Protect Johnny Depp!

Last week, we learned that Amber Heard had requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp after accusing the actor of physically assaulting her during an altercation at the estranged couple’s home.

Heard was granted a temporary order of protection, but the situation only got more complex from there, as reps for both actors insisted that the other side was lying.

After friends of Depp’s accused Heard of blackmail, the actress decided that she wanted to do more than just make her ex pay in civil court.

Yesterday, lawyers for the 30-year-old revealed that Heard intends to file assault charges against Depp, a move that could carry major legal consequences for the beloved actor.

Unfortunately for Heard, she may have a tough time making her case, as the police that responded her friend’s 911 call on May 21 say they saw no signs of abuse.

The cops who responded to the call say they didn’t even realize that Heard was Depp’s wife (apparently Amber never mentioned her famous husband by name).

In their report they say they saw no signs of physical injury.

They also say Amber was reluctant to let them inside the apartment she shares with Depp.

Once they were inside, they saw no signs of destruction, which is interesting, as Heard claims Depp trashed the place during his drunken tantrum.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Heard believes the cops either didn’t do their job properly or they’re lying to protect Depp.

She says she can’t imagine how they missed the signs of injury to her face.

As for the destruction to the apartment, Heard claims she spoke with police in an adjoining unit, not the room where Depp became violent.

Thus far, Heard is the only one to provide sworn testimony regarding the events of that night.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Amber Heard: Cops Are LYING to Protect Johnny Depp!

Last week, we learned that Amber Heard had requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp after accusing the actor of physically assaulting her during an altercation at the estranged couple’s home.

Heard was granted a temporary order of protection, but the situation only got more complex from there, as reps for both actors insisted that the other side was lying.

After friends of Depp’s accused Heard of blackmail, the actress decided that she wanted to do more than just make her ex pay in civil court.

Yesterday, lawyers for the 30-year-old revealed that Heard intends to file assault charges against Depp, a move that could carry major legal consequences for the beloved actor.

Unfortunately for Heard, she may have a tough time making her case, as the police that responded her friend’s 911 call on May 21 say they saw no signs of abuse.

The cops who responded to the call say they didn’t even realize that Heard was Depp’s wife (apparently Amber never mentioned her famous husband by name).

In their report they say they saw no signs of physical injury.

They also say Amber was reluctant to let them inside the apartment she shares with Depp.

Once they were inside, they saw no signs of destruction, which is interesting, as Heard claims Depp trashed the place during his drunken tantrum.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Heard believes the cops either didn’t do their job properly or they’re lying to protect Depp.

She says she can’t imagine how they missed the signs of injury to her face.

As for the destruction to the apartment, Heard claims she spoke with police in an adjoining unit, not the room where Depp became violent.

Thus far, Heard is the only one to provide sworn testimony regarding the events of that night.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Johnny Depp: Drunken Assault on Amber Heard Revealed?

On Friday, Amber Heard requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp, claiming that her estranged husband had violently assaulted her and left her with facial bruising and other injuries.

Several of Depp’s high profile friends and exes expressed their skepticism about Heard’s version of events, with some even going so far as to accuse the actress of blackmailing Depp

Heard’s attorneys responded by issuing a statement indicating that Heard plans to file assault charges against Depp.

Her legal team now claims that she had only declined to do so on the night of the alleged attack in hopes of protecting “her privacy and Johnny’s career.”

Now that Depp’s team has publicly accused her of lying, however, it seems that all bets are off.

Not only will Heard be filing a police report that could result in serious criminal charges for the 52-year-old actor, her lawyers have claimed that the attack that took place last week (during which Depp allegedly struck Heard in the face with an iPhone) was not an isolated incident.

So perhaps it’s no coincidence that sources supporting Heard have started coming forward with shocking allegations about Depp’s brutish behavior throughout the 15-month marriage:

“Johnny has been drunk for most of their relationship. He often wakes up drinking and he does not stop until he blacks out,” an insider close to the couple tells Radar Online. 

Just two months after Depp married Heard, he was photographed with a cast on his hand that was reportedly the result of an accident on set.

The source claims that was merely a story cooked up by Depp’s agency, and the reality of the situation was much darker:

“The real reason Johnny broke his hand is because he tried to hit Amber and he hit a wall instead!” the insider says.

“Johnny can be dangerous and unpredictable when he is drinking, and he was often drinking when they were together.”

In court documents, Heard claimed that Depp was “barely ever sober” over the course of their marriage, and she filed a restraining due to her fear of what he may be capable of while intoxicated:

“Amber was legitimately afraid for her life,” says the source.

“The only reason that she is even taking legal action now is because she really believes that she was in danger.”

Amber Heard to File Assault Charges Against Johnny Depp

As you’ve probably heard by now, Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of assault in a hearing held last week in which the actress requested a temporary restraining order against her estranged husband.

In the days since her accusations became public knowledge, many have questioned the veracity of Heard’s claims, including several friends and exes of Depp’s.

Some have even gone so far as to claim that Heard is blackmailing Depp and using these accusations as leverage in order to gain a more favorable spousal support settlement.

One of the major sources of controversy has been the fact that Heard declined to file a report on the night that a friend called police to her house as a result of Depp’s alleged attack.

Now, Heard’s lawyers have issued a statement in which they claim that their client failed to provide a statement only because she “protect her privacy and Johnny’s career.”

“She’s now going to go through with it,” says a source close to Amber.

“Amber is working up the courage to do it,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online, adding that Heard “is being encouraged by friends to do it not only for herself but other women who are victims of domestic violence.”

Moments ago, Heard’s attorney Samantha F. Spector issued a statement reading:

“As the result of Amber’s decision to decline giving an initial statement to the LAPD, her silence has been used against her by Johnny’s team. 

“Amber did not provide a statement to the LAPD in an attempt to protect her privacy and Johnny’s career.

“Johnny’s team has forced Amber to give a statement to the LAPD to set the record straight as to the true facts, as she cannot continue to leave herself open to the vicious false and malicious allegations that have infected the media.”

Depp’s team has yet to respond to this latest development.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Amber Heard: Lying About Johnny Depp Assault, Bodyguards Claim

As you’ve probably heard, Amber Heard has accused Johnny Depp of abuse, claiming that the 52-year-old actor threw a drunken tantrum and physically assaulted her in their home on Saturday night.

Heard says Depp smashed various objects around the apartment and threw her iPhone at her face, resulting in visible facial bruising.

Celebrity reactions to Heard’s accusations have been mixed, as most stars believe the actress is telling the truth, while many have pointed out that there are some significant holes in her story.

One star who falls into the latter category is the comedian Doug Stanhope, who penned a guest column for The Wrap yesterday in which he argued that Heard is blackmailing Depp

Stanhope says he was at Depp’s home on the day of the alleged assault, and the actor basically predicted that Heard would go to great lengths to make him look bad in the press.

Now, the former couple’s bodyguards are corroborating Stanhope’s story, saying that they were the only eyewitnesses to the altercation – and Heard’s version of events doesn’t add up.

The guards, two security veterans named Jerry Judge and Sean Bett, say that stood outside Amber and Johnny’s apartment during the argument in order to give them space.

At one point they heard Amber scream, “Stop hitting me!” and they bolted back inside – where they saw Depp standing an estimated 20 feet away from Heard.

Thus far, Judge and Bett have only told their story to TMZ, but they’ll be asked to testify next month when Amber seeks a permanent restraining order against Depp.

The guards insights into the couple’s relationship could prove damaging, as they both insist that throughout the relationship, it was Heard who flew into violent rages, often throwing bottles and smashing furniture.

Sounds like the drama surrounding the case won’t be subsiding any time soon.

And in the end, the public is sure to have a much, much lower opinion of at least one of these two.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

Amber Heard Slams Accusation of Blackmailing, Addresses Alleged Johnny Depp Abuse

Through her attorney, Amber Heard has responded to those who think she’s made up her accusations of abuse against Johnny Depp.

Heard took the celebrity gossip universe by shocking storm last week when she first filed for divorce from Depp… and then asked for an order of protection against the actor.

The actress claims she feared for her life as a result of Depp’s physical confrontations, showing up in court with facial wounds she says stemmed from Depp hurling an iPhone at her.

In light of these allegations against one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, many celebrities have chosen sides.

See the gallery below for an idea of which big names have said what about the scandal.

But no one has been more outspoken than comedian Doug Stanhope.

Over the weekend, The Wrap published an article by Stanhope titled “Johnny Depp is Being Blackmailed By Amber Heard – Here’s How I Know.”

So… how does he supposedly know?

Because Stanhope says he was actually with the couple on the day of the alleged iPhone throw and that Heard was “threatening to lie about [Depp] publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn’t agree to her [divorce terms].”

In other words, Stanhope says simply, Heard is blackmailing Depp with this accusation of abuse.

In response to the claim, Heard’s lawyer, Peter Sample, says via statement that the The Wrap printed “outrageous and defamatory false claims” about the actress in Stanhope’s guest column.

Demanding a retraction, Sample added:

“The foregoing allegations against Ms. Heard are absolutely and unequivocally false.”

On May 23, Heard filed a divorce petition.

In the legal document, she cited irreconcilable differences as the basis for the divorce and asked for spousal support from Depp.

Subsequently, on Friday, Heard wrote in court papers that she was abused by her husband throughout their four-year relationship and 15-month marriage.

On the  day Heard was granted her temporary domestic violence restraining order, Depp’s divorce attorney (Laura Wasser) alleged in her own court papers that Heard’s domestic abuse claims are monetarily motivated.

“Amber is attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse,” Wasser said.

“Her current application for a temporary restraining order along with her financial requests appears to be in response to the negative media attention she received earlier this week after filing for divorce.

“Yet Johnny cannot protect himself or Amber from media scrutiny, and Amber’s anger certainly cannot drive this dissolution proceeding.”

Monday, May 30, 2016

Amber Heard: Cheating on Johnny Depp With Cara Delevingne?

Hollywood’s messiest divorce is not going away anytime soon.

Last Friday, Amber Heard, 30, filed for a restraining order from Johnny Depp, accusing him of domestic abuse.

Welp, things are getting more complicated, because a new source alleges that Heard – who is bisexual – has been spending a lot of time with British model Cara Delevingne, 23.

Amber’s friendship with Cara, which grew closer and closer over time, brought about the beginning of the end for her marriage to Johnny,” a source told The Sun.

“They used to party together a lot and made no attempt to hide the fact that they were quite flirty.”

The 23-year age difference between Depp and Heard was never more apparent than when she hung out with younger friends.

Depp finds Delevingne “obnoxious and disrespectful and would ask his staff to warn him when she was going to be around,” the source added.

“He didn’t like quite a few of Amber’s friends, but he took a particular dislike to Cara… It was the friendship with her that really started to drive him insane.”

“Amber always made her bisexual tendencies quite obvious, but that would spark furious rows with Johnny, who hated how indiscreet she was being… On one occasion he even screamed at her, ‘You’re making a fool of me.”‘

Heard filed for divorce from Depp last week, just a few days before claiming he hit her with his eye phone.

It was a shocking allegation to some of Depp’s nearest and dearest, particularly his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Paradis.

“In all the years I have known Johnny, he has never been physically abusive with me and this looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years,” Paradis wrote in a letter obtained by TMZ.

Not so, according to Heard.

“He has a short fuse,” the actress claimed.

“He is often paranoid and his temper is exceptionally scary for me as it has proven many times to be physically dangerous and/or life threatening to me.”