Showing posts with label Jersey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jersey. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Alvin Kamara Wears Kaepernick Jersey, "Make Africa Home Again" Hat After "MNF"

Alvin Kamara is using his wardrobe to show he’s standing with Colin Kaepernick … rocking the QB’s old jersey and a hat parodying Trump’s MAGA slogan after a huge “Monday Night Football” win. The Saints star running back wore the…


"Jersey Shore" Star The Situation Planning For Life of Luxury After Prison

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is planning on a life of luxury when he gets home from prison … Exhibit A — his wedding registry.  The Situation is marrying college sweetheart Lauren Pesce, November 1 (he has 60 days to turn himself in)…


Monday, October 8, 2018

Bruce Springsteen Watches New York Giants Game in Local New Jersey Bar

Bruce Springsteen looked the way a lot of NY Giants fans felt Sunday after a gut-wrenching loss against the Carolina Panthers … with the game slipping away in the final seconds. The Boss was spotted at Wonder Bar in Asbury Park, New Jersey…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast Visits The Situation Day After He Receives Prison Sentence

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s pals from ‘Jersey Shore’ aren’t going to leave him hanging now that he’s been sentenced to hard time. JWoww, Pauly D, Ronnie, Vinnie, Angelina, Deena and Snooki all showed up at Sitch’s apartment in Long Branch, NJ…


Friday, October 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast Shows Up to Support The Situation for Tax Evasion Sentencing

It’s D-Day for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino – who just arrived at federal court in Newark, NJ to find out if he’s going to prison for evading his taxes — and he’s got the whole ‘Jersey Shore’ crew with him. The ‘Jersey Shore’ star is…


Jersey Shore Recap: Ohhh! Bloody Hell!

Buckle up, readers!

Because on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation last night, one cast members was unbuckled from his seat in the car and prepared to exit…

… when his girlfriend and baby mama sped away and dragged this individual down the road for a long period of time, resulting in a few ugly wounds and an arrest for the violent perpetrator.

Have you figured out the two people involved yet?

They were Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley.

Shocking, right?

Following several episodes in which the reality stars went back and forth in vicious fashion – including one confrontation that ended with Jen spitting in Ronnie’s face – this relationship hit it physical and emotional climax on Thursday evening’s installment.

It all started after everyone except Ronnie and Jen headed back to New Jersey.

“I’m a little concerned about leaving Ron,” said a prescient Vinny Guadagnino at one point early on, adding of Ronnie and his custody battle with Jen:

“We did our best setting him up with the tools that he needed to succeed. He has a lawyer now, so he has a good support system around him. We can just hope for the best.”

Alas, the worst transpired.


As previously detailed on The Hollywood Gossip, Jen was arrested back on June 24 and charged with domestic battery.

According to various reports, she and Ronnie got into an argument in the car on the way home from a barbecue.

Just as Ronnie was attempting to exit the passenger seat and extricate himself from the situation… Harley reportedly stepped on the gas and actually dragged him down the road for at least several feet.

(The couple’s infant daughter, naturally, was in the backseat at the time.)

Harley was booked on a charge of domestic battery at the time — and here is her mug shot:

The actual footage of this incident was unavailable, of course.

We never saw any of it play out.

But we did see the reaction of the Jersey Shore cast to this crazy situation.

“The relationship is toxic,” Vinny said. “It’s insane staying in it.”

“Homeboy is destroyed right now,” JWOWW said. “He texted me yesterday [saying] he’s at urgent care.”

“Literally, flesh was coming out of his arm. It was not okay,” said Snooki, while Deena added that Ronnie’s face was “all f-cked up.”

Once the cast members reunited at the house in Jersey, Ronnie FaceTimed in from Las Vegas with his arm in a sling.

He was scheduled to spend time with them back East, but all agreed that he was probably best served to just chill by himself and focus on his own effed up life for awhile.

“He just needs to sit this one out, work on himself,” Vinny said. “Hopefully, this was a huge wake-up call for him and he can just figure it out on his own.”

“I love, love, love Ron,” Jenni added. “It’s just like, one of those crazy cousins or brothers or sisters that you have that you wish just made better life choices.”

Tragically, however, it doesn’t appear as if Ronnie took any of this advice.

Despite the arrest… despite the arm in a sling… despite the lost flesh… he and Harley are back together.

Altogether now: SIGH.


"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Laughing Off Baby Mama Drama With Jen Harley

You gotta give it up to Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley for going to hell and back without losing their sense of humor.  Ronnie and his baby mama have been through more ups and downs than every boardwalk roller coaster on the…


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joe DiMaggio Signed World Series Jersey Expected To Sell For $400k

A jersey Joe DiMaggio once wore when he beat Jackie Robinson’s Dodgers in the World Series is hitting the auction block … and it’s expected to fetch A FORTUNE!!! DiMaggio’s one of the greatest hitters of all-time — dude had a CAREER .325 batting…


Friday, September 28, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: A Bromance for the Ages

Jersey Shore: Family has been all about relationships on Season 2.

We’ve watched as Ronnie and Jen Harley have screamed and yelled at each other, with fists and saliva occasionally flying back and forth between the parents of poor little Ariana.

Jersey Shore Family Vacation

We’ve also been present when JWOWW filed to divorce Roger Matthews and when she had a major falling out with the other love in her life, Snooki.

But all this focus on affection and romance still didn’t prepare us for Thursday night’s finale…

… on which Pauly D and Vinnie got married!


For real! Sort of!

Last week, of course, the men sent the ladies off to the airport under the assumption they were right behind them. But they lied. And stayed behind to fit in one more “guys night,” making the absolute most of their testosterone-fueled time together.

In a manner of speaking.

At one point early on, Pauly D popped the question of a lifetime to Vinny Guadagnino, making a mockey of the entire concept of marriage and asking for his hand in this blessed union.

He said yes, and the two headed to a local chapel to make their bromance nice and legal.

Mike and Ronnie attended Pauly and Vin’s brommitment ceremony, with The Situation holding the cake and, naturally, eating most of it while the vows were exchanged.

From there, Pauly placed a gold band on Vinny’s finger, although the new husband wasn’t thrilled over the rather plain looking ring.

“The guy is covered in diamonds,” he told the camera. “Like, you could’ve given me a little bit of ice. C’mon!”

This was their first fight as newlyweds.

Of course, the real point of this supposed wedding was to given the fellas a reason to party on The Strip one final time.

And to say things such as this, courtesy of The Situation:

“Right now, it is madness. I feel like I’m in The Matrix right now, dodging all the thotties.”

“I feel like I’m at one of Pauly’s gigs,” added Ronnie. “This whole cabana is DTF!”

And Vinnie: “They say it’s the thought that counts, but right now, I’m counting thots.”

On a more serious note, meanwhile, Ronnie chose to stock his house with all-new baby supplies for his infant daughter, following a heated altercation with her mom. Yet again.

“With everything being so crazy with Jen and the baby, I think that me and Jen need to work on ourselves separately,” he explained, adding:

“I’m just in the mindset of not really thinking about me and Jen, I’m just thinking about the baby.

“Jen just moved into the other house and she has all the baby stuff, and I want Ariana to have everything that she needs, the basics.”

Enlisting the assistance of his male pals, Ronne proceeded to go on a major diaper and car seat run.

“I’m very proud of Ron,” said Mike. “He’s taking steps to address some of the life situations that he’s facing. He’s really going through it. His life is, unfortunately, similar to a dumpster fire.”

Is Ronnie really a changed man?

Does he really have a renewed focus on his job as a parent?

We’ll see on Season 3 of Family Vacation, as well as on the Internet over the next few months.

But it sounds promising so far.

“I could sit around and be miserable and mopey, but what does that solve?” he said at one point, concluding:

“All that’s doing is breaking me down more and killing me inside when I’m supposed to be becoming a better person and a better father for my daughter…

“When I do get Ariana and she starts spending time with me, I want her to have everything that she needs.”


Thursday, September 27, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star JWoww Files for Divorce

The next season of ‘Jersey Shore’ just got real interesting … JWoww is divorcing her husband, Roger Mathews … TMZ has confirmed. JWoww — aka Jenni Farley — filed docs in Ocean County, NJ 2 weeks ago. The split comes just shy of the…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Snooki: The New Season of Jersey Shore Is Full of LIES!

If you’ve been watching the current season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you may have noticed that something about the show is a bit … off.

And we’re not talking about the fact that Ronnie’s baby mama makes the rest of the cast look downright sophisticated by comparison, or the mystery of how Mike is able to casually consume 4,500 calories at each meal.

No, we’re talking about the haphazard, slapdash way the show seems to be assembled this season,

Jersey Shore Family Vacation 2 — as it’s officially known — was a rush job inspired by the success of its predecessor, and frankly — it often shows.

Cast members come and go as they’re forced to attend to career and family obligations that were lined up before this season was hastily greenlit.

Scenes often seem to go on forever as producers attempt to convince us they’ve got a season’s worth of material despite the fact that we last checked in on our favorite guidos less than two months ago.

But perhaps the show’s biggest flaw these days is the fact that individual storylines often seem to be fabricated from whole cloth.

Take the ongoing “feud” between Snooki and Jenni, for example.

On social media, viewers have expressed confusion, as the main point of contention between these two seems to be that Snooki invited Angelina to Vegas — which makes little sense, as Jenni would be well aware that her friend did so out of professional obligation.

(Love her or hate her, Angelina is good for drama, a fact the show’s producers are well aware of.)

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Snooks basically confirmed what viewers have long suspected — there is no Snooki vs. JWoww feud.

“The last episode, nothing made sense to us because we know exactly what happened,” she said.

“Sometimes editing, they try and leave stuff out, so they make it seem like something was there that wasn’t. We’re not scripted at all. We just go in there and do our thing, but we never know how they’re going to edit it.”

Snooki added:

“We aren’t scripted. But what does happen is the editing and how it comes off. That is not our control.

“I could be mad at Angelina but they can make it look like I’m mad at Jenni. I’m like, that’s not even what’s going on.”

She went on to clarify that Jenni’s decision to head home to her family had nothing to do with the drama on the show:

“I got upset for Jenni because she left for her son, because her son had a doctor appointment, but they made it seem like she left because she was mad that I invited Joey and Angelina,”

“So Jenni is not a bully, leave her alone,” Snooki added.

“The editing really screws her up.”

Obviously, this is far from the first time that MTV’s editors have come under fire for manipulating footage.

But we hope at the end of the day, those airing their grievances understand that this is the nature of reality TV — and for the most part, viewers are well aware of that.


Friday, September 14, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: "I Will F-ck You Up!"

Move over, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley.

Two new combatants stepped into the figurative ring on Thursday night, as Jersey Shore: Family vacation featured yet another ugly confrontation between cast members.

A week after Angelina Pivarnick arrived in Las Vegas, due to an invitation by MTV producers Snooki, the tension between this former regular and Jenni “JWOWW” Farley reached record levels.

And it was largely because Angelina tried to make nice with JWOWW.

Well, it was really because Angelina referred to JWOWW as a “Jersey Whore” back in May, but Jenni warned her foe last night that if she just kept her distance, everything would be okay.

Angelina failed to heed this advice, however.

Jenni tried to simply steer clear of Angelina, who she said was “like a pet you don’t really want.”

When the group went down to the pool, for example, JWOWW refused to clink glasses with Angelina during a toast, thinking that ignoring her rival would basically make her go away.

But it had the opposite effect. It turned Angelina into an irritating pest.

“Why would she all of a sudden say cheers to me?” Jenni asked Nicole. “I’m just trying to f-cking enjoy my last couple of days. I’m a mom now. If I’m gonna be getting bullied and dumb shit, I’m out.”

It was clear that the situation was merely escalating with every passing moment.

At one point, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino warned Angelina to “proceed with caution” when it came to her relationship with Jenni (he should know… remember when she punched him?), but Angelina continued to do annoy JWOWW.

In a cab on the way to the club that evening, Snooki tried to get Angelina to apologize to Jenni for the whore comment.


“You were acting like a f-cking whore,” she told JWOWW. 

When Nicole reprimanded her for repeating the insult, Angelina replied:

“Not a whore like that, you ass! Like a freaking bitch. You were acting like a bitch!”

Jenni then tried to explain to Angelina that there was a difference between a “whore” and a “bitch,” but it fell on deaf ears.

“It’s obvious that Jenni still has resentment towards me, and I’m to blame a little bit, but I’m trying genuinely to be friends with her and maybe we can squash this eventually?” Angelina told the cameras, as she attempted to sit on Jenni’s lap and dance with her at the club.

Bad move there, Angelina.

“I just want to party and let loose and have fun, and she’s just not having it,” Angelina said. “I don’t know if my approach is wrong, but I’m trying.”

(Editor’s Note: We knew. Everyone there knew. You’re approach was definitely wrong.)

Continuing down the clearly wrong path, Angelina tried to drop some ice down Jenni’s shirt while at the club, a so-called prank that only served to anger the star.

“Don’t touch me!” Jenni boomed “You’re out of your damn mind! What is wrong with you? Stop. Stop, or I will f-ck you up!”

“I don’t know what Angelina’s thinking messing with Jenni,” Ronnie said hilariously, referring to Jenni’s husband and adding:

“Roger don’t even do that yet, and he’s been married to her for eight years!”

This was a lesson Angelina did not learn, however, which is how she ended up scuffling with JWOWW on the dance floor and getting caught in a headlock.

Angelina eventually squirmed her way out of Jenni’s grip and slapped her in the face with the back of her hand.

“Bring me home, or I’m gonna go to jail,” JWOWW said to The Situation, apparently convinced she broke the law.

Finally, to close out yet another violent and intense episode, Jenni told everyone at dinner the next night that she was going home early.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Yup, She"s Back!

So… how did Jersey Shore follow up THAT episode?

How did Jersey Shore match the intensity and drama of Jen Harley spitting on her baby daddy and having to be restrained by security a week ago?

Just a few days back, MTV aired one of the most epic arguments in reality series history, as Harley attacked Ronnie as a “f-cking loser” and a “piece of “sh-t,” and we picked up right there on Thursday evening.

On this latest installment, Ronnie admitted in the confessional that they “have no control” over their relationship and will fight until they’re “65 years old.”

Which is especially a shame because they are parents to an adorable baby girl named Ariana. She was born in April.

“She’s f-cking drunk, I can smell the alcohol on her breath,” Ronnie said Jen left his hotel room, proceeding to ask “where’s my kid?” before breaking down crying and telling the cameras he felt this was the final straw.

Following the fracas, security called the cops to report a domestic violence incident.

Although Ronnie didn’t want to press charges, The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department searched Jen while Ronnie asked authorities to do a wellness check.

He literally didn’t know the whereabouts of his child.

Ultimately, the police questioned Jen and she was NOT arrested — and Ronnie decided to move forward by meeting his attorney again and discussing custody.

And that was the end of the drama this week.

Just kidding!

In another mega development, Angelina Pivarnick arrived in Sin City!

She was invited there by Snooki (and, you know, the producers) and was all set to join the party after saying in a confessional that she didn’t really get along with Jenni “JWoww” Farley.

It didn’t take very long for the anger to be felt between these stars, either.

Upon touching down in Nevada and making her way over to her past and then present colleagues Angelina said hello to everyone … except Jenni.

Instead of a greeting, she simply told Jenni the two had “sh-t to work out.”

“We’re actually dealing with family sh-t … you wouldn’t know because you’re not part of the family,” JWOWW shot back immediately.

If a knife had been nearby (and, with this crew, thank goodness it was not), one could have cut all this tension with it. Easy.

From there, Angelina stirred the pot further — when she slapped Vinny Guadagnino!

All he did was playfully try to put the returning cast member into the shower because it looked like her “hamster cage,” but Angelina was not in a joking mood.

And no one was happy about the slap, which is where Jersey Shore faded to black for the week.

Will you be tuning in next Thursday evening to see where things go from here?


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Dennis Rodman Calls Australian Fan Wearing His Lakers Jersey in Hawaii

Dennis Rodman’s giving away signed Chicago Bulls jerseys … just ask this Australian fan who’s getting two of ‘em after he was spotted wearing The Worm’s Lakers jersey while on vacay. Here’s what happened … Matt from Australia was out with his…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: "You"re a F-cking Psychopath. You"re a F-cking Loser. You"re a Piece of Sh-t!"

If you’re a fan of Jersey Shore, you had likely read all about it by this point.

But still.

Simply having knowledge of what went down this summer between Ronnie and his girlfriend/baby mama, Jen Harley, probably did not prepare you for what transpired on Thursday night.

Because… holy Hell. Things got ugly.

On the latest installment of this MTV hit, we witnessed Harley and Ronnie go at it after Ronnie threatened to leave the show because Jen was keeping his daughter, Ariana, away from him.

He was convinced to stick around by Pauly D and by a producer who actually appeared on camera, but he realized that something in this ugly back-and-forth with Harley had to give.

“I have to make a change for my daughter. We need some kind of guidelines and foundation to make sure that she’s all right at the end of the day,” he told his co-stars about heading to meet with a lawyer.

Ronnie’s friends obviously understood where he was coming from.

“Jen is controlling him and baiting him,” Snooki said at one point. “You can’t take someone’s baby away, like, that’s not okay.”

Ronnie agrees, that’s sort of the whole point here.

But he also remarks that he could see himself getting back together with Jen, prompting an all-time response by Pauly.

“You gotta be nuts! She was just holding a baby from you, that’s the beginning. You gotta stay away from this girl for a while,” The DJ yelled to his pal, adding:

“That’s crazy. You can’t reconcile with her, you can’t. At this point, you can’t anymore. Why would you want to be with somebody that would hold a baby from you and not tell you where it is?

“That’s unsafe. God forbid something happened to her, you wouldn’t know where the baby was. … You can’t be with someone like that. You’re better than that.”

(Is he, though? Discuss.)

While Ronnie’s gone, Jen comes knocking… with a friend by her side.

She demands to know where Ronnie is and doesn’t believe the cast when they claim to have no idea.

Harley alleges that last night, he went “on a f-cking rampage, texting me every name in the book” in over 300 messages.

(Yes, this did really happen. Click below for proof.)

“Obviously someone’s with him, a producer or …” Jen says, looking around the room.

At this mention, a producer actually interrupts, reminding Jen that they’d told her he’d be back at a specific time later and suggesting that she leave and return then.

This appears to blows up her ruse: Jen knew he wasn’t home when she traveled to the hotel. Busted!

“You guys are f-cked up! You guys are f-cking liars!” she cries out as she departs.

“That girl came to this room with an agenda, to tell her side of the story and paint this picture that Ronnie’s this animal,” Pauly says.

“Jen is gangster. She’s trying to play everybody. She’s not going to play me.”

But then $ hit REALLY gets crazy…

After Ronnie comes home and says he feels better after talking with an attorney, the group goes out to dinner — but he remains at the hotel, bracing himself for a confrontation with Jen.

As soon as she walks in… BOOM! It’s on.

“Ron! You’re texting me I’m a f-cking whore, I’m a liar, I’m a f-ckng cheater?” she screams.

“Calm down,” he replies.

“No. I’m not gonna calm down. I don’t want to hear your whole f-cking bullsh-t story. … You’re calling me a f-cking whore? Motherf-cker?”

And then it was Ronnie’s turn to lose it:

“You’re driving me crazy! All you do is use that kid as a f-cking pawn!””

Your response, Jen?

“You’re a f-cking psychopath. You’re a f-cking loser. You’re a piece of sh-t,” she yells… and then spits in his face.

(This is where we remind people that Jen and Ronnie were parents to a newborn girl at the time this was filmed.)

A security guard intervenes at this juncture, only for Jen to lunge at Ronnie and the picture to fade to black.

We’re left with the prophetic word: “I don’t give a f-ck. I’ll go to jail.”

And then, for the record, Harley did go to jail.

What do you think, viewers?

Was this the most explosive fight in the history of Jersey Shore?

Heck, in the history of reality television?

You can click on the video below and relive every vicious second now:


Thursday, August 23, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast says "The Hills" Reboot"s No Competition

Angelina from ‘Jersey Shore’ ain’t sweating a reboot of ‘The Hills’ … ‘cause, as far as reality TV reboots go, she’s adamant the ‘Shore’ will leave ‘em eating dust. We got the cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ — well, most of the cast — leaving NBC…


Jersey Shore Family Vacation Teaser: "You"re a F-ckin Psychopath!"

I"ve never, in the history of this earth, done Vegas like this.

When this beat drops, I wanna see that fist pump.

I feel like I’m in The Matrix right now, dodging all the thotties.

Well, you act like a f-ckin whore.

You"re a f-ckin psychopath.

All these hilarious/explosive lines are featured in the Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2 posted here, as the footage gives fans a look at all the craziness to come on this revived reality show.

But there"s really just one storyline that really stands out above all…

… the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his girlfriend Jen Harley.

We"ve documented the highs and lows of this romance over the past couple months, which started with the tandem"s daughter being born in early April.

Since then, however, Ronnie and Jen have broken up and gotten back together numerous times, while also hurling seriously vicious insults at each other and even getting into physical fights.

In the clips published here, we see Ronnie actually break down while talking about custody of his child.

We also see Harley lay into Ronnie as a "psychopath."

Elsewhere on Season 2, we"ll see the return of Angelina Pivarnick, who shocks the cast by showing up in Sin City.

During an evening out, she gets into an argument with Jen Farley, who she calls out for "acting like a f–king whore."

We also witness some unexpected tension between JWOWW and Snooki.

Later on, the veteran cast returns to the Seaside Heights, New Jersey, house where it all began.

"We’ve totally not grown up,” Farley says. “Living our best lives in our 30s – as 12-year-olds.”

Finally, just when it seems like the season can’t get any nuttier and outrageous, the preview concludes with Polizzi and Farley telling Pivarnick that she “should bang Vinny again."

Oh God.

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation returns on MTV on Thursday, August 23, at 8/7c.

Jersey shore family vacation teaser youre a f ckin psychopath

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Did He Really QUIT Jersey Shore?!

We’re just one day away from the return of Jersey Shore: Family Reunion, and in keeping with tradition, it seems there’s so much drama that no camera crew can keep pace.

And not surprisingly, much of it centers around the mascot for ‘roid rage himself, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

As you may recall from the first iteration of JSFV, agro Magro is pretty much “spiraling” non-stop these days.

Ronnie has broken up with Jen Harley about a dozen times in the months since they welcomed a daughter together.

Each split has been uglier than the last, and at one point, Harley dragged Ronnie with her car during a particularly intense fight.

Unable to restrain his rage, Ronnie got in a fight with a random fan while the show was filming in Vegas.

In recent weeks, Ronnie has largely been absent as his castmates continued to promote the show at various events, including Monday night’s 2018 VMAs.

Magro has also been uncharacteristically quiet on social media in recent weeks.

All of this sparked rumors that Ronnie quit Jersey Shore, possibly as a result of a legal battle with Harley.

Last night, Ron-Ron took to Instagram to finally address those reports.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with Ariana

“Everyone keeps asking where I’ve been, why wasn’t I at the VMAs or other ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’ events with my lovely castmates,” he wrote.

“I’ve chosen to take some time off to be a father to my beautiful daughter,” Magro added.

“I’ve got to experience everything in my life thankfully because of ‘Jersey Shore’ and my fans, [but] there’s nothing that can replace the feeling of being a father.”

From there, Ronnie assured fans that all is well in Seaside Heights:

“Thank you for all the love and support, and no, I have not quit ‘Jersey Shore,"” he continued. “

“I am just choosing to take time so I can watch my daughter grow and be apart of [her] life…and be an amazing father. I rather be there for her in person than have to watch her grow through text messages and Instagram posts.”

Ronnie concluded the post with a touching tribute to his daughter:

“I can give her everything in the world, but if I can’t give her a relationship or a bond, than all of this is for nothing at the end of the day.”

And just so there’s no doubt about his involvement with the show, he tossed in a bunch of promotional hashtags, like “#PremiereThisJerzDay”

So there you have it.

Despite numerous reports to the contrary Rahn has not stahpped, nor does he have any intention of stahpping.

So mix up a batch of Ron-Ron juice and bust out your Sammi Sweetheart sex doll, because the stuff is about to hit the fan yet again.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Taylor Swift Signed Broncos Jersey Hits Auction Block, Haters Gonna Hate

Forget Von Miller and Case Keenum … the hottest autographed Denver Broncos jersey is TAYLOR SWIFT! The singer signed a #13 jersey for the NFL team’s big Kickoff Luncheon charity auction  — and it’s already getting more heat than some of the…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Jersey Shoren Return Trailer Shows How "Sh-t" Will Get "Real"

The Jersey Shore cast is officially all grown up.

Granted, you may not know this if you"ve been following the story of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his incessant ugly fighting with his baby mama.

Or if you watched Ronnie and Mike get into a truly epic screaming match on the first season finale of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Or if you listened to that whole Jersey Whore back and forth from awhile back.

All this said, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2 will kick off on August 23, with episodes previously filmed in Las Vegas and with various cast members taking a few mature steps in their lives.

For instance, Ronnie will often be caring for his daughter.

Denna will be announcing that she"s expecting a child.

And Pauly D? He"ll be getting married!!!!!!!!

The trailer above teases all of these life-changing events and developments, along with a little bit more.

It promises overall that "sh-t" is about to "get real" for these long-time stars, presumably due to them having to deal with the aforementioned real-life issues.

We"re way past just worrying about going to the gym, getting a tan and doing laundry now, folks.

During its run earlier this year, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation helped propel MTV to its best third quarter primetime ratings average among the target adults 18-34 demographic (Live+3) since 2011…

… which happened to be the peak of the original Jersey Shore‘s success.

Even after all this time, plenty of people out there still care about the fates and fortunes of Pauly, Snooki, The Situation and company.

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2 will bring back housemates Deena Nicole Cortese, Paul “Pauly D” Delvecchio,” Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Vinny Guadagnino, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Mike “The Situation."

What sort of craziness can you expect to unfold?

Aside from someone actually being pronounced "Mrs. Pauly D?"

Watch the above promo to find out!

Jersey shore family vacation trailer shows how sh t will get rea