Showing posts with label Keeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keeping. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Brother Says that Prince Harry Is Keeping Them Apart!

Meghan Markle is happily married to Prince Harry. Unfortunately, she continues to be burdened by her idiot dad’s cruel comments and by her two truly, madly, deeply evil half-siblings.

We’ve heard a lot from Samantha Grant, but Thomas Markle, Jr. is eager to voice his horrible opinions about Meghan.

He says that her mind was warped by fame, but appears to lay some of the blame at Harry’s royal feet.

In a raving interview with The Daily Mail, Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan is being needlessly cruel to their father.

“No father-daughter relationship should be like this,” Thomas asserts.

Well, one would hope that most fathers would not carry out a media blitz in which they constantly discuss their daughter and new in-laws.

“I feel for him because of how strong their relationship was,” Thomas explains. “And what it’s become now.”

“That’s got to hurt anybody,” Thomas says.

“It’s not the Meghan I remember,” Thomas says, somehow blaming her for her reasonable response to their father’s bad behavior.

“The Meg I remember was very caring and she cared about everybody,” Thomas says. “That was important to her.”

His implication, of course, is that she is somehow no longer caring, rather than that she is taking the important self-care measure of cutting toxic people out of her life.

“Since Hollywood and being on that show,” Thomas says. “Being a celebrity has changed her.”

Yeah, we guess that the sky-high celebrity factor of starring on USA’s Suits really got to her head, huh?

“Maybe she feels she is above everybody,” Thomas guesses, adding: “Maybe even more now.”

She’s not the one slamming her own family members on social media and claiming that they’re bad people.

“But if she wasn’t with Prince Harry right now — even if she was still on Suits right now — she would have stopped what she was doing,” Thomas says of their father.

He claims that she would have dropped everything “to go and visit him and make sure he’s ok.”

Maybe so. But if she were still on Suits, he wouldn’t be acting out like a brat in the media.

Thomas Markle, Jr. says that Meghan could have taken a different approach with her family.

“I think it got ignored and swept under the carpet for so long, it’s a shame where it’s ended up,” Thomas says. “Especially between her and my father,”

“She’s capable of doing anything,” to appease her relatives, he says. “She’s just got to want to do it.”

Would exposing herself to people who are viciously attacking her in interview after interview really be the right thing to do?

“If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that,” Thomas claims. “But she’s got to want to do it.”

In other words, it sounds like she could get them to be quiet and go away.

Thomas Markle Jr. also lays some of the blame on Prince Harry and Kensington Palace.

“They’ve dealt with this kind of stuff for a long time and why they did it this way, that’s the big question?” Thomas says. “Why?”

Apparently the royal family, though no stranger to scandals, never imagined that someone’s own siblings would be so pointlessly petty.

They’re ready for assassins, not for character assassination.

“They could have looked after my dad and he would have been happy,” Thomas says. It sounds like he’s suggesting that they put Meghan’s family on a payroll to buy their silence.

Thomas says: “I don’t think he deserves that kind of treatment from her.”

“I think she owes him emotionally as his daughter to support him the way he supported her,” Thomas claims.


“To see all this go on in the media,” Thomas laments. “From their relationship being so close and so tight knit all her life to come to this,”

Thomas says that it is “like she doesn’t want to deal with him for what reasons I don’t know.”

We would humbly suggest that if he and his absolute harridan of a sister and their bumbling father would shut their mouths and stay quiet, Meghan’s feelings about them might change.

Instead, they whine in front of any camera that points in their direction — especially if there is money involved.

That is not the behavior of a loving family. That’s not even the behavior of a family.

It sounds like Meghan is better off without them.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Konfessions of Some Drama Queens

The klaws kame out on the Season 15 premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as Kim and Khloe ganged up on sister Kourtney like never before.

These sisters klashed over the family’s annual Khristmas kalendar, with Kim peeved that Kourtney wasn’t making herself readily available and Kourtney irritated that Kim didn’t komprehend she has three kids for whom to kare.

So… did this feud get resolved on Sunday night’s brand new installment?

We started with Kim suggesting to her siblings that they attend some counseling in order to work through a few rather clear issues.

“We all communicate really weird and we just don’t ever express what’s really bothering us and we all walk on eggshells around each other,” Kim explained.

Kourtney objected, but this storyline was in the script, so Kim insisted:

“Well we’re all going to therapy together, so it’s happening. Because we all need to communicate with a mediator and we don’t have that mediator.”

Enter that mediator!

The sisters awkwardly sat around at Khloe’s house and tried to put everything on the table for a change, as opposed to shoving it under a rug.

Said Kourtney to the professional at one point:

“I’m the one who invented mean fighting … I’m just not wanting to fight like that anymore. … I don’t want to spend my time around people that are mean and putting me down.”

From there, revealed to the mediator that Kourtney has been insecure, adding:

“But it’s also an insecurity I’ve never seen from her before.”

(NOTE: This was all filmed many months ago, long before Kourtney split from Younes Bendjmina.)

Kim, meanwhile, was taken aback by Kourtney’s claim.

She wasn’t buying the story that Kourtney was somehow the relaxed sister; or that she had been making any effort of late to let things go.

Quite the opposite, Kim argued:

“You’re preaching that you just want this Zen life and that you’re so positive and you don’t want to fight, but then most of the time you’re arguing about stuff that’s like, ‘Again?"”

Seemingly not eventrying to be cruel, just to explain where she was coming from, Kim labeled Kourtney as “always anxious and insecure.”

Said Khloe in this emotional session:

“Kourtney and I have a really special bond, I haven’t felt that from her in the past couple months and that’s been frustrating for me.

“I do feel a major disconnect between her and I specifically, and I would like to understand what that is.”

Kourtney sat and listed and waited patiently.

But she admitted that she didn’t think her sisters were “genuinely” happy for her.

“It’s like everything is…the show’s more important, work’s more important,” an emotional Kourtney confessed. “Maybe traveling isn’t a priority to you, but it is to me.”

Kourtney has the biggest family of all three siblings and admittedly works the least, but what’s wrong with that?

Why be “resentful” of her lifestyle, as Kourtney accused Kim and Khloe of being toward her?

“We honestly want Kourtney to take her trips, we want Kourtney to live her life and do whatever she wants to do,” Kim later claimed in a confessional, adding:

“We just want her to be held accountable and be responsible that when you take a job and you’re getting paid to do something that you honor that, because all of us do.”

In the end, Kourtney simply said that work wasn’t a priority for her like it is for her sisters and she didn’t understand why they focused on such petty issues.

Conversely, Khloe and Kim said that Kourtney simply wasn’t understanding their side of the issue.

Little was resolved.

“Whatever Kourtney is going through, it’s just so much deeper than me and Khloe and until Kourtney is ready to talk about it we can’t push her or try to be aggressive,” Kim later concluded camera.

“She’s going through a lot of life changes right now and we just have to let her go through that.”

Sure, either that or Kourtney just wants to hang out with her children.

To relive this drama, and to see what sort of prank Khloe pulled off with Scott Disick, use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Catch up on all you missed!


Monday, August 6, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: The Klash Over the Khristmas Card

In certain scenes from a certain sex tape, Ray J simply gives it to Kim Kardashian.

We’re talking about some good ole fashioned pounding, right in front of a camera, as the reality star lies back and takes it with pleasure.

On the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15 premiere Sunday evening, however, Kim was the one who dished it out, this time to sister Kourtney…

… but she did anything but take pleasure in the awkward experience.

As you’ve likely scene plastered around the Internet via clips shared by E! in anticipation of this return episode, the bulk of the installment centered on Kim feuding with Kourtney like never before.

But why? Over what?!?

The answer has finally been revealed.

Filmed many months ago, the premiere focused around Kim’s attempt to gather her entire family for its annual Christmas Card photo shoot.

“I moved my meetings to earlier so that we can all accommodate miss queen Kourtney and then Kylie couldn’t come,” Kim complaiend early on, criticizing her siblings and adding:

“She wanted to shoot hers privately at home. Rob’s trying to lay low right now. Kendall’s gonna make it right at the end.”

Added the former sex tape star:

“It’s just like craziness. So I thought, ‘Why not show the craziness of our family?’ We’re just gonna do candid pictures and we can post them for the 25 days of Christmas.”

That is what ended up happening, for the record.

The family released one photo per day for nearly a month until it finally unveiled the final version shared below.

We’d never have known ALL the drama that went on behind the scenes of this pictorial until last night’s intense episode.

After Kourtney refused give in on the time she’d be available for the shoot, Kim let her have sister it.

The back-and-forth was all about working at a job for a living and working as a mother of three at home.

“No one wants you in the f-cking shoot. I’m planning it. I’m planning the shoot, so we don’t want you in the shoot,” Kim screamed at one point, to which Kourtney fired back:

“Did I already say this morning, I didn’t care to do it.”

Kim’s retort?

“Maybe if you had a f-cking business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f-cking business but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about.”

Yikes, right?


2 sis

After Kourtney stormed off, Kim got even more personal in a heated discussion with Khloe and Kris Jenner.

“She’s the least exciting to look at, so she can be out,” Kim told her relatives. “She doesn’t do sh-t. She doesn’t know what it’s like to actually have f-cking work to do.”

(Editor’s Note: Kourtney is fantastic to look at. Especially when she dons a bikini.)

Kourtney later called Khloe, who of course kept her on speaker phone so that viewers could hear the totally natural and NON-scripted exchange.

“I’m not here to f-cking be mistreated by my f-cking bitch family,” Kourtney yelled, adding:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at…who even speaks like that?”

That’s a fair question. We wonder where how the writer who came up with that line though of it.

“You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do sh-t,” Kim screamed over the phone. “So be accommodating to the people that actually do sh-t.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” an emotional Kourtney shot back. “I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

As you can see here, the argument continued on Twitter after the premiere ended:

kourt tweet

During the episode, meanwhile, Kim insisted that she would not “tolerate” her sister being so rude that she would be “ten billion” times ruder in response… until Kourtney just broke down and cried.

“Your words have meaning and they come from somewhere. You didn’t just make them up,” a distraught Kourtney told Kim when they finally talked about their fight. “It’s really unkind.”

“Well, I’m sorry If I said something that was hurtful,” Kim said as an apology.

Khloe tried to keep the peace, offering to her siblings:

“I think we both have to stop judging, or all of us have to stop judging each other.”

And it kind of worked, as Kim invited Kourtney to her baby shower for Chicago.

But Kourtney turned down the invitation, prompting another tongue-lashing from her sister:

“I really hoped Kourtney was gonna get over herself and just show up, but she didn’t/ So, I don’t think she’s big on family ‘cause if she was, she would be at my shower.”

All this said, Kim made it clear on social media shortly after the premiere concluded that all is good between the loved ones:










It’s almost as if this drama was concocted as a storyline by producers, right?

Season 15 is officially upon us, however, with the opening episode teasing more friction between the sisters than usual.

If you missed any of the fireworks, you can (nay, you SHOULD!) use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Do you think this fight was real or staged? Watch and determine for yourself!


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans Caught Keeping MASSIVE Pill Stash Within Reach of Chidren

We"re sure you"re well aware that Jenelle Evans won"t be winning any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

In fact, the consensus among Teen Mom 2 fans these days seems to be that Evans is an unfit mother who shouldn"t be trusted to raise her own children

Jenelle has been appalling viewers with her negligence and her erratic behavior for years now, but even the most virulent critics of the Carolina Hurricane might be shocked by what they see in the newest Teen Mom 2 trailer.

It all starts with a knock at the door.

A TM2 producer informs Jenelle that the sheriff has come a-callin", but Evans seems remarkably unfazed.

We guess when you"ve had as many visits from the cops as she has, it"s about as distressing as getting a package from UPS.

At first, Jenelle seems content to just not answer the door and hope for the best.

Eventually, however, David Eason answers — shirtless, of course, in accordance with the Redneck Negligent Parents" Manual — and smarts off to the cop.

The sheriff informs Eason that he"s there for a wellness check on David"s kids and stepkids, but Eason tells him to "go to the daycare" if he wants to see kids, and you can tell he thought it was a wickedly clever gag.

So wellness checks are so routine in the Evans-Eason household that they barely warrant a discussion after the fact.

No surprise there, we suppose.

But what shocked many fans was the presence of a large number of prescription pill bottles just sitting out on Jenelle"s counter.

Like, that"s a lot of pills — and maybe Jenelle and David need them for totally legitimate health issues — we"re not here to judge on that score.

But like so many others who have seen this clip, we"d like to suggest that Jenell and David store those drugs someplace where they can"t be reached by the many children who reside in their home.

"All those pill bottles are making me nervous with three toddlers running around," wrote one Reddit user.

"I have no problem with prescription pills," another viewer added.

"I take one daily. But you put that sh-t on top of the fridge, not at a kid"s hand level."

Check out the clip for yourself, and decide if there"s real reason to be concerned about the safety of Jenelle"s kids:


Jenelle evans caught keeping massive pill stash within reach of

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Judge to Angelina Jolie: Stop Keeping Your Kids from Brad Pitt!

We interrupt ongoing speculation over Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s love lives in order to bring you factual news on their parental front.

Just about two years after they stunned the world with their divorce news, the A-List stars have amended their custody arrangement for the summer.

According to a variety of new court documents, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County has determined that “not having a relationship with their father” would be “harmful” to Jolie and Pitt’s six kids.

(They, of course, would be: Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 9.)

The court writes that the offspring of this former couple “are safe with their father” and that it is “critical that each of them have a healthy and strong relationship” with both of their parents.

(However, it’s worth noting that Maddox is basically free to spent time with either parent as he so choose due to his age.)

Prior to this revision, Jolie had successfully kept her kids away from her ex-husband for the most part, as she allegedly believed he was a bad influence on them.

Now, however, a judge has threatened to strip primary custody from Jolie if she does not take steps to improve the relationship between her children and their dad.

To what extent?

The stars were actually ordered be on a phone call between the kids and two psychologists in order “to explain the summer schedule,” the documents read. 

Moreover, the actor will have physical custody everyone except Maddox for four hours a day from June 8 to 17 in London, where Jolie rents a residence.

Pitt must spend time with each child at least twice during the 10-day period with one of the psychologists present.

And Jolie will not be present during her estranged husband’s custodial time.

The documents goon to list other dates in June, July and August during which Pitt will have custody of the kids.

It even sounds like he will have them all to himself from July 21-29 in Los Angeles.

Family law lawyer David Glass, who is NOT associated with the case, tells People Magazine that this sort of legal intervention is unusual.

But there must have been ample evidence to show that Jolie really was doing a disservice to her children and to Pitt.

“It’s a rare case where the court will find that someone alienated the kids,” Glass explains, adding:

“It takes a lot to move the court past estrangement into alienation, but once it’s determined that one parent is alienating the kids, the court has no choice but to jump in and make pretty strong orders right away.”

This new arrangement even requires Jolie to provide Pitt with the kids’ cell phone numbers so that he may text them.

Jolie and Pitt separated in September 2016… and we remain in shock that this marriage failed to work out.

While there have been plenty of rumors regarding the relationship status since, neither Pitt nor Jolie has said much in public about their private affairs.

“This [divorce] has been a longstanding back-and-forth, and hopefully now there will be greater collaboration for the benefit of the kids,” an insider tells Us Weekly, concluding:

“The kids have always been a priority for both parents and hopefully everyone will comply with the court order going forward.

“Brad will be wherever he needs to be for the kids.”


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Hank Baskett Keeping Kendra Wilkinson Divorce Amicable

Hank Baskett is definitely keeping his cool when it comes to Kendra Wilkinson filing for divorce … and the proof is in the pudding. Hank filed his response just hours after Kendra filed for divorce and it looks like they’re on the…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Keeping Her Job on Teen Mom 2?!

For nearly a month now, Jenelle Evans" status as a Teen Mom has been up in the air.

After she posed for that ridiculous gun selfie shortly after the shooting in Parkland, Florida, and especially after her husband, David Eason, went on that terrible homophobic rant and got himself fired, no one was sure if MTV would be comfortable with employing her any longer.

It seemed like, at long last, they were finally drawing a line.

But apparently everything"s cool now!

According to a new report from The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Jenelle is going back to filming very, very soon.

And the details are just so, so special …

1. Where to Start?

Jenelle evans attends 2017 vmas

There’s been so much going on with Jenelle for the past month — too much, really. And this time around, she’s not just at risk for losing boyfriends or even more of what little respect a few Teen Mom fans here and there might have for her. She’s been at risk for losing her whole entire job.

2. Ugh

Jenelle evans gun photo

You know this part by now: Jenelle posed for a photo with a gun, she and David shared the photo just a few hours after the school shooting in Parkland, and when people pointed out how insensitive that was, David mocked them.

3. What a Jackass

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

A few days later, he was still debating gun issues with strangers on Twitter, and in the midst of one argument, he decided to sprinkle a little homophobia in there, just for a little extra awfulness. Then, when that got a reaction, he kept right on getting worse and worse with his hateful, ignorant comments.

4. A Defense?

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

Jenelle didn’t say much about it all besides making a statement about how David didn’t even really understand how Twitter works, and that he’d be keeping his dumb opinions to himself going forward, but obviously that wasn’t the greatest excuse for what he said.

5. Justice

Jenelle eason david eason photo

Somehow, despite Jenelle going to such great lengths to defend her man, sponsors began pulling ads from Teen Mom, and David was promptly fired.

6. Who’s Next?


But despite firing David, some sponsors continued pulling ads, and many people began speculating that firing David wasn’t enough — MTV should fire Jenelle, too.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Why Is Josiah Duggar"s Mystery Girl Keeping Such a Low Profile?

It’s been nearly two months since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

The news came just weeks after word of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship went public, but that’s not unusual in the Duggar clan.

Relationships proceed quickly for the members of reality TV’s biggest brood, even when the parties involved are as young as Josiah and Lauren.

(He’s 21; she’s just 18.)

But the newest Duggar couple is unique in at least two important ways:

For one thing, this is not Josiah’s first courtship.

As Duggar obsessives are no doubt aware, Josiah briefly courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship didn’t work out, making Josiah the first of his generation to enter a courtship that didn’t result in marriage.

On top of that, virtually nothing is known about Lauren, her past, or her family.

A few details about Lauren’s parents and siblings have been revealed on the Duggars’ social media pages, and not surprisingly, her clan shares a lot in common with Josiah’s.

“They’re really similar, our families, with a lot of the same goals,” Josiah said of the Swansons in a recent interview.

He’s certainly not joking on that score.

Lauren is the daughter of a minister, and her mother is currently pregnant with her ninth child.

The Swanson family may never balloon to the staggering size of the Duggars, but it seems Lauren’s parents are also big into procreation.

But what about Lauren herself?

In video interviews she’s recorded alongside her fiancé, Swanson has been virtually silent.

No big surprise there, as we imagine it’s rather daunting to go straight from the shadows of obscurity into the glaring spotlight of Duggar fame.

But between her youth and the quickness with which her relationship with Josiah has proceeded, it’s possible that Lauren will marry into the Duggar family while remaining more of a mystery to fans than any of her predecessors.

Naturally, fans have a lot of questions.

For now, at least, Lauren’s not doing much talking, but fortunately, some of those questions have laughably obvious answers.

One thing that a lot of fans seem curious about is Lauren’s education level.

Many have wondered if she’ll attend college, and while Ms. Swanson has been mum on the matter, we think we can safely answer for her by saying, no, she will not.

Duggars have little respect for formal education, and very few members of the family have shown any interest in further study beyond the GEDs they all get when they complete their homeschooling.

As for Lauren’s curious lack of a southern accent – a matter that’s also raised quite a few eyebrows among the Duggar faithful – well, we don’t know for sure where she’s from, but we’re guessing it’s of little concern to Josiah.

After all, a woman doesn’t have to be Dixie Land to pop out a whole lot of children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Surrogacy Exposed

Sunday night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 17, Kim received some alarming news about her surrogate.

Meanwhile, the life and times of Lord Disick once again took center stage … and there is never a dull moment with him.

As you can see in the clip above, Scott opened up about how he’s dating Sofia Richie, and it was awkward. Very awkward.

Not just because he has three kids with Kourtney Kardashian and any new relationship would be somewhat awkward, but …

Sofia Richie is 19. Scott Disick is 34.

Nineteen. Naturally, eyebrows were raised – no small feat in a family where there are no taboos and Kylie had a baby at 20.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were other distractions going on … such as Kourtney’s house being infested with pests.

Just when she got rid of Scott too. Oh!

Most significantly, though, Kim Kardashian’s surrogate’s pregnancy leaked to the media, and this sent the star into a panic.

Incredibly, celebrity gossip site TMZ broke the news about her third child before Kimberly had even told people close to her.

“I honestly am absolutely fuming that there are all these articles coming out about our surrogate,” Kardashian said.

“People started to write me asking if it was true,” she added, “and I just said we don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Her surrogate’s information also leaked, which was a huge breach of privacy for anyone in that kind of situation.

Kim called it “so invasive and so frustrating,” and lamented that this was the reason she wanted to keep this on the DL.

Even Scott didn’t know (above) and he’s not that out of the loop. Then to make matters worse, it was Fashion Week.

That’s right, Kim found herself in front of swarms of media and paparazzi when she was there to support Kendall.

Unwilling to lie about it, but also unprepared to confirm or go public with the news, she was in a really tough position.

Fortunately, she saw Kendall in the Alexander Wang show and was able to dodge the issue … at least momentarily.

It’s not that Kim was trying to be shady or secretive, it was just a private matter – involving a third-party – within her family.

This should have been a happy time for everyone involved and instead it became a huge cause of stress and anxiety.

Sure, it’s par for the course in our celebrity culture, but people like Kim’s surrogate certainly aren’t used to being exposed.

All in all, she handled this about as well as anyone could have, and we know Chicago West is here and she’s beautiful.

Congrats Kim and family!


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paris Hilton to Kris Jenner: PLEASE Let Me Be on Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

Remember back in the day when Paris Hilton was the most talked-about celebrity of them all?

Man, how times have changed …

Many, many years ago, you couldn’t look at a tabloid or a gossip site without hearing all about Paris and her shenanigans.

Everyone watched The Simple Life, everyone used her “that’s hot” catchphrase, and believe it or not, there were quite a few people who looked up to her.

But at a certain point, a little over ten years ago or so, all that began to change.

And that was because Kim Kardashian hit the scene hard.

If you know your Kardashian history, you know that back in Paris’ heyday, she and Kim were very close. Kim tagged along to many of Paris’ events, and she even worked for her for a while.

It was common to see paparazzi photos featuring Paris with Kim there in the background, but when Kim’s sex tape was leaked, things began to change.

A few months after that, Kim got her own show, and she started becoming the more popular one, because let’s be real, there’s only so many reality stars the average person can care about at any given time.

So after that, Kim didn’t need to work for Paris anymore, and she didn’t need her by her side to get attention.

At some point during Kim’s big rise to reality show glory, they had a falling out, and they’ve been enemies for years.

Like, their friendship was so dead that Paris once compared Kim’s ass to “cottage cheese inside a big trash bag.” The bad blood ran deep.

In 2014, they posed for a photo together, and many of us thought it was a sign that they’d made up, but in 2015, Paris was back to making shady quotes about Kim in interviews, so it was pretty hard to tell what was going on between them.

Until now!

Last week, photos from Kanye’s latest fashion campaign were released, and in some of the photos, Paris was featured looking pretty much exactly like Kim.

Eerily so.

Kim shared some of the photos on Instagram with the hashtag “forever the OG,” and Paris shared them as well, writing that it was “so much fun being a #KimClone.”

It certainly seems like their friendship is back on track now, right?

And according to a new report, that may be because Paris is looking to gain a little something from a renewed friendship with the Kardashian family.

“Paris really wants to appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a regular, or even as a friend role,” a source close to the family claims.

“Kim and Kris feel bad for her and are considering offering her a contract to appear on the next season.”

That sounds absolutely amazing, doesn’t it? Just imagine: Paris back where she belongs, on reality television, being her gloriously ridiculous self.

It’s also a little sad if they’re offering her a contract out of pity — but it does sound like Paris is cool with it.

As the source says, “Paris thinks that they only have what they have because of her and has made this crystal clear to Kris.”

We’d argue that they “have what they have” because of Kim’s sex tape, and also because of the late Robert Kardashian’s O.J. Simpson connection, but Paris probably did help a bit.

On a bit of a happier note, the insider adds that “Paris and Kim are tight again in the sense that Paris has been kissing her butt lately.”

“The two of them have made amends for talking so much sh-t about each other. Paris even invited the whole family to her upcoming wedding.”

All’s well that ends well, we suppose.

And if it ends in Paris Hilton herself bringing her special brand of nonsense to Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

Even better.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Sugar Bear: June Shannon is Keeping My Daughter From Me!

June Shannon"s From Not to Hot is including her ex, Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson. You might say that she"s sharing the wealth.

As you"ll see in the clip below, though Sugar Bear is eager to see his daughter Alana again, one obstacle is giving him pause. Well, giving his new wife pause:

Child support. Every deadbeat dad"s nightmare.

Sugar bear on from not to hot

For years, things were going reasonably well for Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear.

Even when the couple split, they still had Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

And then Mama June ended up in bed with convicted child-molester who had once preyed upon her own daughter. The show got canceled, and the good times and easy money came to an end.

Astoundingly, Mama June was able to make a comeback with her own makeover series, From Not To Hot. She recently flaunted her insane weight loss at a premiere.

And, since Sugar Bear"s such an important part of her past and her story, he"s along for the ride.

Yes, including in season 2.

Mike thompson and jennifer lamb

In the clip that you"ll see below, Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb, are meeting with an attorney.


Because Sugar Bear wants to see his daughter, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson.

Sugar Bear alleges that June has been keeping Alana from him. He claims to have not seen his daughter for six months — since he got married to Jennifer.

We"re not sure if we"re meant to infer that June is angry that he remarried; that would be silly, since June Shannon has her own boyfriend now.

A more likely explanation would be that June Shannon accuses Sugar Bear of domestic violence, of having abused her and her daughters in the past. That"s very, very serious.

Jennifer lamb sugar bears wife

Here"s the thing: Sugar Bear isn"t legally recognized as Alana"s dad. So, he would need to fight to even be acknowledged as her father before he could get visitation.

And the attorney mentions to him — and his wife — that there"s a price to be paid.

A literal price, folks. Child support payments are a real responsibility.

And apparently, Sugar Bear has never in his life paid them before now.

Mike thompson on from not to hot

Here is where Sugar Bear reminds viewers that he better resembles an offensively stereotypical cartoon character than a real person.

Sugar Bear describes how he "plans" to pay child support:

"I"m not worried about it right now. I"ll figure it out when that time gets here."

That"s barely even an okay way to decide what to eat for dinner with friends. Winging it with financial planning is a recipe for catastrophe.

And it"s not exactly reassuring coming from a guy who wants to spend more time with his daughter.

Jennifer lamb

You know who isn"t loving this? Jennifer Lamb.

She says that she"s totally on board with Sugar Bear spending more time with Alana. She says that she"d make a good stepmom.

But she doesn"t love the idea of yet another expense.

"We can"t even finish saving up for our honeymoon, so how are we going to pay child support?"

The realization that this couple got married six months ago and still haven"t gone on their honeymoon is … sad.

She does her best to sound adamant, insisting: "We"re not dipping into our honeymoon fund."

See the exchange:

Sugar bear june shannon is keeping my daughter from me

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Lord Have Mercy

Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16, Scott learned that Kourtney had a boyfriend and promptly freaked.

To the surprise of absolutely no one.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’re all too familiar with Scott’s erratic behavior and volatile mental state.

Still, he was in rare form last night.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 16 featured Kourtney venting to sister Khloe about a recent phone call with him.

After he called at 2 a.m., Kourtney revealed that she dropped the mega-bombshell on him: Younes Bendjima is the same of said bomb:

“I have a boyfriend. He’s 24 years old.”

Kourtney and Younes met in late 2016, but this had been somewhat on the DL until recently. Scott did not take it well, to put it mildly.

He hung up on her, at which point she shrugged, “I just thought he knew.” Seriously, does the guy not read any celebrity gossip or what.

Disick later lost his marbles a bit over Kourt’s relationship status, getting into another heated exchange with her. Apparently it was bad.

So had that Kourt asked her three-time baby daddy what he was “on” at the time, to which he allegedly responded, “f–king everything.”

Things got to the point where she visited his house to see if he was all right, but later the tensions appeared to have cooled down somewhat.

Scott arrived to pick up Mason for a sleepover and exchanged a light-hearted “Love you, partner” to Kourtney on his way out the door.

Hey, take what you can get, right?

Meanwhile, Kris’ old friend Faye Resnick confided in her that O.J. Simpson’s upcoming parole “Scares the death out of me.”

“I’ve been having nightmares about that,” added Kris, whose late husband, Robert Kardashian, was a friend of Simpson’s.

Jenner admitted to being “in denial” about O.J.’s parole, while also exploring the option of being cremated into a memorial diamond.

Guess it was a slow week in Calabasas.

After debating the idea with several of her kids to kill screentime, she shockingly decided against the idea of being made into jewelry.
