Showing posts with label Killing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Killing. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

LaVar Ball: Lonzo"s Killing It So Far, "I Know He"s Great"

Welcome to the Lonzo Ball 6-game rookie season breakdown with your host … LaVar Ball!  So, LaVar … the Lakers are 2-4, but how do you think Lonzo looks so far?  “How would I rate his first few weeks? Good!”   He took…


Monday, October 23, 2017

L.A. Rams Coach: Yeah, Jared Goff"s Killing It

The Rams have returned to L.A. after stomping the Cardinals in London … and as you’d expect, head coach Sean McVay was in a GREAT mood!  WARNING: Our photog was SUPER excited (big Rams fan) and fanboy’d out a little too hard when talking…


Friday, October 13, 2017

O.J. Simpson: Newly Signed Helmets Selling for a Killing

That was quick …  Brand new autographed O.J. Simpson memorabilia has already hit the market — just 10 days after Juice signed a bunch of helmets in a secret Vegas hotel signing session … TMZ Sports has learned.  Steiner Sports — one…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Donald Trump Trashes Jemele Hill: She"s Killing ESPN

Donald Trump is firing more shots in his war with Jemele Hill — implying her anti-Trump stance is singlehandedly killing ESPN’s ratings.  Less than 24 hours after ESPN hit Hill with a 2 week suspension for tweets about Jerry Jones’ threat to…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

TLC"s T-Boz Says Family Will Sue Peoria PD for Killing Her Cousin

T-Boz says her family is taking legal action against the police department for the shooting death of her mentally ill cousin … and she’s behind them, 100%. We got the TLC singer Wednesday night at Avalon Hollywood, and asked if she’d…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Chester Bennington: Slammed as "Cowardly" for Killing Himself

Late last week, in a stunning and tragic piece of news, Chester Bennington killed himself.

The Linkin Park singer was only 41 years old at the time his body was found hanging inside his home, with friends, family members and musicians all reacting with shock and sadness in light of Bennington’s death.

All except Brian Welch, that is.

The guitarist for the band Korn and a long-time acquaintance of Bennington’s, Welch took to Facebook shortly after learning of Bennington’s suicide and actually criticized the late artist.

“I’ve battled depression/mental illness,” Welch wrote. “And I’m trying to be sempethetic [sic] but it’s hard when you’re pissed! Enough is enough!

“Giving up on your kids, fans, and life is the cowardly way out!!!”

Not exactly the most understanding of reactions, was it?

Welch deleted this message after receiving a great deal of backlash against it, but nothing is ever truly deleted on the Internet, as you can see below:

Welch also tried to save face by writing the following caption to the photo above of himself and Bennington, which was snapped in February:

Horrible shocking and sad… we spent some fun hours together inside studios over the years, helping to promote your music and proudly knowing how your band helped so many get into this music in the first place.

But disgusted w how you ended it. It didn’t have to be this way.

Thoughts, prayers and positive vibes to your family, friends and fans worldwide. RIP Chester…

Moreover, Welch shared the picture below of Bennington – who some believe was prompted to kill himself in response to Chris Cornell doing the same thing – and penned as an affiliated message:

After the shock of yesterday, trying to focus on the positive memories today, like the time Chester made my daughter Jennea smile during Christmas.

Still unsatisfied with his response, Welch then recorded video in which he apologized for his initial remarks after Bennington committed suicide.

“I didn’t mean to sound insensitive about Chester. Just dealing with a range of emotions today,” Welch explained, adding in the following footage:

“Love you Chester. I’m pissed that you did this, but I know this could have been me back in the day after getting wasted one night.”

Check out the mea culpa below:

Think this is enough?

Do you understand where Welch was coming from in the first place?

Or was he simply way out of line and nothing he can say at this point can make up for his inappropriate critique of someone who was clearly very troubled?

Check out various other reactions to Bennington’s passing below and then sound off with your own.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

O.J. Simpson Could Make a Killing Signing Autographs

O.J. Simpson could line his pockets with cash by signing autographs, if he becomes a free man in October. David Elkouby, the owner of The Hollywood Show that specializes in celeb autographs, says O.J. would be the hottest commodity when he gets out,…


O.J. Simpson Could Make a Killing Signing Autographs

O.J. Simpson could line his pockets with cash by signing autographs, if he becomes a free man in October. David Elkouby, the owner of The Hollywood Show that specializes in celeb autographs, says O.J. would be the hottest commodity when he gets out,…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Plugs Virtually Killing President Trump

Rosie O’Donnell’s all for killing President Trump in a video game … at the very least. Rosie’s been getting her kicks playing an online game called “Push Trump Off a Cliff Again” and she’s promoting it on her social media. Not exactly shocking…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Jokes About Killing Donald Trump

Say this about Johnny Depp:

He knows how to distract the public from a critically-lambasted movie.

Speaking at the Glastonbury Festival in England on Thursday, Depp was introducing his film The Libertine when he asked “Can you bring Trump here?”

When the crowd started to boo, Depp quickly went ahead and explained himself… digging a hole so big that the Secret Service may come by soon to check on what’s inside of it.

“No, no, no, you misunderstood completely. I think he needs… help,” Depp said next, adding:

When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?

The audience reversed course and cheered over this question, but Depp may have sense that he went too far once the words left his mouth.

“I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living,” the multiple-time Oscar nominee said.

Depp was, of course, referencing John Wilkes Booth, the actor who murdered President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

You can watch him make these dumb, borderline illegal remarks below:

It is against the law to threaten the life of a sitting President of the United States.

Kathy Griffin learned this lesson the hard and moronic way a few weeks ago when she found herself under investigation for posing with the severed head of Donald Trump.

(Note to Celebrities: If you wish to make a political impact, do not do this. Do not do anything like this.

Maybe draw attention to the dangerous health care bill the Senate has been hiding from the public and may very well pass in the near future instead.)

Depp has been open for awhile about his disapproval of Trump.

Last year, he portrayed Trump in a satirical biopic for Funny or Die, referring to The Donald as “a brat” and predicting he would be “the actual last President of the United States” if elected.

And then he was elected.

About a month ago, Depp then appeared to be very drunk when he went on Ellen and rambled about a number of topics… including his disdain for Trump.

This hasn’t been the best past few months for Johnny Depp.

He was accused last year of domestic violence against Amber Heard.

It’s become increasingly clear that the star has a spending problem and may be on the verge of going broke.

He also keep insisting on wearing that stupid hat.

Will Depp actually be arrested for these Trump comments? No, of course not.

But he has likely given conservatives another talking point, another cause to rally around, another reason to point to liberals as out of touch elites who are going to historic lengths to obstruct Trump.

In other words: he’s hurting his own cause here. And he’s coming across like an idiot.

The goal isn’t to see Donald Trump dead, people. It’s to ensure his horrible policies do not get passed and to hold him accountable for his words and his actions.

Let’s focus.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Adam Lind: Using Steroids and Killing Puppies?!

Things aren’t looking good for Adam Lind.

Well, they were never looking good — he’s always been an enormous jackass with zero redeeming qualities, but, you know, meth doesn’t help.

In April, we learned that he’d failed a court-appointed drug test, and that he’d been found with a “substantial” amount of meth in his system.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, we recently learned that the drug test was done just before he went to pick up his younger daughter, Paislee, for the weekend.

Meaning that Adam believed it was an OK choice to be on meth around his kid.

Thanks to that terrible decision, Adam’s custody and visitation rights for Paislee are suspended indefinitely, and we imagine Chelsea Houska will follow suit for her daughter with Adam, Aubree.

If she hasn’t already, that is.

It’s all just such a horrific story, but now, against all odds, it’s getting worse.

In newly revealed court documents, we’re now discovering that Taylor Halbur, Adam’s ex and the mother of Paislee, went to court to make a request in her custody agreement with Adam.

Apparently Adam was asking for unsupervised time with Paislee, but Taylor asked a judge to deny the request because he’s “a dangerous person.”

According to the papers, “His life has spun out of control ever since he found fame, or infamy for that matter, on a television series run on MTV called Teen Mom 2.”

Don’t we know it …

“He has come to view himself as a person above the law, above social norms and above all rules,” the papers added.

Thanks to these horrifying documents, we now know that Taylor believes Adam has “serious anger issues.”

She even claimed that “Upon information and belief, when we were dating and lived together, he killed two of my puppies.”

“There was also another relationship that he was in, where he may have killed that person’s dog. If you hurt a dog, you will hurt a child!”

Well, according to most psychologists, if you hurt a dog, you could turn out to be a serial killer, but yeah, he could definitely hurt a kid, too.

And if memory serves, Chelsea’s had a dog or two disappear without a trace — could Adam have been responsible?!

Taylor also said that “I myself have seen many needles strewn around his home. Others have posted pictures of the Plaintiff with needles.”

The issue, she said, is steroids — no real surprise there.

But just when you think it gets any worse …

“One time,” Taylor recounted, “he tried to get a cell phone from me that was in my pocket.”

“In an attempt to get a cell phone out of my pocket he knocked me and our infant daughter to the ground. He did not seem to care that he had almost harmed an infant child.”

She also said that while “very high on steroids,” he once slammed her against a wall and screamed at her.

What an absolute nightmare, right?

It’s clear that Adam has no business being around children — it was clear even before we first heard a whisper about meth.

Hopefully Taylor can take custody from him for good now, and Chelsea can do the same for Aubree.

After knowing all that we know now, we can’t imagine being able to stomach seeing Adam at all, let alone seeing him with those poor girls.


Monday, June 19, 2017

"Wife Swap" Son Accused of Killing Mom and Brother Snapped from Strict Home Life, Claims "Other Mom"

The Stockdales, the “Wife Swap” family now at the center of a double murder investigation, were headed for trouble years ago due to their parenting style … according to the woman who swapped with them. Laurie Tonkovic recalled a specific…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Portland Train Killing Suspect Rants Like Charles Manson in Court (VIDEO)

The accused Portland train murderer made an extremely creepy appearance in court where he rambled like a madman and declared, “What you call terrorism, I call patriotism.” Jeremy Joseph Christian was arraigned Tuesday in Portland. He entered the…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Suge Knight"s Ex-Wife Denies Killing Tupac, Threatens Lawsuit Over Accusations (VIDEO)

Suge Knight’s ex-wife says the bombshell theory she murdered Tupac Shakur is a lie that makes ZERO sense because he was the meal ticket for her husband’s record label. Sharitha Golden tells TMZ she’s heard the allegation for years — that she…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

"Making History" Star Adam Pally Jokes About Killing Trump or Hitler (VIDEO)

“Making History” star Adam Pally not only lumped Donald Trump in the Adolf Hitler bucket … he said if he had the chance to go back in time he’d kill one of them. Adam was strolling on Broadway in NYC Wednesday and we…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna: Their Breakup is Killing Kris Jenner!

Hey, friends — hope you’ve all recovered from the absolute shock of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna breaking up this time around!

It’s tough when such a stable, long-standing couple splits, isn’t it?

Makes you question everything you’ve ever believed about true love. Or about what some people won’t do for attention and/or money.


This time around, things were “less dramatic” because, believe it or not, “They are both trying to be mature about it.”

“They split a while ago,” apparently, and “The wedding plans are off.”

But what was the reason for the split this time?

According to other reports, their relationship has been strained since the Christmas debacle when Chyna left Rob, taking Dream and all their belongings and going elsewhere.

And it sounds like the disappearing act is happening again.

“Chyna has disappeared for days at a time without communicating or providing any updates,” a source claims. “This won’t end well.”

The issue is that nothing has changed between them — “it’s the same with her yelling and screaming about how his family doesn’t like or support her, and his insecurities.”

And speaking of his family … they sure aren’t loving this latest development.

“This was somewhat expected but all parts sad,” a source reveals to Hollywood Life.

“Kris and the family always thought this scenario could happen and they all expect something to come from it that throws everything on its head.”

Young love, right? Or love between a person with zero self esteem and a person with her eye on the prize, as it were.

“But overall,” the source continues, “Kris finds this breakup a complete nightmare in the making, and the bad totally outweighs the good right now in her eyes.”

Poor Kris. That’s the takeaway from all this.

Relationships come and go, but her reputation, not to mention all that money she’s losing from what would surely be a popular wedding special?

That’s the real heartbreak.

But, to get real for just a minute, it sounds like the breakup is doing a number on Rob — specifically on his health. Because even though he and Chyna are trying to be mature about it, it still must be hard.

“Rob is not taking this well,” another source reports. “The latest issues with Blac Chyna have totally derailed him.”

And so he’s resumed his old habits — the ones that put him in such a predicament before Chyna even came into the picture.

“He’s back to emotional eating,” the source says, “which is dangerous for his diabetes.”

“His family’s so worried about him. He could end up in the hospital over this. They’re very scared for him. His health is a real issue.”

What a mess.

But really, was there ever any other way for this to end?


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Jenni Rivera"s Estate Sues Univision, TV Series Killing Her Reputation

Jenni Rivera is getting dragged through the mud by a Univision TV series about her life, and it’s all because her former manager’s got loose lips … according to a new lawsuit. Jenni Rivera Enterprises filed the suit against Univision over ”Su…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Scandal Did WHAT?!? Kerry Washington Reacts to Controversial Killing


The following article contains major Scandal spoilers in light of the shocking event that highlighted this show’s wildly anticipated return on Thursday night.

Do not read any further if you wish to remain in the dark about what went down on Scandal Season 6 Episode 1.

Okay? Ready? Warning heeded? 

Good, let us start here in that case: HOLY MOTHEREFFIN CRAP!!!!!!!

On the first new episode of this beloved drama since last May, viewers learned early on that Mellie lost the Presidential election to Frankie Vargas by just a few thousand votes.

Yes, a controversial male candidate defeated a female candidate for President by a razor thin margin.

The episode was filmed about six months ago, so while the election storyline may have been inspired by Donald Trump taking on Hillary Clinton in the real life Oval Office race… the result was more prescient than reactive.

What happened next, however, is what left jaws around the country dropped to the ground and what has led to significant backlash against the Shonda Rhimes-created series:

Vargas was shot while giving a speech on national TV.

He was taken to the hospital, where he quickly flatlined and died.

As mentioned above, the premiere was filmed several months ago.

Nevertheless, Scandal is under a bit of fire at the moment for even daring to go here; for actually airing a plot that centers around a Presidential assassination during a political environment so fraught with tension and anger.

The episode was originally slated to air last Thursday night, a day before Trump was sworn as POTUS, until ABC moved it back at the last minute so the network could air a special about Trump’s family.

Was this postponement related to the delicate subject matter?

No, ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey tells TV Line.

“Here’s the thing: It is a fictional story about fictional characters in a fictional world, that very much builds off of everything we did in Season 5,” she explains.

Dungey does acknowledge a “weird similarity” to what happened in the actual election on November 8 between Trump an Hillary Clinton, but emphasizes that this storyline isn’t even about the late President-Elect himself.

It’s about Cyrus (who Fitz appointed as his successor!) and whether he actually planned the murder.

“That’s an inciting incident that’s about plot,” Dungey says, adding:

“Because what the episode is about is something completely different. It’s about Cyrus’ complicity, or not, [in his running mate’s murder]. So while I feel like, ‘Sure, there’s a tiny bit of an eerie something,’ the story we’re telling is a very different story.

“Again, it’s a fictional story in a fictional universe. And it’s a great story for Scandal.”

Star Kerry Washington was also asked about the parallel between this stunning turn of election events and the equally stunning result that has gobsmacked America.

“I think it’s important that people know that the episode was written a long time before the outcome of this past November. I think that’s important,” Washington tells Entertainment Weekly, adding in more detail:

“It doesn’t get lost on me every day that for years the culture of this show was that the things we say and do are outrageous and unfathomable, and now we’re having to change plot lines and reconsider air dates because it’s too close to what’s actually happening or could be misconstrued as such.

“That is a reality that I am consistently trying to wrap my head around.”

It’s true. Real life is even more bizarre and harder to predict that Scandal.

That sort of says it all, doesn’t it?

We’ve included a link below so that readers can watch Scandal online in order to put this premiere in perspective:

Does the series deserve any kind of criticism for killing off a Trump-like character?

Or are critics reading too much into what, at the end of the day, is merely a TV show?

And also: can you believe Donald Trump is President of the United States?!? Like, all of the United States?!?


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Donald Trump & Mike Pence Sued -- Your Campaign"s Killing Me ... Gimme $1 BILLION

Donald Trump campaign trail rhetoric is driving one NY voter crazy … so much so the guy’s suing the Donald, his running mate and many more … for a BILLION bucks! A guy named Louis Tafuto in upstate NY filed the suit Monday, claiming Trump is…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mom Accused Of Killing Newborn Son After Leaving Him In Fridge

He was found three hours later by Bill Lewis, Blackwell"s father-in-law and the little boy"s grandfather.

According to WSOC, the coroner declared the cause of death "hypothermia with asphyxiation due to being in a refrigerator."

The incident occurred on February 27th, and it the investigation went on for six months before authorities arrested Blackwell, 27.  

"This case was under heavy investigation," count coroner Terry Tinker told told the news station.

"Initially, we did not know why the body was so cold." 

First responders performed CPR on the newborn,and were able to get a faint heartbeat, according to the incident report.  They also did their best to bring up his body temperature, but doctors were unable to save him.

Tinker said that lengthy investigations like this do take as long as they do, since several people had to be interviewed.

"There were ten people at the home when the child died," Tinker confirmed.

"Investigators had to speak to everyone who was there."

Lewis is convinced his daughter-in-law is innocent.

"She didn"t do it. We don"t know who did," Lewis told reporters from his front porch. 

"We just know she didn"t do it because she loves her kids too much." 

Lewis spoke briefly to WSOC about his late grandson, getting emotional about their last time together.

"I held him for two and a half hours," Lewis recalled as he choked up.

"And I sang to him, and talked to him, and that was the only time I did."

The baby had a 2-year-old brother who is now in the custody of the Department of Social Services.  

The family believes that Blackwell has a mental disability, but they also mentioned that a ten-year-old with autism may have put the child in the fridge.

Blackwell is being charged with felony homicide and child abuse, and could face up to twenty years in prison.

Mom accused of killing newborn son after leaving him in fridge