Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2018

Tupac Shakur"s Signed Thug Life Contract Up for Auction

Before Tupac Shakur was about “California Love” he was all about Thug Life, and the rapper’s early recording contract with the hip-hip group can be yours … if you’re str8 ballin’. The 58-page contract from July 24, 1994 is signed by 2Pac and…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Danielle Bregoli"s Dad is Legally Out of Her Life For Good

Danielle Bregoli doesn’t have a father anymore … legally speaking. Danielle’s mother, Barbara Bregoli, filed docs — obtained by TMZ — to formally remove her dad’s name, Ira Peskowitz, from her birth certificate. A judge has signed off on it…


Danielle Bregoli"s Dad is Legally Out of Her Life For Good

Danielle Bregoli doesn’t have a father anymore … legally speaking. Danielle’s mother, Barbara Bregoli, filed docs — obtained by TMZ — to formally remove her dad’s name, Ira Peskowitz, from her birth certificate. A judge has signed off on it…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Demi Lovato: This Pic of My Thighs Could Save Your Life

Demi Lovato isn’t just a talented singer with an ever-growing tour schedule. She’s not just an actress or a gorgeous role model.

She’s an inspiration.

Now, she’s posting a photo of her thighs — now that she’s stopped dieting — to share a powerful message about loving your body.

In the (now-deleted) photo that you’ll see below, Demi Lovato shows off her thighs.

Though Demi continues to work out by practicizing Brazilian martial arts for both self-defense training and for fitness purposes, she has not stopped dieting.

In the caption of this wonderful picture, she’s written:

“These are what I call no more dieting thighs and I’m proud of them #thickthighssavelives.”

That’s an amazing message, and here is the photo itself:

As we mentioned, this gorgeous pic of the singer has announced that she’s no longer dieting.

Though her figure remains enviable to the point where every single photo of her is a thirst trap, her thighs have grown powerful.

The “thick thighs save lives” motto is incredible and one that we hope to see repeated.

it’s body-positive, it’s empowering, and it rhymes. What more could you want?

This is not the first time that Demi has spoken up about her body image, however.

Demi shared this lovely beach photo and addressed her eating disorder in the captions, writing:

“So, I’m insecure about my legs in this picture but I’m posting it because I look so happy and this year I’ve decided I’m letting go of my perfectionism and embracing freedom from self criticism.”

That sounds so wonderfully healthy!

“Learning to love my body the way it is is challenging but life changing. Giving up my eating disorder has been the most challenging journey of my life but I work every day towards solid recovery even if I mess up sometimes.”

By sharing her journey with the world, she can inspire others.

“Today I’m feeling strong. You all can do it too. It IS possible. Thank you God for this new chapter in my life. #EDrecovery #happyAF”

Demi Lovato has also opened up to People about her recovery.

“It’s a daily battle. Some days I feel great and some days I don’t feel great. And sometimes it’s periods of times.”

She’s admitted that she’s gained weight — a normal thing for human bodies, but difficult for someone recovering from an eating disorder.

“I stopped dieting and have gained a little weight so it’s been a struggle but at the same time, I’m happier because I’m not restricting myself from certain foods and I’m no longer food shaming myself.”

That is so good to hear!

“As someone recovering from a food disorder, it’s something that I want to put out there that you don’t have to diet in order to be happy.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard that message out there in the public and of course, it’s important to be healthy and everything in moderation is fine.”

It’s so important to hear her talk about this. Sensible eating and moderation don’t have to look extreme.

That applies to everyone, but it’s especially hard for people who struggle with eating disorders to understand.

When she says that thick thighs save lives, it’s almost literal — people worried about their thighs not meeting some impossible standard might starve themselves to death or damage their organs in an effort to conform to what they think that they’re supposed to look like.

Demi’s message could save lives.


Joy-Anna Duggar Pregnancy Post: Life Begins at Birth!

The Duggars have gotten a lot of criticism over the years. For Michelle Duggar being a neglectful parent. For their fringe fundamentalist views on everything. For their children being uneducated “clones” of their beliefs.

But no one has ever realistically questioned whether the Duggar family is 100% anti-abortion.

Until now, that is. Diehard fans are questioning their views after being alarmed by the language used in a recent Duggar post.

Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth may never address the shotgun wedding rumors — at least, that’s how some fans are feeling.

Some believe that they’re not trying to clear the air because the story is true and they’re ashamed of doing the natural and healthy activity that almost every couple in the country does.

Others believe that they’re not speaking about it directly because they don’t want to give any weight to a false rumor. Perhaps they fear that if they shoot down one rumor, they’ll be expected to respond to them all.

A more moderate view might be that Joy-Anna and Austin are biding their time and seeing when Joy-Anna gives birth. If it’s late enough, it might look like “evidence” that the couple waited until their wedding night.

The touchy subject of Joy-Anna’s due date was what brought about this post, which shocked numerous Duggar fans:

On the Duggar family’s official Facebook page, they wrote:

“Joy and Austin will soon be parents! Anybody have a guess when baby will be here?”

They then wrote:

“When it comes to arrival, these babies make up their own minds!”

On the surface, this is just a post about a pregnant Duggar daughter.

Dig slightly deeper, and it’s a set-up to give a plausible explanation if (or when) Joy-Anna gives birth earlier than her wedding date would “allow.”

But did you notice the unexpected language from the Duggars? These fans did, and they were shocked.

One diehard Duggar fan commented:

“They are already parents! They’ve been parents since conception, because that’s when life begins! (Just like to point that out, because life-affirming language is super important – and I know your family agrees on the sanctity of life!)”

That comment then continued, with some odd capitalizatin and hyphenation.

“God bless! Pregnancy is such a special time with Baby and so is birth! Praying for Baby and Mama on your upcoming big day! Have a very Happy Birth-day!”

Other commenters echoed the sentiment, “correcting” the Duggars.

“Life begins at conception.”

And another:

“Human life begins before one has a heartbeat; of course, even if it didn’t, they’d still have been parents since nearly conception. Nothing controversial about that. It’s encouraging, actually.”

So, to the anti-abortion crowd, the Duggars were odd to suggest that Joy-Anna isn’t already a mother.

By their beliefs, she’s been a mother since conception.

The Duggars haven’t been shy about mourning miscarriages with grave markers, as they might if a baby had died. (Which is totally their choice, folks — everyone has a right to grieve a loss in their own way)

Fans have noted the family’s apparent hypocrisy, grieving Jubilee while seeming to forget Caleb Duggar by calling Jubilee their “20th child.”

And one commenter referred to that under the post about Joy-Anna and Austin.

“The Duggars are very pro-life. They turn up to abortion clinics and hold signs on the street. They choose to tell everyone else what should be considered life and then ignore one of the ‘lives’ they created. It’s hypocritical.”

But perhaps whether or not Jim Bob and Michelle mention one child they never got to meet or another is beside the point.

For the Duggars to use the language that they did is odd for pro-life activists who usually use language designed to reinforce the idea that a fetus is a person already.

Were they just … tired? Did they task some intern or family friend to make the post on their behalf?

Who knows.

Fans can all agree that, for most families, the language used to describe Joy-Anna’s upcoming maternity wouldn’t be unusual.

But surely the entire world can agree that the Duggars are not most families.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jennifer Aniston MIA From Justin Theroux"s New York Life for a Long Time

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux said Thursday they decided to separate at the end of last year, but New York sources who live around Justin say Jennifer’s been absent from his NYC life since August. Justin has an apartment in the West Village…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Michelle Duggar: Her Life Before Jim Bob Exposed!

These days Michelle Duggar is the very picture of peity and domesticity.

But the mother of twenty"s past isn"t as squeaky clean as you might expect.

Sources say Michelle has cut ties with the family that raised her and is doing her best to distance herself form her upbringing.

But it"s hard to keep anything a secret when your one of reality TV"s mst famous moms…

1. Jim Bob’s Bride

Michelle and jim bob 1984

These days, Michelle lives a life of quiet domesticity. But her past wasn’t always quite so peaceful.

2. Michelle the Cheerleader

Michelle duggar in high school

Michelle was the one who decided her daughters should only wear below-the-knee skirts. Interestingly, she didn’t always follow such a strict dress code herself.

3. She Wore What?!

Jim bob duggar and michelle duggar on vacation

And it wasn’t just while she was cheerleading that Michelle refused to cover up. “The neighbors used to complain because she would mow the lawn in her bikini and wear short skirts,” a neighbor tells Star magazine.

4. The Rebel

Jim bob and michelle duggar kitchen hug

It seems Michelle’s parents were no fans of her fashion sense. “They were always trying to get her to cover up her legs,” says the source. So THAT’S where she gets it!

5. The Protesant Reformation

Michelle duggar and jim bob duggar photo

Michelle has changed so much since marrying Jim Bob that those who knew her growing up say they can hardly believe it. “I’ve seen commercials for the show, but I never in a million years would’ve believed that’s Michelle,” says former classmate Joe Roblee.

6. A Modest Wedding

Jim bob and michelle duggar wedding pics

Of course, Michelle put all that behind her when she met Jim Bob. The two were married on July 21, 1984 after just a few months of dating. But as much as she’s tried to leave her past behind her, reminders of her former life still pop up from time to time.

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Jeremy Piven"s Girlfriend says #MeToo is Ruining Her Life, Too

Jeremy Piven’s girlfriend is lashing out at the #MeToo movement … but her beef has nothing to do with victims or accusers and everything to do with her. We got Liana Mendoza in Studio City on Sunday when she went off, mostly because dudes…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Joe McKnight"s Family Says Killer Deserves Life In Prison

The mother of Joe McKnight’s 8-year-old son tells TMZ Sports … the man who shot the ex-NFL running back is a cold-blooded killer and is begging the court to keep him locked up for LIFE.  We spoke with Michelle Quick — who dated Joe back in…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Pacman Jones: Marvin Lewis "Saved My Life," PUMPED He"s Back with Bengals!

Pacman Jones is going to bat for Marvin Lewis on the heels of his head-scratching contract extension … telling TMZ Sports he couldn’t be happier about the Bengals coach getting 2 more years. Pacman wasn’t kidding — saying the team’s…


Friday, January 19, 2018

"Horror House" Parents Charged with 12 Counts of Torture, Better Be Imprisoned for Life

David and Louise Turpin – the California parents who reportedly confined, tortured and malnourished their 13 children – now face up to 94 years to life in prison, authorities announced on Thursday.

The couple was officially charged in court today with 12 counts of torture, following their arrest this week for committing allegedly heinous acts. 

As previously reported, the Turpins were discovered to have been keeping their kids captive for years, allegedly depriving them of food and keeping them chained to pieces of furniture for hours and hours at a time.

The kids ranged in age from two through 29.

A 17-year old daughter managed to escape and call the police, alerting them to the despicable conditions in which her siblings were being kept.

Bail has been set at $ 13 million for the Turpins in Riverside County, California.

Said Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin on Thursday afternoon:

“All the victims were and are severely malnourished. The 29-year-old female victim weighs 82 pounds.”

The kids were immediately sent to the hospital upon being rescued by authorities and are receiving various types of treatment.

They are receiving antibiotics, vitamins and nutrients and psychologists will soon be brought in to evaluate the victims when their physical conditions improve.

Hestrin also said that the children would “sleep all day and be up all night,” confirming reports from neighbors who have said they witnessed the kids being marched all around the home during very strange hours.

According to Hestrin, “none of the victims were allowed to shower more than once a year.”

Many were found lying in piles of their own feces this week.

“This is severe physical and emotional abuse we’re talking about,” Hestrin said. “It breaks our hearts, but we’re professionals and have to seek justice.”

He noted that the 17-year old who broke free and dialed 911 had been plotting her escape for two years.

On Wednesday, investigators served search warrants to the home, spending approximately seven hours going through evidence, and walking out with several boxes, two safes and pieces of wood that appear to have been part of bed frames.

David’s mother, Betty, told reporters after her son’s arrest that David and his wife had so many kids because God wanted them to.

“I feel they were model Christians,” she told the Southern California News Group on Wednesday, adding:

“It’s hard to believe all of this. Over the years, the Lord knows what happened.”

Adds David Macher, a public defender assigned to David Turpin:

“What we would like the public to know is that our clients are presumed to be innocent, and that’s a very important presumption.”

When asked about the number of counts and the nature of the charges, Macher said:

“It’s going to be a challenge.”

Aside from suffering severe caloric malnutrition associated with muscle wasting, several of the kids have cognitive impairment and “neuropathy, which is nerve damage, as a result of this extreme and prolonged physical abuse,” Hestrin says.

What will happen now to the victims?

The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services is seeking court authorization to provide oversight and care for the 13 siblings “to the extent that’s necessary,” says Susan von Zabern, spokeswoman for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services.

She added on Tuesday:

“At this point, we’ll be doing a full assessment with medical professionals to better understand needs of the adults as well as the children, and we’ll be prepared to provide supportive services as well as engage other agencies in assisting these individuals to be stable.”


Friday, January 12, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Life is Kicking My Ass and My Mom Doesn"t Care!

Kendra Wilkinson tweeted out that she’s suffering in 2018.

In fact, it’s apparently her hardest year so far. She doesn’t spell out why … but we can guess.

But do you know who doesn’t feel for Kendra? Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson.

Kendra Wilkinson’s 2017 was not necessarily ideal.

There were rumors that she and Hank Baskett would divorce.

Kendra was hospitalized more than once. She suffered a mystery illness … but, another time, she injured herself while pantomiming a handjob on stage.

To top it all off, Kendra — who’s taken other reality stars to task for racism in the past and, lest we forget, whose immediate family is black — was accused of racism after she picked cotton.

It was one of those very rare instances when someone accused of racism was not, in fact, being racist.

Despite all of that, Kendra seems to be having a harder time in 2018 — and we’re not even two weeks into the year.

Kendra tweeted:

“2018 has been so far the hardest start to a year in my life. Kickin my ass n putting me through a true test… but I survived this far. I choose to stand strong, be grateful n smile. Life is too short.”

It is, but that’s really vague, right? Well, she gets vaguer with some life advice that looks like it belongs on a trite motivational poster:

“The most important time in your life is right now at this moment. Let go of the past and have fun dreaming. Enjoy life’s little pleasures. Take control n prioritize who n what deserves this time.”

So, what does that mean? Is she okay?

Kendra’s mother, Patti Wilkinson, spoke to RadarOnline. But she didn’t seem terribly interested in addressing Kendra’s tweets.

“I am not interested in talking about Kendra.”


Patti is apparently vacationing outside of the US, and told RadarOnline that she is “not talking about Kendra.”

Infamously, Kendra’s mother wants to write a book that will expose details and secrets of Kendra’s life, which very understandably makes Kendra nearly lose it whenever it’s brought up.

It’s a sore point between the two of them.

We can only speculate as to what she might mean.

Remember how she was suffering from aches and pains that had her rushed to the hospital and canceling her Vegas shows?

It turned out that, according to Kendra, she had something called vaginal depression — aches and pains in her genitals that have no apparent physiological cause.

(A lot of gynecological ailments haven’t been taken seriously by the medical community over the years, because sexism ruins everything; we can’t help but wonder if doctors would have a better grasp on what causes vaginal depression if, you know, women hadn’t been excluded from becoming doctors for centuries)

Doctors usually prescribe sex, which should be great news for Kendra. Kendra describes herself as a “horny motherf–ker,” and it wasn’t just her emotional bond with Hank Baskett that she missed while she spent time in Vegas.

Speaking of Hank Baskett, some believe that old hurt feelings over Hank’s alleged affair with a trans model — well, affair is a strong word; the story goes that she maybe gave him a handjob — may still be causing problems.

Others hope that the couple is past that.

It’s also possible that Kendra is just working really hard on her 2018 body goals. Her New Year’s Resolution is all about herself and her figure, and she’s been hitting the gym hard to keep in shape.

So maybe she’s kicking her own ass?

It’s possible that we have no clue as to what’s making her 2018 into such a trial. But, it’s Kendra, so we doubt that it’ll remain secret for long.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Shaun Alexander on Seahawks Struggles: Teams Age, Life Happens

Shaun Alexander doesn’t seem too worried about his former squad after the Seahawks missed the playoffs for the first time in 6 seasons … telling TMZ Sports, “It just happens with age. Life happens.” Alexander would know … he crushed it for the…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Steven John Assanti: Former My 600 Lb Life Star Dances Naked, Sings

Former My 600 Lb Life has alarmed fans in recent months with his naked videos and strange, inexplicable behavior.

Now, in the video that you can see below, he"s singing "Santa Baby" while wearing nothing but Christmas lights.

Is this an issue with substance abuse and mental health, or is it a ploy for attention and money. Or, as some fans fear, is it both?

Steven john assanti 1

Usually, social media is a wonderful tool, especially when it comes to keeping up with the lives of low-level celebrities who"d otherwise slip below the radar.

Following contestants or reality stars after they leave their shows, however, isn"t always a carousel of Instagrammed meals and puppy videos with the occasional plug for somebody"s weight loss tea that definitely doesn"t work.

Sometimes social media access means that you watch a troubled contestant spiral out of control, with no one around to help them.

Case in point: former My 600 Lb Life contestant Steven John Assanti.

His recent behavior is erratic and worrisome.

Steven john assanti 2

Steven John Assanti is one of the most controversial figures to have appeared on My 600 Lb Life.

In fact, because he continued to (allegedly) abuse drugs, he ended up being released from the program that might have transformed his body — and life.

Assanti had seemed to mellow since then. For a while, during 2017, he was making encouraging posts for new contestants who were trying to lose weight.

He had also announced that he didn"t resent Dr. Now for shaming him for his body in front of a mirror, saying that it was "not fat-shaming" and calling the experience a "wake-up call."

In late 2017, that changed.

Steven john assanti 4

Assanti has begun to, simply put, behave in a manner that appears to be an attempt at "shock value."

In various videos, some of which have gone viral in the worst ways, he has appeared naked. While we"re not body-shaming him, it appears that he"s attempting to bait his haters … for reasons that we can only guess.

In one video, he sits naked on a toilet, caresses his body, and chants: "sitting on the toilet," interspersed with humming.

In another, in which he"s actually wearing clothing, he allegedly admits to "hospital shopping" for pain pills.

And, in the video that you can see below, he dances naked while covered in Christmas lights while singing "Santa Baby."

Steven john assanti 5

Commenters range from concern to condemnation.

"You really need to lay off the drugs, dude."

"Purely out of morbid curiosity, I watched the video… heart breaks for you, Steven. It is glaringly obvious you are in desperate need of help. I hope you get it."

"This guy has been given so much help and so many opportunities to get better and lose weight and deal with his mental and drug issues…… but he is an egotistical and self obsessed human who doesn"t want the help."

"Yup still waiting for the day he flashes his tiny peepee and gets banned from facebook. We"re getting close folks."

"This guy was on the extreme weight loss documentary and he was the biggest asshole I"ve ever seen. I"ve never seen someone who has been offered so much help and tossed it away like he did. I have zero sympathy for this guy at all."

Steven john assanti 3

Assanti"s behavior is alarming.

But is he losing his mind? Or is there a method to his apparent madness?

Facebook videos can be monetized, just like YouTube videos. In fact, the process works very similarly.

The video that you"re going to see below has more than 200,000 views. The toilet video? Has more than 5 million.

By trolling in this manner, is he just working to rack up ad revenue? Maybe.

But we"re concerned for his well being, regardless. Assanti"s long-awaited Where Are They Now? airs tonight at 8pm on TLC.

Steven john assanti former my 600 lb life star dances naked sing

Logan Paul: Man, I Need to "Reflect" on My Life!

It may have taken the most boneheaded of all boneheaded moves, but Logan Paul claims to have reached an epiphany.

Kind of. Sort of.

Either that, or the wildly popular YouTube star has realized what he needs to do from a public relations standpoint.

Earlier this week, Paul got in scalding hot water for basically being an insensitive jackass.

He uploaded a video to his social media account of him and some buddies walking through a forest in Japan that is known for people choosing to take their own lives there.

Indeed, it is actually known as the “suicide forest.”

At one point, Paul comes across a dead body, films it for multiple minutes and even makes a few jokes about it.

The clip has since been deleted, but it was viewed by millions of people, all of whom saw Paul make funny faces in the direction of the corpse, while also zooming in for a close-up.

It was an example of disgusting behavior and illuminating behavior, reflective of a culture in which people will film anything if they think it could go viral.

In response, Paul apologized.

In rather obnoxious fashion.

“Let’s start with this – I’m sorry,” he said on New Year’s Day, adding:

“This is a first for me. I’ve never faced criticism like this before, because I’ve never made a mistake like this before.

“I’m surrounded by good people and believe I make good decisions, but I’m still a human being. I can be wrong.

“I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That’s never the intention.

“I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention and while I thought ‘if this video saves just ONE life, it’ll be worth it,’ I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am.”

He went on to talk about his monumentally huge following and didn’t really come across all that regretful in this mea culpa.

So then Paul tried again.

In a video (which he monetized), Paul at least sounded a bit more contrite during apology number-two, saying at one point:

“I do not deserve to be defended … I’m ashamed of myself. I’m disappointed in myself. And I promise to do better. I will do better.”

But he won’t try to do better any time soon; because he won’t be sharing any new videos any time soon.

“Taking time to reflect,” Logan shared with his 3.9 million Twitter followers Wednesday night. “No vlog for now. See you soon.”

Prior to making this decision, Paul had uploaded at least one 15-minute video online every day for 460 days in a row.

But maybe, possibly, he finally understands just how much he effed up with this latest one.

“Our hearts go out to the family of the person featured in the video,” a spokesperson for YouTube told E! News in a statement.

“YouTube prohibits violent or gory content posted in a shocking, sensational or disrespectful manner.

“If a video is graphic, it can only remain on the site when supported by appropriate educational or documentary information and in some cases it will be age-gated.

“We partner with safety groups such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to provide educational resources that are incorporated in our YouTube Safety Center.”


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: The Race of His Life

Buckle your seatbelts, THGers and card-carrying members of Bachelor Nation. Season 22 is underway, and Arie is on the race of his life.

While The Bachelor spoilers have already revealed much about the outcome this season, Monday’s premiere offered our first TV glimpse …

Following a runner-up finish on The Bachelorette all the way back in 2012, Arie Luyendyk Jr. is back in the driver’s seat … so to speak.

Seeing him in the starring role after five and a half years may please  Bachelor Nation … or not. But either way, it’s got people talking.

Is this 36-year-old race car driver, real estate broker and distinguished, graying gentleman finally ready to fall in love again this winter?

We can’t say for sure, but … the spoilers have revealed the OUTCOME OF THE ENTIRE THREE-MONTH SEASON, so there’s that.

Hey, you don’t really, truly know who Arie picks and if The Bachelor spoilers were on point until the finale, right? You just never know.

But you probably do. Anyway, whether you’re a Bachelor spoilers junkie or not, proceed for the recap of the Janu-Arie 1 premiere now!

As you know – or may not know, since this was so long ago now – Emily Maynard rejected Arie Luyendyk Jr. on The Bachelorette finale.

We were treated to quite the retrospective on that, partly so we’d remember who Arie is, and also so we’d remember he’s a good guy.

He was SO in love with Emily, we were told, that he sent her his journal even after she got engaged to Jef Holm, hoping it would sway her.

Arie was in the hunt for The Bachelor job the next winter – that went to his fellow competitor Sean Lowe – and on Chris Soules’ season.

After those near-misses, he’s finally getting his second shot at TV love, and to be perfectly, honest, he’s pretty nervous about the journey.

Seeing these 29 girls will help, though.

First we meet Chelsea, 29, a mom from Maine (above). Then Caroline, 26, a realtor from Florida. Then Maquel, 23, a Utah photographer.

Nysha, 30,  is an orthopedic nurse and adrenaline junkie. Tia, 26, is a small town Arkansas girl who’s actually friends with Raven Gates.

Kendall, 26, is a taxidermy enthusiast. That’s a new one. The youngest contestant, Bekah, does not say her age. That’s a new one also.

Marikh, 27, owns an Indian restaurant with her mom in Utah, while Krystal, 29, works as health and fitness coach, and volunteers as well.

After these intros, it’s limo time!

Caroline (the Florida realtor) is the first to step out, with this one-liner: “If we do our jobs right maybe we’ll both be off the market.”

Good one. Chelsea, meanwhile, plays hard to get, and leaves him wanting more, assuring Arie, “There’s a lot to get to know.”

Tia (above) gifts Arie a tiny wiener so he remembers she’s from Weiner, Ark. “Please tell me you don’t already have one of these,” she jokes. 

Probably a safe bet.

Racing jokes abound, while Bekah shows up in a classic car and says, “I may be young, but I can still appreciate something classic.”

As more and more ladies arrive, we learn there are four Laurens this season and one Maquel. Yes, Maquel, who made quite the entrance.

Her race car arrival instantly raised the stakes for the other women and made them nervous, as did Maquel stealing him away at the party.

Arie’s first kiss when to Brittany T., but the coveted first impression rose went to Chelsea, to the dismay of Krystal (and everyone else).

The Maine mom definitely got the most screen time on the premiere, but it remains to be seen if she has a real shot to make the top four.

Sadly, we know more than a half dozen people who won’t be there for sure, as all good 29-woman cocktail parties must come to an end.

At the first rose ceremony, Becca K., Marikh, Kendall, Lauren G., Krystal, Bekah, Lauren S., Seinne, Caroline, and Brittany T. get roses.

Bibiana, Annaliese, Jenna, Valerie, Jacqueline, Jenny, Lauren B., Ashley, Tia and Maquel follow, all advancing to fight another round.

Eight down, 21 to go.


Teen Mom OG Recap: The Crazy Life of Amber Portwood

Amber’s plan to oust Matt from her life came to a head on Teen Mom OG Season 5 Episode 6, thanks in large part due to a new man.

That’s right, Andrew Glennon made his first appearance.

Meanwhile, Farrah returned home to Omaha and Taylor gave Maci a huge surprise … but where either of those developments positive?

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that Amber is often all over the place, and Season 5 Episode 6 was certainly true to form.

A few weeks ago, she lamented the idea of life without Matt Baier. This week, she was singing a different tune, ditching him for good.

Helping her get over Matt? Andrew Glennon, an exciting new love interest whom she met while filming Marriage Boot Camp … with Matt.

In real time, of course, Amber and Andrew are expecting their first child together, so clearly things escalated quickly between the pair.

On yesterday evening’s show, she held back on introducing Andrew to her daughter Leah until they were more established as a couple.

We’re guessing that didn’t take long, either.

She wasn’t just keeping Leah distant from Andrew, though; Gary Shirley, Leah’s dad, wasn’t too happy about Amber going MIAin general.

While she was hanging around with her new boyfriend, she left her daughter with Gary, who was none too pleased about her priorities.

He let her hear about it, while she responded by telling Gary and his wife Kristina Anderson just how bizarre her situation with Matt was.

Texting, calling and begging her to take him back, Matt even sent her a photo 20 pills, saying he was going to kill himself if she didn’t reply.

Wow. That’s lower than low.

This really makes you question his mental state, and even more incredibly, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon just a few months later.

While this was going on, Catelynn and Tyler reunited at last with their birth daughter, Carly, after having been apart for nearly two years.

Joyful as this was, it was bittersweet at the same time, as it left Catelynn feeling depressed once she had to say goodbye to her first-born.

Tyler, on the other hand?

He was feeling the urge to have more kids, even asking Cate if they can start “popping out more,” preferably sooner rather than later.

She laughed, though clearly there were signs of her depression and anxiety evident here, and we all know what happened soon after.

Catelynn checked into rehab after experiencing suicidal thoughts, and while she’s reportedly at home now, she’s not out of the woods.

Maci Bookout went skydiving for her birthday, while her ex, Ryan Edwards, and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, posed for some photos.

To celebrate their engagement, that is.

Edwards seemed a little bit off, to put it mildly, fueling concerns from those worried about the troubled star’s ongoing battles with addiction.

It’s a scary situation. Maci making Ryan take drug tests before seeing Bentley may not be the worst idea, much as we hate to say it.

Finally, Farrah Abraham and Sophia attended her grandmother’s birthday party before going out for dinner with Farrah’s mother Debra.

There, Sophia said that she never wants to see Debra again if she ends up marrying her then-fiance David. Yes, Sophia told her this.

Farrah may want to think twice about unloading her feelings on Sophia … just an idea. The little girl even said at a different point:

“I hope David isn’t at the party.”

Whatever issues Abraham has with her mom, and however she chooses to handle those, she should at least try to shield Soph.

You know, just a little bit.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ex-NFL Star Jamal Lewis: Peyton Manning Changed My Life, Showed Me Hard Work

Ray Lewis. Shannon Sharpe. Ed Reed.  Jamal Lewis played with a bunch of legends on the Ravens … but says Peyton Manning — his 1-year teammate at Tennessee — was the guy who showed him how to be a pro.  The ex-NFL star told…


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: I Saved Ryan Edwards" Life!!!

Oh, that Mackenzie Standifer … has Teen Mom ever had such a universally hated cast member?

Well, there was the complete douchebaggery that was Matt Baier. And most people have pretty strong feelings against Farrah Abraham.

Mackenzie"s husband, Ryan Edwards, has never been that likable himself.

But still, there"s just something special about Mackenzie, something that makes her so very easy to despise.

And she"s making that even easier with a new blog she wrote about Ryan"s addiction …

1. Suspicious …

Mackenzie edwards

If you’ve watched Teen Mom at all in the past few years, you’ve probably noticed that Ryan’s seemed a little bit … off. From his bugged out eyes to his disappearances to “the bank” for hours every day, something just wasn’t right with him.

2. The Big Reveal

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Turns out, that “something” was drugs.

3. Understandable Tears

Maci bookout cries

As Maci revealed in an episode last season, Ryan had been struggling with addiction. She didn’t give out any details, but it was obvious that Ryan was into something bad.

4. Heroin?

Ryan edwards track mark photos

At one point last season, Maci said that a friend of Ryan’s had texted her and let her know that things had somehow gotten even worse for him, and though again she didn’t get into specifics, the news obviously shook her up. Then, in this scene from the season finale, fans spotted what looked like track marks on Ryan’s arms.

5. What a Nightmare

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

After fans spotted those alleged track marks, they saw Ryan nod off while driving himself and Mackenzie to their parking lot wedding. It was definitely one of the most shocking moments in the history of Teen Mom, and it made it clear that Ryan had a big, big problem.

6. Yep, Heroin

Ryan edwards closeup

And on an episode this season, it was confirmed that Ryan was doing heroin, so there’s that tragic little tidbit.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Devon Still Retires from Football, "Moving On to Next Phase Of My Life"

Devon Still — one of the most beloved athletes in pro sports — is officially retiring from football … telling TMZ Sports he’s ready to move on to the next phase of his life.  “I never wanted to be somebody who gives up on their dreams, but…
