Showing posts with label Lively. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lively. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Man Stabbed in Movie Theater During Blake Lively Movie "The Shallows"

A 21-year-old man was stabbed multiple times on Wednesday at a movie theater during a screening of The Shallows, which stars Blake Lively.

The attack occurred in downtown Santa Rosa, a city in Northern California.

The suspect has been identified as Delonte Anthony Hart, 23, who has been homeless for about four months, according to reports.

The Santa Rosa Police Department described the incident on their Facebook page.

“The suspect, who was unknown to the victim, approached him from behind and stabbed him several times in an unprovoked attack,” the post read.

“Witnesses tended to the victim’s wounds until police officers and emergency medical personnel arrived.”

Audience members who saw the stabbing provided a description to police and pointed out the direction he went following the attack.

Officers were able to locate the suspect within minutes and placed him under arrest for attempted murder.

The victim, whose name was not released, was transported to the hospital and treated for multiple life-threatening stab wounds and is “expected to survive.”

A motive for the attack is unclear, but police described it as “random and frightening.”

Lively has not yet commented.

Last July, another violent movie theater attack occurred in Lafayette, Louisiana during a showing of Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck.

A gunman entered the theater and opened fire in the crowded cinema, killing two and injuring nine before taking his own life.

In response, a distraught Schumer told Vanity Fair that after hearing the news, she wished she’d never wrote the film.

“I was by myself in a hotel, and I was just like, I wish I never wrote that movie,” she said.

Since then, Schumer has been a staunch advocate for tightening gun laws and has campaigned on the topic with her cousin, New York State Senator Chuck Schumer.

Blake Lively Gushes About Woody Allen, Makes Us Cringe

For reasons unknown, many celebrities still treat accused child molester Woody Allen as some kind of demi-god.

Actually, the reasons are fairly well-assumed, having something to do with the notion that actors in his movies tend to win awards.

Blake Lively, who stars in Allen’s upcoming film Cafe Society, is the latest celeb to overlook Allen’s alleged crimes, possibly for a chance at a prestigious awards nomination.

“[Woody] creates a very pleasant set where everybody’s just happy to be there and happy to be making a movie, and happy to be a part of film history,” Lively told Hamptons magazine.

“For him to have that confidence in you almost give you the confidence in yourself to just go with the flow.

“And those are the moments he really likes, the found moments, the moments that aren’t written but just happen.”

The film, which also stars Steve Carell, Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg, may be Lively’s first shot at her peers regarding her as a serious actor.

“It’s really cool to work with a director who’s done so much, because he knows exactly what he wants,” she continued.

“The fact that he does one shot for an entire scene — [and] this could be a scene with eight people and one to two takes — it give you a level of confidence because when he’s got it, he knows it.”

In 1992, Dylan Farrow, Allen’s adoptive daughter with Mia Farrow, accused the director of sexually abusing her.

While Allen has denied the accusations and was never charged, Mia, Dylan and brother Rowan have insisted they are accurate.

Dylan and Rowan have called out celebrities who continue to work with Allen despite the disturbing claims, including Alec Baldwin, Louis CK and Scarlett Johansson.

But it sounds like Lively and the rest feel that the chance to work with the Oscar-winning director trumps the possibility that he may be a pedophile.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

UGH! Blake Lively Has to Watch Ryan Reynolds Have Sex

Blake Lively doesn"t have a lot she can complain about in life.

She"s very good looking. She has an adorable daughter. And… well… have you seen her husband?!?

The beautiful star"s biggest scandals these days have to do with the way she talks about her butt.

However, Lively was a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Monday night, touching on the subject of someone else"s butt.

The one that belongs to legal half Ryan Reynolds.

Lively told a story to Fallon and his audience about a rather awkward plane flight she endured over the weekend with her infant child.

She had to spend Father"s Day starting at many others on her flight watching Deadpool on their personal devices; you know, the film that features at least one major sex scene between Reynolds and another woman.

"It’s kind of torture these days because I’m on a plane and everywhere I look, every screen, is my husband in a sex montage… with another woman," Lively said.

"Because everybody wants to watch Deadpool on the plane. But, like, for 14 hours having your husband having, like, mashed potatoes eaten out of his butthole… it’s lovely.

"It’s a cruel and unusual form of torture.

Mashed potatoes eaten out of his butthole. We really don"t hear that phrase often enough.

How does the couple"s toddler feel about these NSFW scenes?

"My daughter goes, ‘Dada!’ and she starts, like, hugging and kissing the screen and waving at him and he’s not waving back and she doesn’t understand why he’s not waving back at her, because she thinks it’s like FaceTime," the actress said.

That"s hilarious.

Watch Lively tells these stories below and try not to feel TOO badly for her.

She still gets to have sex with Ryan Reynolds any time she wants.

Blake lively on ryan reynolds sex scene theyre torture

Friday, May 20, 2016

Sir Mix-a-Lot Defends Blake Lively, Big Butts Everywhere


More like XOX…  NO! What?!? Huh?!?

That was the reaction many people had after Blake Lively commented on her own body part at the Cannes Film Festival this week.

The gorgeous actress walked the red carpet in France in a striking gold dress, one that showed off her impressive figure.

But she caused quite a stir when she shared pictures of herself in the ensemble on Instagram and wrote as a caption:

“LA face with an Oakland booty.”

For those somehow unaware, this is a line from the classic Sir Mix-a-Lot track “Baby Got Back.”

It’s a reference to her rear end and it was taken as some to be racially insensitive because the implication is that her face is nice and beautiful and white, like people from Los Angeles)… 

… while her butt more closely resembles the type of butt you see on residents in Oakland, a city with large percentage of African-American residents. 

What does Sir Mix-a-Lot think about this unexpected scandal?

The rapper has actually weighed in! With a pretty insightful opinion!

“For her to look at her butt and that little waist and to say, ‘L.A. face with an Oakland booty’ doesn’t that mean that the norm has changed, that the beautiful people have accepted our idea of beautiful?” the artist told Pret-a-Reporter.

“That’s the way I took it.”

Sir Mix-a-Lot then explained further:

“Now let me do this, as far as the critics are concerned: I don’t want to come off like, ‘Oh, he’s an Uncle Tom,’ because I’m not.

“If what Blake Lively meant by that comment was, ‘Oh my goodness, I’ve gained weight, I look horrible,’ if that’s what she meant – and I doubt that she did – then I’m with the critics.

“But no one in the world is gonna tell me that a woman that wears that dress is thinking that she’s fat. No, I’m sorry, it just doesn’t happen.

“It sounds like to me like she was giving the line props.”

He makes a good point, doesn’t he?

Perhaps a wealthy white actress should not compare herself to a random woman from Oakland, one could maybe take that side.

But it’s hard to argue that Lively wasn’t saying her butt is kind of big… yet she likes it that way. Why else would she show it off in this manner?

“I think it’s almost a nod of approval, and that was what I wanted,” Sir Mix-a-Lot concluded.

“I wanted our idea of beautiful to be accepted. I think now not only is it accepted, but it’s expected.”

Case closed, we say!

Now, as for whether Blake Lively is actually 40 years old…

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blake Lively Instagrams About Her Butt, Royally Pisses Off Internet

Back in 1992, Sir Mix-A-Lot released “Baby Got Back,” his famous ode to big asses that many credit with helping to launch the national butt obsession that continues to this day.

Needless, to say Kim Kardashian owes a lot to the rapper. Blake Lively, on the other hand, is learning the hard way today that Mix-A-Lot’s lyrics are dangerous in the wrong hands.

Last night, Blake posted the above photo of herself at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival with a caption reading, “LA face with an Oakland booty.”

It’s a line from “Baby Got Back,” and Blake clearly meant to call attention to her proudest assets because…having paparazzi scream her name while she walks the red carpet in a gown that costs more than most people’s cars doesn’t do enough for her ego?

We’re not really sure, but the caption did not go over well with some of Blakes’ Instagram followers. 

Many have complained that the remark is racially insensitive, as the implication of the lyric is that women from the primarily black and Latino city of Oakland are more blessed in the backside area, and Blake is essentially reducing them to a punchline here.

It’s not the first time that Blake has been accused of co-opting or other cultures or displaying a lack of compassion for the plight of black people in America.

Last year, Lively wrote about her love for the style antebellum South on her short-lived Preserve website.

In case you’re not familiar “antebellum” means pre-war, which in this case means pre-Civil War, which means Blake was waxing nostalgic about a time before slavery was abolished.

The piece was poorly received and may have contributed to the site being shut down.

Most of her press coverage lately has centered around rumors about Blake’s second pregnancy (which she has yet to confirm), and while the 28-year-old was reportedly not happy with the invasion of her privacy, she likely preferred the bump-watch to this current controversy. 

We’re not gonna wade into the debate over whether Blake’s caption was inappropriate or simply an innocent (if somewhat insensitive) joke, but we will say we had no idea she was packing such a sizable ‘donk.

And for that, we thank her.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blake Lively: PREGNANT With Second Child?!

Do we detect a baby bump on Blake Lively?

Something is there, because a recent photo of the actress has Us Weekly declaring that she is pregnant with baby number two.

A photographer snapped a pic of Lively on the set of her upcoming film The Shallows, and her belly appeared to have expanded from its regular flat state.

While it’s possible she just had a hearty lunch (we’ve all experienced the second trimester food baby, amiright?), she tried to conceal the protrusion by wrapping a robe around her midsection.

Nevertheless, tongues are now a-wagging, and fans assume that Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds will be second-time parents sometime in the near future.

The last time Lively was seen in public was with her husband at a state dinner at the White House in early March (pictured above). 

Looking stunning as always, she wore a robe-like gown with copious gathers and a voluminous bow at the waist – possibly concealing the beginnings of a bump?

The sickeningly beautiful couple welcomed their first child in December 2014, a baby girl named James. 

Last year, Lively opened up about the joys of motherhood.

“You never know when you’re gonna get crapped on or when you’re gonna get a big smile or when that smile immediately turns into hysterics,” she said. 

Nevertheless, she confirmed that she’s loving every minute of it.

“I’d be an 80-year-old woman with a baby if I could,” she added.

Food baby or real baby, we’ll just offer our congratulations now.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Blake Lively: Did She Cheat on Leonardo DiCaprio With Ryan Reynolds?

Ryan Reynolds has been feverishly promoting Deadpool for weeks now, and it’s not hard to see why the 39-year-old actor is so invested in the film’s success.

Though he’s well-liked and well-known, the A-list has eluded Reynolds, and questions about his bankability have haunted his career.

You may have forgotten about Reynolds’ previous attempt at anchoring a superhero franchise – the notorious 2011 flop The Green Lantern – but Reynolds certainly hasn’t.

After all, he met his future wife, Blake Lively, on set.

But as Reynolds revealed in a recent interview, he and Blake didn’t start dating until several months later – and they didn’t let the fact that they were both seeing other people get in the way of their romance:

“About a year after Green Lantern had come and gone and we were both single we went on a double date – she was on a date with another guy and I was on a date with another girl – and it was like the most awkward date for the respective parties because we were just like fireworks coming across.”

It may sound like a typical meet-cute story, and the fact that they met while on a double date with other people only makes Ryan and Blake marginally less boring, but some amateur Internet sleuths have picked up on the fact that the “fireworks” may have gone off around the time that Blake was dating Leonardo DiCaprio.

In fact, the first rumors of Blake and Ryan hooking up began to circulate the same week that Blake and Leo called it quits.

Could it be that Blake hit it off with Ryan while Leo was right by her side? Did she drop DiCaprio to hook up with Reynolds?!

Meh…either way Leo probably only vaguely remembers that they used to bang.

He probably consoled himself with a supermodel sandwich the same day they broke up.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Blake Lively Posts #TBT Pic of When She and Brandon Walsh Were a Thing

As if I didn’t have reason enough to envy this girl.

Nevermind the perfect hair, the ridiculous legs and the husband, now Blake Lively is rubbing her Throwback Thursdays with Brandon Walsh in our faces.


“#tbt to when Serena Van Der Woodsen and Brandon Walsh were a thing,” Lively caption a photo of herself with Beverly Hills, 90210‘s Jason Priestly.

“(Shh don’t tell @robynlively),” she added, referring to her older sister, Robyn Lively, who played the lead in 1989’s Teen Witch.

Lively is currently filming The Shallows in Australia, and spent a day off with everyone’s best friend, Taylor Swift.

Swift, who is on her 1989 World Tour, and Lively visited a theme park and played with kangaroos (the poor Koalas probably had Chlamydia).

Back in September, Lively dreamt openly about her love for Swifty.

“I love Taylor Lively,” the star wrote on Instagram.

“I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva.”

Monday, December 7, 2015

Taylor Swift Adds Kangaroo, Blake Lively to Her Squad

As previously reported, Taylor Swift is not hating on Adele.

She’s simply on vacation in Australia, hence why the singer has been quieter than usual on social media of late.

But Swift simply had to jump on social media twice over the weekend after meeting a couple of potential new Squad members, the first being a native to the Land Down Under.

That’s right: Taylor Swift spent some time with a kangaroo!

“Me: Please love me. Kangaroo: No.” Swift joked as a caption to one photo, which features the artist trying to feed one of the animals.

For the one above, she wrote:

“I didn’t know ‘kangaroo selfies’ were a thing. But they are and this is one.”

That does pretty much sum it up, huh?

When not chilling with one of the cooler creatures in the world, Swift was hanging out with one of the better looking people in the world.

That’s right? Taylor Swift spent some time with Blake Lively!

Via the following photo, Grammy winner revealed to Instagram followers that she and Lively met up at the Warner Bros. Movie World theme park.

“Yesterday was such an amazing day off – roller coasters, kangaroos and LOLs with @blakelively,” Swift wrote as a caption.

Fans then say they spotted Lively (wearing a white baseball cap) at Swift’s concert later that evening.

The actress made her positive feelings for Swift very well known a few months ago, after folks thought Blake was hating due to some mockery of the Bad Blood music video.

“Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a ‘Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll’ #obsessed,” wrote Lively, adding:

“Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva.”

Some Taylor Swift-Blake Lively girl-on-girl action? That would make the wildest dreams of this fan come true!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blake Lively Bikini Body Defies Comprehension

Blake Lively has unveiled her post-baby bikini body, and if a picture is worth 1,000 words, there are about a million that go without saying.

The former Gossip Girl cast member flaunted her figure on the beach on Lord Howe Island in New South Wales, Australia, on Wednesday.

Nine-month-old James" mom sported a cleavage-baring orange string bikini top and teamed it with blue bottoms that left tongues wagging.

She is filming a new movie on location there, but we"ve already forgotten which one, because the current distractions are just too robust.

Apologies for the minor programming inconvenience, though we"re guessing if you"re reading this, you could not possibly care less anyway.

Lively is no stranger to showing off her assets. She previously slipped into a two-piece while feeding her baby girl (James is female) in July.

"The PERKS of breastfeeding," the stunning star captioned an Instagram picture of herself nursing at the time, without showing James" face.

Naturally for a woman who may be a cyborg, Lively didn"t hit the gym after birthing her first child, instead employng "gentle" diet and exercise.

"[It"s] not something I have spent much time focusing on. With a new baby, it"s just about eating well for her," Lively told You magazine.

"There"s pressure to lose [weight], or women are supposed to look like they did when they were 19 right after you give birth to your child."

"I think it"s silly. We don"t have red carpets in our house, or glam squads and people making us look awesome and making it look easy."

While Blake shut down Preserve earlier this year, admitting her venture"s failure, it"s safe to say she is still winning at life in other ways.

Blake lively bikini body defies comprehension

Friday, October 9, 2015

Blake Lively, Ed Westwick Gossip Girl Audition Tapes: Revealed!

The roles of Gossip Girl’s Serena van der Woodsen and Chuck Bass could’ve gone to other actors … but Blake Lively and Ed Westwick slayed their auditions.

Fans are obsessing over the newly resurfaced audition tapes from the series co-stars, and for good reason. Check out both of them trying out below!

In the clips, the then-virtual unknown actors act out two separate scenes from the pilot episode, which aired all the way back in September 2007.

In Lively’s scene as Serena, she tries to make amends with her bestie Blair (a role ultimately won Leighton Meester) over a drink at Chuck’s hotel.

Westwick’s Chuck audition features him trying to seduce Serena in both an American and his native British accent for the hedonistic playboy heir.

The series ultimately decided to make him a born-and-raised New Yorker, which he played so well that fans didn’t know he was British for years.

“It was all about beauty and glamour, but being approachable and Blake was the ultimate It Girl,” CW casting director David Rapaport recently said.

Of Westwick, Rapaport added, “On a network like The CW, where beauty does come first a lot, and you’re selling the fantasy of this world.”

“It was a lot about the looks, so we had to balance that out with the guys and Ed Westwick wasn’t as traditionally handsome as Chace Crawford.

“But I found him much sexier and darker and edgier.”

Anyone who has listened to him say “I’m Chuck Bass” even once will no doubt agree. What are these two and the rest of the Gossip Girl cast up to now?

Check out the gallery below and find out!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blake Lively Admits to Website Failure, Shuts Down Preserve

Blake Lively has succeeded in becoming one of the better looking human beings to ever walk the face of the Earth.

But she has failed to make a difference in the lives of others via the World Wide Web.

So the former Gossip Girl star admitted herself today, telling Vogue that she is shutting down her lifestyle website, Preserve, after just one years.

(And if you’re only just now learning that Blake Lively ran a lifestyle website titled “Preserve,” then you are proving her point.)

“We have an incredible team of people who do beautiful work, but we launched the site before it was ready, and it never caught up to its original mission: It’s not making a difference in people’s lives, whether superficially or in a meaningful way,” Lively explains, adding:

“And that’s the whole reason I started this company, not just to fluff myself, like, ‘I’m a celebrity! People will care what I have to say!’

“It was so never meant to be that, and that kind of became the crutch because it was already up and already running, and it’s hard to build a brand when you’re running full steam ahead – how do you catch up?”

Swift is sad that Preserve did not work out (she joked to Vogue that she told her assistants to just play “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift on a loop to boost spirits), but she’s full steam ahead with her next project.

Not that she’ll reveal yet quite what it will be.

For now, Lively simply says she wants “to touch millennials through storytelling, and the idea is to create a shoppable lifestyle

“And that’s not to say to turn everything into commerce, but to make things easier: This is a thing that I created with my own two hands and this is how you can do it, or this is something that I found on my adventures and travels and this is how you can have it.

“It’s about creating a level of ease for the people who identify with us. We’ve focused in so much that it’s actually very simple, it’s very clean, it’s very direct.”

We don’t really have a clue what Blake Lively is talking about here.

But she married Ryan Reynolds and she’s the mother of his child. So she must be doing something right!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blake Lively Under Fire For Shading Taylor Swift — But Don"t Worry, It"s All A Misunderstanding! See Blake"s Explanation HERE!

Well here’s one feud that wasn’t!

Blake Lively poked a little fun at Taylor Swift on Instagram recently, but the actress has now officially put all the feud rumors to rest with a more recent post on the social network!

[ Photos: Blake Lively’s Style Evolution ]

Basically, it all started Friday when Lively uploaded a shot to Insta of her “crew” (below), including John Legend, and teased that the squad was covering Swift’s mega-hit Bad Blood:

…soooo, turns out this WASN’T a video shoot for John Legend’s cover of Bad Blood 😄😉 @lorealparisofficial blew it out for this one. My #pinkobsession is exposed now💖 Ok your turn. I won’t tell! 🙊 #AlsoTurnsOutJohnLegendIsntCoveringBadBlood Time to start a petition! 🙋A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 10, 2015 at 7:07pm PDT

Some fans saw that and thought it was low-key shade at T-Swift, though — especially since she’s taken heat from elsewhere because of that song and video.

So, Lively posted an update to Instagram late Saturday night, showing several of her family members in a backstage picture with Swift and writing about how she was not throwing shade at the super star singer!

Lively wrote in the pic:

“Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva”

Whoa!! We hope you know about this, Ryan Reynolds!! LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out the pic dismissing the shade rumors (below):

Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4evaA photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:35pm PDT

Whew. Glad we got all that sorted out.

[Image via C.Smith/FayesVision/WENN.]