Showing posts with label Marry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marry. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

Charlie Day"s Flattered Bella Thorne Wants to Marry Him (VIDEO)

Bella Thorne is making improvements in the guy department by picking guys like Charlie Day over Scott Disick … this according to Charlie Day. We got Charlie arriving at LAX over the weekend where he told us he’d actually heard about Bella…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Mariah Carey to Bryan Tanaka: Marry Me NOW!

Dating is one thing, but is Mariah Carey really ready to get married to boytoy dancer Bryan Tanaka?

Reportedly, she’s not only ready to tie the knot but actively pressuring him to propose.

“Bryan’s eating out of her palm again now and Mariah’s desperate to seal the deal before they get sabotaged again,” an insider claims.

The report that Mariah is pressuring Bryan comes from RadarOnline and their source.

We’d really rather hear it directly from Mariah … though obviously she’d never just come out and say that.

It’s not a casual Katy Perry diss, after all.

Not everyone’s onboard with their relationship, either.

“So many people from both their circles have tried to keep them apart, but she’s convinced they have what it takes to last the course,” the source says.

Well, all sides being against the union sounds like a tragic romance. Not always the best set-up when there are children in the mix.

Even the anonymous insider cautioned that Mariah’s feelings aren’t set in stone:

“Obviously, her feelings change like the wind each day, but to be fair Bryan has a hold over her that no other guy’s had for a long time.”

Yes, even the unidentified tipster has doubts.

Again, it’s usually healthy to view things coming from “a source” with a grain of salt.

But this isn’t the least believable story in the world.

Bryan was her backup dancer back in 2006, so they’ve known each other for eleven years.

That is a long-ass time to know someone, even just as friends.

And, um, they’re clearly more than that.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, we do need to think a little about context.

Mariah’s breakup with billionaire James Packer was, well, reportedly because of all kinds of things, from allegations of cheating with Bryan Tanaka to extravagant spending habits.

The spending thing sounds pretty realistic to us — financial disagreements are a very common, if not terribly salacious, reason for breakups.

But if she was spending too much for James’ liking, how is she going to go from being a sugar baby to a sugar momma?

Well, as much of a sugar baby as Mariah could have been since she’s worth half a billion — and as much of a sugar baby as Bryan can be if he’s worth around a million.

It’s all relative, apparently.

Still, it doesn’t seem like it’s the best next step for her to take in a relationship.

Maybe she isn’t thinking with her head right now.

Hopefully, she’ll make the best decision for herself and her children.

You don’t want to get married based on thirst alone. Not when you’re nearly fifty.

And super not when you have kids.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Amanda Nunes Says GF Will Take Her Last Name When They Marry (VIDEO)

Amanda Nunes says she and her girlfriend have already worked out the name issue when they tie the knot … and the Nunes name won out. Amanda has been dating UFC fighter Nina Ansaroff for a while and they’ve been talking A LOT about marriage lately…


Amanda Nunes Says GF Will Take Her Last Name When They Marry (VIDEO)

Amanda Nunes says she and her girlfriend have already worked out the name issue when they tie the knot … and the Nunes name won out. Amanda has been dating UFC fighter Nina Ansaroff for a while and they’ve been talking A LOT about marriage lately…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Matt Baier: I Will NEVER Marry Amber Portwood!

Things between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier … well, they’re still not looking so great.

And what incredible news that is.

Tensions have been high between them for a while now, but last week while they were in L.A., things came to a head after Matt failed a lie detector test.

Specifically, he failed because he didn’t tell the truth when answering questions about cheating on Amber.

She flipped out, and rightfully so, and told him to go back to their home in Indiana, pack up his things, and be gone by the time she returned.

In the days after the test, she gave some strange statements about Matt.

“I can’t say we’re together right now and I can’t say we aren’t together right now,” she explained in an interview. “It’s a weird situation.”

Then, in a statement she gave about the rumored split, she said “As of now, we are not broken up.”

It really seems like she’s at a crossroads when it comes to Matt, and like she’s taking her time to decide what she wants to do.

But if this new Teen Mom OG sneak peek is anything to go by, she needs to dump that creep immediately.

The clip begins during Amber and Matt’s trip to Las Vegas — you remember, the one they took in February when Matt tried to make us all believe they were getting married.

It turns out that they actually were considering a wedding, but before they committed to anything, Amber called her brother Shawn from a chapel.

“Would you be mad if I got married in Vegas and then had a ceremony somewhere else?” she asks him.

Shawn, who’s usually pretty level-headed and supportive of her, tells her that “it’s kinda not cool,” but that she’s an adult and she can make her own decisions.

It was a perfectly reasonable, respectful response, and Amber did ask him for his input.

But Matt’s not having it.

He gets snippy with Amber, who tells him that she doesn’t want to get married, at least “not like this,” to which Matt very maturely responds “All right, whatever.”

She tries to explain to him how important it is to have her family’s support, and he shuts down completely.

In a really disturbing turn of events, he discounts her feelings, then when she begins to get upset, he goes to comfort her, telling her that he’s not doing anything wrong.

With footage like this, it’s easy to see how hard he’s manipulated her over the years.

So Matt tells Amber that he understands that her family is important to her, that everything is fine between them, but adds “I will say that what your brother just did to you was wrong.”

Just a reminder: what her brother did to her was offer his opinion when asked.

Amber asks Matt not to talk about her brother like that while the cameras are rolling. They end the conversation, and then Matt turns to a producer and says “I will not marry her now, ever.”

Sorry, what?

“I’m not going to let her brother dictate my life,” he goes on, and when the producer tries to talk sense to him, he says “She wants to marry her brother. That’s who she wants to marry.”

“F-ck her, she just humiliated me on TV. I’m done. Done.”

OK, so one more time, Matt is saying that he’ll never marry Amber and “f-ck her” because she wants her family to be at her wedding, and her big brother wants to see her get married.

Yeah, sounds like a totally reasonable dude that you’d for sure want to spend the rest of your life with, right?

As of now, we’re still not sure what’s going on with Amber and Matt. He keeps writing gushy things about her on social media, but she hasn’t been responding.

Hopefully it’s because she’s finally realized what a massive creep this guy truly is.

Fingers crossed, everybody.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Rick and Kathy Hilton Say Too Soon to Tell If Paris Will Marry New BF (VIDEO)

Paris Hilton might be smitten with her new boyfriend, actor/model Chris Zylka, but her parents don’t seem to think she’ll be walking down the aisle anytime soon. We got Kathy and Rick Hilton leaving dinner at Catch Thursday in West Hollywood. Rick…


Rick and Kathy Hilton Say Too Soon to Tell If Paris Will Marry New BF (VIDEO)

Paris Hilton might be smitten with her new boyfriend, actor/model Chris Zylka, but her parents don’t seem to think she’ll be walking down the aisle anytime soon. We got Kathy and Rick Hilton leaving dinner at Catch Thursday in West Hollywood. Rick…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Duggar Family on Jana: Somebody Marry This Girl!

Last week, Jana Duggar celebrated her 27th birthday.

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re probably aware that Jana has a twin brother, John David Duggar.

And yet, fans who are inclined to discuss such matters on social media devoted almost all of their attention to Jana, once again ignoring her oft-overshadowed brother.

There could be a number of reasons for this:

Jana is a fan favorite with a massive following online, and just about everything she does draws some interest online.

But it seems the main reason that Duggar obsessives couldn’t stop talking about Jana’s birthday is that they just can’t believe she’s still not married.

Obviously, 27 is far from over the hill, but Duggar women are told from a young age that they’ve been put on Earth to procreate, and the fact that Jana seems to be in no rush is just too much for some fans to wrap their heads around.

While viewers have been buzzing about Jana’s apparent reluctance to marry for years, as though she’s some sort of monarch or something, her family has mostly remained mum on the subject.

That has yet to change, but some fans believe Jana’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, have been subtly trying to enhance their daughter’s marital prospects by singing her praises online:

“Jana, you are such a wonderful, beautiful, sweet, virtuous woman,” the Duggars wrote on Facebook last week.

“You have such a loving heart that continually shows kindness to everyone you encounter. We love the woman you’ve become!

The parents gave a shout-out to John-David as well, but they were far less effusive in their praise.

Many took this as a sign that the Duggars are desperate to see Jana get married, but there could be other reasons that they’re gushing about their eldest daughter these days.

Jana’s tireless work around the home has earned her the nickname “the Cinderella Duggar,” and there have been rumors that she’s chronically overworked and under-appreciated by her family.

It could be that this is the Duggar’s way of showing the world that that’s not the case.

Or it may be that they really want her to hurry up and get hitched before her best breeding years are behind her.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Madonna: Marry Me (Again), Sean Penn!

Look, Madonna is a remarkably embarrassing human being, she just is.

She’s also a legend, sure, but that doesn’t give her a pass.

A lot of people think this is some age discrimination, like “what, Madonna is 58 years old so she can’t be sexy and have fun anymore?”

And that’s absolutely not the case.

No, if any person, no matter if they were 1 or 100 or any age in between, behaved the way Madonna behaves, it would be an honest-to-goodness shame, it really would.

It’s just that she’s so very, very desperate for attention. Like she can’t handle the fact that perhaps her popularity isn’t what it used to be, and she has to do stunt after stunt to just get a little bit more of the spotlight.

Come on, why else would she rock as many grills as she does?

And why else would she act like as hot a mess as she did last night?

Yep, buckle up, friends, because we’ve got a wild and wacky Madonna story to share with you right the hell now.

See, last night, Madonna hosted a charity gala for Malawi, the African nation where her 11-year-old son, David, was born.

She managed to raise over $ 7.5 million, which is amazing, it really is.

But boy, did she pull some ridiculous sh-t along the way.

Because Madonna’s ex-husband, Sean Penn, was there too, right?

The two got married in 1985, but they stayed together for just four years before they got divorced.

There have been persistent rumors for years that he was majorly abusive to her, but she’s denied those rumors, and she’s even made it clear that she still has strong feelings for him.

Back in January, they did another charity gala together, and Madonna gave a speech all about how amazing she thinks Sean is.

During the speech, she got all gushy, telling him “I want to say that, Sean, I love you. From the moment that I laid eyes on you. And I still love you, just the same.”

And, well, last night she took things a step further.

“I’m still in love with you,” she told Sean.

And then, just when you thought things couldn’t get any more romantic and/or creepy, she said that she would marry him again, right then and there — if he bid $ 150,000 on a piece of jewelry.

And he did.

We’re not sure about whether or not they’ve gotten hitched yet, but someone did have the presence of mind to play a wedding march.

Sean hopped on stage, crawled between Madonna’s legs, and then handcuffed her.

Why? We may never know.

But, hilariously enough, Madonna did joke while Sean was handcuffing her that “For once, he’s not the one being arrested.”

Oh, Madonna, you’re in love with a criminal! How sweet!

Best of wishes to this former, maybe present couple, we guess.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson: Engaged! Set to Marry on TV!

According to a recent report, Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson’s child.

And according to a new report, the NBA champion power forward is planning to make an honest woman out of his impending baby mama.

That’s right: Kardashian and Thompson are engaged!!!!!

Well, to be clear, that probably isn’t right. We have our doubts about the validity of this report.

But it’s worth passing along to readers nonetheless.

In Touch Weekly alleges that Khloe and Thompson are not just expecting a baby…

… but they are also planning to star in their very own reality TV show and get married in a global television event.

And while we can’t fathom LeBron James being down with this plan – considering the Cleveland Cavaliers have a title to defend and a reality show would serve as a major distraction – there may be one voice advocating for the series that is even louder than the NBA legend:

Kris Jenner.

The famous mother and manager is terrified that fans will lose interest [in Keeping Up with the Kardashians],” an insider tells the tabloid, explaining:

“She desperately wants a new project to work on and thinks Khloé and Tristan’s show would be ratings gold, especially if they include all the drama surrounding the basketball player leaving his pregnant ex for her daughter.”

There has been a lot of chatter of late that Keeping Up with the Kardashians may even be canceled in the wake of Kim Kardashian’s horrific robbery in Paris.

Sources say Kim doesn’t want to do the series any longer because she wants to scale back her public persona.

But she has a contract with E! and rakes in millions from the show and we could maybe see the tone of it changing… but we cannot see it going off the air any time soon.

Could we see Khloe and Tristan anchoring their very own spinoff?

In Touch claims that Thompson is psyched for it and that “he chose the right sister.” Meaning what, exactly?

“Out of all the Kardashians, Khloé is the one who loves the cameras the most,” the magazine writes.

“For too long, her storylines have revolved around her crying over drama with Lamar and all the issues that came with that. Khloé’s in a much better headspace now and wants to show off her relationship.”

Wait… what?!? Khloe loves the camera the most? Really?!?

Yes, she did appear in Khloe & Lamar, so she’s clearly not against documenting a romance on television.

But she has always seemed legitimately upset about her marriage to Odom crumbling. She seems to truly be in love with him.

Wouldn’t it be a slap in Odom’s face to not just star in another reality show about her relationship… but to do so with another professional basketball player?

For more on Khloe and Tristan and this rumor, pick up the latest issue of In Touch Weekly. It is on newsstands now.

For a closer look at the athletes who have come in and out of the Kardashians’ bedrooms over the years, check out the following photo gallery. 

These sisters certainly have a type, don’t they?!?


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Gwen Stefani"s Sons: Ready For Mom To Marry Blake Shelton!

Here we are once again, wondering when Gwen Stefani will say “I Do” to Blake Shelton.

Even though there has been no proposal (that we know of), almost every tabloid has declared that the couple will wed.  Soon.  Really soon.  Like, maybe even on The Voice.

Life & Style has recently selected December as the month in which Stefani and Shelton will get married, and her sons with Gavin Rossdale – Kingston, Zuma and Apollo – will all be part of the wedding.

“Apollo wants to be the ring bearer, and the two older boys will be junior groomsmen with Blake,” a source told the weekly. 

“Blake wants it to be really special, to show them coming together as a family.”

On August 8th, Shelton and Stefani took her boys to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, and an onlooker couldn’t help but notice that the group really did look like a family.

“Blake acted like he was Apollo’s dad.”

Last week, Star Magazine claimed the two were planning the biggest wedding ever.

The nuptials will be held at Blake’s $ 2.3 million estate in Nashville, right after Gwen wraps up her ‘This Is What The Truth Feels Like’ tour and Blake finishes shooting the current season of ‘The Voice,"” a source told the tabloid.

Earlier this month, both TMZ and People reported that Stefani and Shelton had met with a wedding planner, but they are not engaged.  Yet.

“Rumors are circulating in their circle that they’ve begun preparations for a wedding,” a source told People at the time.

“There’s no date set, but they’re planning ahead and having fun talking about it.”

Back in June, OK! declared that Stefani and Shelton had already married in a $ 30,000 ceremony, and that Shelton’s ex, Miranda Lambert “gave her blessing.”

That’s sweet.  And false.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Joe Jonas Plays Shag, Marry, Kill With Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato & Gigi Hadid

Joe Jonas has some very famous exes.

We all know Jonas dated Gigi Hadid, because they just broke up last year.

Do you remember the relationship between Jonas and Demi Lovato?

How about the fact that Joe inspired Taylor Swift’s first breakup songs?

Yes it’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when the Jonas Brothers were the absolute shiznit.

And Joe took full advantage by tossing his purity ring and gettin’ it on with some of the biggest female stars of the aughts.

But how does he feel about his all those famous exes these days?

Well, we got to find out when Andy Cohen subjected JoJo to a round of Plead the Fifth on last night’s Watch What Happens Live.

Jonas was surprisingly game to play Shag, Marry, Kill with three of his famous exes, but he seemed to struggle with answers.

The first one was easy:

“I’ll marry Demi,” Joe said. “She’s a friend.”

From there, it got a little tougher.

“Um, Shag Taylor, kill Dem—kill Gigi. There you go.” 

Jonas went on to shrug off his relationship with Taylor, saying, “We were children.”

Based on her song lyrics, we’re guessing she hasn’t been as quick to forget about it.

Joe Jonas Plays Shag, Marry, Kill With Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato & Gigi Hadid

Joe Jonas has some very famous exes.

We all know Jonas dated Gigi Hadid, because they just broke up last year.

Do you remember the relationship between Jonas and Demi Lovato?

How about the fact that Joe inspired Taylor Swift’s first breakup songs?

Yes it’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when the Jonas Brothers were the absolute shiznit.

And Joe took full advantage by tossing his purity ring and gettin’ it on with some of the biggest female stars of the aughts.

But how does he feel about his all those famous exes these days?

Well, we got to find out when Andy Cohen subjected JoJo to a round of Plead the Fifth on last night’s Watch What Happens Live.

Jonas was surprisingly game to play Shag, Marry, Kill with three of his famous exes, but he seemed to struggle with answers.

The first one was easy:

“I’ll marry Demi,” Joe said. “She’s a friend.”

From there, it got a little tougher.

“Um, Shag Taylor, kill Dem—kill Gigi. There you go.” 

Jonas went on to shrug off his relationship with Taylor, saying, “We were children.”

Based on her song lyrics, we’re guessing she hasn’t been as quick to forget about it.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mariah Carey: When Will She Marry Marry James Packer?

Mariah Carey is getting married to James Packer… maybe. If she can find the time.

The 46-year-old singing sensation had a chat with Sharon Osbourne for Entertainment Tonight this week, addressing plans about her future. 

Will it include a wedding?

Maybe, but Carey said she has “a lot on my plate” these days.

Her professional plate, she means. Not her personal plate… or else we’d be close to hearing wedding bells.

Surely, if she was serious about the whole thing she would pick a date and work her schedule around it. 

Even if that meant pushing it a bit further down the line. 

It kind of raises questions about whether everything is going well between the singer and her VERY rich fiance. 

If you plan on getting married, you get married. You don’t get all sketchy about it. 

Could there be trouble in paradise?

Might it be down to Nick Cannon refusing to sign divorce papers?

Yes, word came out earlier this week that Cannon was flat out refusing to sign the divorce papers. 

This could very well be preventing any potential union between Carey and James Packer. 

It is pretty odd that he’s so against signing the papers because it’s preventing both parties from moving on from the failed relationship. These two seemed to get along very well for exes.

There’s also the possibility that this is all a ruse to get people to tune into her eight-part E! reality series, Mariah’s World.

Shows on E! rely heavily on constructed drama. It’s the home of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, after all.

It hasn’t made us any more excited for the show and viewers will probably be furious if the show has Cannon refusing to sign the divorce papers all season long. 

Carey thinks she’s GLAAD’s most famous celebrity, so expect similar comments about her being the most famous person in reality TV. 

What do you think of all the drama? Hit the comments!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Taylor Swift is a Neo-Nazi With Plans to Marry a Trump Son, Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Claims

Taylor Swift has reached that level of fame that no human being can really be comfortable with.

She laments the fact that she hasn’t been able to go on a drive by herself in seven years.

There are entire Facebook pages devoted to scrutinizing Taylor’s butt

Several-thousand-word thinkpieces have been written on the topic of Taylor’s squad, and leading feminists have debated whether the singer and her clique of gal pals are setting fantastic or terrible examples for young women.

Of course, Taylor is arguably the biggest pop star that the Information Age has seen thus far, so we guess a heretofore unseen level of obsession over every detail of her life is to be expected.

What no one could’ve seen coming, however, is Taylor’s popularity amongst online neo-Nazi hate groups.

Yes, for bizarre reason, modern white supremacists are under impression that Taylor is secretly one of their own, and she’s planning to wait until Donald Trump is elected president to reveal her true beliefs to the public:

“Firstly, Taylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry. Athena reborn. That’s the most important thing,” said white supremacist blogger Andre Anglin in a recent interview with Broadly.

“It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world.

“Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump’s son, and they will be crowned American royalty.” 

Uh-huh. Sounds reasonable enough if you ignore the fact that Taylor has befriended and collaborated with artists of color throughout her career, and while she keeps her political under wraps, she once told Rolling Stone that she “never saw people so happy” as when President Obama got elected.

But Anglin and his ilk (Astonishingly, there’s a Facebook page devoted to Taylor’s “fascist” beliefs that has nearly 20,000 likes.) insist that’s all just part of the long con she’s playing with America.

So how did Taylor get branded as a Nazi icon against her will?

As far as anyone can tell, it started with a Pinterest page that jokingly attributed Hitler quotes to Ms. Swift as a means of poking fun at all those historically inaccurate Marilyn Monroe and Gandhi memes that pop up in your newsfeed.

Some folks didn’t get the joke (and liked the idea of a blonde, blue-eyed icon espousing their Aryan ideals), and as is so often the case on the Internet, an absurd idea found surprising popularity.

Thus far, Taylor hasn’t even dignified this whole thing a response, and we don’t blame her in the slightest.

Here’s hoping she can just shake this one off.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ben Higgins to Marry Lauren Bushnell... REALLY SOON!

Some time in the near future, Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell are getting married.

No, wait, the wedding between Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell has been called off!

Contrasting reports regarding the latest winner of The Bachelor and his chosen suitor have gone viral over the past few weeks, confusing fans desperate to see another successful relationship spring from this show.

So, which is it?

Are Ben and Lauren closer than ever to saying “I Do” or to saying “See Ya?”

According to Us Weekly, it’s the former, as that magazine claims the famous tandem “will get married very soon, probably this summer.

Yes, the tabloid adds, these nuptials would be televised as an “ABC special.”

Higgins rejected new Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher toward the end of his featured season, proceeding to propose to Bushnell during the finale’s taping in Jamaica.

They actually do seem like a very happy couple, but how often have you heard that about Bachelors and their fiancees before?

Just prior to the relationship coming to a not-so-surprising end?

Ever since his season concluded, though, Higgins and his 25-year old love have been “very happy,” a source tells Us Weekly, saying of Ben and Lauren:

“They’re making it work a lot better than past people have done in their shoes,” adds the source.

Why would they film their nuptials for a national audience?

Money. No… wait. That isn’t it.

“We want to share our life with everyone who’s been supportive,” says Bushnell, who recently moved into Higgins’ Denver home. “And that includes Bachelor Nation.”

If this wedding special makes it to air, Ben and Lauren would become the fifth Bachelor couple to exchange vows in front of network cameras.

Trista and Ryan Sutter started this trend in 2003 and were followed by:

Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney wed in 2010; Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum in 2012; and Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici in January 2014.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Selena Gomez Crumples Up "Marry Justin" Sign

Selena Gomez appears to be sending mixed signals when it comes to her feelings for Justin Bieber.

Either that… or websites such as this one continue reading far too much into every little gesture the singer makes.

For instance, Gomez debuted a new track on the first night of her Revival Tour in Las Vegas on May 6.

It was titled "Feel Me" and it made a reference to someone Selena said she never "cheated" on and never "lied" to and someone who she gave "time and space" to and who, seemingly, she wanted to get back together with.

So… Bieber, right?

Clearly, no?

There have been endless rumblings of late that these two are getting back together again.

But then Gomez performed on Sunday night at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California and someone in the crowd held up a "Marry Justin Please" sign.

It would have been easy enough for Selena to ignore. 

But that wasn"t enough for her.

As you can see in the video below, Gomez asks for the sign… crumples it up… and then tosses it down on the stage.

Well, okay then, huh?!? 

It certainly seems as if Selena is trying to send a message here, doesn"t it?

Check out the footage for yourself and let us know in the Comments section below: Do you think Justin and Selena will end up together? Do you want them to?

Do you think she wants them to?!?

Selena gomez crumples up marry justin sign

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rob Kardashian to Marry Blac Chyna Without a Prenup; Kim Kardashian Flips Out in Response

If the rumors are to be believed, preparations for the Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna wedding are already underway.

In addition to the usual hurdles, such as choosing the right venue and agreeing on food and invitations, Rob and Blac are forced to cope with the some serious #CelebrityWeddingProblems – primarily the question of whether or not to televise the wedding (Of course, duh!), and the thorny issue of whether they should sign a prenup. (Nah! What could go wrong?)

Yes, according to Radar Online, Rob and Blac are going prenup-free, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for all of about three months.

Sources say Kim Kardashian is pissed, and not for any of the many, many reasons Kim is usually pissed at Rob.

Like the rest of her sisters (with the possible exception of Kylie), Kim has accepted Rob’s engagement to Blac, but she’s reportedly astonished by the fact that he’s not protecting his financial assets:

“Rob fought with Kim after he got engaged,” an insider tells Radar.

“She told him that if he’s going to get married, at least get a prenup,” explained the source. “He just mocked her like a child and taunted over and over ‘I’m not gonna get a prenup.’ The way he was saying it incensed her.”

There aren’t many areas in which Kim Kardashian is a bonafide expert, but this is one of them.

Not only is she a veteran of multiple celebrity marriages (and divorces), Kim’s current husband introduced the phrase “We want prenup!” into our pop culture.

Heed your sister’s words Rob. ‘Cause when she leave your ass, she gon’ leave with half.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Matt Baier to Amber Portwood: Marry Me NOW So You Can Help Pay My Child Support!

Matt Baier has a lot on his plate these days.

The guy is getting married to Amber Portwood in October, but before the big day, he has some minor legal problems to take care of.

And by “minor legal problems,” we mean the guy is to deadbeat dads what Charles Manson is to serial killers.

Currently, Baier is being sued for child support by five women who claim he’s the father of their seven children.

In addition there’s a sixth woman who claims Baier actually has eight kids, but she has yet to file suit.

Baier says it’s all nonsense, and the women are just looking to cash in because they know Amber is worth big bucks.

Given that claim, you would think that the 44-year-old would be eager to get into court, expose them as liars, and clear his name.

But as Radar Online reported moments ago, he’s actually had the court date pushed back two months, and he may be looking to postpone it even further.

Yes, Baier was supposed to go before a judge today, but now he won’t set foot in court until at least May.

The weird tactic and the fact that Matt and Amber have been coy about their wedding date recently have many believing that Baier and Portwood are planning to tie the knot before his trial.

Smart move on his part, as she would be tied to his massive financial burden, but we’re hoping that with all she’s been through, Amber is capable of seeing through this sort of scheme. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jax Taylor: I Want to MARRY Brittany Cartwright!!

Jax Taylor has been dating girlfriend Brittany Cartwright for less than a year, but it seems the two already have their sights set on marriage.

In an interview with E! News, the interviewer asks them if they are interested in “getting hitched.”

Jax turns to his girlfriend and asks, “Would you be interested in getting hitched?”

“Yeah,” replies Brittany.

“Me too!” says Jax, then chuckles.

“Yes, in time,” he clarifies. “Pump the breaks a little bit.”

“Yeah, not like, now,” says Brittany.

Good call. The two are still reeling from Jax’s sunglass-stealing shenanigans in Hawaii last year, which was finally settled last week in a plea deal.

Brittany admits that she was definitely not happy with Jax’s shoplifting incident.

“I was so disgusted, honestly, it was just terrible,” she says.

Jax also reveals that his Vanderpump Rules co-star Lisa Vanderpump was “ashamed.” He admitted that he made a mistake, but then was quick to blame it on the alcohol.

A tried-and-true cop out.

Jax then tries to divert the attention to his other co-stars, Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney.

“Tom and Katie still have to get married,” he says. “Let’s get that out of the way first, and then we’ll discuss us.”

However, the two make their intentions clear and say they do see wedding bells in their future.

“That’s something that I do want,” says Brittany.

“Yeah, it’s definitely in the cards,” Jax confirms.

We really do hope Jax can get his sh*t together and dial bag the douchebaggery, because Brittany honestly does seem like a nice person.