Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Gigi Hadid SLAMMED as Racist Over AMA Melania Trump Impression

Gigi Hadid hit a hot button with her Melania Trump impression last night during the 2016 American Music Awards, and the internet predictably reacted with fury! 

Co-hosted by Jay Pharaoh, Hadid claimed that she"d been practicing her impersonations all week long in an attempt to one-up the "master," Pharaoh, who has plenty of great celebrity impressions in his repertoire.  

However, Hadid"s impression was more embarrassing than anything, and the crowd reacted with shocked faces and half-hearted applause. 

Needless to say, it wasn"t one of Gigi"s better moments … or probably will be, ever.  

"This is my Melania Trump impression," she prepared herself.

You could hear audible gasps and groans for a second in the audience before Hadid launches into her "impression." 

She said, "I love my husband, President Barack Obama. And our children, Sasha and Malia," apparently — and poorly — referencing the joke of a speech Melania gave, which ripped off Michelle Obama"s entirely. 

Though the speech only garnered scattered applause, Jay Pharaoh jumped in to the rescue and obnoxiously yelled, "That"s spot on! That"s spot on!" 

Some of the social media backlash included "Racist much?" as well as attacks on her profession. 

One commenter wrote, "Wow, that sucked! Stick to modeling; you suck at acting!" 

A Twitter user blasted, "Melania Trump is going to be the First Lady of the USA! This was the highest form of disrespect possible!" 

Others said, "I really wish Gigi Hadid wasn"t hosting because secondhand embarrassment is my least favorite thing to feel and I"m drowning in it rn."

Another claimed that Gigi was just too uncomfortable to watch. 

Check out the video below … it"s really pretty terrible no matter how you look at it or who you voted for. 

Gigi hadid slammed as racist over ama melania trump impression

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Melania Trump -- Staying in NYC for Now ... To Be with Barron

The White House could become kinda lonely for Donald Trump, at least for a few months, because TMZ has confirmed she’ll be staying back in NYC while 10-year-old Barron completes his school year. Sources connected with Trump tell TMZ, Melania doesn’t…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Melania & Barron Trump -- Two"s a Crowd Now (PHOTOS)

Melania Trump had a lunch date with her son and inadvertently created a huge scene at a popular NYC restaurant, or more simply … she got a taste of her new life. Melania and Barron hit up Serafina, but not before Secret Service showed up to…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Melania Meets Michele, All of Twitter Makes the Same Joke

It"s difficult to get the Internet to agree on anything.

Coke or Pepsi? Shiny legs or paint-covered legs? Trump or Clinton? It"s an ongoing debate out there.

But all of Twitter came together in the hours after Melania Trump visited Michelle Obama at the White House, sharing photos from their interactions and basically making the same exact joke.

Remember when Melania Trump plagiarized portions of her Republican National Convention Speech from Obama"s Democratic National Convention speech four years earlier?

As you can see below, the Internet never forgets…

1. Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself!

Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself

We just assume that game is coming next.

2. This is Awkward

This is awkward

But at least they have one thing in common!

3. So… Much… Welcoming

So much welcoming

At least they both have good manners.

4. But Who is Rubber and Who is Glue?

But who is rubber and who is glue

That’s the question we really want to know.

5. She Can Also Read Minds

She can also read minds

Let’s hope Melania uses this power only for good as First Lady.

6. Hi, I’m Michelle…

Hi im michelle

[Forehead Slap] We have a long way to go here.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 7, 2016

Lady Gaga Slams Melania Trump: What a Huge Hypocrite!

Unlike other celebrities out there, Lady Gaga does not think Melania Trump is a brainless b-tch.

At least not in so many words.

But the musical superstar isn’t a big fan of the aspiring First Lady, explaining why in a pointed Tweet over the weekend.

Gaga felt a need to speak out after Trump gave a speech late last week in which she came down hard on the issue of cyber-bullying.

Melania said this would be a major focus of hers as First Lady, if the Apocalypse really did befall humanity and her husband was elected to the Oval Office.

Thats a wonderful cause, of course, but Gaga said on social media what many of us were thinking:

How can Melania Trump claim to care about bullying? Has she ever listened to her husband speak or read his Twitter account?!?

To say u will stand for ‘anti-bullying’ is hypocrisy,” wrote Gaga. “Your husband is 1 of the most notorious bullies we have ever witnessed.”

It’s true.

lady tweet

And Gaga has established the non-profit Born This Way Foundation, which is aimed at combating online bullying and promoting mental health awareness.

She speaks from a background of someone familiar with this problem and as someone trying to do something about it.

Said Melania in the speech in question:

“Like anything that is powerful, [social media] can have a bad side. Children and teenagers can be fragile. They’re hurt when they’re made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence.

“This makes their life hard and can force them to hide and retreat. Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. It is never ok when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked…

“We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other.”

Yes, for sure. Absolutely.

Melania just might want to see what Donald Trump has said over the past several months about Muslims, immigrants and women before taking up the topic of bullying.

Or at least before taking it up with anyone outside of her own bedroom.

Poor Melania has been the subject of much ridicule during this Presidential campaign.

She plagiarized large portions of her Republican National Convention speech from Michelle Obama and then she ridiculously blamed Billy Bush for egging her husband on during the infamous Access Hollywood video from 2005.

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga also slammed the Republican candidate on a television show in Japan last week, where she spent several days promoting her latest studio album, Joanne.

“The truth is that, as an insider, because I am a celebrity, I have insight into the type of person that Donald Trump is,” she said.

“The truth is that we celebrities know that he is an actor, and that this is an act. So, we are standing with Hillary [Clinton] not just because she is far superior as the choice for president, but we are also standing with her because it would be a complete disaster to elect someone that is essentially a political impostor.”

Gaga has even changed the name on her Twitter handle to “#VoteHillary.”

We’ll find out on Tuesday night whether a majority of people in the nation follow this hashtag.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Former Miss Finland: Donald Trump "Squeezed My Butt" Because I Look Like Melania

Sadly, we’ve reached the point where it’s no great shock to learn that another woman has accused Donald Trump of sexual assault.

Still, each journalist, secretary, or adult film star who alleges that she was subjected to Trump’s unwelcome advances deserves to be acknowledged and serves as a sad reminder of the patent absurdity of this election.

The Trump campaign has endured countless scandals that would have derailed any other American political campaign in history, and it looks like things won’t get any easier as the mogul-turned-troll and his increasingly uneasy handlers limp to the finish line.

The number of Trump accusers reached an even dozen today, as former beauty pageant contestant named Ninni Laaksonen shared an account of being fondled by the GOP nominee with UK newspaper The Telegraph.

Laaksonen, who won the title of Miss Finland and competed in Trump’s Miss Universe pageant in 2006, says the incident occurred when she and the other contestants appeared alongside Trump on The Late Show with David Letterman in July of that year:

“Before the show, we were photographed outside the building,” Laaksonen says.

“Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt.”

She adds:

“I don’t think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought: ‘What is happening?’ Somebody told me there that Trump liked me because I looked like Melania when she was younger … It left me disgusted.”

Not surprisingly, the Trump campaign has yet to respond to this latest allegation.

Trump has made of point of refusing to acknowledge the individual allegations against him, instead lumping all of his accusers together as co-conspirators and portraying them as pawns in the elaborate anti-Trump scheme that he imagines has been designed to keep him out of the White House.

In rallies and in debates, Trump has called the women liars, accused them of working for the Clinton campaign, and threatened to sue them.

His favorite defense, of course, is to point out that Bill Clinton was also embroiled in infidelity scandals during his first presidential campaign.

While it’s true that politicians being accused of sexual impropriety is nothing new in this country, Trump seems to genuinely not understand why the allegations are so unimaginably heinous:

When he boasted about sexual assault in a recorded conversation with Billy Bush, it wasn’t Trump’s crude remarks that proved he’s unfit for public office.

It was the fact that he considers forcing himself upon unwilling women to be a laughing matter.

Trump’s lame “locker room talk” justification was roundly dismissed from the start, and now that twelve women have risked their reputations and, in some cases, their careers to share their horror stories with the world, a man who wants to be President of the United States of America thinks the appropriate response is to smear them and threaten them with financial ruin.

At a time when the importance of consent and the rampant nature of sexual abuse are finally being discussed in public forums, Donald Trump is a daily reminder of exactly why those conversations are so important.

In that sense, we suppose his campaign hasn’t been a total disaster, after all.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Melania Trump -- Don"t Believe All These Women (VIDEO)

Melania Trump went on the offensive Tuesday, saying the women who are accusing her husband of sexual assault should be viewed with great suspicion, and it’s all about timing. Melania appeared on “Fox and Friends” and said if these accusers are…


Nicki Minaj BLASTS Melania Trump as "Brainless B!tch"

In an interview with Anderson Cooper on Monday night, Melania Trump said some rather dim things.

She brushed off husband Donald Trump’s “pussy” grabbing talk as chatter among “boys” and said Billy Bush was really to blame for egging Trump on in that scandalous Access Hollywood video.

It was the host’s fault that Donald said “dirty and bad stuff,” according to Melania.

We wouldn’t call the aspiring first lady “brainless” for these comments; nor would we slam her as the B-Word. But then again… we aren’t Nicki Minaj.

During her performance at the Tidal X: 1015 concert in Brooklyn on Saturday, October 15, Minaj offered up her unsolicited opinion on the current political climate.

You’ll need to forgive some of our censorship below and figure out some of the words on your own.

But we’re confident you’ll be able to do so.

“You n—as are so f-cking weak, y’all got the audacity to be intimidated by the bad motherf–king queen and get your motherf–king feelings hurt,” Minaj shouted into the microphone at one point.

She continued:

“But it’s O-motherf–king-K, ‘cause Barack needed a Michelle, bitch, and Bill needed a motherf-cking Hillary, bitch. You better pray to God you don’t get stuck with a motherf–king Melania.

“You n—as want brainless bitches? To stroke your motherf-cking egos? Well, f-ck you, n—as.”

After receiving some backlash for bringing a sort of innocent bystander into the political picture, Minaj issued a half-hearted apology on Twitter on Sunday.

“Wasn’t ‘dragging,’” she wrote of her Melania comments, adding of Melania herself:

“She seems nice. But a smart man knows he needs a certain ‘kind’ of woman when running for President/attempting greatness.”

And in case Minaj’s initial point wasn’t clear… or in case anyone interpreted her follow-up Tweet as her backing down in any way… Nicki later added the following message:

Melania Trump sat down with Cooper last night and has a Fox News interview scheduled for Tuesday morning.

But she’s mostly say idly by in this election, despite Trump being caught on video saying he likes to “grab [the] pussy” of beautiful women and that he can “do anything” to them because he’s a “star.”

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” Melania said in a statement soon after this notorious footage went viral.

“This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.”

Those important issues, apparently, according to Donald himself, have to do with a “rigged” election and Hillary Clinton saying some mean things about Bill Clinton’s mistresses many decades ago.

In January, Melania Trump told Us Weekly that she prefers to keep her politics private, but that she does have her own opinions.

“I give him ideas, and I give him opinions,” she said of her role in her husband’s life. “Some stuff he listens to.”

If it makes Melania feel any better, Donald Trump doesn’t really listen to anyone except for himself.

As for the singer?

Minaj may be pregnant, so that could explain her outburst.

Although who are we kidding: since when did Nicki Minaj need a life growing in her womb to go off on nearly anyone and everyone?

Isn’t that why we love her?


Monday, October 10, 2016

Melania Trump "Pussy-Bow" Blouse Raises Debate Eyebrows

Let us be clear:

We would love to focus solely on issues that truly impact the nation when discussing the Presidential Debate that aired from St. Louis on Sunday night.

But if the candidates themselves are not going to do so, well…

… here we go then:

Melania Trump wore a blouse to the event that was affixed with a “pussy-bow.”

This is not our language or our description. It is the official description of the item from Gucci, from whom Trump purchased the $ 1,100 ensemble.

Here. See for yourself:

We’re not being juvenile for the sake of being juvenile here.

Melania’s famous husband, Donald Trump, was forced to defend himself early and often at the debate when it came to a video that went viral on Friday afternoon.

It was filmed in 2005 and it depicted a conversation between Trump and Access Hollywood co-host Billy Bush.

As they drove to the set of Days of Our Lives, Trump bragged about his sexual triumphs and sexual philosophy to Bush.

Among the many lewd and disgusting comments Trump made at the time?

“When you’re a star… you can do anything [to women]. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”


So you can perhaps see why the Internet was up in shocked arms by the outfit Melania (who reportedly refused to do a TV appearance with her husband after the comments went public) chose to wear.

Donald Trump also boasted about attempting to seduce a married woman in the leaked footage; Access Hollywood has since identified as Nancy O’Dell.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign told CBS News Sunday night that the former model’s shirt choice “was not intentional.”

Which is hilarious, that the campaign had to comment on the pussy-bow donned by its candidate’s wife.

Trump issued a defiant apology late Friday night after this video threatened to truly sink his campaign.

“I never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not,” says in the following video.

“I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today on the more than decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.”

Watch for yourself:

As for the Internet’s take on Melania Trump’s choice of shirts?

As you might expect, it did not disappoint…

And also:

Although Melania attended the debate last night, she did condemn her husband’s lewd remarks.

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” she said in a statement Saturday.

“This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have.”


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Melania Trump -- Donald"s Words Are Unacceptable and Offensive

Melania Trump has come out and denounced Donald’s words from the leaked video … calling the clip “unacceptable and offensive.” Melania released her statement Saturday, almost 24 hours after the 2005 video surfaced. Melania says, “The words my…


Monday, August 8, 2016

Melania Trump: Secret First Marriage REVEALED?!

For most of her husband’s astonishing presidential campaign, Melania Trump remained on the sidelines, offering pre-approved comments about the Donald’s much-discussed temperament only when asked.

In recent weeks, however, the 46-year-old model has taken center stage several times – and each occasion likely left her wishing she could fade back into the background.

First there was the unexpected controversy that erupted in the wake of Melania’s speech at the Republican National Convention:

Rumors that the speech had been plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 address at the Democratic National Convention were confirmed when a speech writer employed by the Trump campaign admitted to stealing large sections of the text.

Shortly after that mini-scandal, nude photos of Melania were published by the New York Post in the midst of what was already the worst week of her husband’s campaign.

Now, Mrs. Trump is at the center of yet another political firestorm, this one involving her citizenship.

An organization known as the Democratic Coalition Against Trump has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for all of the paperwork that Melania filed in order to become a US citizen.

Of particular interest to the group is a comment made by immigration attorney Michael Wildes, an employee of the Trump Organization:

“Mrs. Trump received citizenship in 2006 and prior to that she had a green card based on marriage,” Wildes said when asked about Melania’s path to citizenship in an interview with Univision.

“Before that, she had a work visa and was in full compliance on her visas and never disrespected any of them. That has been made clear to me.”

It’s a puzzling comment, as Melania became a citizen through her marriage to Donald in 2006, yet Wildes seems to indicate that she had obtained a marriage-based green card shortly after she arrived in the US several years prior.

Mrs. Trump has never indicated that she was married previously.

When asked for clarification, Wildes told Univision that he would request further information from the Trump Organization.

He later emailed a response reading simply, “I didn’t hear back, sorry.”

For obvious reasons, the situation has led many to conclude that either Melania is lying about how and when she obtained her citizenship, or that she was married before she met Trump, and has for some reason decided to keep her first marriage a secret.

It’s an ironic twist, as not only has Trump ridden a wave of anti-immigration sentiment throughout his campaign, he was also a leading figure in the birther movement, a coalition of conservatives who believed that President Obama was lying about being born in America and demanded to see his birth certificate as evidence.

The real estate tycoon and former reality star made the effort to invalidate Obama’s election a personal pet project, and of course, when Obama did produce his birth certificate, Trump took all the credit.

The Trump campaign has yet to comment on the controversy surrounding Melania Trump’s citizenship.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Melania Trump: MORE Nude Photos Published By New York Post

Donald Trump is not the traditional presidential candidate.

And these past two days have served as a reminder that his wife is not your father’s potential first lady.

On Sunday, the New York Post published nude photos of Melania Trump, which, needless to say, is not the way Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid usually treats the wives of presidential candidates.

Of course, most politicians’ wives haven’t posed for multiple nude photoshoots.

Today, the Post published another round of nude photos of Mrs.Trump.

This time, she’s posing with a second woman, leading the high-class daily to unironically print the words “Menage a Trump” on its front page.

You could describe it as “classy,” but you’d have to imagine the Donald saying the word with a flurry of his signature hand gestures. 

You might be thinking to yourself that the headline isn’t exactly appropriate, because Trump and her gal pal are one human short of a proper menage.

But the cunning linguists at the Post were way ahead of you.

They justified that punny headline with some comments from the man who shot the photos of the woman who was then known as Melania Knauss.

“I always loved women together, because I have been with a lot of women who desired the ménage à trois,” says French fashion photographer Jarl Ale de Basseville.

“This is beauty and not porn. I am always shocked by the porn industry because they are destroying the emotion and the essence of purity and simplicity.”

So there you have it.

According to some French photographer, this isn’t porn.

So what is it?

We’re not sure, exactly, but unlike Melania’s RNC speech, at least we know it’s actually her and not a plagiarized version of the current first lady’s actions.

Melania Trump: MORE Nude Photos Published By New York Post

Donald Trump is not the traditional presidential candidate.

And these past two days have served as a reminder that his wife is not your father’s potential first lady.

On Sunday, the New York Post published nude photos of Melania Trump, which, needless to say, is not the way Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid usually treats the wives of presidential candidates.

Of course, most politicians’ wives haven’t posed for multiple nude photoshoots.

Today, the Post published another round of nude photos of Mrs.Trump.

This time, she’s posing with a second woman, leading the high-class daily to unironically print the words “Menage a Trump” on its front page.

You could describe it as “classy,” but you’d have to imagine the Donald saying the word with a flurry of his signature hand gestures. 

You might be thinking to yourself that the headline isn’t exactly appropriate, because Trump and her gal pal are one human short of a proper menage.

But the cunning linguists at the Post were way ahead of you.

They justified that punny headline with some comments from the man who shot the photos of the woman who was then known as Melania Knauss.

“I always loved women together, because I have been with a lot of women who desired the ménage à trois,” says French fashion photographer Jarl Ale de Basseville.

“This is beauty and not porn. I am always shocked by the porn industry because they are destroying the emotion and the essence of purity and simplicity.”

So there you have it.

According to some French photographer, this isn’t porn.

So what is it?

We’re not sure, exactly, but unlike Melania’s RNC speech, at least we know it’s actually her and not a plagiarized version of the current first lady’s actions.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Melania Trump Nude Pics: Actually Published by New York Post!

Over the course of his Presidential campaign, Donald Trump has insulted Mexicans.

And Muslims. 

And women.

And pretty much anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. 

He even went after Khizr Khan over this weekend, following the moving speech that “Patriotic Muslim” gave about his dead soldier of a son at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night.

Based on all of these wide-ranging insults, it’s hard to say anything is off limits when it comes to firing back at Donald Trump.

Except, perhaps, for what The New York Post just did.

The newspaper has run a front page that features the headline “THE OGLE OFFICE” and which also features a photo of Melania Trump… nude.

Here. Click below to see an uncensored version for yourself:

The front page said it has “exclusive photos” and that “you’ve never seen a potential First Lady like this,” adding:

Steamy photos of Melania Trump emerged as husband Donald ratchets up his race for President. The nude pictures were snapped in Manhattan in 1995, revealing the potential First Lady’s life as a model known then as Melania K.

Now, look:

Melania Trump signed a modeling contract at the age of 18. Her past in this industry is not a secret.

Prior to becoming Donald Trump’s third wife, Melania worked as a model for fashion houses in Milan and Paris, France, before relocating to New York City in 1996.

She has appeared on the covers of such publications as Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue and Vanity Fair.

So one could argue that Donald Trump knew who he was marrying and that any photo Melania willfully posed for in a professional context is fair game.

But this does seem unnecessarily sleazy and shameful, doesn’t it?

There’s plenty to mock about Donald Trump. There are plenty of negative things you can write about the man himself.

Why drag his wife into it, especially his NAKED wife?

Yes, any outlet and any individual with a public platform and conscious ought to be coming out against Donald Trump, doing all they can to ensure this ignorant bully and bigot does not become President of the United States.

But they should be able to accomplish that goal without dragging his family members through the mud.

Do you agree?

Or do you think Melania Trump’s nude past is fair game?

Melania Trump Nude Pics: Actually Published by New York Post!

Over the course of his Presidential campaign, Donald Trump has insulted Mexicans.

And Muslims. 

And women.

And pretty much anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. 

He even went after Khizr Khan over this weekend, following the moving speech that “Patriotic Muslim” gave about his dead soldier of a son at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night.

Based on all of these wide-ranging insults, it’s hard to say anything is off limits when it comes to firing back at Donald Trump.

Except, perhaps, for what The New York Post just did.

The newspaper has run a front page that features the headline “THE OGLE OFFICE” and which also features a photo of Melania Trump… nude.

Here. Click below to see an uncensored version for yourself:

The front page said it has “exclusive photos” and that “you’ve never seen a potential First Lady like this,” adding:

Steamy photos of Melania Trump emerged as husband Donald ratchets up his race for President. The nude pictures were snapped in Manhattan in 1995, revealing the potential First Lady’s life as a model known then as Melania K.

Now, look:

Melania Trump signed a modeling contract at the age of 18. Her past in this industry is not a secret.

Prior to becoming Donald Trump’s third wife, Melania worked as a model for fashion houses in Milan and Paris, France, before relocating to New York City in 1996.

She has appeared on the covers of such publications as Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue and Vanity Fair.

So one could argue that Donald Trump knew who he was marrying and that any photo Melania willfully posed for in a professional context is fair game.

But this does seem unnecessarily sleazy and shameful, doesn’t it?

There’s plenty to mock about Donald Trump. There are plenty of negative things you can write about the man himself.

Why drag his wife into it, especially his NAKED wife?

Yes, any outlet and any individual with a public platform and conscious ought to be coming out against Donald Trump, doing all they can to ensure this ignorant bully and bigot does not become President of the United States.

But they should be able to accomplish that goal without dragging his family members through the mud.

Do you agree?

Or do you think Melania Trump’s nude past is fair game?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Joyce Beatty Trolls Melania Trump at Democratic National Convention

We’re starting to feel a little bad for Melania Trump.

just like Trump

The third wife of Donald Trump has found herself under a critical spotlight over the past several days following a controversial Republican National Convention speech.

It focused on important topics such as family values and the life lessons parents ought to teach their children.

But it also, admittedly, plagiarized passages from Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. 

Then, Trump removed her official website from the Internet after questions arose over a college degree she claimed to have earned in Slovenia… despite there being no proof that this actually took place.

On Thursday night, meanwhile, a heretofore unknown Congresswoman from Ohio used the DNC stage to throw a bit of shade at Melania Trump.

Once folks got over the whole stealing-from-Michelle-Obama thing, they turned their focus to the dress Trump donned during her speech.

So much so that the $ 2,190 off-white Roksanda “Margot” ensemble sold out less than an hour after Trump appeared on television last week.

Fast forward to last night and Rep. Beatty (D-Ohio) coming out on stage at the Wells Fargo Arena, apparently proving to the world that she was one of the lucky few people to get her hands on the outfit.

Talk about a subtle, slick way to troll Trump, huh?

Beatty wouldn’t come right out and admit she was sending Melania a message, however.

She blamed the entire thing on her husband, telling WCMH that he had bought the dress and told her to wear it.

“Now it’s blowing up all over the nation that it’s the same as Mrs. Trump’s, but I don’t know,” she said.

She does, however, know how she feels about Donald Trump.

During her remarks, Beatty called him “the most divisive and ill-prepared candidate we’ve seen in modern times.”

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Melania Trump Speechwriter Admits to Plagiarism: My Bad, Folks!

The Donald Trump campaign can now stop pretending that Melania Trump did not steal portions of her Republican National Convention speech from Michelle Obama.

Because the speechwriter for Melania Trump just admitted this is precisely what happened.

On Monday night, Melania Trump helped open the RNC from Cleveland by talking about her morals and values and how she raises her children.

No one took issue with the content of Trump’s speech…

… but many people immediately noticed that it echoed the words spoken by Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

Like, really, really echoed those words.

Like, she used the same exact words for two full paragraphs.

In response to the charges of plagiarism, surrogates for the Donald Trump campaign released numerous statements; some acknowledging that Melania stole portions of her speech and others scoffing at this notion.

But now Meredith McIver – described as “an in-house staff writer from the Trump Organization” – has come out and taken responsibility for the incident.

In a statement released by the campaign on Wednesday, McIver, says that Donald Trump’s wife, in a phone call, read her “passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples” of inspiration for her own address at the RNC.

“I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech,” McIver admits, referring to the first lady as “a person [Melania] has always liked.”

McIver added:

“I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama.”

This is really all that needed to be said as soon as the speech concluded.

No one really cares what Melania Trump has to say.

But the plagiarism, along with the ridiculous excuses uttered by Trump representatives, have been seen as examples of a campaign that is not very well run or organized.

McIver added that she offered her resignation to the nominee’s family but they “rejected it,” referred to the incident an “innocent mistake.”

Here is McIver’s full statement:


My name is Meredith Mciver and I’m an in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization. I am also a longtime friend and admirer of the Trump family.

In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people.

A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech.

I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches.

This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant.

Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr. Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it. Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences.

I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s beautiful message and presentation.

I apologize for the confusion and hysteria my mistake has caused. Today, more than ever, I am honored to work for such a great family. I personally admire the way Mr. Trump has handled this situation and I am grateful for his understanding.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Melania Trump Plagiarism: The Campaign (Hilariously) Responds!

Melania Trump took to the stage on Monday night at the Republican National Convention.

On the biggest platform of her life, Donald Trump’s third wife talked about values and morals and family and… wait a second…

… she talked about many of the same things Michelle Obama talked about at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

In fact, she talked about these things using the same words and, at times, the same cadence.

As a result, critics have jumped all over the Trump campaign, accusing Melania of plagiarism (which, in most campaigns, would be among the most scandalous charges on could level).

Did Trump borrow certain sections of Michelle’s speech?

Here is a look at the speech itself:

Here is a juxtaposition of portions of this speech and the one Obama gave eight years ago:

And here is a visual aid to help guide along your decision-making process:

side by side

While the world shakes its collective head over the latest campaign misstep, surrogates for Trump and his wife went public with a handful of hilarious excuses and denials.

To wit:

Campaign Manager Paul Manafort: “There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech. These were common words and values. She cares about her family. To think that she’d be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy.”

Former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski: “Remember, Melania Trump speaks four languages, unbelievably intelligent. This is not her native language. She relied on other people to make sure the speech was right, and it went through the process which all convention speeches do.”

Trump Spokeswoman Katrina Pierson: “These are values – Republican values, by the way – of hard work, determination, family values, dedication and respect, and that’s Melania Trump. This concept that Michelle Obama invented the English language is absurd.”

Chris Christie: “Ninety-three percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech. They expressed some common thoughts.”

Congressman Joe Wilson: “My view is, to quote other first ladies, or potential first ladies, that is positive. Even unattributed. Hey, it was meant as a compliment.”

Manafort again: “Once again, this is an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks to demean her and take her down.”

Former Mississippi Goveror Haley Barbour: “What was interesting to me is, did the campaign intend for this? Because everything that Melania Trump said that Barack Obama’s wife had said are things that she said Barack Obama would do and he didn’t do.”

It’s safe to say we never considered this last option.

Melania Trump RNC Speech: Ganked from Michelle Obama?

The Republican National Convention kicked off from Cleveland on Monday night.

And it didn"t take long for this Donald Trump lovefest to generate its first scandal.

From Willie Robertson or Scott Baio? Not really, even though the #NeverTrump crowd likely was not a fan of anything these "celebrities" had to say.

Rather, the first scandal of the week came courtesy of The Donald"s wife, Melania Trump.

"From a young age my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect," Melania said on stage.

"They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life."

Sounds great and inspiring, right?

The sort of thing a First Lady-to-be would say in such a circumstance?

Melania went on to add:

"That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

"Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."

Again, good stuff.

But plagiarized stuff?

Critics were quick to note similarities between Trump"s speech here and Michelle Obama"s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you"re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don"t know them, and even if you don"t agree with them, Obama said eight years ago.

She continued at the time:

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation.

Because we want our children – and all children in this nation – to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Speaking to Matt Lauer on MSNBC prior to the event, Melania said of her upcoming speech:

"I read once over it and that"s all. Because I wrote it with as little help as possible. I"m excited."

This is what Donald Trump said about his wife"s speech on Monday night and what he said in 2008 about that of Michelle Obama:

Was Melania subconsciously influenced by Obama? Did she outright gank her material?

Listen and watch the speech below and decide for yourself.

Melania trump rnc speech ganked from michelle obama