Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

Steve Harvey Lawsuit: Ex-Wife Alleges Mental Torture, "Soul Murdering"

In a controversial letter to employees that went viral last week, Steve Harvey demanded to be left alone.

But Mary L. Vaughn apparently did not get the memo.

The comedian’s ex-wife is coming strong after the man she says scorned her in nearly every way imaginable, filing a $ 60 million lawsuit against Harvey that paints him in an even worse light than that infamous letter.

Vaughn and Harvey were married from 1996 through 2005.

During their time together, the former was allegedly subjected to “prolonged torture with the infliction of severe mental pain and suffering,” according to court documents obtained by Entertainment Tonight.

These same legal papers also claim that Vaughn “attempted suicide by self-medicating [in] an effort to stop the pain.”


They go on to allege that Harvey and his lawyer caused “severe emotional distress” that led to a litany of medical conditions for not only Vaughn … but her immediate family over the past 15 years or so.

Pretty damning accusations, that’s for certain.

And Vaughn isn’t even finished.

She’s suing the talk show host for child endangerment, torture, kidnapping, breach of contract, conspiracy against rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and “soul murdering.”

The lawsuit even cites such terms/actions as harassment, brainwashing and theft by deception.

Harvey and Vaughn share a 10-year old son, Wynton.

This isn’t the first time the latter has aired severe accusations against Harvey, having previously gone off on him via a YouTube video.

She was even jailed for 30 days in 2013 for contempt of court after violating the terms of a gag order in the couple’s divorce.

Harvey has three kids from his first marriage and has been the husband of third wife Marjorie since 2007.

Just a few days ago, Harvey made negative headlines after the Internet learned that he sent a memo to employees last year in which he laid out a series of ground rules.

They all boiled down to Harvey wanting total and complete privacy at work, with excerpts including the following demands:

Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.

Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly.

Do not wait in the hallway to speak to me… make an appointment.

The star eventually acknowledged that he sent this letter, but made no apologies for how much of a diva it made him sound like.

“I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in,” Harvey explained to ET, adding:

“I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me – so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it…

“I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter.”

Vaughn would likely say that she knows a thing or two about being stuck in a prison when it comes to Harvey.

In response to her lawsuit, Steve’s attorney Brandon Williams told TMZ the followingL

“Mr. Harvey vehemently denies any allegations set forth in the lawsuit. The Complaint is meritless, frivolous and the allegations are completely false.

“We will vigorously defend/counterclaim against the Complaint.”


Friday, March 31, 2017

Amber Portwood: Struggling with Weight Gain and Mental Illness?

Sometimes it seems like Amber Portwood just can’t catch a break.

Between her issues with addiction, the hard reality that comes with being a teen mom (and a Teen Mom), and, you know, Matt Baier, things have always looked kind of rough for her.

To add onto her pile of hardships, she’s also got a number of mental illnesses: she’s been open about her anxiety and her bipolar disorder, and more recently she’s been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

It’s a lot to deal with, and as Amber reveals in a new interview with Women’s Health, she doesn’t deal with it all that well at times.

She says that she spent a good part of 2015 losing weight that she’d steadily gained after getting sober, and she got down to 130 pounds, which was a good weight for her.

But then, in 2016, she found herself profoundly depressed, so much that Matt had to drag her out of bed. She went to see a psychiatrist, which is when she received the borderline personality diagnosis.

“When I got the diagnosis,” she says, “I wanted to keep it a secret. While everyone knew about my other diagnoses — I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid, for as long as I can remember — I guess it was tragic to think I had another mental disorder.”

For a while, Matt was the only person who knew, and he actually accompanied her to one of her appointments so her doctor could talk to him.

When Amber was told that she’d most likely be on medications to deal with her mental disorders for the rest of her life, she broke down, but she says Matt was there to hold her hand.

Matt Baier, doing something sweet and not completely creepy? The mind boggles.

Amber was put on some new medications, including a mood stabilizer. She says she’s happy with what she’s on because she feels “amazing and normal” now, and her meds aren’t ones she can get addicted to.

But when she started the meds, she got “cravings like crazy,” and she also got “very tired.”

And neither of those things are good for weight loss.

In that time, she gained back all the weight she’d worked so hard to lose months before. She tried a no-carb, no-sugar diet — the diet that helped her lose the weight in the first place — but it didn’t work for her.

As of now, she’s lost 10 pounds, and though there’s “extra pressure” to lose more weight for her wedding in October (gag), “I’m using that as motivation.”

The whole point of sharing her story, she says, is because so many medications for mental illnesses cause weight gain.

“For women who are suffering from mental health issues, I want them to know that other people are going through the same thing,” she explains, “and you don’t have to do this alone.”

You’re a gem, Amber. You really are.

Now drop Matt Baier and own it.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Katherine Jackson Accuses Nephew of Mental Abuse, Fears for Her Safety

Katherine Jackson is facing yet another hardship in her life.

In new court documents, the mother of Michael Jackson alleges that she has been the victim of years of mental abuse at the hands of her nephew and driver.

His name is Trent Lamar Jackson.

A relative through marriage, Trent is accused of having accessed Jackson’s bank accounts without her permission.

Other charges leveled against him in this damning legal filing include the assertion that Trent used Katherine’s credit cards (without authorization) for personal use.

And also that he subjected her to years of mental abuse that has left Jackson “in a constant state of fear and confusion.”

Very serious stuff.

Jackson, who has obtained a restraining order against Trent, describes her nephew as “an abusive con-man” who has manipulated her in order to “assume control of her finances.”

The Jackson family matriarch, who has been at the center of quite a few controversies in her life, says she attempted to fire Trent on February 3, in the presence of a police officer no less, ordering him to move out of her guest house.

But he has simply refused to leave.

He took off just as deputies and her attorney arrived on the scene.

Katherine is currently in London visiting her daughter, Janet Jackson, who had a baby at the start of the year, and these legal papers say she is “afraid to go home with Trent there.”

The documents detail how Jackson “fears he could physically harm her for terminating him.”

A judge has ordered her nephew to move out of her residence and return all keys, passwords and combinations to the property.

Trent has also been ordered to stay at least 100 yards away from Katherine Jackson.

The described abuse claims that “Trent has manipulated Mrs. Jackson so much, and preyed on her known kindness, that whenever the police arrive or efforts to press elder abuse charges have been undertaken, she ultimately recants or changes her mind.”

The legal team on behalf of Jackson goes on to say that she “will have moments of strength, and tell her kids that Trent is abusing her, and by the time they get Adult Protections Services to the house, he has convinced her by crying or begging not to report him, and the cycle starts all over.”

Trent has now responded to any of these allegations.

A hearing has been scheduled for March 1st.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Mischa Barton Transported to Hospital for Mental Evalution: Find Out Why

Mischa Barton is currently under a doctor’s care and supervision.

According to multiple outlets, police responded on Thursday morning to calls of a disturbance coming from the actress’ West Hollywood apartment.

Insiders tell TMZ that witnesses on the scene spotted the former OC star hanging over her backyard fence and rambling about her mother being a witch.

She was also screaming about the world ending and said something Ziggy Stardust.

At one point, sources say she fell backward off the fence and yelled: “Oh my God, it’s over! I feel it, and it’s angry!”

TMZ writes that Barton was wearing just a dress shirt and a tie during this bizarre incident, although People Magazine quotes a sergeant who confirms Barton was “fully dressed” by the time she agreed she needed professional help.

This same police officer says Barton was speaking in “coherent statements” upon willingly being transported to the hospital for a mental evaluation.

On Wednesday night, Barton celebrated her birthday in Los Angeles with friends.

According to a party attendee, via People, the actress “seemed like she was having a great time” and there was no cause for anyone to be concerned at the time.

This is not the first time Barton has exhibited strange behavior and been placed under a doctor’s care as a result.

In July of 2009, a frightened and manic Barton was also rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Unable to control herself and desperate to leave, she threatened suicide and had to be restrained by staff members. 

Barton was eventually placed committed to the psych ward for four days under California’s 5150 hold, which means a patient is admitted against his or her will because he or she poses a threat to his or herself self or others.

“It was a full-on breakdown,” Barton told People of that former incident, speaking in 2013 and adding:

“It was terrifying. Straight out of Girl, Interrupted. Story of my life.”

Barton also explained to People in this 2013 interview that she had just had her wisdom teeth removed and was taking Xanax.

Yes, she was suffering from a great deal of stress and anxiety at the time – partying, drinking, her career flaming out – but “I was never suicidal,” she told the publication for a cover story.

Barton explained:

“I was just overworked and depressed. But one slip of the tongue in a heightened moment and you find yourself in that situation.”

Her time in the psych ward “was an eye-opener,” however.

“I was deeply hurt at first, and then I accepted this was time I needed to be away from work, my family and all the pressure. I had been through the wringer.”

Since then, Barton has remained mostly out of the news.

She did gain a poor reputation on Dancing with the Stars, however, and also came under fire for the way she responded to the shooting of Alton Sterling by the police last year.

The actress has always come across as out of touch, sort of operating in her own universe.

Both TMZ and People reached out to members of Barton’s team for a comment after news of this latest incident spread.

They are yet to hear back.

We wish Barton the best.


Mischa Barton Hospitalized for Mental Evaluation (PHOTOS)

Mischa Barton was hospitalized after exhibiting some bizarre behavior that had friends and neighbors extremely concerned Thursday morning. Sources connected to Mischa tell us she was hanging over her backyard fence in West Hollywood and…


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Kanye West: Will He Struggle with Mental Illness Forever?!

At this point in time, you’re surely familiar with the tragic tale of Kanye West and the mental breakdown he had just before Thanksgiving.

And if somehow you managed to miss it … well, hope that rock you’re living under is treating you well.

It was on Monday, November 21st, that Kanye had a bit of an episode while working with his personal trainer.

His doctors called 911, told dispatchers that he would possibly become violent when confronted by police, and then was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he spent just over a week under a psychiatric evaluation.

Another issue that necessitated Kanye’s hospitalization was that he reportedly began messing with the dosage of the psychiatric meds he’d already been prescribed.

After Kanye left the hospital (and during, and before he went, and probably for the rest of all time), rumors upon rumors upon rumors began to swirl.

We heard that Kanye’s actual problem was a drug addiction, that his marriage with Kim Kardashian is all but over, that he’s living separately from Kim and their children.

And now we’ve got one more report to add on the pile — and this one is particularly upsetting.

According to a source who spoke with People, Kanye is still a long way from being on the other side of his breakdown.

“He’s recovering, but not recovered,” the insider reveals. “He’s sick and every day he gets better.”

Another source claims that Kanye’s behavior was worrisome as far back as Halloween, explaining that “He wasn’t making a lot of sense when he talked, and he was texting a lot of strange stuff to people.”

But apparently, Kanye was struggling even earlier than that, and when Kim was robbed at gunpoint in early October, that was “what set off” his downward spiral.

“He was teetering on the edge,” the source says, and when Kim was robbed, he just “broke down.”

It’s all coming together, right? It fits in with something that we’ve heard before, that Kim was always the strong, solid one in the relationship.

She’d always been ready and willing to give Kanye support whenever he needed it, but when Kim went through her traumatic experience and desperately needed his support, he simply didn’t have enough to give.

It’s pretty sad when you think about it, isn’t it?

And it gets even sadder, because that insider closes things up by claiming that the issues Kanye is facing are issues that he’ll have indefinitely.

“This is something he will deal with for life, but he can conquer it,” the source states.

And hey, best wishes to Kanye that he can conquer it, right?


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Donald Trump Took Meeting Because Kanye May Have Mental Issues But He"s No Threat

Kanye West, fresh off a psychiatric hold, was still able to get security clearance to see Prez-elect Donald Trump, because the Secret Service doesn’t consider the rapper a threat. A Secret Service official tells TMZ, “Personal problems that Mr. West…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Nicki Minaj -- Mental Health Org Fires Back ... Miami Video Is No Joke (VIDEO)

Nicki Minaj is getting more than social media backlash for posting video of a woman losing it in Miami — now a mental health organization is dressing her down for allegedly mocking the woman. The National Alliance on Mental Illness…


Monday, December 5, 2016

Lady Gaga: I Have a Mental Illness...

Lady Gaga has opened up like never before.

Never one to shy away from an opinion (ask her about Melania Trump) or to be anything but true to herself, the artist recently visited the Ali Forney Center, a shelter for homeless LGBT youth located in Harlem.

She did so on behalf of the #ShareKindness campaign, a movement started by The Today Show and NBCUniversal which celebrates kind acts of all types and all sizes.

Speaking to Today about her visit and this movement in general, Gaga said the following:

“Kindness, to me, is an action of love or a showing of love to someone else. I also believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world.

“I like to share kindness in a lot of different ways.”

She continued:

“I love to give things to people that have nothing or less than me. These children are not just homeless or in need. Many of them are trauma survivors; they’ve been rejected in some kind of way.

“My own trauma in my life has helped me to understand the trauma of others.”

Yes, her trauma.

In 2014, Gaga revealed that she was raped at the age of 19.

But she opened up for the first time about the aftermath of this horrible incident during her time with the homeless residents of this shelter.

“I don’t have the same kind of issues that you have,” she told the group during a meditation session.

“But I have a mental illness and I struggle with that every day, so I need my mantra to help keep me relaxed.”

I have a mental illness.

There are words you don’t hear uttered very often by a celebrity.

Gaga elaborated on her admission when speaking with Today.

“I told the kids today that I suffer from a mental illness. I suffer from PTSD. I’ve never told anyone that before, so here we are,” she said, adding:

“The kindness that’s been shown to me by doctors – as well as my family and my friends – it’s really saved my life.”

Gaga said she’s learned to try and help anyone who has suffered through a trauma by simply injecting them with as many “positive thoughts” as possible.

It’s vital for people to remind the homeless youth “that they’re not alone and that they’re loved,” Gaga expounded. “I am no better than any of those kids, and I’m no worse than any of them.

“We are equal. We both walk our two feet on the same earth and we’re in this together. We as a world are suffering from war…Kindness is the way to becoming more harmonious.”

Amen, Lady Gaga.

Pretty awesome and empowering stuff, huh?

Scroll around below to read through a rundown of other celebrities who suffer from a mental illness.


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

TMZ Live: Kanye West: Financially Protected in Wake of Mental Breakdown

ON TODAY’S SHOW A Jonas Brother Busted for Pot! Mark Cuban: Meeting with the Enemy Justin Bieber Punches a Fan in the Face Brad Pitt: Officially Off the Hook SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Friday, November 18, 2016

26 Celebrities Who Suffer From Mental Illness

We often imagine celebrities as leading perfect lives – when you"re rich and famous, what problems could you possibly have?

But the truth is, stars can suffer as much as anyone. Mental illness, as they say, does not discriminate.

Many celebs have been open about their struggles with mental health, helping to end the stigma that once surrounded conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder.

1. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato with pink lipstick

Demi Lovato has been open about her struggle with bipolar disorder, cutting and bulimia. “I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar,” she told People when she was 18.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo dicaprio red carpet photo

Leonardo DiCaprio suffers from OCD, which he drew upon while playing Howard Hughes in The Aviator.

3. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham golden globes photo

Lena Dunham suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety, and even incorporated OCD into her character on Girls. She has taken medication for her conditions and told fans on Instagram that exercise helps immensely.

4. Robin Williams

Robin williams in the crazy ones

Funnyman Robin Williams suffered from depression, paranoia and anxiety and tragically took his own life in 2014. However, his widow Susan said her husband’s death was a result of Lewy Body Dementia, a form of neurodegenerative dementia that causes mood instability, hallucinations and impaired motor skills.

5. Justin Bieber

Justin bieber hair picture

Justin Bieber admitted to taking Adderall for ADHD, but recently quit because it gave him anxiety. Early in 2016, he canceled meet-and-greets with fans, saying they left him feeling “drained and unhappy” and “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression.”

6. Angelina Jolie

Angelina jolie movie premiere fail

The movie star admitted that she used to cut herself as a teen. “I went through a period that when I felt trapped I would cut myself. I have a lot of scars,” she told OK! magazine.

View Slideshow

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Catelynn Lowell: Severity of Mental Illness Revealed!

Catelynn Lowell has always been pretty open about how much she struggles with mental illness.

She’s suffered from depression and anxiety, and after her daughter Nova was born, she had a pretty nasty time with postpartum depression.

Yesterday, Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra went on The Doctors to talk about what they’ve gone through, and while we knew things were hard, we had no idea just how hard.

“Well, I started to notice her behavior shifting,” Tyler explains.

“Not responding to conversations, sleeping all the time. I thought, ‘I think she’s really, definitely got postpartum.”

“It just hit me all at once,” Catelynn adds. “I just started breaking down and crying, and I was like ‘I need help."”

But after a rehab stay and regular therapy, Catelynn says that she’s doing well these days.

“I’m feeling really good,” she says, “I’m doing things to continue working on myself, as in therapy and seeing psychiatrists.”

She also says that her doctors have been “lowering my meds, slowly and surely, and seeing if I’m feeling, and so far it’s been good.”

When asked how Catelynn’s mental health affected their marriage, Tyler says “I think it affected it a lot.”

A little bit of an understatement, but yeah, sure.

Tyler said that it was hard because he couldn’t really understand what Catelynn was going through, and that he was thinking “It’s fine, just get out of bed, it’s not hard, just do it.”

That’s some classic Tyler insensitivity right there, but he did say that he started researching postpartum depression and he found out that it can be extremely severe for some women.

“I think I probably handled it wrong,” he admits, “because I didn’t know, I was very naive.”

“I didn’t understand it, so of course there was times where we were like, you know … I’ve maybe been a little insensitive, I didn’t really understand how it worked.”

“Marriage is marriage,” Tyler concludes. “I mean, it’s hard.”

But even though things were hard, Catelynn and Tyler both laughed when the divorce rumors were brought up.

“I don’t even read any of the negative stuff,” Catelynn says.

Probably a good plan.

“We’re so used to rumors,” Tyler adds, “it’s like one day we’re adopting our little brother, the next day we’re getting a divorce.”

So rest easy, friends, it sounds like their marriage really is OK, even if it looks kind of miserable on Teen Mom OG.



Friday, November 11, 2016

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Still Struggling with Her Mental Illness?

Back in March, Catelynn Lowell checked into a rehab center to get help with her mental health issues, namely her depression and anxiety.

She spent three weeks there, but sadly, she’s still been having significant problems stemming from her illnesses.

And in this new sneak peek from next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, it looks like things are coming to a head. Again:

Things start off normal and fine, with Catelynn telling her husband, Tyler Baltierra, about her visit with little Nova to see some horses.

She says that Nova wanted to get down and run around, but that she wouldn’t let her because there were so many horses around — cute, right?

But then Catelynn mentions that she saw a horse for sale that she was interested in buying. And that’s when things got weird.

“They had one of the ones there that I liked for sale,” she tells Tyler.

“She’s $ 3,000 because she’s young, and she’s very, like, um … a broad spectrum, you can put little kids on her, you can put scared adults on her, and she does really good.”

She goes on to explain that “It’s just first of all finding a horse that you like, and if I’m interested in one, then that’s when, you know, you call boarding facilities, see what they offer, how much they are, before you even buy a horse, and then you just kind of go from there.”

Which might be a normal conversation, except it’s clear by the expression on Tyler’s face that he’s not even remotely interested in buying a horse, not even a little bit, not even at all.

But he tries to be reasonable about it, and he asks Catelynn how much it costs to board a horse.

She really tries to sell it here, telling him that some boarding costs as little as $ 100 a month, but a producer interrupts to mention that the guy they spoke with at the stables actually said boarding was $ 1,000 a month.

Still, Tyler tries to find a way to politely end the conversation, this time by suggesting that Catelynn volunteer at some horse stables instead of actually buying a horse.

“No, volunteering’s different though,” Catelynn sneers. “I want to be able to ride if I’m having a panic attack.”

And there it is.

Tyler still thinks volunteering would be good, because she’s be “right there, and it’s free, I’m just sayin’,” but she’s not having it.

She insists that owning a horse would be much better for her, because that way she wouldn’t have to pay $ 30 whenever she had a panic attack to ride a horse that wasn’t hers.

(It’s interesting to note that, at this point in the video, Nova takes off her diaper and runs into another room by herself. But sure, let’s keep talking about horses.)

Good ol’ Tyler points out that it might make more sense to just pay $ 30 for each riding session instead of paying thousands and thousands of dollars to own a horse, and Catelynn actually laughs at him.

After that, he gives up, and she starts repeating, over and over, that she will own a horse.

It’s just a little bit unbearable.

We feel for Catelynn, we really do, and it must be terrible to suffer from mental illness like she does.

But let’s remember that, earlier this season, she bought a miniature pig, and that pig was a big part of what drove Catelynn to go to rehab.

The poor animal squealed and squealed, like pigs do, but she couldn’t handle it, and she told her Teen Mom producers that she needed help.

So she went to rehab, she came back home, but she’s still been struggling with even getting out of bed in the mornings.

But she wants to buy a horse?

Things just aren’t looking great for Catelynn. That’s all.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Farrah Abraham Has a Complete Mental Breakdown

We all know what a menace Farrah Abraham is, but what we didn’t know is that she’s apparently – and entirely – losing her damn mind. 

In a new Teen Mom: OG clip, Farrah completely unloads on her mother for no ascertainable reason. 

Her demeanor and temperament changes on a dime (probably a dime she earned at her local strip club), and honestly, the change is frightening to watch. 

We’ve seen Farrah flip out many times before, but nothing like this, and especially this unprovoked. 

Did you … have you … what just happened? 

First, she was asking questions about the truck, saying that she didn’t know anything about them, and the next thing you know, she’s unloading on her mother for … we’re not even sure what. 

Also, we’re pretty confident that she called her mom “genius f–kface.”  


We’re completely agog over this video, and we’re not mental health experts or anything, of course, but this seems to be on the spectrum of bipolar or even schizophrenic.  

There’s absolutely no reason for Farrah to have flipped on her mother like that, aside from exhibiting some pretty strong symptoms of an issue that needs to be addressed. 


And Farrah’s just fighting with everybody these days, isn’t she? 

First it was her epic, come-to-blows fistfight with Amber Portwood, and now this. 

Is she trying to get yanked off the show? 

Because we’re pretty sure nobody else in their right mind would touch her toxic ass … not even a local grocery store. 

Even on-again, off-again boyfriend Simon Saran is laying into Abraham lately. 

He said, “Farrah can argue with a wall and think she won.”


He didn’t stop there, though.

“Farrah is very fast-tempered and needs to work on her anger issues,” he added. 

It would even appear that he hit out at MTV, and asserted that his relationship with Farrah is a sham. 

“[The women of Teen Mom] get more money for having men live with them.”


On the whole, though, Farrah is easily the most disturbed Teen Mom on the show, and unlike the other ladies – who absolutely have their own special sets of problems – won’t admit that she’s utterly, batshit crazy. 

Get a grip, child. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Drake: SLAMMED For Mocking Kid Cudi"s Mental Illness on New Diss Track

For a Canadian fella, Drake can be ruder than a Tim Horton’s customer when they’re out of Timbits the morning after a Maple leafs loss, dontchaknow.

The emcee/human quivering lip has made an effort to shed his image as the baby panda of the rap world by going HAM on some of his rivals.

Now he’s known as the baby panda who needs a nap of rap.

It all started with Drake’s feud with Meek Mill.

The hip hop community seemed to universally agreed that Drake had murdered Mr. Minaj with a pair of blistering diss tracks, to which Meek never responded in any compelling way.

It was a clean, decisive victory, but it gave Drizzy a taste for blood.

Next thing we knew Aubrey was attacking everything that moved.

He’s in that part of the musician biopic where he alienates all his friends with his diva-like behavior.

His business partnership with his mentor appears to be over due to the revelation that Drake banged Lil Wayne’s girlfriend.

Rihanna dumped Drake because … actually, that probably had less to do with his new attitude and more to do with the fact that they had no business going out to begin with.

Anyway, the point is, Drake sees nothing but targets everywhere he goes these days.

And it seems that the latest shots he fired have seriously pissed off some of his biggest fans.

Rapper Kid Cudi checked into rehab to be treated for depression earlier this month.

Cudi revealed that he’d been experiencing suicidal thoughts and public figures from all walks of like praised the acclaimed artist for opening up about his condition.

Then Drake came along and undid all that progress with an ignorant-ass track in which he dismissed Cudi’s mental illness as a “phase”:

Drake also seems to imply that Cudi is addicted to prescription pills, rapping:

“You stay Xan and Perc’ed up so reality set in, you don’t gotta face it.”

Cudi hasn’t replied because, ya know, he’s in rehab.

Unfortunately, he may not get the chance to fire back.

Drake also disses Pusha T in this song, a rapper who’s done the sort of things that Aubrey’s only read about in the liner notes of a Biggie album.

For Drake’s sake we hope Push decides to settle this thing on wax.

Otherwise, Drizzy might wind up one sorry hoser.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Catelynn Lowell: Here"s the REAL Deal on My Extreme Mental Illness

Catelynn Lowell isn’t afraid of showing it all off for the camera — which is why the Teen Mom’s battle with mental illness is such big news. 

Lowell opened up in a deleted Teen Mom scene, talking about her struggle with mental illness and how she’s going to approach talking to her daughter, Nova, about it. 

In the clip, she said, “Honestly, I feel like the only thing I want [my daughter] to know about mental illness period, is if you are starting to feel a different way, extreme emotions…that it’s okay to be honest and say you’re feeling that way.” 

“Not to feel like you’re crazy,” she continued, “because that’s what I used to tell myself all the time – that I was crazy.” 

“If you are feeling certain things, or if things are extreme, it’s okay to feel them,” she said. 

“It’s just how you work through it and you know you have to come to a realization that it’s going to be over.” 

“You feel like sometimes it’s going to be forever in that moment,” Lowell admitted.

It’s gotta be hard, though, when you have a Teen Mom douchebag for a husband, who doesn’t seem to fully support you, and who, in fact, fat shames you on top of your own insecurities. 

In a previous episode of the reality show, Lowell’s husband, Tyler Baltierra, said, “I don’t want no heifer for a wife,” brutalizing both her and the English language simultaneously. 

Throughout the airing, he goaded her and grumbled about her very existence. 

And the show in question was shot just six days after Lowell returned from a rehab to help manage her anxiety and depression. 

What a charmer. 

In recent weeks, Tyler has also shamed Catelynn for even having depressive tendencies, acting like she can’t do anything right – even make it to her doctor’s appointments. 

Tyler himself admitted that he’s currently in therapy in order to “work on [the] delivery of messages and opinions,” but we’re calling absolute BS on that one. 

If anybody needs intensive therapy in this couple, it’s Baltierra. 

… And we don’t think his therapist is helping him work on ways to tell his wife that he “don’t want no chub.”


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Selena Gomez: On The Verge Of a Mental Breakdown?

Friends fear for Selena Gomez’s emotional well-being after witnessing her recent behavior.

“She has been having breakdowns and is rethinking her entire music career and life path right now,” a friend of Selena’s told Life & Style Magazine.

Another source claims that the singer “is in a very, very bad place mentally.

“She’s totally spiraling downward.  She’s been so unhappy and has been drinking and partying too much to cope,” the friend added.

Selena has reportedly complained of feeling “overwhelmed” and “exhausted,” and told her team “she wanted to quit the tour and cancel dates.

Selena started to show signs of distress at a concert in Indonesia the weekend of July 23rd, where she broke down on stage (she had turned 24 on July 22nd). This show was particularly significant, as it kicked off her Revival tour.

Before performing her single, “Kill ‘Em With Kindness,” Selena got candid with the crowds.

“The next song before I go home, is a song that’s so important to me, because I get really frustrated,” she told fans from the stage.

“I get stupid sometimes,” she continued.

“I say things that I don’t mean, or that come out wrong, just because I care so badly.

“Truth is the last thing we need right now is hate, in any form. But the thing is, at the end of the day, no war in anger was ever won,” Selena said, possibly referencing her friend, Taylor Swift’s feud with Kim Kardashian.

“I do know that deep down in my heart, that I have to believe that we can love each other and always be kind, no matter what it takes.

“I believe that we can do that, no matter what.”

 After, she posted a cryptic Instagram, which she later deleted.

Since the tweet, Selena has only posted positive moments on social media.  We’re rooting for the little spark plug and hope she takes care of herself.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Demi Lovato Talks Mental Illness at DNC, Stands with Her

On Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, Sarah Silverman told off a handful of Bernie Sanders.

Michelle Obama talked about how we need to elect a President who will help do the most important job of all, raise our children.

And Demi Lovato spoke, too!

To some, it may have seemed out of place that the young singer and actress would take the stage at this kind of political event.

But Eva Longoria spoke at the 2012 DNC… and Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. both spoke at the Republican National Convention last week.

Moreover, Lovato has a personal story to tell, one she hopes will help others in her situation.

"Like millions of Americans, I’m living with mental illness," Lovato said before the crowd in Philadelphia, adding:

"But I’m lucky. I had the resources and support to get treatment at a top facility. Unfortunately, too many Americans from all walks of life don"t get help, either because they fear the stigma or cannot afford treatment.

"Untreated mental illness can lead to devastating consequences, including suicide, substance abuse and long-term medical issues.”

Lovato didn"t speak for long, but she did get her pressing point across very well.

“We can do better. Every one of us can make a difference,” she proclaimed.

“By getting educated on this epidemic and its frightening statistics and by breaking the stigma. I urge every politician to support laws that will provide access to better health care and support for everyone. This is not about politics. It’s simply the right thing to do.”

The 23-year old star went on to explain that she’s doing what she can by having staff from the treatment center that helped with her recovery come on her tour to provide services to those who need support.

Lovato spent several weeks in rehab toward the end of 2010 and has never been afraid to discuss this issue in public.

"I stand here today as proof you can live a normal and empowered life with mental illness," she said.

"I’m proud to support a presidential candidate who will fight to ensure all people living with mental health conditions get the care they need to lead fulfilling lives. That candidate is Hillary Clinton. Let’s make her the next president of the United States of America.”

From there, Lovato broke into a rendition of her track "Confident."

Watch the speech and the performance below:

Demi lovato talks mental illness at democratic national conventi